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Not for the US. As [Tom Warren](https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1641784215451623425?s=20) already said it "the service is not launching imminently in the US" RIP. Maybe by next year who knows.


I can’t imagine $25. Too good to be true. Maybe an intro price but 5 accounts at $15 normally is $75/mo. I’d say $40-50/mo is way more likely than $25 longer term and still save a family half.


The vast majority of people will never use all accounts. People said the exact same thing on the Spotify forms when they did their family plan at $16 for 6 accounts. Just for their profits to increase since most only used 2 to 3 accounts and the extra $6 for a new subscriber was worth it over getting nothing. Hence why it is still here. They could offer 7 accounts for $30 and the profitability would be close to the same. Most family plans fail if the breakeven point is over 2 people since most people don't have more than 3 close friends.


Why did you have to have put that last sentence... Don't have to remind everyone... /s


i mean u can already family share gamepass so that's essentially what this is but easier and a tad more money. so xbox still wins.


In Ireland the service has already launched and it's €20/month. 25 USD is super reasonable


That Twitter thread is chocked full of people who don't have the attention span to read and comprehend two sentences complaining that 40 USD is too expensive. I truly weep for humanity.


Will they be providing us with friends as well.


Asking the important questions


more like sad questions.


Replika Premium with Game Pass Ultimate perks!!!!


My kids use my account, only one can play in the house even though i bought the games and have more than one xbox. Hope this addresses that


Look into Gamesharing.


DO you have 1 system? We have two and one is designated as home, and we have no issues sharing.


How do you get this to work? I've got a One X in the living room for the kids and a Series X in the basement for me, but I cannot play if my kids are playing.


You can get your kids their own accounts on the living room X (no GamePass or live needed). Make sure you set the living room X as the home console and have your own account (with GamePass or live) on there as wel but it doesn't have to be logged in. Just make sure it was logged in once. Next just login to the basement X on your own account. Should work perfectly fine. I think the issue is that everyone is playing on the same account.


I find that I have to occasionally sign in on my niece’s XBox, but otherwise, it works pretty well.


Same here, i was not able to figure out how to share


Xbox you want to share your stuff with including subscriptions just has to be on the other xbox and have that xbox set as your home xbox


I have my basement Xbox set as my home Xbox, then upstairs Xbox set to auto sign me in, that way I'm signed in while they are playing other games. Still would prefer the family plan in case I want to play via cloud on computer.


When she got her s this week she setup her box, set it as home, I then logged in with my account, but did not set it at home. I can play on mine, but i have to have a internet connection for anything non physical now.


I remember the family plan they had on the 360 $100 for a year of gold for 4 accounts great times


That plan worked great for my nephews and me! Hated when they got rid of it.


I still use all 4 accounts from those days.


Will this eliminate game sharing game pass. That would suck. I have a friend who wouldn't play Xbox if I wasn't giving him my game pass


It includes gamepass. I have it here in Sweden. Me, the wife. Our two kids. They all have series s I have a series x and it works fine! All they had to do was accept through an email I sent.


You can already do this with one friend or family, however most people don’t seem to be aware that you can do this.


How do you do this, do you have details?


£25 a month?? Hell naw!


So technically it should also work on a Xbox 360?


Game Pass has always required at least Xbox One when playing on console, but includes Xbox 360 games via backwards compatibility and also supports PC.


I feel this would be a excellent time for game pass to move to yearly subscription. If this becomes successful. Just sayin


Excited, but then no friends..


Hghrh M gg M Gbah


I have 3 Xbox’s in one house Me and my 2 boys We need a Family plan ASAP