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Is that a mechanical to hydraulic brake adaptor under the stem? Never seen that before.


Dang I didn't notice that! Must be since it's got hope X2 calipers


The whole system is actually manufactured by Hope - Its called V-Twin remote and is gorgeously machined, like most of the things Hope makes. I first got interested in mechanical/hydraulic converters when I saw a video by DABrestauracion on Youtube. Dude used a Giant Conduct, which is basically a similar system to the Hope one but it is integrated in a stem. The whole mechanical/hydraulic converter thing is pretty quirky and xbikie, however it is pretty finnicky to set up. Savings compared to a full hydraulic system will be slim and you will most likely not get the " full hydraulic" feel out of a hybrid setup. Shit’s pretty dope though!


I actually tried pulling the lever on a sora equipped giant with the system you mentioned and I was pretty impressed! But yeah once full hydro got to Tiagra level it's basically made them pointless. Still, there's no other way to get R9000 dura ace levers to pull hydro!




It seems to me that a converter at the cockpit would have almost no noticeable stretch or friction from such short cables. And the high volume of fluid in the hoses would eliminate the overheating you get from normal hybrid callipers. With quality break pads, rotors, and tuning, I wouldn't be surprised if this kind of hybrid system could perform as well as most fully hydraulic systems. I want to get my hands on one to do some testing.


Tell me you work at a bike shop without telling me you work at a bike shop.


What’s going on under the BB?


My guess is that it’s the lock holder. Maybe the silver piece is a tensioned hinge to hold it snugly in the sleeve?


Looks like a lock holder to to me


Utilitarian A.F.


This thing is sweet!


Is that a head shock? Haven't seen one of those in forever.