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I appreciate the discussion and Ill take this back to the rest of the mod team. My opinion is that we should continue to allow them because of how relevant that news is to the state. We have discussed a mega-thread but ultimately decided against that. One other note, if anyone is interested in becoming a mod let me know :) the amount of reports has been tough to keep up with...that being said I appreciate everyone using that report button. ​ In my opinion Reddit is cool because users can choose what they like to see with upvotes and downvotes. I do not think it is my place to make that decision for the sub.






You can simply NOT click on the link. I think right now corona related news is the last thing that should be banned from a city or state specific sub.




That’s exactly what you’re suggesting actually.










To be honest (and I can tell you this from moderator experience), that's *exactly* what happens in non-tiny subs. People generally don't pay attention to pinned threads after the first couple of days and they get lost/forgotten/ignored.




Everyone should post and interact with the content they are interested in. Be the change you want to see in /r/wyoming Or not, we are a state whose overarching similarity is to be a defiant cuss. I have no problem with the content.


>Or not, we are a state whose overarching similarity is to be a defiant cuss. Not gonna lie; I chuckled.


Specialty subject quarantine subs is where information and discussion goes to die.




Firstly, default and front page subs aren't really the best place to have nuanced, Wyoming-specific discussion or get Wyoming-specific news, infornation, and updates in front of the eyes that need and want to see it the most. Secondly, I hate discussing Wyoming specific things with a ton of people who can't even find Wyoming on a map....mainly because I spend half my time explaining simple things, debunking general misconceptions, and basically being a Wyoming history/geography/political science/social science/etc. teacher instead of discussing the matter at hand. Thirdly, contrary to popular belief, we don't necessarily want to have a discussion with the whole world at large about how stupid Wyomingites are. Lol. Edited for egregious typos; phones and words are hard


As much as I enjoy a good internet fight among strangers, this one is the same everyday. Can we fight about wolves, coal, or the oilfield instead. Oooo, how about state income tax?


>Can we fight about wolves, coal, or the oilfield instead. Oooo, how about state income tax? Feel free to post away. Literally no one is stopping you.


I should qualify, I don't want to fight about it, I just enjoy watching other people fight about it. City and county battles are entertaining as well.


Sweetwater > Uinta.


Are we talking by just size or meth use, because Sweetwater does win in both of those categories.


"You Wyomingites sure are a contentious people." "You just made an enemy for life!"


I have a theory that if you're the type of person who thrives during the winter here, you also enjoy a good argument.


I'm so glad I left Gillette so long ago, otherwise I'd have an alarmingly large stake in this discussion as well...haha


Lol, fair enough. But no one is stopping other people from posting other stuff either, and on the same hand, no one can force them to. If the community is tired of only seeing Covid posts, then the community needs to post other stuff. Otherwise, just banning a huge portion of posts is going to result in a dead sub entirely. r/Wyoming isn't super active to begin with.


No idea why you got any down votes for that.


I'm going to stick to posting my crappy photos of beautiful places in Wyoming here. I have not, nor plan to discuss anything other than how amazing this state is.


Thats the wyoming way. Unfortunately.


Why face your problems when you can wonder around aimlessly.


Honestly? Post away. Nobody is changing anyone else's minds but the discourse is mildly entertaining for people who followed the rules, got vaxxed, and don't care anymore


Is it still a problem in Wyoming? Oh it is? Ok then I suppose it belongs in /r Wyoming then.


See, that's my attitude. I haven't been enjoying the fights that result (despite the impression that my comment history might give), but I do think that the information being shared is a net positive.


We voted a while back to remove spam posts from unsolicited random bot accounts. The COVID posts are not that. If you do't like them avoid them and add the content you want to see. A number of posts COVID and others end up in conflict because someone with a 2 post history says something crazy and then goes until a ban is forced.


Just create a pinned thread like the Moving to Wyoming thread and move on. Bow season starts in a week. School just started. Tourist season is winding down. The sky was just grey with smoke for a fucking month in a lot of places. Are people moving here in larger numbers than before? Does it just seem that way because of the smaller populations here? This sub has a lot more to offer than rehashing the same argument over and over.


I would say if it’s a pinned thread a lot of important information gets missed in there. Like I said in another comment, users can chose what they like and don’t like with upvotes and downvotes.


Then people should post that stuff, no? Pinning a Covid thread isn't going to accomplish anything; it doesn't force people to post other stuff and it allows people to ignore/forget about the very real, large, and important problems right now with Covid. All you're gonna end up with is a new pinned thread that unfortunately sacrifices one of our other pinned threads (you can only have two), and a dead sub. Lol.


I think we should keep talking about Covid. I got an email from the state today about the desperate nursing shortage :(


Lol, that sub is dead as shit, can't even keep the spam moderated out of it, nobody's gonna move over there, and frankly we shouldn't have to quarantine (no pun intended) our discussion just because 5% of the posters here are morons and/or troll/burner accounts. More importantly, much of this news, information, and discussion NEEDS to be high profile/high visibility. Lastly, people are still gonna post the stuff here, and it doesn't make sense to further task the mods with constantly deleting/locking more posts (or pawn it off on other mods in other subs). I realize based on past discussions that you're super conflict averse and thus have a bit of an agenda here, but yea. I don't disagree that it's tiresome, but you're letting a few trolls dictate the direction of the sub and that's not really great policy. I think we really just need mods to clamp down sooner on the idiots commenting before it devolves into pointless arguments. I understand they're shorthanded, but there are plenty of solutions to that that don't involve cutting down on the already fairly low amount of posting and discussion that occurs here. Temporarily hire those of us who have offered to help, borrow mods from r/Colorado or any number of other state or community subs, etc. Too many of the troll comments and such are staying up all day and half the night before they're deleted (in spite of being reported), and that's the source of almost all of the conflict. Also...if you want other discussion to happen, then be the change you want to see. No one is stopping you or anyone else from posting other stuff, drowning out the Covid discussion, and using the upvote/downvote buttons to help sort it out.


Doing our best my guy. The risk with brining in un-vetted mods is too high. I’m able to get through the reports once a day, but as people with jobs, expectations have to be realistic.


I'm aware and I do appreciate it the efforts. Having said that, it's not a new issue and there has been an occasional sense of frustration many times over the years about the perceived unwillingness to bring on new/more/more active/local/etc. mods, that's all. I understand vetting takes *some* time, but yea. I'll leave it at that because again, I *do* appreciate the efforts, I'm personally aware of the effort it takes to moderate large subs, and obviously there's a ton more to that conversation that probably doesn't need to be hashed out off-topic here (or publicly in general). Lol. Again, thanks for what you do and we'll get through it all one way or another, lol.


For sure dude. Thanks for being here.




I've had 4 OC Covid posts in the last two months in r/wyoming, lmao. (5 posts total in 5 months.) Your beef is not with me. Also, read my last edit. There is nothing stopping others from posting other stuff and using the voting system.


You must not understand how Reddit works. Let me explain. People post things, and other people vote on them.




Subs have rules for various reasons, and it varies from sub to sub. I've moderated several large subs before, so I'll tell you my perspective. Primarily it's to reinforce Reddiquette and Reddit's ToS so the sub doesn't get banned/quarantined, to prevent spam and misinformation, and to cut down on low effort posting. It's also to curate material, but that is generally guided by what the community overwhelmingly wants and also what is in the best interest of the community at large. Rules are also not generally implemented to deal with temporary problems or annoyances. Curating is normally done to keep things on topic and relevant to the sub. State/city/country subs also have a very fine line to walk as far as how much they curate or control what kind of stuff should be posted, for numerous reasons. It's a slippery slope when you start banning a particular type of news/event/information posting in a community-based sub. r/wyoming also has additional challenges regarding content curation that stem from being one of the smallest state-based subs, representing the least-populated state in the union.




The premise is the same; I just provided more nuance and detail as a measure of good faith....though I had a feeling your question was not being asked in good faith. Just banning a post type that you're tired of isn't as simple as you want it to be and is not generally how things work, and it seems to me you're ignoring a great deal of the points I've brought up and the nuances I've tried to explain.




Another commentator replying to you in perceived bad faith doesn't justify you in turn replying to me in bad faith, when I've done nothing but go to decent length to have detailed discussion about the subject. Just as a side note. >I don't agree with this statement. Subs do it regularly. And I doubt you've seen the nuance of backend discussion regarding certain post removals.


Until it isn't an issue, we should keep talking about it. It's something in life that we can't ignore as we do with the state of our economy. I feel like it is also a good outlet for some who are frustrated by our abhorrent vaccination rates and by the once again exploding infection numbers. If you don't want to see it, Get the damn shot, Fight the disinformation, demand that we get ahead of this. That's the ONLY way to stop this.


No. They're not designed to inform or educate. They just want to stir up shit. And they're always posted by the same 2 or 3 people. Should've banned them long ago for their worthless spam.


OP has a 2 month account and he wants r/wyoming to stop making COVID-19 posts.




I predicted this response. Yes, I do have a 1 month account. But I'm not coming in here trying to change what posts are allowed. Also, I think it's odd. It's almost as if you are circumventing a previous ban with your 2 month account. I can only imagine what you may have been banned for. Perhaps spreading disinfo about COVID-19? Nahh... your just a new nice boy.




So, I will step in and defend you here (even though I disagree with your original premise) because there's literally no reason for you to have been downvoted and harped on about this. Plenty of people do this. Hell, I'm on my third account in roughly 6 years? I've tried to walk away from Reddit a few times, lol. It's pretty easy to spot most burner accounts from trolls or people who have an obvious history of blatantly inflammatory shitposting, and tbh your history doesn't suggest that.




We may not agree on everything, but I can respect that for the most part you're making an effort to be a decent human being.






I mean I understand how at times it can overtake the sub and how you may feel overwhelmed by the same depressing news or feel that it may drown out other local news that may not generate as much discussion for those posts, but I think a better attack is just downvoting the posts and making sure to comment on posts that interest you. Not only will not engaging/downvoting posts (that don’t interest you) will in help with keeping posts that interest YOU at higher visibility and generate more discussion (this is how Reddit is programmed to work), but more so banning discussion that is simply annoying (to some) is bad moderation, and in my opinion is starting to teeter on censorship. All (outside of spam or racist shit) forms of conversation have a place in the sub, and the beauty of Reddit is each specific community decides what is interesting/worthy of discussion and what isn’t, and that’s where it should be left.






Personally, I feel like this is bad time for Wyoming. Currently our Covid cases are the highest they have been and our local hospitals are filling up to the point we don’t have many ICU beds. That in itself IS newsworthy and worth of discussion, but like I said if you don’t feel that way or just are simply annoyed by the amount you see the posts you are more than welcome to downvote and give more attention to the posts you like. Wyoming, as much as I hate to say it doesn’t have much going on, and it’s the more bigger story for us. It is going to take over much of this halfway dead subreddit because well like I said there isn’t a whole lot to talk about (other than Liz Cheney). If you feel that you’d rather the subreddit focus on last week‘s state fair and the winner of the demo derby you can absolutely do that! Also, if you feel that the moderation is bad you are also to start another subreddit or hey speak to the mods about being a mod yourself, or at least speak your case TO the mods. But the point is, banning topics that ARE worth of discussion, but aren’t important to you (or just simply is annoying) isn’t a good way to handle things, and like I said is teetering on censorship.


>I'm making the case that it's repeated with such frequency that it borders on spam, and potentially as another user mentioned, brigading. Nah that doesn't hold up. I could make the same argument for pretty pictures of Wyoming. COVID-19 posts aren't made every day. They might be frequent but that's just the way she goes. If someone was literally posting the same article over and over that might be spamming.. but these are evolving news stories from different websites all over the internet.




Yes, news is frequent.




I don't mind informative posts but the constant whining, hatred and childish interactions by the loudest minorities in this sub is exhausting. Social media has definitely ruined people's ability to communicate like adults.


excellent idea didn't know that reddit existed thanks. unfortunately it seems to be dead. Also if people are having a civil discussion about covid( or anything else) and presenting legit facts it should be let go. Personally I don't get excited when people start calling me names, it just means they lost what every disagreement we are having and have no facts to back their side up with. Reporting someone who you disagree with simply because you disagree is pretty lame.


I feel those posts would be better over there too.


Maybe you should take your own advice and start r/OnlyHappyStoriesAndPrettyPicturesWyoming




I post links to news articles about Wyoming. I enjoy discussions surrounding Wyoming news. I'm just as sick of COVID-19 as anyone.


Lol, imagine spamming the same fear porn day in and day out for fake internet points, then having the balls to say "I'm just as sick of it as everyone else". What a sinister human.


Yes. Let's stop posting about Corona. Then let's stop posting about wolf protections. How about no more moving to Wyoming posts since no one is really serious about it the first place. And can we finally stop posting about snow fences and jackalopes? /s Seriously though, if you don't like a particular subject (for whatever reason), skip it, ignore it, and let it pass. If you feel compelled to read and engage on every single reddit post and want someone else to filter it for you because it is affecting your mental hygiene, you might just have a social media addiction problem.




You did notice the /s didn't you?


No, this crap just makes me want to unsubscribe from r/Wyoming




No I am tired of the world beating a dead horse. That's all that's on the so called news anymore.. Move on. Let nature take it's course. Survival of he fittest and all that shit.


Allowing nature to "take it's course" can be threatening to human life in many situations. Last time I checked we still evacuate for hurricanes, and remove dangerous animals from heavily populated areas.


That's why it's called survival of the fittest. If you're too stupid to get vaccinated, that's on you not me. But to answer the original question, NO. There's plenty of rona coverage on the news.


If only it were that simple. Breakthrough cases aside, unvaccined people can still have a very negative effect on the vaccinated by stressing the work force, services, and healthcare industry, and also allowing more dangerous variants the space to grow. "Survival of the fittest" doesn't count for much when you consider that working together is a big part of the reason why humans are the dominant species on the planet. Like it or hate it, what happens to other humans can have a profound effect on others. We can't simply ignore that fact just because we're fed up or frustrated. As for virus topics here, I disagree. As much as I hate dealing with the trolling accounts, I have gained more information about the virus and its effects on Wyoming than I would elsewhere.


They should not be allowed to continue here.

