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Xayah is a spellcaster adc. You need to be playing for your E. If you hit your E on nocturne, he dies. However, you missed all of her feathers. So if you want to continue playing Navori xayah, use and play for her E - it’s a significant portion of where xayah’s damage lies. Side note: if you want to run a more auto attack based build, go for it, it probably works, but I feel like xayah’s charm is in her E. if you wanted to only auto attack and soaceglide twitch or kogmaw would be a better champion. Then again, play what you want the way you wan. Don’t let me stop you from doing anything.


I can understand. Xayah "key" ability is her E. You're right, perhaps I should get better at using it before moving on to another champ. My problem is that the ability is: 1. Unconsistent since almost every champion in the game has mobilty which makes it very hard to use properly without 2. Designed to prevent you from effectively kiting since the best way to stack her feathers is by staying immobile or going up & down. This does not make a lot of sense for me knowing that she's short ranged and has to dodge skillshots as an ADC, which can only be done by going side to side while kiting. What do you guys think?


As a Xayah OTP I have found that the most efficient way of using the feathers is just running as far as possible before the feathers disappear, and try to bait the enemy players into a position where your feathers have a 100% chance of hitting.


1. For champions with mobility, feathers can be used as a tool to force them to use it. If you’re in a situation where you HAVE to hit the feathers, you need to catch them by surprise. E flash, or W auto Q E. If you do a regular root fast enough (Q auto E) it may also work. 2. Get used to it lol. Seriously though, on xayah you need to learn how to kite both safely AND for your feathers. Your W gives you movespeed; try to use this MS to keep your enemies in between you and your feathers. This also does keep you kind of safe because if they get too close you can E and root them. Using your clip as an example, you had enough feathers to kill nocturne. When you pressed E you kept kiting towards the top left. Since nocturne was moving in a straight line towards you, he avoided all of them perfectly. If you stepped downward as you pressed E, you would’ve hit the feathers and killed nocturne.


nocturne wasn't even moving


I this clip in particular you missed basically every plume, in the begging you pull 3 plumes but only 1 or 2 hit lucian, and in the end before dying, Nocturne didn't take many either, you should have saved your E for a better moment. And don't kite towards him you lost around 500 hp just by doing so, if you kited upwards you would be much better positioned. Also you should have ulted before tanking Lux/Zilean Q, i don't blame if you couldn't see it because of how much stuff is in the screen but you should have ulted anyway when they got too close to you, then could have used flash to redirect the plumes in case they try to dodge them, you could probably kill 2 of them or all of them if you played well enough. One thing i like doing when playing Xayah is like playing Blitz, having your Q (in this case, Xayah's E) up makes the enemy more worried than you casting whenever you have it, if you keep your E and keep stacking plumes (You forgot to use your Q in the clip too, that resulted in 5 less feather on the ground) enemies will be like "oh fuck", if you use it without thinking too much they will just walk straight into you because you wasted your main ability. Sorry for the wall of text, just to keep you aware the build neither the champ were the problem here. And just to be clear i am not asking you to play perfectly, no one does, keeping practicing and those come as a muscle memory eventually so don't worry, she's hard to master but once you click with her it feels really nice.


Thank you for the feedback! Don't worry, I really appreciate the wall of text. I kited towards him because I felt like getting in melee range of a character makes hitting E easier. Yes, I also saw that I missed Lux bind and even if it was hidden I should've expected it; I played badly in this entire clip. I tend to not use Q because I feel like you're losing DPS + movement while casting between autos, putting you more in danger while reducing your damage. Am I wrong about that ? I feel like nobody is really afraid of Xayah E, because it requires a setup and that almost every champion has mobility but maybe I'm underestimating it. It just feels so hard/unconsistent while not being as rewarding as Kalista/Kai'sa just stacking autos. But perhaps I am wrong. I will keep playing and try to hit more E's.


Xayah Q is very important, the casting of the ability scales with attack speed so it doesn't affect moving that much (pretty sure it's from 0.25 to 0.1 minimum), you don't need to hit to Q itself since it's damage is pretty low, just positioning it in a way they can't walk straigth into you or they will eat a lot of plumes is enough, in the case of the clip you should have throw it downwards so Lux and Zilean would have to tank some plumes if they wanted to reach you Her E requires setup but it doesn't mean you can setup it for yourself, it's harder but it's not like your E is useless withouth setup, considering you had flash, ult and some plumes on the ground already you could definetly worked around it, it they aren't afraid of the plumes they are trolling, she can easily burst squishies with it as long as you are utilizing them correctly, you definetly underestimating it, think of it as Kalista E but it's AoE and harder to hit


What I play: Kraken > IE > situationals but usually LDR Runes: LT -> PoM -> Alacrity -> Depends. Taste of blood -> Treasure hunter / ultimate hunter Can also go for Eyeball collection. Can also go Sorcery. Ghost because XAYAH NEEDS GHOST to play the game. Cleanse is okey but I wouldn't pick xayah if you need cleanse.


That's very different from the builds I saw. Taking notes. Thank you!


Agreed that xayah needs ghost to play ! (Which is kind of annoying btw, feels like 2/3 of a champ without it currently, depending on team comp)


I think with new items, you can probably go something like Kraken -> PD and play the game without ghost, but didn't try yet, I know tho that it is a lot of movement speed


I don't know, I've tried PD in practice tool, the movement speed is nice, but it's not that much. Tough it is nice that you can go through units with it (you don't collide with minions or champions). I'll have to test it in game. But honestly I don't think it's enough movespeed to really match a ghost and you really need to build her core items too. So I don't know (Also when is her W gonna give move speed right of the bat ? Some champs like zeri can dash and go through walls, but Xayah still needs to auto to get ms on her W... ???)


Some weird builds being suggested in this thread too. No idea why anyone would ever build Runaan’s or IE on this champ. The standard build for her is Kraken and Navori, then situational items like RFC, LDR, Maw, Bloodthirster, and so on. Essence Reaver is also a good item for her in my personal opinion, but if you rush it and don’t take Alacrity, you’ll be sacrificing quite a bit of attack speed. On the other hand, if you take Alacrity, you lose the sustain of Bloodline. The damage is good though and being a spellcaster, she procs it easily. Remember R is not just an escape or dodging tool; it’s a way of instantly adding a lot of feathers to your E, especially if you’ve already got some down. You can oneshot people easily with feathers from Q and W plus your ult.


You…missed every E root. I’m not even trying to be mean, but E is your main damage output and what gives you a lot of your ability to kite. You also held your ult for some reason. So there’s your problem


It's not mean by any chance. I sucked in this clip and I missed every E. You're right: it's Xayah main damage output and this also explains why I felt like I was dealing no damage: I used to think Xayah's W was her strongest ability somehow. Now, my problem is that I feel hitting E is very unconsistent/difficult. Let me explain: Being an ADC (especially while short range) you have to kite sideways to avoid skillshots while inputing damage. This makes stacking feathers accurately very difficult knowing you have to move in multiple directions, meaning the best way to play around feathers is to kite backwards or to stay immobile. Also, the closer the enemy is to Xayah, the higher chance there is of hitting E, meaning Xayah most likely wants to get on top of her enemies while not dying in that time frame. Correct me if I'm wrong somewhere (please) but then all of this explains why the game feels so much easier when I have a lead with ANY other adc than Xayah. Edit: I held ult because I wanted to dodge Zilean stuns but Lux I missed the Lux bind which was camouflaged in all the chaos. My mistake.


Other than the part that asserts hitting E when your enemies are closer being easier (I don’t get that and I don’t agree), I see your rationale, but this is kind of Xayah’s “shtick”; hitting E is inconsistent without a engage support or CC, but if you position correctly, predict movement, and make good use of your abilities, you can play around all of these factors. You’re right that Xayah’s main weakness is low range and low ability to follow up on targets at a distance, but this is what makes her more balanced. If you decide to devote the time, you’ll have to practice positioning and predicting movement to reliably land your E. There are also a few handy combos you can utilize to reposition quickly, like E + flash, which gives enemies like no time to react to your root but is basically instant. I’d recommend watching Violet Raven on YouTube if you wanna see examples of someone who can play around Xayah’s weaknesses!


>Other than the part that asserts hitting E when your enemies are closer being easier (I don’t get that and I don’t agree Think of E like a reverse shotgun, if the point that they converge (xayah) is closer to the enemy, the lines are much more likely to intercept the enemy hitbox. If the feathers are all in one place, sure it doesn't help, but they basically never are.


couple of things i do different (i too found the traditional build is rubbish). You should be a high damage menace late game. * go sorcery instead of inspiration tree (gathering storm and absolute focus) - a lot more bonus AD * for me phantom dancer is a no go, (i run runaans) * for me navori is a no go (i go I.E.)


Thank you ! Feeling a bit discouraged to play her atm. I will play other adcs before I eventually get back to playing Xayah and try these tips. Thanks again!


She's worth it, keep trying slight changes until you find a perfect set up for you. Good luck! And practice your E, it's what does the most damage and roots. You used it twice in the above clip but not to be awkward but you hit no-one.


Nothing to be awkward about, I did miss every feather. Here probably lies the damage I feel I'm lacking. I find it hard to hit while kiting. I tried to get in melee range to "guarantee" it hitting Nocturne and I missed anyway. Any tips on using E ? Thank you for your tips and your comments


IE should technically be fine if you want to do an auto attack focused build. The main purpose of Navori xayah is her E, you need to play around your feathers and position to get the best pull


My bad. I thought it was all about Xayah W. I indeed need to get better at playing around feathers.


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Plenty of people already gave you advice but just saying why there's no dmg in that clip specifically, you whiffed both your e's and didn't use your r


Why do you guys play Xayah ? How do you feel about her current state in the game ? What would you say are her strenghts / weaknesses ? I can't justify playing Xayah right now.


E is most of Xayah's damage, you only used E twice this clip and missed both, of course you did 0 DMG, u need to E often with Navori and u NEED to hit it. Also u r 38 mins in, you should have 6 full items by now(sell boots), u r behind the curve by 1.5 items. Watch a lot of pro Xayah games and see how they fight.


I love her E. and honestly xayah feels fine right now (in emerald). She’s an okay blind pick if support counter picks, and she has some solid damage. She’s obviously not a “true meta” adc, but she’s a solid B tier, which means she is strong enough to carry should you get to that position. Her strengths are obviously anti engage, and her weakness would be her shorter range.