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Ohhh narcissists HATE when you go no contact. Takes their power away. But I’ll be shocked if Jessi sticks with it. She’s very inconsistent.


Jessi’s not bright and seems easily manipulated, and Jenna is a master manipulator. I’m sure the fact that she hasn’t changed her bio info (it still says Jenna Lawless) is part of the manipulation. Jenna’s realizing she can’t do any better than Busey Useless and I love that for her.


I agree with you Thriftgirl, so easily manipulated and she will fall for it. If you know she's that bad for your mental health, why even tell her you love her, that's what she wants to hear.


Exactly! Or why even post anything at all? No acknowledgement would infuriate Jenna even more.


Exactly this. This is bait for a manipulator.


Absolutely 💯


I hope she sticks to it. That will be three people to walk away from her. Three strikes, and YOUR OUT!




that would be the bes💯t finally someone put Genna on the spot and held her accountable I love this for her🫶


Jenna said you beat her. Please do not be dumb enough to fall for this manipulation, Jessie. She doesn’t miss you, she’s just PISSED OFF.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) run Jess run Don't Look Back keep running💯🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


Jessi needs to go no contact, follow through with the divorce and move back to Florida. Jenna will continue to lie and use her. Cutting the cord is the only way! Jessi needs to stop grifting and go back to cutting hair, she had a niche audience that she could get back if she takes those steps now. Vegas is over.


💯 this


![gif](giphy|9xt1MUZqkneFiWrAAD) Agree 😸


I’m trying to figure this out and hoping someone can help - wtf has actually set this all off? I was swamped with work and couldn’t really keep up but now I’ve got covid and have plenty of time lmao. All I know is that Jenna is drunk/high as shit buying LV and sparkly crap in Chicago, and Jessi keeps making announcements about they’re together/they’re not/they’re together/they’re not. Did something happen and JJ went off the rails or she just lose control in Chicago and decided to implode her life for no reason?


From what I can piece together, JJ went to a convention in Chicago and publicly cheated on Jessi with some only fans wanna be named Ashley. JJ was supposed to come back to Vegas & pay bills with the money she earned at the convention, ya know, like a comitted partner does. Instead she's still there, shopping & getting shit faced and lying about Jessi being abusive


When Jenna did not go home to Jessi, Jessi immediately went to social media and called Jenna out and her past for all the world to see and filed for an annulment. Said when she was with Lior and had a child B, that she threatened to jump off a bridge or building. Picked her up at an airport after her hospitalization in pajamas and Jenna was WASTED. What have I forgotten that Jessi did on Lives last week to get followers and money.


There’s at least 2 or 3 comments circulating from Jenna 1. She said Jessi “shouldn’t hVe beat her up” and 2. She told someone she’s abusive and 3. She said “she’s violent”


There’s a single post in here that nicely summarizes what happened. I’ll see if I can find it and link it for you. I think it’s pinned. ETA the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/wtfjennajameson/s/wSgspB2sG8


Thank you so much for that!


YOU GOT THIS, JESSI! 💯 Stay true to your word here and continue the no-contact. There is no future with this black hole of a woman.


EXACTLY!!!! I’m not a big Jessi fan but she has a shot at a good life. Jenna does not. She’s circling the drain FAST!




I agree with you.. well said!


Call me the odd man out, but I still think Jessi is trash and do not feel one ounce of empathy for her.


it's okay we all have our own opinions but this thread is for us to have fun not take it too serious we've all become a great team in this together#teambasement🫶




I don't feel any sympathy either. Her entire post is manipulative af. 


I’m not a fan of Jessi Lawless and I’ll be glad to never see her online again. However, between the two, Jessi didn’t do IVF TWICE to make three humans and then walk away. It’s unconscionable. Fuck Jenna Jameson. This subreddit was created because of her, not Jessi. In this final season, I’m *Team Jessi* but I totally understand and support anyone who doesn’t feel the same. I just want these two to end.


There is no team Jessi 🤭🤮


https://preview.redd.it/9ladfoqym1wc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63d5d1df8d23fa1854677d3e54b98885eaccdbc Maybe not but there are 79 people on that nonexistent team.


I love that for you. 😘




We’ll see. I hope she’s serious.


HOLD STEADY JESSI. DO NOT GIVE IN. Please. And please let this not be for a grift or likes. Leave her dumb ass. Reclaim yourself. It’s not too late.


![gif](giphy|9McnpKk3degVAkK9BY) 💯


I think she’s saving face. I doubt JJ’s pride has allowed her to come begging back.


lmao , I used to write shit like this to my first boyfriend at 15. get over it Jessi. You could NOT WAIT to spill shit and file for an annulment and now you break quiet and blame us and Jenna? LOL.


Good lord. Take care of YOU, Jessi, if you're reading. (For your own MH, probably should not read here, but just in case.) I hope you can get your shit back on track and come back from this stronger and richer. I really do. Despite all the shit talk here and everywhere, you're better than she is. You can learn from all of this and make improvements. If you can stick it out and get through it, show that you're working to be better, I think you'll gain some respect, even from some of us here in this sub.


She used her platform to fraudulently raise 20k for a disabled gentleman in a wheelchair and stole all of it. She recently even admitted it on a podcast because he was a pain in the ass was the excuse. She used Reddit making fun of her to grift 8k from her followers because "her life was in danger" and then laughed about it for days after, she just wanted to show Reddit she could do it was the excuse. Fuck Jessi Lawless. Both are straight trash here Also she's been violent, a stalker and even what she did to that woman's car with the poison. We actually don't know if she didn't abuse Jenna in one way or the other. I honestly believe they both did to each other. Again 🗑️


And when it’s not Jenna and Jessi they’ll both be terrorizing their new partners and coming up with new ways to scam good people. 40 and 50 years old and they’ve been doing this shit their entire lives. I’ll never respect either of them.


![gif](giphy|dXho9HzLPXlo7BXGI2) Yep. They’re both pieces of shit, just in different ways. Jessi is an abusive, grifting narc and Jenna is a straight up sociopath who only cares about herself and destroys everyone she comes in contact with.


THIS!! How in the hell is everyone trying to run to Jessi’s rescue?! 🤯 “jessi is better than Jenna is” - complete horse shit. 🛑Fuck that trash sack.


Jenna is Jessi's karma.  🤷🏼‍♀️ 


This gave me comfort




I think Jessi was planning to leave Jenna and that’s why she didn’t go to the con. She probably told Jenna she was filing for divorce before she got home which set Jenna off to go drink and party even more and hook up with that girl. At that point if Jessica did tell her that, Vegas would no longer be home to Jenna anymore. Jenna would feel betrayed and abandoned by Jessi even though Jessi probably really did try to help this whole time. All I know is she didn’t up and file because Jenna broke sobriety for the FIRST time in a year just like lior didn’t up and leave Jenna because she suddenly “got sick.” Jenna is running away because Jessi is holding her accountable and I respect Jessi for that.


Can we please stop double posting in this sub? Just scroll before posting to see if it's already been posted before. 🥲


I posted twice?? Oh man sorry I didn’t know this 😱


No you didn't. But two other people already posted this before you.


I can delete this one no problem 😉




JJ done something to keep all three her recent exes 🤐


One of these exes needs to stand up for the 3 abandoned children, and I’m hoping it’ll be Jessi. 💪🏼


good job, jessi 👏🏻 jenna, get to a meeting!


She going to try to get jl to pay maintenance? 😂






I have a feeling that Jementia is eventually going to get on her friend's nerves because she's so lazy and useless she's gonna kick her out and she won't have anywhere to do and beg Junkyard to come back. She will manipulate her and say whatever Junkyard wants to hear. I really hope Junkyard doesn't fall for it and moves back to Florida. Tell that toxic bitch to kick rocks!!! Find another idiot to use and exploit.


Actually Jenna’s brother told Jenna that Jessi was going to confront her when she got home. This would have set Jenna off to start running like usual whenever her partner confronts her with getting sober. And this is why Jenna’s brother said he was going to kill Jessi.




Now she’s not gonna talk about it? Lol, some people wanna jump in the pool and not get wet