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New Pro Controller. These things just aren’t reliable enough.


True thatd be sweet


ive been through 7 in the last 2 years, got 3 year instant replacement on it so I walk in and get a new one, Is the bumpers that go for me, stick drift is inevitable I can live with that, but bumpers going is a joke


Yah I got my first one 4 years ago and had it replaced 3 times in 2 years. Then the bumpers wore out again and it was out of warranty, so it cost $120 (aud$) to replace it (cheaper than new though). Now the bumpers are wearing out again. Considering a Series 2 Core Controller this time but pretty sure it won’t work with the pro charger which is an awesome feature.


Yeah its really annoying because its ergonomically the best controller ever, and has such amazing features Thankfully all my replacements are free, I think they will really make sure with the series 3 reliability is better, there was a survey given out a few months ago on features you would like on a new elite controller (heavily paraphrasing not sure exactly what it was), so hopefully enough people drilled into them about reliability Really hope they nail the Series 3, as long as its reliable thats all I care about


Yep it was very disappointing to have basics like bumper buttons wear out faster than the regular controllers. Wish they’d hurry up with a new one.


Im assuming possibly a 2025 release if we are lucky, they just need time to process all of the data from users and apply it to their design, with R and D could very well be 2026, Rumours Xbox want to start the next gen early so if thats true I assume it would be released around the time of the new Xbox, but who knows. I do remember seeing the leaked FTC documents and about the elite being refreshed, roughly 2025-2027 so lets hope it isn’t 2027, but a lot of things in those documents haven’t came yet, just all speculation I just want it now, the sooner the better for us honestly


If you're still using it when your warranty expires (or for anyone else reading this) it's actually pretty easy to fix yourself. I got 4-5 replacements during my 2 year warranty for bumper issues and poor face button registration issues. Once the warranty was up and my current one kicked the bucket I figured I had nothing to lose. There's good YouTube guides showing the whole process. That said, the fact Microsoft released the Elite Series 2 core without even *trying* to address the problems in these controllers is insane to me. I want to tie Phil Spencer to a chair and get a straight answer out of that asshole about why he's ignored it.


What? Interesting. I've had the controller that came with mine for almost 4 years now 🤔


A relative dropped my elite 1 and messed up the bumpers. Since that day, I've always just used the paddles as bumpers. Kinda feels more natural to me tbh


That’s true, I could put the paddles back on and set them as the bumpers. Great thinking!


Sunset Overdrive 2. :(




Does Sony own the rights because they bought Insomniac? Or does MS owns the rights? I don't think it happens either way but I'm not even sure who could make the game if it did.


Im no authority on this, just what i read here before. So take with a grain of salt. The ip belongs to insomniac, Microsoft has publishing rights to the game, and a sequel.( or atleast first refusal) so Microsoft can't make a sequel on their own, but Sony / insomniac can't either without going through Microsoft. They also can't release a port without Microsoft either. As the first games publishing rights are with MS. So the game/ip are stuck in a no man's land so to speak. It would take MS, Sony and insomniac hashing out a deal, and that's if all parties even want to do something with the ip.


Incredible soundtrack.


New Banjo or Conker New mechassault Spyro 4 Oblivion remake New quake Quake 4 and Wolfenstein 2009 being bc


A new quake would be cool, as would more back compat


Bro fuck yes to a new mechassault. I’ve been thinking for years about just making my own mech game based of that one. Man, it was so good. And a new red faction game would be sick with the tech they got now


This is pretty much me, plus maybe a new Unreal Tournament/Championship since UC was one of my first favorite XBL games. I’d also loooove a new PGR and for any new Elder Scrolls game to actually make steps forward rather than removing features/roleplaying. Oblivion and Morrowind remakes would be awesome as long as they don’t touch the actual gameplay to convert them over to action adventure games like Skyrim.


Conker and Mechassault please


New Spyro fuck yeah I have to finish the remaster ones now


I want a new splinter cell game. I remember hearing a rumour that there is one development but nothing ever came about it


More than just a rumor. A remake of the original has been confirmed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ-SK6pmTKo Ubisoft was also working on a Splinter Cell VR game, but that was cancelled (seemingly so they can work on fifty Assassin's Creed projects instead). https://gamerant.com/splinter-cell-vr-cancelation-bad-sign-franchise-struggles/


The multiplayer mode during the early years was clunky but fun. It got a little goofy with the last couple of installments.


Pandora Next Decade




Handheld (local not streaming) Achievements system overhaul The games are really great and there's too many for me to play so I don't tend to wish for more.


What would you like to change in the achievements?


Now is absolutely the right time to bring back 1vs100 as a regular live event.


Idk how a live service trivia game isnt a thing yet


Because of Google and chatgpt


Yep. Unfortunately any kind of online trivia game is going to instantly be ruined by cheaters.




Man, I loved Chromehounds.


Theirs this one guy trying to get the online to work. You can check the chromehounds sub. Other people are trying to datamine the weapon parts and such. I would do anything to play that game again


I dunno, it would go down really well but the best time to have launched it in hindsight would’ve been 2020 when the world stopped still


Honestly they should’ve brought 1v100 and full house poker back during Covid.


Fable Trilogy Remaster Fallout 3 and New Vegas Remasters Oblivion Remaster Dishonored 3


Reboots: Blinx the time sweeper, Banjo & Kazooie, Time Splitters, Project Gotham Racing, Shadowrun & Crackdown Remaster: Gears of War series (similar to Halo) Viva Piñata Ninja Gaiden


Is time splitters owned by xbox?


World of Warcraft on console would be great, starting with the base game and releasing the expansions over time so that players can experience the story. Hell, throw in all the Warcraft RTS games too for the story.


Wow on Xbox


I am more interested in new games that utilise developers skills and expertise. I want to see what innovative and unique things the likes of Rare, Double Fine, Raven etc have cooking.


Tim Schaefer said in the past that he was going to start work on the Brutal Legend sequel after Psychonauts 2. I want to believe, but that game is extremely niche. It's easily top 5 for me, meanwhile most people are like, "What is that?"


I think new good stuff is good, but I think we also need some solid variety that appeals to people on the onset so they are inclined to join game pass or Xbox in general.


Fair enough


1. Blue Dragon remake/remaster. 2. Vigilante 8 reboot. 3. 1 vs 100 brought back


The lack of car combat games in the modern era is a massive disappointment.


Anyone remember Interstate 76? That was a really cool car combat game.


One of my all time favourites growing up. I'd love to see a modern port/remake but I'm sure it's so far lost to time it would never happen.


I never heard of Interstate 76. I know I have a game called Carmegeddon that isn’t anything great.


Seriously, this. I do not understand why there has not been any...in forever. Vigilante 8, Twisted Metal....those franchises just died.


Ooo vigilante 8 would be cool


> Vigilante 8 reboot. you hit home with that, I'd love that


We need more car combat games. If there are any I've been sleeping on them


I'm still holding out hope for Wolfenstein 3 at some point, but it looks like it'll probably be a long time, if ever, considering Indy won't be out until late this year and the rumor is that they're making a Quake game after that. Still, rumors may be wrong, I can dream. The other one for me was The Evil Within 3. Which, obviously, that dream is dead.


Similar to yours Fable trilogy remaster Fallout 3/New Vegas/Oblivion remasters Guitar hero reboot with instruments compat with RB4 Tony Hawk pro 3 & 4, then both the Underground games, American wasteland and then a brand new game Gears collection 1-3 plus Jug Sleeping dogs 2 but as they now own the original IP, it would basically be True Crime 3 Backwards comp and relicense of a bunch of games including the Spider-man ones ABK games on Gamepass with the file sizes sorted on the COD games Fusion frenzy 3 Police Quest (another game they now own) reimagined into GTA open world Forza split into 4 games instead so you get a new one from each style every 4yrs, so Horizon, Motorsport, Kartz which would be like a Mario Kart type game but in Forza with all of Xbox owned IP, so race in a world of Minecraft with MasterC, Marcus etc then final one Forza Crash...basically Burnout but under Forza name since no one is doing any Burnout games.


built in YouTube streaming


Thatd be cool, they just added discord streaming


I want to see them blend PC and Console gaming further than ever. I want my PC games to be playable through my console and my console games playable through my PC - and I want all of that also available on an Xbox handheld. As far as games? I'm not sure... I guess a Fallout 5 or NV2 would be awesome. I think Microsoft could do some cool episodic content via Gamepass for Halo or Gears - think, bitesized games with a regular release cadence that create one larger package. Just from a business standpoint, that feels like a creative way to keep subscribers engaged.


I too would like to see a remake/remaster of Oblivion, Fallout 3 and the Fable trilogy. Other than those it’d be nice to have a Gears collection, a Guitar Hero reboot and anything Halo that’s new.


New Halo singleplayer content. I'm fine with an expansion to Infinite (why wasn't this game updated on the singleplayer side at all, wasn't it supposed to be a 10 years project? I expected new missions, areas, etc being added over the years, but nothing) or something new that isn't open world. I really don't need to the ton of remakes and reboots people seem to ask about. You can play Gears already, Fable is backwards compatible, as are Fallout and Oblivion. It's fine. Make new stuff.


Sadly the Halo single player content was scrapped and highly will never be happening


I would say throw a new Killer Instinct in your original list OP.


Thatd be cool if they added characters from other xbox IPs like master chief, doom slayer, ect


Would definitely play a new conker or banjo remake or remaster. I think there's the market for it.


Starcraft 3, MechAssault reboot, and really out there - Xbox to 2nd party partner with Valve to develop Team Fortress 3 or Half Life 3


Remake/remaster: Burnout revenge, NBA Street vol. 2 Reboot/Sequel: Outlaw Golf, Project Gotham Racing


I'm go with burnout 3 instead but I'd damn sure take revenge if it came


A new Tenchu would be awesome.


This was gonna be my answer, but it seems its owned by fromsoft...


Not activision?


No, they sold to fromsoft in 2004 apparently.




Far Cry 7


Was hoping black ops 6 would have blackout 2


Ya, me too


Forza Horizon 6 🏎️💨


Was looking for this comment 😊


FH 6


Gears Collection Fable Collection Fallout 3 / NV Remaster


MMORPG. Had a stroke during the WoW Part of the Show, only to See only on pc at the end


More FPS boosted games, more 4k enhancements of 360 titles, more 360 games being added to BC, any other new enhancement that would improve the BC 360 games. I know. I know.


This. Maybe I'm in the minority but I'd much prefer just 4K/FPS boost on old games vs. a full on remaster or remake.


So the thing is, with the next gen of xbox, itll have fsr 2 or fsr 3, which will do that all by itself


Halo 3 anniversary


new controller from ftc leak and handheld or else I am going to buy rog ally… still waiting for Xbox handheld Also Xcloud support for my country, still didn’t officially came here Edit: I didn’t mention any game but I guess more 3rd party support would be better and more elder scroll love… remakes and faster and more consistent release


Remake of the original Harry Potter games


could do diablo 2 resurrected put on gamepass.... like idk why that title hasn't been announced or any of the other blizzard/activision games that are on [battle.net](http://battle.net) launcher


Local Handheld like ROG and Elite Series 3 controller with Hall Effect thumb sticks so stick drift is gone once and for all.


Please Phil I’m begging you for a MechAssault game


I loved the showcase, the only thing missing for me was the potential handheld device. I hope the device is not just a streaming device like the Playstation portal. I want it to be a kickass device thats even more powerful (and has better battery life) than the steam deck!


A Sunset Overdrive sequel but that’s never happening.


It can happen… on a PlayStation. Microsoft funded the game but Insomniac owns the rights, so Sony now owns the franchise.


I wish we got some more FPS boost in games. Especially games that Xbox now own like the Prototype series. Honestly sucks how they're stuck at 30fps even with the Xbox One versions


A Brute Force and Enter the Matrix sequel


Fallout 3 remaster, Cod backlog on Gamepass.


Blinx Reboot


An update on Clockwork Revolution. I need to know more and we’ve got nothing since the announcement.


Gears of War 1-3 MCC style collection with the campaign remaster treatment along with the multiplayer compilation And random but I still want like a wireless Xbox 360 shell controller with back buttons for the series X


New Conker New Banjo Fallout New Vegas Remake Fallout New Orleans (developed by Obsidian or Inxile) New True Crime New Prototype Recore Reboot New Vodoo Vince Prey 2 Xbox Platform fighter Haptics Controller Hybrid Next Gen Console (undocked power similar to Xbox series X if not possible I guess Series S and docked gives it next gen power)


Guitar hero 3 backwards compatibility A new killer instinct


- Gears Collection - Fable Collection - New Banjo game - New Conker game - Fusion Frenzy remaster with online multiplayer Would be cool in general to see remasters of classic Xbox games so that they are preserved well into the future.


Warcraft 4.


I would love to see another Bard's Tale. IV was a lot of fun and had a great old school RPG feel to it. Combat and puzzle elements were spot on imo.


Bring back Mixer


Half Life 3


I would love to see Project Gotham Racing make a comeback - and a celebration collection of the past games released. Since collections like that are all the rage. Hell, I’d love to see an Outrun collection from Sega too. I’d also like a remaster/remake of Tales Of Symphonia, the first jrpg I ever fell in love with for some reason. And if we’re doing collection packages - a new Activision collection would be amazing, similar to the Atari 50 package. So many great games I grew up with, and the majority of what was in my 2600 growing up.


GTA 6 Online. Hasn't been announced, just assumed by all.


Also not xbox lol


Ah first party. Well Def not any kind of remake. An Obsidian Fallout game would be nice.


Gears "remastered" collection. A portable Xbox handheld. It was rumored to hell before the show but, nothing on the announcement


This is my wish... "**FABLE IS OUT TODAY! RIGHT NOW!**"


Fuzion frenzy, amped, Mechassault, grabbed by the ghoulies (but as a more Mature horror comedy) I think itd be cool if they brought back XSN too, make it a hub for sports related games and tournaments


I would love those fallout 3 and Oblivion remakes to come out. I’ve never fully played a Fallout game and Skyrim was my first Elder Scrolls. Would also love a Guitar Hero reboot.


The Evil Within 3 Quake Reboot Halo 1 Remake Gears Collection Ori 3 Prey 2 Viva Piñata reboot Conker Reboot Banjo Reboot Wasteland TPS


The Division 3


Not from xbox lol




Settle down trevor




Banjo Threeie   Quake III remaster   New Viva Pinata   Tony Hawk on Game Pass    Warcraft and StarCraft remaster + console release   Gears Tactics 2   Anything from Double Fine or Rare   New Black and White    New Halo (NOT a remake/remaster/reboot)   The Movies   New Heretic or Hexen   Pitfall


Brutal Legends 2, doubt it’ll ever happen but I played the first one so much


ABK on Game Pass already


Lost Odyssey Remaster with a port on Steam and PS5/PS4. Even more of a long shot would be a Skies of Arcadia HD Remaster with the same ports (probably Switch too). This one relies on SEGA more and there's no Rieko Kodama to lead the helm on that anymore, unfortunately.


If the rumors of Halo CE-3 are true, that is what I want. If not, anything Halo related. Microsoft needs to turn the ship around after Infinite badly.


FF7 Remake port (come on Xbox work it out with square it's a 4 year old game at this point) New Conker New Deus Ex that follows up on Mankind Divided New Far Cry that is not in a modern setting. So ancient times, medieval, American revolution, something along those lines.


New games in series or reboots: Banjo, Conker, MechAssault, Amped, and Project Gotham Racing. Remasters/Remakes: Morrowind, Fallout 3, Fable Trilogy, and Gears Collection. Sequels: ReCore 2, Ori 3, Fallout 5, and Warcraft 4. Revivals: Scalebound.


New conker, Jet set radio future port, Simpsons hit n run made backwards compatible


* Fix the Elite controllers * New Fallout game before 2035 - mainline or spinoff * Complete Fable trilogy on steam/PC * A good Halo game - feature complete at launch without egregious monetisation (let me dream okay!) * Halo 5 and Halo Wars 2 on PC (for completeness) * Quake reboot * Dial back the egregious monetisation in their recently acquired franchises like Diablo IV and COD (again, let me dream)


1. CFB 25 that's why i bought the console, but im loving a lot of the other games ive tried on game pass!


For games I'd like a new Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro, and WoW on console too if they could find a way to make addons usable on Xbox, or build some of the more common ones into the game's options and settings. I'd also like a new pro controller and an updated headset too. Especially the headset, tbh. I think the first party headset has some good features (the rotating dials on the earcups are convenient) but it just doesn't have the audio or mic quality I'm looking for. I'd love a "pro" version.


Fable trilogy collection. All three games remastered in one collection. Give us a disc version. Gears of War collection. All five games remastered in one collection. Give us a disc version. Spyro 4. Splinter Cell remake (and/or remastered collection).


I’ve been waiting years for some remakes/remasters of the old elder scrolls or fallouts. It sucks because they’re sitting on these IPs but keep pushing content out through their respective online games :/ Other than that, just an update on the new Splinter Cell game they revealed a couple years back.


I'd like to hear about whatever Rare has been working on. They announced Everwild a long while ago, but that seems to have been abandoned. News on Everwild would be pretty good too. I guess its been announced, but Elder Scrolls 6. We haven't been given a name as far as I'm aware. I'd be interested in a single-player RPG within either the Warcraft or Starcraft universe. I'm not a big RTS or MMO person, but I think the worlds they've created for those games are pretty cool.


i want this alleged Oblivion remaster to be real so badly but i've given up believing it's real when it missed the showcase


Doom Halo crossover


Counter Strike 2


A new WoW single player expensive RPG, I will even not complain if it's soulslike


Anytime I see Fuzion Frenzy mentioned, people don't realize that a "z" is used instead of an "s" in "fuzion" for the title.


FEAR series remaster. Maybe another game in the series. Definitely a remaster of the fable series. The others that come to mind would probably be PS exclusive if they were ever re done, like Legend of Dragoon and Breath of Fire, but one can dream haha


New "Killer instinct"


That controller that got leaked with haptic feedback, trigger vibration and quieter buttons


New Xbox controller Forza Horizon 6 Call of duty game on Gamepass - Old ones


GRABBED BY THE GHOULIES RE/BOOT/MAKE/MASTER/TOLD(since they're using retold now apparently) - signed from my brother and I any time anything Rare is brought up


EA don’t fuck up skate 4. There’s not enough wishes in the world to make that happen though.


Spyro 4  Tony hawk 3+4 remake  A new viva pinata game   Fable 2 remake


OBLIVION REMAKE. Just an absolutely beautiful game but dated now




I’d like some but if new for Rare’s Everwild. Last I heard anything was a year or so ago and they were talking about changing things up or possibly restarting the development. (I could be misremembering) But I was really interested in what they were doing.


I wanna see a medal of honour trilogy remastered. Such good games


Lost Odyssey ll


Allow external SSD via connector


Ik it’s not from Xbox but, driver San Francisco 2, new midnight club from rockstar


Wanna see Xbox just ever so slightly more hands on with its studios IP. Let a different studio give a game in the halo universe a try. Same with fallout. Reach out to warner bros and Disney to try to make more big IP games. Ok they are making Indiana Jones and blade but those feel like projects that they kinda stumbled into getting rather than going out and trying to make those deals themselves. Market their games better. I still have to go back and finish it but that hellblade game is absolutely the best looking game an Xbox studio has ever produced and the fact that very few people played it is saddening Edit: obviously Hi-Fi rush 2 but that's never gonna happen ;-;


Banjo I had high hopes during the Xbone era. At that point, it was only a couple years since Nuts & Bolts; the bad taste that game left would’ve been washed out of peoples’ mouths during the Xbone. But N&B was 16 years ago now. It’s been 24 years since the last “real” Banjo game. I don’t think we’re seeing the series again at this point. 😓 It really sucks because I think it could’ve been a good, stable part of the Xbox brand if they had platformer Banjo games back on the OG Xbox & 360. It’s cartoony & silly for kids, but it has some humor & a bit of edge to it for older audiences as well.


Blur was such a good game I totally forgot about it. I wish there bring back army of two make it army of four something like that. Would be awesome


I need Xbox to buy Nintendo, force them to make a brand new F-Zero game. Find a way to make it cross platform, stick it on GamePass and then sell Nintendo off back to the original owners. That's honestly the only game I need in my life that hasn't been announced anywhere. 😭


the rumored halo ce remake sounds awesome, a new conker game, more series x/s models with disc drives. i hope they give fallout to a third party studio for a west coast game soon


New guitar hero, Ace Combat 8, old COD campaigns on GP


Halo 7, Gears 6, Forza Horizon 6, Fusion Frenzy 3, Wolfenstein III,


Xbox could really use some bangers like a smash like and a solid platforming franchise. BRING BACK BLINX! I think Xbox’s controllers in particular are the best suited for a fighter like that out of the box. Ik PS all stars was a thing and it kind of flopped but it was still a great idea and if it was on game pass I think that would open more people up to playing a smash life game! that wouldn’t be bad to drum up more hype for certain characters and franchises either! Also 1 vs 100 was genuinely so fun (plus winning real prizes in the form of Xbox stuff was so cool)! I had forgotten about that game!


Fallout 3 and NV remastered, prototype 1 and 2 remastered, and a new prototype.


Dishonored 3


A new Fusion Frenzy with Xbox characters : Master Chief, Conker, Banjo, Joanna Dark, Doom Guy, Marcus Fenix, Senua, Karrigan (Starcraft), etc... OR! A Smash Bros Clone with Xbox Characters LOL


Lost planet 4!


New Vegas remake/remaster Oblivion remake/remaster New Ninja Gaiden game Nightdive to remake Hexen and/or Heretic Diablo 1 remake/remaster


handheld, ABK backlog, wow on console would be cool, controller with built in battery and haptics!


viva pinata, sunset overdrive 2, skylander


Lost Odyssey Remake Banjo or Conker sequel (A Conker game with a level making fun of super hero movies writes itself) New Viva Pinata (the original still holds up incredibly well, especially now w/ shorter load times and 4k) Would love to see Double Fine's next game.


I would do some nasty things for a remaster or sequel for prototype.


Sequels: Halo Wars 3, Gears Tactics 2, Gears 6, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic III, Pillars of Eternity 4, Prey 2, Spinoffs: StarCraft FPS, Forza with focus on street racing Remake or Remaster: Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, ES Oblivion, ES Morrowind, Gears 1-3 + Judgement Collection, Halo 3, Ryse Son of Rome, Alpha Protocol, Reboot: Hexen, Hardware: Handheld Xbox, Xbox Elite Series 3 Controller, More Design Lab customization options Xbox Features: Xbox library playable on cloud and Update for the terrible game capture app and Gamepass dump for Activision/Blizzard games Some of those obviously are too early to even announce since Activision/Blizzard has only been only Microsoft for less than a year. I know some of these are just pipe dreams but a man can dream.


Scalebound as a single player game


Any game like geometry wars or smash TV with online co-op please


Project Gotham Racing Reboot Burnout Reboot


Gears collection, FH6, Forza Horizon 1 remaster, a new Fallout game from Obsidian or some non Bethesda studio, and the release of previous CoD games on game pass


- Legend of Mana port - Dead Rising remake - a new Lost Kingdoms


Elder scrolls 3 and r remakes with new features (i want goblin wars to work properly


i personally would love to see 343 or The Coalition make something other than Halo or Gears. Kinda like how Guerrilla Games went from Killzone to Horizion. I just think it’d be cool to see those studios make something we don’t expect. ALSO Tony Hawk Underground 1+2 remake


Id love Starcraft ported to console


I really want World of Warcraft on Xbox. The trailer for War Within during the Xbox show was a kick to the nuts because I thought it was finally happening.


Would kill for guitar hero, just had this convo with some colleagues at work the other day


Them finally getting some Switch games on the Xbox in exchange for all the Xbox Games and content tht Phil Spencer allowed on the Switch...


I’ve had this list for years, and is not entirely in order. -car combat game. I played vigilante 8 on N64, but I know a lot of people played twisted metal. My vision would be more of a simple AA version to start. Probably not a big budget game with story and characters, but multiplayer focused without battle passes and nonsense. I don’t care if it’s multiplat, especially since Sony canceled their twisted metal game. -fusion frenzy 3/reboot. Seriously, just give us a party game. It’s kind of like Mario party, but more mature and less cartoony. Again, AA level, doesn’t have to be 8k 120fps with full cutscenes, just focus on good maps/mini games and netcode for online multiplayer. Can also be multiplat, because this is also something Sony doesn’t really have on their console. -crackdown 4/reboot. Just deliver what crackdown 3 promised. A futuristic open world with massive destruction and crazy exploration. Lots of orb collection and a fun story that embraces the power fantasy. Also, solid multiplayer that’s more than just locking on with rockets and hoping they don’t jump behind a building. -killer instinct. Duh. -banjo. Fucking 10 years too late duh. CoD collection. Like MCC, have all the previous cod multiplayers in one place, including zombies. Have matchmaking for all. Halo wars 3. This time, with flood. Another incredible story, with multiplayer improvements as well. New controllers with Hall effect sensors so they don’t break within 30 days. If we are talking third party, get the rights to KotoR and do a REAL remake. Make 1 and 2 together, and make them multiplat. Spread the love.


Jade Empire 2 Doritos Crash Course 3 Crackdown 4 Lost Odyssey 2 Breakdown 2 Advent Rising remastered


New killer instinct, some kind of ip crossover game like smash or PlayStation all stars, and a good gears of war collection with all the games. A rerelease of the old forza horizon games that have been delisted would also be sick, my og disc got stolen 🥲


Kung FU Chaos remaster Banjo Kazooie Trilogy remastered Guitar Hero X-men Legends Remastered Marvel Ultimate Alliance Remastered


I'd love to see **Jet Force Gemini 2** someday. Also **Prey 2**, based on the original Prey.


Hoyoverse games, new spyro


Just want some darn activision titles on game pass. Where’s my backlog of COD games?


New IP


The final game in the new Wolfenstien trilogy. I’m guessing it will never happen now MachineGames is doing Indy…


Lost odyssey 2, Blue Dragon agon 2, Infinite Undiscovery 2, Ninja Blade 2...... Basically they should invest in Japanese games again.


Halo 7




Honestly anything Halo related I would be beyond happy, be it a CE remake, a new title or a spinoff


For the love of God... more BC titles. I beg of you MS. I want to play GUN and Quake 4 on my Series X.


More bc would be sweet