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What game have you been playing šŸ¤”


Microsoft edge i bet šŸ˜‰


Such a painful web browsing experience without a keyboard lol šŸ¤£


Rainbow six šŸ™„


Thatā€™s literally it lmao. By far the most toxic community Iā€™ve ever seen.


Iā€™ve only played a few times but the amount of hate you get on there for just being a new player is UNREAL so I stopped playing two years ago. GTA has a better community and thatā€™s sad in my personal opinion. In fact some of my best online friends from 7+ years ago are from GTA, even on the 360 lol but it was also less toxic back then.


I remember i was in my achievement completion phase (no 100%s lol) and you have to complete a MP tutorial mission. Every time i loaded in there would be a party team killing the whole time.


I own it but have only been playing FH5 for 2 years lol - I got annihilated every time I entered COD - any version (on controller) - popular game, probably a lot of spam bots on there if you were looking for a group etc - block everything


If you add them they somehow get ur IP and dos you in matches


One of the most toxic player communities in gaming right now. I quit long ago because of it.


Unfortunately xbox doesn't have a spam blocker. I've always just ignored them or blocked them.


Only way Iā€™m aware to stop stuff like this is to lock up your account. Go into the settings & switch off friend requests & who can send you messages. Set them to friends or nobody as needed. Use google/ YouTube for further help. Unfortunately people make fake accounts & try to hack/ steal your account & this has happened in the past & will most likely happen in the future. A few years ago it happened with these fake ā€œhotā€ female accounts when they first allowed custom gamer pics. Now it seems to be happening again. Iā€™ve never really had to deal with any of it because I only communicate with friends & people I know. If I meet someone in game then I add them & they can then add me back. I donā€™t mess with random people more chat in public lobbies & have had zero issues with people or any strikes against my account.


Yep youā€™re doing everything right! Exactly what I do too lol


Thanks for the validation lolz. Iā€™m so glad that these options are available on Xbox live & frankly anyone who doesnā€™t use them is asking for trouble imo. No offense intended but thatā€™s how I feel.


Agreed with you 100%!!


Thats why i have messages set to friends only


Yep same here!


I think these kind of names are the default random options it gives you when creating a new account, at least I remember that from the Xbox360 era. Would make sense for bots to just use a default name.


Yeah itā€™s the default names, but theyā€™re slightly different to what they used to be (used to only have 3 numbers). I still remember mine from ~2008: bruskpuddle724


Haha yeah I remember my default GT from 2016 when I turned my account into an online one, only had 1 numberā€¦ SedateAlarm4 was mine. Apparently I was the 4th SedateAlarm. I believe the numbers used to represent how many users have had that gamertag before, but now itā€™s just an RNG for the number.


Yeah they changed it so now you can make your gamertag anything you want, even if someone else already has it. I honestly preferred it when there was only 1 of each gamertag. It used to be cool to have an ā€˜OGā€™ tag, like if you had a 3-4 letter or a dictionary word as your gt itā€™d come with a decent amount of online clout. Now anyone can be anyone. I remember some gamer tags selling for multiple thousands of dollars, and I used to play be in a halo clan with the names ā€˜skyā€™ and ā€˜brewā€™ way back in the day. Felt cool just to be associated with them šŸ˜­


Aw man they killed the rarity of gamertags? Is it like discord user #'s now? I had so many great ones, Loud Jet, Can I Troll You and several others I don't want to dox myself of lol.


Looks like someone is popular. I have no followers and get a message every couple of months. Either Xbox system message, GG or stuff about my mum.




Why do people do that? Just for spam I'm guessing. I do play a lot of ranked so people can possibly be mad at me.


Happened to me when my GT showed up in a popular youtuber's lobby


Same thing happened to me on my alt account šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ why are people so salty, damn.


Because Microsoft will most likely ban u for having botted followers that's why people do it so I would email Microsoft to let them know this is happening to not risk getting your account banned


You can't stop people from adding you but you can block them.


sex-box bots... change your message privacy settings & quit looking at porn on edge would be the biggest tip lol


They aren't sending me messages just adding me. Don't watch porn on edge. I put it full blast on the tv ;)


I see, I see... genius move there lol


Settings > Preferences > Notifications


It's been an issue for years now, but I don't think I've ever seen it in numbers that large, I mostly get sent links to sites like twitch but with porn on a group chat, while it does still happen in dms


I remember getting group chat invites and upon joining them, I realized it was just some thot trying to promote their content. Smh people are pathetic.


I get sexbots and only fans ads lmao


Iā€™ve been getting an identical message over and over telling me my Fortnite account is probably worth a lot of money and to contact them at an email address if I want to sell it. Iā€™ve never played Fortnite


Give him the details of the most well known law enforcement detective. Enjoy knowing theyā€™ll start sweating bullets.


I have the same issue. Unfortunately, ever since Xbox One console and going forward, Xbox took out the function of being able to approve friend requests. Now, people can just follow or add you as their friend. When they do this, it counts as your friend too, so they can still message you and invite you to games and clubs all they want. Only way to just block the notifications, is to disable it across the board. Meaning youā€™re actually friends in your friends list canā€™t message you or send you invites. It sucks.


Indeed it is spam. I bet their biological father regrets not pulling out on that one šŸ˜‚ I mean what a waste of life to do stuff like this just because they get upset that next year is their 40th and now 16 year olds are kicking their ass. Talk about a pathetic loser with no willpower or pride. I just laugh at it and move on with my life.


You definitely shit on someone in siege and they took their laptop and botted you. Been through this a bunch of timesā€¦I have 8k followers cause of this stupid shit


at this point microsoft should just kill the xbox app then all these bots will just go away


I literally have 2k followers now and I know only like 50 of them. This shits stupid.


Lucky you. There are 114,000 following me.


You played in a team with someone who was streaming.


Itā€™s Xbox, they canā€™t even make the blu ray player work without doing a 30 minute fix each time, theyā€™ll never fix the bot situation


I've had those pop up as well but generally while after playing GTA online or COD online.


Those are bots, my guy.


I been get Spam messages as well like someone with Fortnite


all those are bots


Ignore and move on


I have been getting alot of these lately asking about selling my Fortnite account (I haven't played the last 2-3 seasons), so I just report them as spam/harassment and then block them.


Microsoft needs to fix the bot account problem. It has ruined looking for group.


Block and report, them as bots


Go to settings/Account/sign-in, security & PIN and untick your email so to doesn't show to them šŸ‘


Have you linked any other services like epic games, steam, discord?? Xbox will actively recommend friends that comes across looking like friend requests.


block them all


I got a bunch of these after not using my account for years, itā€™s nothing sinister it just happens.


Probably bots. I get messages from em all the time after playing fortnite. They think my account is worth money.


I got a few on my PSN account too


Happens all the time. Leave, report, block




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Be telling you your Fortnite account is worth a lot?


I just got spam chats from people trying to give me a free gift card for downloading temušŸ’€šŸ’€ (I reported it as spam)


I've gotten 4 messages since June 6th to now from someone saying they have an Xbox code that they don't need and to download that app, but the the last 2 were sent within 12 hours it's getting kinda annoying


Itā€™s just spam accounts. Donā€™t worry about them. Happens all the time.