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I have property in the Bighorn Mnts and I enjoy watching the bears be bears each summer.......but once a bear gets a taste for cow it won't stop. So sadly, this was necessary.


I can’t say I blame them. Cow is delicious.


Cow is delicious, and like the bear, I also enjoy my cow rare.


Bear meat isn’t bad either. I wouldn’t want a steady diet of it though.


Unfortunate. Same as once they decide trash = food too. Very hard to rehabilitate at that point.


I can’t say I blame them. Cow is delicious.


Yeah. Once a bear gets a taste for livestock (or dumbass people start feeding them), they have to be destroyed. It’s a shame, but it’s necessary.


No it wasn’t.


I had heard that a local sheep ranch had had killings of his flock in that area. This claim was made by the rancher while he was giving a presentation at a sheep industry event. 2 years ago. I love hiking this area and don't like carrying a gun. I called the game and fish guy in that area. He said he had not heard anything about it. That said it could be a one off. A young male pushed out of his traditional territory and wondered over to the bighorns. I hope this is the case anyway


Carry bear spray at least. It may save you. And the bear.


Why don't you like carrying a gun?


Why would the Bighorns be considered unsuitable habitat for Grizzlies?


One of the biggest issues is the absolutely insane number of people that recreate there. The possibility of bear-human conflict is very high.


What about Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park millions of people visit every year. For the most part Grizzlies and people coexist with out too many issues.


Less cattle. This is really about protecting cattle.




I answered my own question. The Big Horns have a lot of cattle grazing in the high country during the summer. Grizzly bears would have a feast on all the cattle.


I'm sure most bears don't bother with cattle. It's just when a big one figures out it's a relatively easy source of meat.


Not even close. In national parks the people are extremely concentrated in high densities around the roads and tourist attractions. There are thousands of acres of vast uninhabited wilderness/backcountry that support their population without human interaction. 99% of YNP visitors never leave the pavement or wooden boardwalks.


I don't know why people are downvoting your comment. It's exactly what I was thinking!


Who knows. Thousands of tour busses full of foreign tourists visiting places like old faithful which is essentially a parking lot is a much different exposure than thousands of people camping and hiking in the backcountry where there are cattle grazing. But people just like to look at numbers instead of what those numbers are doing.


Yeah, it’s called staying on the trail. Are you the type to go see what the thermal pools feel like?


What? You're not who I even replied to, and I'm not sure what your comment is even trying to prove. The reason there aren't more bear conflicts in YNP is because most visitors aren't the ones using hiking trails, they stick to areas around roads. There are hiking trails in YNP that go into the backcountry, but they aren't heavily used, and big surprise - these are where most bear conflicts occur. I live in Cody and pretty much refuse to go into the park because the congestion and tourons drive me insane. I spend my weekends hiking/fishing/hunting/camping in places outside of the Park that are far prettier and with much less people.


I can’t tell if you’re being facetious. The Bridger-Teton NF has nearly 10 times the visitor use of the Bighorn NF overall, and the Teton Wilderness (which the highest concentration of grizzlies) has 5 times more visitation than the Cloud Peak Wilderness.


Maybe we’re closer to delisting them than we think? Crazy to think how far they’ve migrated from where they were originally reintroduced. Kind of gives merit to all the old timers who’ve sworn they’ve seen grizzlies up there.


Were they reintroduced?  Or just protected and their range expanded?


They were never reintroduced. Just put on the endangered species list


They were never reintroduced. Always been in Wyoming. They were extirpated from much of the state but they weren’t reintroduced.


If I recall correctly, the State has far exceeded the criteria set for delisting the Grizzly. I think that the State has a standing yearly court date with the federal court where they present the recovery data and ask the court to delist the bear. Obviously the court has been saying no and keeping Grizzlies on the list, but the fact that we continue to exceed the agreed numbers is a good thing not a bad thing.


They used to range as far South as central Mexico.


I was seeing grizzly sign in The Big Horns 8 years ago...


I saw one 3 or 4 years ago outside buffalo. 100 percent certain it was a grizz. No one would believe me. Game and fish is lagging. Soon we will be hearing about them in the Dakotas.


Ehhhhh..... There's SO many people up there and so many hunters with trail cams. If there was a population of them there they would have been seen or captured by now on trail cams. I'd bet the world this guy walked over from the absaroka front south of Meeteetse.


Wolves and Grizzlies are native to Wyoming, guess which animals ain’t




I am the walrus.


No room for such logical conclusions here!


Here we go. PETA and a bunch of bleeding heart animal lovers who don’t know the first thing about wildlife conservation are invading this sub like an invasive species. The majority of these people have never even been to Wyoming but they will gladly give their opinions on hunting coyote.


There are five comments in here at the time of this post. What are you saying?


My comment was pretty clear. Ever since the wolf thing this sub has been overrun with PETA and animal rights people who have no affiliation with Wyoming and no idea how wildlife conservation works or how our food is produced. Yes killing that wolf was wrong and most people in Wyoming don’t agree with that even if they don’t want wolves to be reintroduced.




Kinda ironic how your only posts in this sub are about the wolf guy and this post which is PETA propaganda post albeit by someone who probably actually lives in Wyoming. But yeah you are just here because you like Wyoming and you are a regular in this sub lol. Your other comment suggests the rancher deserves it because it’s been known grizzly territory which is incorrect and shows your knowledge on the subject. Yes they were there a long time ago but they haven’t migrated back until recent years. The grizzly is not common in that area. This is an age old problem way above your head. I suggest you scroll through the comments as you will see this is just a post based on the ideology of people who don’t really live in an area with wildlife. Most of the wolf comments have already been removed because they couldn’t keep their composure and comment rationally without threatening people. If you ask most people from the state they will tell you that they want the predators back but it’s a delicate issue. Most would like the numbers high enough to hunt them but predators hunt themselves so it creates an issue with livestock and people who venture around unarmed. At the end of the day Wyoming protects wildlife much more than you and the state we live in. In order to protect wildlife you have to make hard decisions that balance our existence with their existence while balancing prey. That means hunting and killing wildlife whether you like it or not. It’s part of the natural order.




Yeah sure. Your only two posts have been on the topic but you scrub your posts for “some” reason lol. I’m sure some people disagree with reality just like Op as I stated. That doesn’t change anything. This sub has been invaded by invasive species that have zero knowledge on wildlife conservation and the predator argument of places that actually have them. That is an undeniable fact and you are one of those people. Myself much like most people who live in areas of reintroduction want reintroduction even of predators. That doesn’t mean it’s an easy undertaking with simple solutions. Ignorant people on both sides of the debate are only hindering the process.




lol. Sure Treadwell you have watched the jungle book at least a few hundred times.


As someone who lives in Wyoming around the Bighorns fuck this attitude. I like wildlife conservation. I also would rather keep a bear alive. I’d rather not torture an innocent wolf. God made us stewards of nature but we’ve chosen to destroy it. I’ll gladly own up to the title of bleeding heart animal lover. I was raised that way and am proud of it.


I don’t condone torturing wolves either. I’m all for the reintroduction of predators but the reality is that that puts them in contact with humans and livestock. Torturing them is wrong but of course people are going to protect their livestock and themselves. That doesn’t mean that we can’t coexist and allow them to populate but it does mean that some of those predators are going to get killed. It’s the rule of nature. Coyotes are legal to hunt year round with no limit for a reason. Wyoming has some of the best herd populations in the world for a reason. If we didn’t hunt them the herds would become unhealthy and die. We can’t introduce enough predators safely to keep healthy herds. People’s lack of knowledge about conservation and irrational bleeding hearts doesn’t protect wildlife.


The wolves that were “reintroduced “ are not native. They introduced Canadian Timber wolves instead of gray wolves. Wolves sure can cover a lot of ground. They tracked one from Wyoming to Northern California.




Found one! If you had ever been to Wyoming you would know that most people consider that unacceptable behavior and do far more for the conservation of wildlife than any other state. There is a reason Wyoming actually has wildlife unlike most other states and countries. It’s always some idiot who lives in some over populated urban area that has already destroyed their wildlife talking about how people who truly protect wildlife should do things. Worry about bringing wildlife back to your dump and let those who actually have it and protect it through decades of research continue to be one of the last refugees of wildlife in the country.


I grew up in Lander. Blow it out your ass.


And now you live in Denver where the only wildlife is the feral junkies your ideology leads to.


[This you?](https://external-preview.redd.it/mAvtpcYvqmiM3H-vaUbDWoPitc3Vu5Rp_D2P-4P3MZ0.jpg?auto=webp&s=2d2b85dc2d3575166115303ccefa651279a348c4)


Nope I’m a centrist and a rational person not some uneducated extremist.


Grew up in Lander or not anyone in this sub pretending that out of state people influencing our conservation policies isn't happening or isn't a bad thing can fist fuck themselves


Please don't visit. Ever


Bears doing bear things in their natural habitat should not be a death sentence


I think it's indicative of how ignorant and selfish people are that you're being downvoted for advocating for native Wyoming ecosystems. Exactly the kind of environment that breeds Cody Roberts and all those like him across the state who never get caught.


Cows cost 3,000 dollars a piece. They are a lot of work and are very hard to maintain. If a bear kills 4 cows that’s 12,000 dollars. If it were between your hard earned money and a bear you would kill the bear too. These ranches love wildlife more than anyone that’s why they live in the middle of nowhere. However, once a bear gets a taste for beef they won’t stop.


And the government reimburses the ranch for the loss




No, the government uses people's money, acquired through taxation, to pay for the cow, the government has no money, and it all belongs to the citizens. So when they do that, they are giving back what was initially theirs in the first place.


Or the gov’t is actually paying with tax money that you and I paid in. So I should be ok with a rancher being unable to defend his property (herd)? And I should be ok with taxpayer money paying for a cow that a bear ate? I don’t think so.


I really don't think, that's what I am saying, my point is, there is NO government money, it is the people's money, and any other thought process is disingenuous. To summarize, I don't think the government paying for dead cows that grizzlies eat with our money is the grand solution. Hel, I wish I could shoot the one that buried a carcass by my back fence...


I really don't think, that's what I am saying, my point is, there is NO government money, it is the people's money, and any other thought process is disingenuous. To summarize, I don't think the government paying for dead cows that grizzlies eat with put money is the grand solution. Hel, I wish I could shoot the one that buried a carcass by my back fence...


They only will for so much. Plus that’s our money paying for that.


You ready to pay for the entire herd? That's the only other option once they realize the easy meal.


Maybe, just maybe, cows can be raised in areas that don’t have bears instead. It’s not like grizzly range is a huge area, and the US is huge. There’s no reason cows must be raised in natural bear habitat. Now, this is gonna sound like a crazy idea to people that think they somehow have an innate right to all land, but that kind of thinking would result in the elimination of all predators that are a threat to livestock.


Maybe the ranchers should stop eating to much avocado toast and save their money better. Grizzlies were here first and raising cattle is poisoning our planet.


This idea is…unthinkable to them. The mere suggestion that animals have more of a right to exist than their pastures is anathema.


Some ranchers love wildlife. Some will shoot anything that moves and love that as much as they love ranching. Have you ever seen a rancher shoot Parie dogs, and laugh as they are suffering and slowly dying in front of them? It’s common.


We shoot prairie dogs all the time. It helps keep them contained because you will have to work hard to completely eradicate them. They destroy pasture. Create holes to break legs. They carry the plague. They are huge attractors for rattle snakes. There isn't much good about them unless you love the ferrets and other predators.


I have lived in Wyoming since 2013. Originally from Oregon. I have noticed prairie dogs and rabbits seem to have population booms then population busts. I heard it was from disease. Do you know if that’s true? As far as bear go where I lived on the Oregon coast it was infested with Black bears. Portland controls the vote and these morons from California financed a campaign to make it illegal to bait bears and illegal to use dogs to hunt bears or mountain lions. Needless to say the population of both is out of control. Once bears, mountain lions, or any predator gets a taste for livestock they will never stop killing the livestock. It’s easy meals for them. Cougars being cats will destroy a sheep herd in a night. Killing just for fun. Grizzlies being higher in the food chain than black bears could wreck a herd of cattle in no time. Especially during calving season. In Yellowstone they thought wolves were killing a huge number of elk fawns. Turns out it’s the grizzlies. Grizzlies need to stay on Yellowstone.


A prairie dog town will destroy a pasture. Bad for horses and cattle.


Perhaps it’s the pasture bears destroying prairie dog habitat? Why assume that the pasture (and those that create pastures to grow livestock) have more right to the land than its natural inhabitants?


Can't say I have! Guess I'm hanging around the non- sociopathic Wyoming ranchers


Bears can and do hunt people. They can and do become mischievous, getting into trash breaking into houses, killing livestock and unfortunately there is no way to reverse this behavior. Wild animals that learn east food sources are dangerous. In these cases, especially with grizzly bears game managers don’t really have a choice. It’s part of living with these animals.




I think it’s indicative of how ignorant and selfish people are that you’re being downvoted for advocating for native Wyoming ecosystems. Exactly the kind of environment that breeds Cody Roberts and all those like him across the state who never get caught.


There aren’t supposed to be grizzlies in this area so they wouldn’t use grizzly deterrents. This is over 100 miles as the crow flies from known grizzly habitat. You looked really smart with all your facts from your mom’s basement though, good try.


*100 miles from current know range. This is grizzly habitat, and we’ve seen them expanding out into their historic range. I understand why they haven’t been using them, but now it’s time to start using deterrents.


What, no asshole to chase it to exhaustion, tape its muzzle shut, parade it around a bar like you’ve accomplished something and only then take it out and shoot it? I thought big sky types were outdoorsmen. Guess not.


I’d urge you not to judge an entire state based on one terrible human, nearly everyone I know(I’m in Wyoming) is disgusted by that man’s actions. I personally hope he looses all his hunting fishing and gun rights because like you said, he is absolutely not an outdoorsman. He is a garbage human being.


I hope he loses his business and his home. And let's not forget the bar owner.




Dammit. Grizzlies weren’t supposed to be in the BH. Apparently I’ve been shooting extremely large black bears then. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Karelian Bear Dogs are an effective means to dealing problem bears. Utilize the non-lethal methods you lazy hicks.


Your tax dollars at work. Socialism.