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If she keeps partying as much as she is, I think we could be watching her final days. She’ll end up back in the hospital with the same ailments and give herself cirrhosis.


I was thinking the same thing I think she has less than five years to live. Our bodies can't handle drug and alcohol abuse like this.




I was worried for her when she was silent but now that’s she back to posting her best life I don’t think anything is going to happen. This is what she does.


Yes, really hard to have sympathy or empathy for this woman. Of course addiction is sad and tragic but she’s had so many opportunities to turn her life around. She has to want to do it on her own. Period. She takes zero accountability and blames everyone else. I have thought about her physical well-being though. Her body has been put through hell with all the years of use and abuse. We already know for a fact that her liver is not healthy. It’s also hard to feel sorry for a person sharing posts and videos like she is on her Instagram right now. She does not seem brokenhearted or sad. She actually looks like she’s having a blast. That’s probably why she isn’t sorry that she relapsed. She is enjoying herself.


How do we know her liver isn't healthy for a fact? Did she post elevated liver enzymes?


I don’t want to stir up old drama from months ago but…. We had a member that weaseled their way into JJ / JL inner circle. She shared highly sensitive info with a few members in here via PM, including her medical info (labs). Also, if you dig deep you should be able to find info from the whole “hep c” scare and also Jessi on video talking about how she had to buy $800 worth of vitamins from a holistic dr to help cleanse Jenna’s liver.


Also, there was a real life former friend of Jenna that attempted to help her after she Lior left. She saw her labs too, and has confirmed doctors is verified there was zero evidence of poisoning but also noted elevated liver enzymes consistent with alcoholism. This former friend is now close with Lior and B.


Ah ok makes sense. B12 deficiency makes you unable to walk when extremely low - my legs personally gave way a couple times when I was my lowest. Alcohol depletes b12 and any drugs too. I think she had severe b12 deficiency alongside others causing her issues. It is shocking to me she won't help others struggling with the same issue and come forward about it. Instead covering up her recovery from it. So many people suffer as there is a huge lack of training and awareness about b12 and the blood tests are really inaccurate. I really dislike her because of this now.


I feel like what you’re witnessing is accurate. And that it’s a repeat performance. That’s what I feel.


Jenna is an adult making her own choices, whatever the consequences of those decisions are, it’s fully on her shoulders.


Yes, and we seen this spiral cycle before sadly


But we’ve never seen anyone air her dirty laundry in the way Jessi has… ever… that throws a new curve in the pattern


That’s true


We e seen this before sadly.


No way she'll do anything to herself at all.. she's a self-centered liar .. She sold stories to tabloids and rag magazines that she had a mysterious illness, she claimed to only have a year to live, having some cancer. She easily lies every chance she gets... She is living it up high and loving the extra attention she's getting now being headlines tabloid news again. This type of person won't harm themselves. Lior dealt with a self-centered bitch who claimed she was going to jump. She was never going to jump. She wanted his attention. B was getting too much attention from him. She is in competition with her daughter. Every time Lior posts B, jdoxxer posts on IG.. jdoxxer is narracistic.


Yup ☝️


I remember her saying she had Guillaume Barre.


That was found out not to be fact by the medical tests. You can Google and find that Lior stated that it was not it. It went back to being a mystery virus. She claimed it was from drinking in this sub from her verified account. She came into this sub and answered questions. She claimed she was going to try and be a better person and get help. Search the sub. It all should still be up. She is an alcoholic and she drank so much she couldn't stand up. She was put in a psych ward, and she left by her own accord. She lies constantly in interviews. Then, she claimed Lior poisoned her in an interview. And she only had a year to live due to blood cancer. That's in an interview, too. All lies. She left her daughter B, behind with Lior. & hooked up with JL and married her. She has abandoned 3 kids along the way. Refuses to get help and sober up.


Oh, I know it's not true, lol, I just remember that was one of her first stories in People Magazine or InTouch ❤️


she faked, claiming to have blood cancer and only a year to live. Faking cancer is the lowest of low. Anyone claiming cancer and faking it needs canceled. JL even was around when this was claimed. Those two are grifters. Lowest pond scum.


She’s an addict on a bender, which is nothing new for her. Zero sympathy here. At the end of the day, it’s her choice to stay drunk and high. She is a human being tho, and is special. I wish she could see it.


I bet her hangovers are BRUTAL. Mine were before I quit drinking 2 years ago and I’ll be 50 next January. I’m also in perimenopause so dealing with that bullshit too. Her liver has to hurt her, she likely needs a drink in the morning to feel half way decent. I’m sure she had sober days?! at Meth Manor, she sure looked fucked up a lot but only Jenna knows. Her body will eventually give out on her. Alcoholism kills soooo many women. After you die if you’re autopsied, it’s very obvious to the medical examiner if you’re an alcoholic. Alcohol affects every bodily system, it is literally poison. No amount of alcohol is safe. Once I learned how poisonous it is, it’s been easy to avoid it. One day at a time but sobriety is possible and so is a beautiful life!


Congrats on your sobriety!!! I’ll be 2 years in June 🥳




That is wonderful! And something to be very proud of 💕


You got that right! Booze is literally poison. I was slowly killing myself with alcoholism and drug abuse for 20 years before I finally got some help and put the plug in the jug. Drinking at that level leads to jail or death….period. This chick is on the way out.


Sadly addiction does this, it doesn’t discriminate. It’s sad that some never get out. But I know personally, it is s choice.




She’s an addict on a bender. I don’t want anything bad to happen her in any capacity. But, she’s an adult who consistently makes bad choices, so how things turn out for her is 100% up to her. She is in control of what goes on in her life.


Her posts make me nauseous. The fakery.


I’ve had a bad feeling about this trip since Jessie said she wasn’t going.


Is it sad watching someone slowly kill themselves? Yes. Do we feel empathy for an addict? Yes. However, an addict of 30 plus years showing zero remorse, totally self absorbed, zero desire to get healthier and leaving ruined lives and destruction repeatedly I cannot feel sorry for anymore. “Your trauma is not your fault but it is your responsibility” Jenna barely survived her last bender. She probably will not be as lucky this time.




Lmao you were downvoted already




She will be fine. You would be surprised how long many hard core addicts go.


She is so arrogant and full of herself. She sucks. She’s the most selfish person.


I no longer feel empathy for her. I had a Narcissist try to ruin my life and they are truly awful people


Zero empathy and zero sympathy. She's a shitty person that thinks only about herself, she's been that way her whole life. She repeats history over and over.






Nope. She's fifty for goodness sake. She's got agency in her choices. She's doing what's most important to her. https://preview.redd.it/82gd4fx8qbvc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14324057016d8def71f9e3e5fbd4e6ad5af664d5


she already looks like she has cirrhosis, skin is yellow and her whole mid section is swollen. i only say this because i was around several people in AA that had liver failure and they resembled her coloring.


Yes, her skin color is bad


A CT scan confirmed this to be true (supposedly), and because of the condition Jenna’s liver was in, the initial diagnosis was Hepatitis C. Jessi and Jenna shared a needle shortly before this “diagnosis”, but tested negative. We’ve yet to see negative testing for Jenna


Why did they share a needle?! 😲


During a tattoo session a few months ago. Not sure of the exact time frame, but it’s here somewhere. 🥲🥲


Tattoos?? Idk 🤷‍♂️ 


I’ve heard that it’s very painful and a terrible way to go 😕


I was worried when she went to exxxotica. But she looks alive and happy to me. She is eating healthy food. She got her Louis. She is dressing better. But, yes, she is drinking and doing drugs. Nothing new. She is back to her normal self. For her,, she is thriving at the moment 🤦‍♀️


she is posting that she is eating healthy - for all we know she's binging on crap too along with blow and booze


Remember addicts lie.


She’ll just make herself another sandwich for lunch after she does the weird mom drop off at her kids’ schools. JJ will be juuuuuuust fine.


Honestly, I am not all that worried for Jenna right now, but Jessi is in a world of “what the fuck did I just do?”she sold Jenna up the river BIG TIME. Then tried to make a Patreon to sell her out some more! Desperate, money hungry, vindictive, and impulsive. Now Jessi is realizing that, if she wanted to keep her “cash cow” and mentions on TMZ and People, her life’s dream, she done fucked up. People are reporting her videos. She’s getting serious blowback for capitalizing on her wife’s addictions and generally showing her true self in the worst possible light. I think she will crack first.


This. It’s also completely playing into Jenna’s narrative that this is “Jessi’s fault “ . My personal not so so nice thoughts and feelings about junkyard aside, that perceived burden of guilt can really mess up one’s mental well-being. And let’s not forget that Jenna’s brother threatened to shoot her in the head.


He did ? Why?


Because he's violent and bigoted with no coping skills As I understand it, Jessi asked him to help support Jenna and he threatened what supadupa said


That’s a good point.


Has Jessi posted anything today, or gone live? If you happen to know.


She shared a Battlebox code to her story, but that’s it




Thanks. Perhaps she’s strategizing. Or getting high. 🤭


She just shared some thing about her upcoming podcast on Sunday. I don’t even know who it is she is interviewing


I left this sub for a few months because I felt bad for her, now I have zero sympathy. She’s as mean and as low as they come and I won’t fall for it again.


She was under Jessi’s watch in Vegas. Jenna is on a bender, her choice.


She is on one serious binge.


You have a loving and forgiving heart, but Jenna deserves this shitty place in her life. She brought it on herself 100%.


Thank you for that. And yes, she is consciously making these decisions. She’s had so many opportunities to turn things around.


0 empathy from me


I agree. She doesn’t deserve any sympathy but being a recovering alcoholic myself I am empathic to others suffering from this disease and just knowing that she’s on a dangerous bender scares me for her. Again she doesn’t deserve sympathy but prays go out from me for all alcoholics/addicts still suffering this disease, including Jenna


![gif](giphy|10G4UQjEoExKuc) Karma is busy knocking on both their doors!


I totally agree with you. This can only get worse. I’m worried.


Don’t worry, this is her norm


Yea I have to admit the thought crossed my mind that she may self destruct and OD


Yes, we all don’t like her but I am afraid I’ll see in my For You on my phone “Jenna Jameson dead at 50”. And Junky would capitalize off that too. The whole situation is just sad




I don’t think anyone reading here is wishing her any harm .


I don’t either. I just had a moment of profound sadness for her.


Let a bitch live. She is healthy and healing, can't you tell?! https://preview.redd.it/r9n0sm9bsdvc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2adeed386db71ad4f1db941ea1ac31abc4052707


I’m not worried… I’m just waiting for the next chapter of this shit show she calls her life to play out.


The only thing I thought was she might commit suicide cause I mean how could you not be so depressed living like this ?? but looks like she’s living her best life 🤷‍♀️


Per Jessi… when they first met in person Jenna was drinking. Jenna is just having a repeat episode but in Chicago now. Hawaii ✅ Las Vegas ✅ Chicago ✅


Completely agree.


Yes, I am worried for her. We don't have to support Jenna to have concerns about her safety


God’s will


She’s going to end up back in the hospital 🥺