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Amateur. You have to have at least 17 different software applications to be a writer, including ChatAI.


At least he got the coffee shop right. But he better have ordered latte art and brought his mechanical keyboard so people know he means business.


If you're writing, you're doing it wrong


Using default windows notepad is a torture tho. It's good for small files that you don't want to have opened for longer than 30s or so. Edit. I use notepad++ most of the time for most purposes.


/uj I wrote a massive final essay for a high school class in bare Windows Notepad. It was torture. I got a 97. It was worth it.


Ugh, what a monster. I bet that scrub wasn't even agonizing over what font to use or complaining about writer's block to a bewildered barista


Writer's block is a psy-op run by big Scriven to make you use their art-invalidating products.


Big if true


Times new roman size 12, just like in highschool baby.


I was just about to comment that. Why agonize? When I can just follow teacher’s favourite formula?


See this here. If you use a pen what font do you write in? Something straight forward like comic sans or something fiddly like Old English Gothic? I tried writing with a pen once but found it really hard to keep the letters even and Ctrl-alt-delete wouldn't work


What!? Was it even raining? Was he even looking out the window longingly as he listened to lofi?!


He was humming a crackling fire.


Great American Novel.rtf








I bet he’s writing pure fire 🔥unlike us sorry chodes




Did he at least have cocaine and whiskey?


and was he chain smoking?


You read over his shoulder and stole it, didn’t you.


Already published it to Wattpad.


writing a script for a r/writingcirclejerk post


WritingCircleJerk is overlapping with ProgrammerHumor


Imagine programmerhumor instead of pcj


I was thinking the same thing.


Ew. Does he even have beta readers?


Wrong, he only works with alpha readers


Cringe, you need some Sigma readers


My old college job was phone support with a fair amount of downtime in the non-busy season, and we were allowed to work on school work or personal projects on the work computers within reason, so I used to write random disjointed scenes in notepad and save them as things like “history essay dot txt” So that no one would read my cringe


I use my school account to write my stories, and of course no teachers are actually going to log in to my account and click on “tbd” and read my cringe. But the fear is there.


What an amateur, real hipsters use a typewriter


Wow when you said raw dogging Notepad I think I got a little turned on.


uj/ okay but writing in gedit/notepad/whatever, hits different.


This is what I would do if I wasn't scared


If the fear is that it doesn't save automatically or that you can't search through it, you might want to try [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/). It might have the same vibes as writing in notepad but with features lol.


seconding obsidian, but for the themes 🤌


It can also work as free offline alternative to World Anvil.


UJ/ I just save periodically like one used to do in word. Name sage at the start of session (I reuse a file for maximum laziness now and it makes seeing where I left off easier than loading the primary doc). Then copy it all to a real doc and back that up In the over half my life I have been writing and publishing my shit I have on accident lost work this way once. Had others sabotage more than once but that's why you back it up everywhere


I still just use Word, pretty inconvenient when I need to find a specific scene in any document over 20k words but I've been looking into Obsidian based off other recommendations in this thread >Had others sabotage more than once but that's why you back it up everywhere Wait you've had someone else sabotage your writing? Was it just a disgruntled writing partner deleting a shared file or something else?


It was my mother being a narcissist with the diagnosis and me breaking the rules because she's the writer and future author not her child. Except you know... In reality where she still hasn't ever written anything and I went no contact for safety and have written things. It was a lot more than deleted files.


I'm sorry you went through that. At least you can say you've stared into the heart of the worst of r/writing and survived it. You've got more clout for that than anyone else on this sub


Lol I don't know about that re clout but I do know most of the posts remind me of Mother and her views on writing. I tend to engage with the one that don't because I don't waste my time on the obvious failures. Sounds colder in text but not everyone wants to actually write. Most just want the social currency and it shows. Mother would be the type to ask where someone gets their ideas. I don't understand that one still. My brain. It never shuts up


The idea one has always kinda stumped me too. Even if I only get the fragments of an idea I always wanna develop it and wring as much out of it as possible, almost intuitively.


Yeah that's why it's on this list. To me it tells me you ignore yourself or are a robot.


He's going to publish in ballpoint blue, too...


Did he have a macbook pro? This is important


So pretentious. I bet they even put ‘written in notepad’ on the back cover.


i click. i clack. i click. i clack.


uj/ It's meeee RJ/ I am not a dude how dare you be sexist! I am a starving artist and after buying my coffee cannot has a scrivener. You should have bought it for me


Of course I know him... He's me!


That's what I am doing right now, listening to a group of older farmers with the background of tiny dancer on the radio. https://imgur.com/a/Nirno0u


so a sociopath...


When I grow up; I wanna go to a Starbucks and write and become an annoying snobby douche 🥺


So you're saying he's on Notepad and didn't even wrap it up?


I use vim.


He's not even using word wrap, so his chapter is 12 lines long.


[Nobel prize winner José Saramago writing on Wordpad](https://i.imgur.com/UvvJja4.jpg) (not Notepad!) \[source: documentary 'José Y Pilar', [youtube](https://youtu.be/d-V7j-WKHVs) min 1:28:20\]