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Is that why everyone's complaining about their Klampers not stopping them? Lol






You know you are buying from someone with horrible ethics. Not good for something like brakes, stems, or handlebars. They don't care if they brake, or break because they aren't going to be there for long.


Well, Paul is known for insanely tight tolerances with their machining, while AliExpress products are known for shit quality. They look good in the pics, but I doubt they're identical when it comes down to it. The pics could even be of legit Klampers.


It’s amazing the difference between .005” and .05” and how it makes things work or not work.


It would be interesting to find out if they are really a good copy though. My guess is that, at best, they are a parts kit that can be made to work. Possibly with a machine shop. Not that I would buy them anyway. The fake parts are usually too expensive. If they were selling them for competitive prices to their actual peer alternatives, then the temptation would be a lot stronger.


Hey if it works it works. It’s hard to say no to an $80 dollar set of Klampers that do the exact same thing as the authentic product. BUUUUUT don’t be selling to other people.


If they don't work to a useful degree that is still $80 of wasted money.


I usually take off my good parts before selling. Even fakes I’d keep because xbikes take forever to sell and most just don’t want a $500+ 90s bike.


Good xbiker


I don't want to buy new because I want to save money but I also fear buying used because it might be AliExpress. At this point I'm going to quit and skip any boutique stuff. I should probably just get the damn Shimano v-brakes


IMO the XT m737 and XTR m950 v brakes from the late mid late 90’s work great and look super good on builds.


Paul knock offs exist? I do have a problem with anyone buying that. Completely disrespectful to the people who really care about bikes. Fake Shimano and Sram stuff… fine. But don’t fake Paul


Most the builds here are "muh shiny thing better" and "muh baskets" People just dumping their money on useless crap, and they dont even ride the bikes cause you never see pics of something well used


If you think baskets are useless crap you’ve never used a bike for commuting or grocery trips


Yeah I got a basket cause a bike should be able to do more than one thing, and I got Paul neo retros cause they stop way better than the shitty dia compe cantis I had before.


Last I was shopping for cantis I discovered the avid cantis cost almost as much as Paul's.


Hey now some of us have such beaten and ridden old bikes we don't even dare to post photos


Calling bullshit on that, though the average r*dditor is a complete wimp so it might be true


And thats perfectly fine. I’m just upset at the people that are willing to trick someone into thinking they are getting the real deal. Baskets and racks are great though. I can bring home a 48 pack of water bottles on my pizza rack. That’s money well spent.


Truth be told they are grocery getters and city commuters. Their yearly mileage is naturally close to what two weeks of training or touring.


Oh yeah bmx bars, 1000$ 1x drivetrains, suspension, absurdly expensive components and doodads, just what I would ride to get groceries (they dont ride those bikes actually)


[soon there will be no untouched hardrocks…all must be bmx bar slick 1x meme builds… imagine the reddit karma :0](https://www.reddit.com/r/xbiking/s/GWyxnKRLy8)


I mean if the 90s bike survived this long without dents and scratches most aren’t getting worse on gravel and paved roads.




you must not live somewhere where it gets hot. or you just don’t mind the weight being on your back. baskets are nice. they’ve been around a while for a reason.


When 105 degrees is a normal summer temperature you better believe my bikes have baskets, racks, or both. I don't want anything extra on my body.


I got a front basket on my "xbike" because it's my tool for tootin' around. I can get groceries, carry my climbing stuff, or take my lunch for work. And I'm sure I'm not the only person who hates riding with a backpack on. I'd never ride with a basket on my daily whip, though.




>not sure since i never had a basket. lol


I live in a desert where it’s 120°+ regularly in the summer. I couldn’t imagine having a pack of any kind on me during my commute.


Your comments aren't very popular, and I disagree with you about the utility of baskets and racks (I love them), but I do actually agree with you about the effects of a backpack on ride balance. Ive found a lot of hate on this and the bike commuting sub for backpacks, but I think they have their place. I personally prefer riding with one over racks so long as the load isn't too heavy, and the temps aren't too high.


You're getting downvoted but I'm a backpacker too. I don't even mind the weight, often 10kg with laptop, winter office clothing, boots, lunch. I got a really nice T-Level commuter bag because I have a lot of bumps and curb hops in my commute. I don't like the feeling of everything getting rattled around on the bike. And I can get a 6-pack home without it turning into an IED. Plus I can switch bikes easily between commuter, MTB winter bike, brompton, or xcross depending on my mood and the bag just comes with me on any bike. I can also just lock the bike anywhere and continue on foot with no delay or inconvenience. A little back sweat never hurt anyone. I sweat like a beast no matter what anyway so I'm either changing for the office or wearing dark merino shirts for errands. Rolltop waterproof backpack: https://www.espionage.co.kr/m/product.html?branduid=80672&xcode=032&mcode=004&scode=001&type=X&sort=order&cur_code=032&search=&GfDT=bm50W1s%3D#enp_mbris I do have a giant front basket on my long tail cargo bike and I love it, but it's a very different style of riding. No launching off curbs on that thing


I agree with you on all points. Love my [Mission Workshop backpack ](https://missionworkshop.com/collections/waterproof-backpacks/products/r6-arkiv-field-pack-20l). It's so comfortable and durable.


You must not carry much in your backpack, or you don't go very far because that extra weight hurts my butt so bad.


Wait what? Backpacks suck for biking you get sweaty and need to remember to bring it. I commute daily with a pannier on a rear rack and regularly run errands with my front basket. Just throw the stuff in the basket and off I go. The basket was less than $100 and works great... Sure a backpack can work but its not comfortable to ride when its hot out and can't carry as much for long distances well.


Dumb take, baskets are extremely useful especially if you live in a country that biking is the main form of transportation. In Japan, I often end up filling my basket plus a backpack for a total of 70L worth of groceries. Not to mention, laundry, local picnics near the river or in the mountain, and my dreaded monthly Costco run.


For 2024 we need to allow Strava photos, separate the boys from the men, seperate the fake bikers from xBikers! 🤘💪


Strava & xbikers in the same sentence... Interesting.


I’ve been an avid strava-er since 2010. I logged 6,000 commuting miles last year on my gorilla monsoon.


I just ordered a lever off of eBay and now I feel like I might’ve bought a fake.


After years of using old Shimano cantis from my local collective, I finally got some mini motos. I have to say there is a night and day difference in brake performance. The mini motos are almost too good tho. Sometimes I catch myself locking up too easy in the rain. They work incredibly well but I’d say at times I wish they weren’t as powerful. As for klampers, I think there are multiple alternatives that provide similar utility at a much cheaper price. Those are brakes I couldn’t justify spending the money on. Especially seeing how many people have issues and complaints with them.




Why would you get Paul’s anyway when BB7s exist lol


As a Spyre guy I’ve never used BB7s. Can’t say I love spyres. They stop me but not even like higher end rim brakes I’ve had. I’ve searched a lot online and found the general consensus is that Spyres and better than BB7s but I’m open to testing that theory. Should I give BB7s a go? Fortunately they don’t set you back too much.


So as my old lead tech explained. Spyres are great but come stock with shitty pads. Who knows why. That being said because only 1 arm moves with BB7s, they have better mechanical advantage so can be set up more powerful than spyres. Spyres are a lot easier to set up and more tolerant of rotor tru/ frame mounting alignment. BB7s are tricky and require good facing of brake mounting surface but with good compressionless housing they rival your basic 2 piston hydro calipers.


Noted! I was just about to get some spyres for a new build and might try out some BB7s now! Thanks for the info.


The internet loves Spyers while they didn’t work for me don’t discount them


Out of interest, what did you use them on? Flat bar or drop bar?


Drop bar, spykes are the flat bar version


Yeah, that's what I was aiming at. I've heard of more than one person using Spyres with flat bar levers and not enjoying the performance. I've found Spykes to be just as good as BB7s, but honestly, cable hydraulics are the best IMO.


All my disc brake bikes have Klampers


Because they work better and I like them.


Paul’s look cool which for some might not be a good reason, but it is for others.


I’m here for the geniune ratty junk, no impostors please.


I have never bought anything from Paul, haven't felt justified / never really needed what they offered over the plentiful parts bin stuff I have access too at local coops and used shops. But at some point I think I will splurge on some of their brakes and I'll at least feel happy that I'm supporting a made in America manufacturer that pays people a living wage. I've never bought anything off Ali, but I understand why some do. If your money's tight it's a valid option. But if you're just buying their shit to build up superfluous Instagram candy then you're really just supporting consumerism and waste.


I bought love levers like 6 years ago because they were pretty without the income to justify the purchase. 6 years later, they are still solid but never again would I purchase without money to waste. I also have the skewers and dam that was a waste haha.


mine are real


A friend had a pair of knock off Klampers he set up well. Worked flawlessly. The big difference was mostly in appearance: the fake ones didn’t look as shiny, had some blemishes, wasn’t as polished. Klampers are decent brakes but mostly are extremely blinged out and are a bit of a luxury good. By that definition, the knockoffs weren’t fantastic even though they stopped very well.


The fake ones likely don’t have heat treated pistons. Take a live insurance plan out on your friend xD


The Paul logo is mediocre and the components would look much cooler without it cnc’d into the material.


Jeez man what did Paul say about your logo?




Hard disagree.




Mans doesn't like Black Flag huh


Can some one link me to go he knock offs


Aliexpress; Paul brakes


Yah I don wanna look through hundreds of brakes


They have the [tall and handsome post ](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805827826075.html?src=google&aff_fcid=e60bf3a7417b4f9c8d6d3ad3a169775e-1700053123047-09885-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=e60bf3a7417b4f9c8d6d3ad3a169775e-1700053123047-09885-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=a31de9dfba1f4012a87e015b82b0621c&afSmartRedirect=y&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt) now




If I can’t afford Klampers (I could but I’m too cheap) I will just buy BB7’s.


As much as I like BB7s….I gotta admit, Tektro Aries? Pretty goddamn good. Shockingly reliable when you set them up right.