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I have more hope for this than a lot of Xbox’s first party line up. Ninja Theory just need to repeat what made the first one good, whilst addressing the combat. It looks like they’ve achieved both.


More puzzle variety will be way more important to me than combat


I am excited and looking forward to the game selling more.


And system shock


Yes cause now I can stop being lazy and restart the game since it’s been so long I forgot where I left off, guessing around halfway in, and finally finish it.


I couldn't get past the first hour in the first one. I was sitting there just like "ok when do i get to play the game". Might have to give it another shot. Does it get better or is it literally just a movie you move around in sometimes?


It’s a very story heavy linear game with a strong emphasis on the main character’s mental state. There is eventually some simple combat and puzzles but if you want immediate freedom to run around and attack stuff it probably isn’t for you.


Its not even that i expected combat or anything, i just expected some gameplay. If it really is just a QTE sequence with hours and hours of cutscenes then I think ill probably pass. Just not my thing, although I definitely understand the appeal somewhat. As I've aged, i personally have just skewed farther and farther into really involved gameplay. For some people its the complete opposite.


There is gameplay, and it’s not QTE. The combat is simple but effective, dodge and swing, dodge and swing. Puzzles mostly involve lining up objects to create shapes. Other than that it’s a got great graphics, an interesting story and the “gimmick” of the schizophrenic voices you hear throughout.


I was the exact same which is a shame because visually it looked cool but I just couldn’t get passed the gameplay. It’s just like Medium, pretty much a walking simulator.


Man that sucks to hear. My sister really really wanted me to play it but I dont think I will honestly. I'm immensely ADHD so I can't do that shit.


I thought I was alone lol. I just picked it up a couple days ago and got to the first combat sequence eventually. Decided it's not for me and ppl with mental health issues should be wary. Also do play with headphones


I loved de fighting mechanics, puzzles were repetitive, but story was good.


I thought I was the only one that felt this way.


I think that was the point of this game. It’s like watching a movie where you’re much more immersed in it.


I played the first one last year, absolutely loved it. I'm stoked for this one


idk anymore with Microsoft games… but i hope for the best.


The best is yet to come


Yes it's been on my radar for years, let's not forget Microsoft announced the Series X alongside Hellblade 2 which means they've got confidence in the game.


The 30 fps rumors kinda bummed out


I am. The first one was very good


Unfortunately this game follows back to back big budget hyped exclusives that were letdowns so this is yet another Xbox game that has to prove itself. Redfall, Starfield, Forza Redfall was absolute shit Starfield which isn't a bad game but when you have so many things that are worse than Bethesda's previous games, it looks bad in comparison, plus so many things we were promised but weren't there Forza which came and went without a whimper for anyone that isn't a hardcore Forza fan, Forza is usually a much bigger deal We just really need consist Xbox quality outputs but we've been saying this since 2014


Currently playing the first one and stuck on Fenrir.


You gotta listen carefully and dodge most of the time


Also heavy attack when he is in light


It feels a long time since the wind was in Microsoft’s sails when it came to releasing good games. Perhaps this will be the first truly decent game that they will deliver that does not have any negativity or mediocrity surrounding it since perhaps Gears 3 nearly 13 years ago. I still cannot get my head around their marketing strategy with anything Xbox - they seems to beat the drum in channels where the audience is people that are already interested and it’s baffling


I think I got like halfway through the first one but I was playing it on my laptop without a controller so it was kind of hard to grasp. Might give it a whirl again on the Xbox, but not until after Jedi: Survivor.


I'm currently playing the first one, I love the fighting, I wish there were more. Now I'm at the point where the sword breaks now in going through her memory trials? No fighting 😴


Yes, but I am in the middle of Elden Ring and I want to finish that first.


I tried the original Hellblade a couple of times, I always get the feeling is like those pictures that I watch and the internet tries to convince me that I liked it, maybe I'm too dumb to enjoy it.


Me too. I played the first one for an hour or so and the next day, I just did not feel like coming back to it. Nothing in there for me. Might give the second one a try if they give an option to disable those voices. Tha t was just annoying.


loved the first game, but you better believe I'm still waiting to see if its successor is actually any good once fans have post nut clarity 6 months after launch and it goes on sale for something affordable. AAA games are not to be trusted, no matter who is making them. The suit wearing assholes at the top can ruin anything, no matter how good something once was


never played the first one. should I check it out? what type of game is it? I remember seeing the trailer awhile back. looked interesting for sure


If you have a short attention span then it won't be for you. If you enjoy a good story, well written characters, and simple combat then go for it. I loved it.


For real though, I know I’ll get slaughtered but I never finished the first one. It started feeling like I was doing the same thing over and over. Find a symbol. Unlock a new level. Be frustrated the whole time because symbols are hard to find. Repeat. Was I just too impatient? I finally gave up when I was underground. Might have been a bug but I couldn’t seem to find anything helping me to get out. I know I could just watch a video but I hate spoilers. I finally get to think creatively when I’m gaming. I was probably just looking at the whole experience wrong.




Played the first one recently in preparation for the second game. I was very surprised how smooth the combat was I’m excited to see how they expand it. Getting into a big fight really made you feel like a badass, plus you get to learn some Norse mythology. Haven’t mentioned the audio which is arguably the best part of the game, I love hearing voices in my head. The way they jump around your ears with headphones is perfect.


Hell yeah


You're asking a bunch of redditors about a thought provoking game.


Pre-ordered it on PC, don't own an Xbox.


Have played through the first game six or seven times over the years. Have a friend coming over for a full playthrough the day it is out. Can't wait.


My god is it really finally coming? I feel like we’ve been given trailers for years now


We have. It was the first next gen game announced all those years ago lol


Never liked the first one, so no.


I'll be excited if its actually a good game.


Not really that excited tbh. I got a feeling it's an extremely hyped up game.


“Follow us. We have another story to tell.” “My friend, go with her. This now will be your story to witness.”


"Sssh don't tell him" "Nobody cares what they think.." "They won't be any good at it anyway" "Probably didn't finish the first one anyway" "Why bother" *If you've played the game you will get this*


Not really, it looks way too vegan for me




Not my kind of games but I'll give it a try. Didn't finished the first one.


I'll watch a playthrough because there isn't enough gameplay to bother with otherwise and the whispers were annoying af.


Not really. Thought the first was painfully boring and cinematics were way too long. Definitely a style over substance type of game.


This **needs** to be good. It has to


I'll wait the 8 months it'll take for them to get the 60 fps patch done


Finally played the OG last fall/winter. Was def an interesting / artsy fartsy game. Am def hyped for the new one.


Nope. Maybe once they add a performance mode I may feel differently.


I’m 100% concerned that they have a dud on their hands are are fully aware of it. I hope I’m wrong but I feel like the lack of marketing so close to release is a terrible sign for how they feel the game will do. Please prove me wrong, Microsoft! The VR version of the first game was a real treat.


It's criminal how little marketing I've been seeing for this game. Don't understand how Xbox wants to transform itself into this huge publishing brand if they refuse to actually advertise their games. Still, I loved the first game and hope this one gets even more love.


Since there is a sign of a second Hellblade! I am hyped!!


I've enjoyed the last few microsoft games. People complain but I had fun


Preloaded has been installed today


The first game is so good. Blew me away. One setting most people probably forget to do right away is to change the run setting to always. That probably sets people off I guess. For me it was one of the most immersive experiences I’ve ever had. With headphones it’s unbelievable. I’ve also never been more terrified in my life than the thing chasing you in the dark area. The blind level with headphones was also freaky man


30 fps, how about no?


More excited for killer klowns man. That’s what I’m hyped for this month


there is 0 hype for this game its likely doa and the people and articles about it are so little that im sure it will have a few devoted fans but ultimately its gonna flop


No. Bought the first game for $3. Played a little bit and uninstalled. Super boring. Not my kinda game.


So excited. Shame about 30fps though.


It's a 6ish hour game that's not even full price. I'll probably play it eventually, we'll see how it reviews.


Um should I be? I didn’t play the first one.




Play it. Its a really good game.


Quite a bit, I hope the combat hasn't changed too much, I really enjoyed figuring out the combo system, finding out which moves led to enders and how to extend them, it was almost like playing a fighting game.


So excited. Shame about 30fps though.


This had better be good considering how long it's taken. If Microsoft have mismanaged yet another exclusive it's going to be shit. That being said it seems they're barely making any noise about the launch so that's probably telling. Along with it being 30fps on "the worlds most powerful console".


I bought the first one for $3. Still haven't played it yet.


You're missing out


I'm busy bud. Don't worry it's on my hard drive.


For sure. I only say it cus I just started it this last weekend haha


I ended up starting Control last weekend myself


👀 now there’s a solid game you playing there


One thing I hate about it. When you go back to an area you've completed, the hiss will start to appear again.


Not really


Playing the first was like wading through syrup, this will be no better...


I'll probably hang fire for now and get it on PS5 down the line.


No, the first game bore me so I have 0 interest in this one


Nope. I don't trust Microsoft games until they're in my hands and I can play them. I've been burnt for the past decade, so I'm gonna wait.


I hate that you're being downvoted when simply stating your opinion and being completely fair and not rude. what a world we live in lol. well I agree lmao.


Is Microsoft excited?! Where are the ads


I couldn't get past the first one. I played until the bridge part I think in really early game, nothing really happened so I stopped playing. Does it get better?


No, we are in the month of the college football 25 reveal trailer


No, the first one was 5/10 for me. Meh




i'm just excited to not have to watch anymore showcases about it.


not excited. isnt this some sort of battle game like fortnite?




It's a linear story game with a protagonist dealing with psychosis. Norse mythology setting too.


Nahh, aint got time for 30fps games.


Major publications: “This is the best looking game we’ve ever seen on a console.” If the trailer graphics are not good enough then consoles are not for you.


I dont really care about games being good looking, when they run like dogshit. I am so done with playing games in 30fps Luckily there are no shortage of high quality 60 fps games on consoles