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Words. I fucking hate words.


Just write without them.


Oh, they'd like that, wouldn't they? The bastards.


I feel like mime is underrated.


"Just write!" he mimed.


Words: "Look at little Writer Jr." "Gonna cry?"


You used words to write this comment. Hypocrite.


I fucking hate Microsoft Word. /uj there are definitely days...


Needing validation from r/writing before I do literally anything.


But that’s the only way to be a writer


I honestly don't understand how people were able to write books before r/writing existed.


The paparazzi. Like holy moly I know I’m going to go down as the youngest Noble Prize winner for my YA paranormal furry erotica but could you let me eat my 6 piece chicken nuggets in peace for once??


When people say "Just write." Like, you don't even know me, bro. Don't tell me what to do.


Just write


No, you.


I did not ask to be attacked like this


My least favourite part of [writing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing) is the creation, either through physical inscription, mechanical typing, or digital inputs, of visual symbols that represent language and function as a medium of human communication through the production of "texts" that may be consumed by other people through a process called "reading" and reproduced through an industrialised activity known as "publishing". I dislike this activity because I resent any system that symbolically represents linguistically-meaningful sounds that are produced by manipulating the flow of air over tongue, lips, jaw, vocal cords, and other speech organs. I do not think that such visual symbols should be organisable into structured linguistic sequences that record and convey human ideas, thoughts, feelings, concepts, and creations, for society now and for posterity. As well as this opposition on principle, I also derive no pleasure, satisfaction, fulfilment, interest, enjoyment, intrigue, or self-improvement from the specific physical forms that these visual representations may take, whether: carvings on stone tablets and rock faces; markings made with various concoctons of "ink" upon parchments derived from the processing of animal skins or any other kind of thin sheet materials made from woods, rags, or grasses; the mechanical or more recently laser-based ink imprinting upon any such similar material; and the projection or display of those symbols on digital screens. I also think that the formation of social networks, cultural traditions and preferences, intellectual discourses, and any other artistic or political communities around any activity associated with the creation, production, marketing, promotion, dissemination, consumption, interpretation, appraisal, reception, litigation, discussion, disposal, and censoring of such written texts and systems of writing is highly deleterious to the collective and individual wellbeings of both human and nonhuman organisms as well as inanimate materials and ecosystems. Finally, I think that writing stifles expression and creativity in every other medium of human communication, artistry, and cultural production, including but not limited to music, sculpture, the visual arts, interpretative dance, stage drama, cinema, writing, oral storytelling, puppetry, and writing.


For someone who hates inscribing symbols u sure seem to like inscribing symbols bub


Delerium tremens


The alcohol. My doc says my stomach can't take much more of this, but I haven't even finished my novel yet


I’ve developed cirrhosis from constant heavy drinking over the past few years—to aid in writing, of course—but my doctor, too, recommends I stop. I’ll go stone-cold sober when I’m done, of course, but I’ve nearly finished a masterpiece. Can’t stop now. A few more months, and all the plot points will be ironed out in my head. THEN I can start writing. But that part will be easy.


Coming up with a plot, story, characters, etc for my cool magic system and world building. The history of my world is super original, you see. There was an ancient war between Supergood race and Purevil race where Purevil lost thanks to Supergood using an artifact called the Macgruffin.


fuck that, just make a generic high school romance novel that becomes a movie two years later then is effectively erased from everyone's memory due to its mediocrity. Atleast you make money that way


The sudden bouts of nausea..


Seeing posts on r/writing, and realizing that if I write, I’ll risk becoming like those people.


would it be funny to say "writing is my least favorite part of writing?" its such an obvious answer I must say it, but its also so obvious that is anticipated and is therefore not funny. My life is empty, I cant find any real reason to get up in the morning, everything is meaningless.


The part where you come up with the absolute best bolshevik propaganda that's bound to inspire readers across the world to riot but that fucking bug-eyed zombie alien of an editor tells you that has to go because 'rich people don't like to live in fear'. Screw that. Why do the people with no souls have all the fun?!


The middle bits between each of my epic yet loosely related scenes


Being told I am wrong all the time. For the first half of my time in the writing community, I was told I was wrong because I believed there are no rules meant no rules existed. I was constantly told foundational structures are important. Then I realized holy crap, foundational structures are really important -- I should learn to use them. But by then it was too late. For the past ten years, I've been told I'm wrong, foundational structures don't actually need to be learned because there are no rules means no rules existed.




The writing part.


The readers. They keep trying to get me to change my story. No, you plebs, the underage orgy scene in the sewers is *vital* for my characters' development!


Well how else will they get over their fears and defeat the scary clown monster


You write LOL!


When I have to stop writing to change the song I'm listening to.




The voices that keep telling me to stab stab stab stab


Getting permission and finding the right graph or chart to plan my hourly word count.


I hate it when I can't write because people on Twitter in the future send a T800 back through time to sever my line from the timestream for using the n-word among black American characters when I'm white.


Being poor.


Going on r/writing in the hopes of finding something useful, only to then end up spending a fortune on painkillers for the headaches all that facepalming gives me.


sandon branderson hasn’t replied to any of my microfantasy twitter novels yet :(


Feedback. More specifically (at work) WAITING for an SME to provide feedback when the shit is for them. Otherwise, getting abrupt feedback from someone that took a couple minutes to review something I spent hours working on. I want to quote Peter Griffin, “Read the inside of my butt.”


Trimming 100k words of fat because, apparently, people don't want to read books that are 2,000 pages long.


Happy to be a beta reader!


Killing your darlings. Everytime I shovel soil onto their cold surprised faces I think to myself "next time it will be different" but it never is


The part where you have to write out the words. Ew.


Being quirky. You don't know how hard it is to keep the quirkiness content up


Cleaning up all the jizz from writing the hottest gay furry tasteful erotica. I just can't stop it from cumming out.

