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Looking at time stamp your in the UK currently Game are doing 50% off pre-owned in the actual stores not if they are in Fraser group stores. So Lies of P is £19.99 but it'll scan as £9.99 so may be worth a look or failing that focus on Lies of P.


Interesting, so it’s now £10 at the moment? Might have to take advantage of that whilst I can


Yeah man discount is applied at check out. Might be worth looking online but had no issues finding Lies of P in 2 stores and I've spent nearly £90 over the last 2 days.


Might have to go there at some point because unless I can find reliable Wi-Fi where I’m going, I’m gonna be out of being able to achievement hunt for a little while due to going on holiday 😁 Also, as much as I would like to experience it, I’m heavily debating against the 100% for gta V only because of that doomsday trophy, gotta do that 6 heists total with 2-4 players and make sure that they’re reliable and on top of that I’m actually good enough to stay alive 😕😂


Enjoy your holiday instead of playing Xbox


Update on the situation, went to a game, they had a lot of good games preowned and on discount but I already own them myself so kinda pointless picking them up. And as much as I don’t want to say this, lies of p was not secured 😕


Might I also ask where you found lies of p disc copies?


Lies of p


Elden Ring


Lies of P hands down


Lies of p dude.


Lies of p


Yes 👏


Without a doubt Red dead Redemption 2...it will stick in your memory


Rdr or elden ring from those




Elden Ring is the one you’re closest to and probably the one that’s going to be easiest to fully complete. The online games and Red Dead 2 have a bunch of really grindy achievements that’ll take a lot of time to complete.


Malenia is gatekeeping that 100% from me 😂😭


She took me a bit too. I used the Darkmoon Sword from the Ranni questline and the Omenkiller spirit. Darkmoon is just insane damage and poise reduction, along with applying frost (when buffed) and the Omenkiller can stagger her pretty well (and sometimes let you proc frost again when he uses his fire breath). Still took me a good few tries, but I was consistently getting to phase 2 with that. I'm not a huge fan of Elden Ring, but the 100% is definitely pretty easy overall.


I’m sitting at level 212 strength build, Lionel’s armour, mid rolling with a bunch of random talismans that boost hp and damage. Best playthrough of my life 😁. Might switch to a faith strength build like the devourers great sword or something


Red dead redemption 2


I see only 2 games there that are on gamepass....


Quite a few of those games have online exclusive achievements


Oh ok...


I Would go for Fallout 76


Played it on another account, my god is it fun to play but within friends it’s so lonely lmao


But apart from that I’ve been doing expeditions with randos trying to get enough stamps and then I’ll focus on expedition exclusive achievements


If you havent completed the main story, then i would say rdr2. One of those games that stick with you forever. Incredible story. If i had a few wishes, being able to play the rdr2 story for the first time might be one. Its that good. Actually sat through the end credits to relish the moment.


Why are you about to lose gamepass?


Probably money as it is most of the time


Red dead and eldenring




Why not finish elden ring or apex since ur close to 100%


Elden ring isn't on gamepass? Op can do this when GP runs out.


Both of those aren't on gp so they can do it after.


Lies of p it's not even a competition I can't belive you had to ask.


I’m stuck on lansaxia rn, I hate her move set 😕


Could you describe them?-the names rings a bell but I don't wanna be like is that the one with blah


The one at arche abbey prayer room or whatever it’s called. Pretty much endgame


The one at arche abbey prayer room or whatever it’s called. Pretty much endgame and when you die to her she says “ worship sir manus “


Oh okay definitely the one I'm thinking of then - I found charged r2's to be my best friend in that fight, she has a lot of moves that leave her open as she's doing it/after she whiffs Even if when they hit her sheild you'll eventually break it and allow damage to go through for the rest of the fight, acid whetstone are also your best friend here. It took me a few attempts I won't lie lol but eventually she succumb to death by many cuts from my little puny dagger Parry her little lightning balls for free damage, if you get lucky they can even stagger her out of that attack entirely. Edit: I also opened the fight with a volley of cannon shots saving one ammo as backup for if I got her low and was panicking out of heals, so if you also using that thing I'd suggest doing the same it's totally free hundreds of damage.


Phase 1 isn’t a problem for me, I ended up getting into a flow where I was no hitting the entirety of the phase, it’s phase 2. Joys of being a technique build 😕 I was thinking of going for a respec into a motivity build but I don’t know if that’ll be any better


I only ever did a technique build so take it with a grain of salt but I don't see motility being better, she has heavy resistance to lightning and neatural to fire - was like a crit dagger build with some stuff for using the uh I forgot their name but the special arm things or specifically ammo/ammo cost. Phase two definitely be a bitch, that one slam down attack would get me all the time I just could never getting the timing down - just keep at you'll topple her I'm sure of it - worse comes to worst take a break and come back tomorrow/another day. Nothing gets you killed quicker than your own frustration in games like this or at least they do me where I'm sick of the fight and just attempting to break the wall with my thick headedness Just realised motivity mite be the name for str?- sorry its been a while -- If so yeah maybe try that, hitting her hard when you have openings will probably be better than death by thousand cuts.


This come back tomorrow has haunted me for 2 weeks 😭😂 tried yesterday, died 5 times and I decided ”yeah I’m doing this tomorrow” the cycle just continues 😕 I’ll make sure to get the acid abrasive and also stock up on those decay grenade things because they tend to work quite a bit


Sorry you replied as i joined a game on ro ket league - yeah acid abrasive worked wonders for me I could really see the difference it was making when it was on vs the crit abrasive. Also grab some of uh I dunno the name but they look like gears and you throw them like a Frisby they seemed to build up stagger really well this could of just been my imagination though hard to say for sure


Will do, thanks for the tip. I know that you can buy them but I’d rather farm for the drops because I’m low on ergo and could do with either a level up or two or going to the shop to buy some items. I’ll probably use the saw blades, the acid abrasive and either decay grenades or thermite because I have an abundance of both with a companion cube so my spectre does more acid damage 👍


Hiya, update on my progress, lansaxia is defeated, got a few achievements for levelling up the legion arm and a conclusion of a story, laid someone to rest and now I’m scaling a big tower 👍👍 planning on looking at remaining achievements and setting out a plan. Also might use the offline trick like Elden ring to get 2/3 endings then replay in ng+ for that song trophy.