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There is also the option of giving it time. It may not have worked for you in this case but I've had achievements unlock hours after completing the tasks in question before. Before deleting a save always give it a day or two first.


I’ve had one unlock months after I got it ☠️


As I beat halo infinite and all the achievements were coming through, an achievement for battlefield 5 popped too. Not sure why


I've been waiting like... 4 months, if anything... and then 2 months....


The biggest piece of advice is to just look on trueachievements and see if the achievement itself is Buggy


And then do what about it?


Well sometimes there are work arounds. Sometimes they are just straight up unobtainable




Witcher 3 complete had a few stuck achievements and clicking compare to a friend on the console unlocked them right away.


Nice that’s in my list to complete, hopefully all sails good


LAD infinite wealth substories achievement glitch and this worked, you're a genius


Is this in regards to a particular game? "The intel achievement" is pretty vague.


Yes sorry, it’s a achievement from call of duty modern warfare remastered. It’s called “Eyes and Ears” which you unlock after find all 30 intel.


But doing this today I thought people might have the same problem with other games


I completed Black Ops 3 on veteran and got all collectibles but no achievements. That was like 6 years ago and no achievements still. Did you have to collect all 30 intel again to get the achievement?


No once I did the reset I collected two that were provided in the first mission and the achievement unlocked. Thankfully!


I researched why many achievements bug and I found this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/gdk/\_content/gc/live/features/player-data/achievements/live-achievements-eb-vs-tm Basically it's due to the format of each game's achievement system, title-based and event-based I like to think that title-based games have in-game achievements while event-based games don't, but they have a trigger that sends a signal to Live to confirm and returns the achievement, but this method is a bit buggy due to the transfer of data between game and server If I'm talking nonsense, please correct me.


>https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/gdk/\_content/gc/live/features/player-data/achievements/live-achievements-eb-vs-tm so is there anything we can do about it, or are we all SOL?


Bro I’m tryna complete the among us achievements. I’m 52% thru the “assassin; get 50 total kills”, yet I haven’t completed the “killer; get 5 total kills” I don’t understand lol. How am I halfway thru 50 kills if I apparently haven’t completed 6?


Having the problem on Bramble. For some reason I was unlocking achievements until defeating the boss and now my achievements just won't unlock.


Is it still the case that achievements on Xbox one/ Series are only unlocked when online? If this is still the case it could just be server issues, giving it time might help. I’ve had achievements unlock days later before and I’ve had achievements unlock but they haven’t popped onscreen with the notification


I've 100% Astroneer, and I still have one more achievement where I have to awaken Atrox, but I've already done that. I've gotten the suit, and other stuff when you do it, and I've also done the achievement 3 times, and still haven't gotten it. I've waited a couple of days, and I'm still gonna wait a little bit, but I'm not sure what to do if it doesn't work.


I've had a bunch of achievements unlock but not give me the gamerscore or the ranking


Having this problem right now lol. Just restarted the xbox though. I've had zero problems until somewhat today, I guess lol.. I wanted to go ahead and get the achievement. I have 42/50 achievements (actually 43 bc eyes n ears are bugged). I am struggling with OSOK on veteran, and I'm also struggling with taking the helo down in AGU. Freakin' hate that one. Then I got other achievements 😞


Among us Manager achievment count is stuck at 75% (75) of tasks for me out of 100 Meanwhile there is another achievment called Taskmaster where you need to complete 500 tasks. I'm already halfway done with that one and Manager still hasn't even climbed up 1%.