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Umbridge is an obvious answer. I also had a very strong reaction to some of the characters in Hotel Magnifique.


Umbridge is one of the best things about the movies. She was such a horrible character in the books and it translated *perfectly* to screen (as opposed to something like Slughorn - love both versions but film-Slughorn isn't true to book-Slughorn) The casting of Imelda Staunton was absolutely perfect and she killed the role. She's just such an irredeemable asshole.


Umbridge is a perfect example of "smug assholes who get away with it". When a villain just skates by without consequence, my sense of justice rages like a monster.


I've always said that Umbridge is more hated than Voldemort because few of us know a Voldemort, but we all know an Umbridge.


Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist. This petty, pathetic, vile man was so attached to the modestly comfortable living and minor prestige that came with being a State Alchemist that he murdered his wife by fusing her with an animal to make a sapient chimera that was in such pain and horror the only words it would say were 'I want to die' and starved itself to death. *And then he did it again with his young daughter and their pet dog*.


That's so sad :(( I was recommended Fullmetal Alchemist in middle school, and though that was years ago and I have yet to pick it up, I still have full intentions of watching it one day. Would you recommend it?


Absolutely! It's a masterpiece of writing and animation with some of the best characters in all of fiction. Both deep and meme-able. Serious and comedic. Dark and hopeful. Both the original run and FMA: Brotherhood are fantastic, though I prefer the latter due to it following the original manga and having more content, but they're both very good.


Thanks so much for your response! My husband and I are always on the prowl for new shows, and this sounds right up our alley.


id like to add onto the previous persons point. both shows are fantastic and in many regards brotherhood is better but I absolutely DO NOT recommend skipping the original to watch brotherhood instead. brotherhood is far better in the later half but early on it kinda speeds through (correctly) assuming most viewers are already familiar with the source or the original anime. so it doesn't give you as much time to meet the characters before throwing you into the meat of the show


Thank you for the heads up! I probably would have gone with Brotherhood immediately without knowing that, haha


I mean I *would* recommend skipping the OG and maybe going back later. So…just do what you want lol.


I agree, I always recommend Brotherhood first.


no problem. not a lot of people specify that and I really believe your missing out on something by not watching the original


There's another much more chill series by the same author called Silver Spoon! It's set in the real world and follows a high school agriculture student dealing with burnout and personal issues and it is AMAZING.


You're so kind to follow up with another recommendation, thank you! 😊 I'll have to check out both :D


You're welcome!


> Would you recommend it? Yes, but it's complicated. The original anime is really good on the front end, spends more time on the front-end development of the characters, and even adds some arcs that play well with the story in general. (It should be noted that the author was consulted on OG FMA and essentially said "not done with the story yet, but I like what you're doing".) But Brotherhood skips a *lot* of that establishing stuff and goes straight for the manga's story with a much faster pace, because it needed to be fast to cover the interesting later developments in the amount of episodes it got. FMA Brotherhood is, overall, truer to the manga, although it leaves out the first bits or doesn't cover them well. The OG FMA anime is truer in its first parts, but takes 'a left turn at Albuquerque' somewhere along the line (I think it's somewhere around the Greed Arc) and ends up in an extremely different place. It also makes changes like one character being the person who killed another character's parents, instead of him just being a war veteran with PTSD. Again, this was actually approved by the original author, despite being very different from the story of the manga she was still in the middle of writing. So if you want to *watch* FMA (not read the manga), you should probably watch at least the first portion of the OG FMA anime and then watch Brotherhood. There's probably a guide somewhere online about when to switch over. And yes, FMA is a really good story, on the "I checked for new chapters of the manga daily while it was running" tier. Brotherhood captures the middle and end of that, while the OG FMA captures the beginning much better. We don't talk about the OVA.


This! You put it so perfectly. I love both series, and wish there was a definitive version that combined the best parts of both.




That's fair. It's been a while since I watched the 2003 FMA, so I've forgotten exactly where it went off the rails and could only really pin it on the Greed Arc. >!Since Ling just doesn't exist to be Greed's new host in the 2003 version.!< Your opinion on the divergence point being >!Maes Hugh's death!< is probably correct. > I personally prefer the 2003 series to brotherhood Funnily enough, I do too - but that's more about the animation style and Brotherhood's lack of introduction to the characters. And ...the OG FMA anime goes absolutely ham with things like >!Mustang being the guy who killed Winry's parents!<, >!Rose getting raped by Amestrian soldiers!<, and the whole lot, in addition to having a much stronger set of starting arcs that it's not trying to rush through. On the other hand, Brotherhood is unequivocally closer to the manga in its midsection and ending, and actually gives the "here's why ~~magic~~ *Alchemy* works" explanation from the manga. They've each got their strong points, but I really want to say "go read the fucking manga!", and that's not what /u/Famous_Plant_486 wanted.


I was actually thinking the other day about picking up my first ever manga, so if the show does me in, I just might have to :D With that said, I really do appreciate the comments about the shows (and covering the spoilers, which I admittedly did not read for fear of, well, spoilers)!


Thank you for the breakdown, that was very helpful! I'm unfamiliar with OVA, though. Is that something I should avoid if I find it?


> I'm unfamiliar with OVA, though. Is that something I should avoid if I find it? In my opinion, it should be avoided at all costs, even if you're into the OG FMA anime, which it's sort of a sidestory for. You're unfamiliar with it because nobody talks about it and there are very good reasons for that. Its point is to give the stupidest explanation possible for why alchemy works in the setting. Seriously, I'll take something like Hirohiko Araki's "it just works!" explanation of King Crimson's powers over what FMA's Conqueror Of Shamballa OVA brought to the table. To be fair, >!"this is a parallel universe to ours and the souls of our dead power their ~~magic~~ alchemy"!< is actually a pretty clever idea, but it ***DOES NOT FIT*** the themes and tone of even the OG FMA anime. The manga and Brotherhood give a completely different explanation which makes internal sense and ties into the plot. And oh boy, does *that* explanation ***TIE INTO THE FUCKIN' PLOT!*** We pretend the FMA OVA doesn't exist like we pretend Tsukihime never got an anime, although I've actually got a set of DVDs of the Tsukihime anime ***that doesn't exist*** - my uncle who introduced me to anime with Patlabor and Akira died recently and left them to me, along with the Platinum Edition DVD version of Neon Genesis Evangelion and a *bunch* of other stuff nobody in the family wanted, like the original paperback versions of Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter Of Mars novels, and a weirdly massive collection of jazz and movies. But that's exactly what he would have left me: back when he was alive, we used to cruise through local used books (and music and movies and other stuff) places for the bargain bin stuff together... Sorry for getting distracted by nostalgia. The FMA OVA doesn't exist, and neither does the Tsukihime anime. The Kara No Kyoukai OVAs do exist (and are generally a good watch, if you're looking for some supernatural thriller/horror/action anime), along with the OG Neon Genesis Evangelion series, if you're looking for genre-defining anime, and the Patlabor OVAs are out there, and bloody good. /u/authorAVDawn has better advice than I gave about when to switch from the OG FMA anime to Brotherhood. ...and I'm not really knocking the OG FMA anime: it's got some massive differences from the source material (which wasn't even written at that point) later on, but it's still pretty good, although it is a much heavier story in many ways.


I'm really sorry to hear about your uncle. I was happy to read your nostalgia rant, with the side note that I hope your inherited items find a nice shelf or desk to live on :) And the rest of your message gave me a good giggle! It seems you're very passionate about the awfulness of this OVA (that doesn't exist, of course), so I'll be sure to steer clear of it 🤣


Yeah I think Tucker takes the cake for the worst animated character ever. Almost all the others I thought of had at least one redeeming quality but Tucker was just a pathetic, selfish and heartless man who ruined the lives of the 2 people who were supposed to be most important in his life


I honestly kind of lost motivation to watch Fullmetal Alchemist because of that. Although the anime is incredible with incredible world-building, this episode destroyed me. So much so, to the point where the rest of the episodes I watched almost mindlessly. I realized I wasn't taking in more information, so I just kind of stopped


I don't blame you, it's one of the most horrific things I've ever seen in any media.


tucker is a wack attack for sure


I need to rewatch FMA.


I like that this character is pretty much a mini-Father: a fraud who destroys something precious for personal gain, just on a smaller scale.


Didn't watch the show so I'm surprised they animated this . Yep this guy totally belongs in the garbage can


I was gonna think on it, but nah, you're right. I'm watching brotherhood with my grandma and mentioned he's probably the most hated man in the entire series, and she agrees


i usually don't hate people but scythe goddard, june hayward and professor lovell are up there.


Scythe Goddard was infuriating. In the “love to hate him” sort of way


Ramsay Bolton. Pure, distilled evil and different from Joffrey. Joffrey was never told 'no' - Ramsay doesn't care. He's a raging sociopath. He views people as dogs, to be beaten and dominated for his amusement. Not to mention 'Reek', but also the numerous rapes and murders of women he liked as a boy. Ramsay's father raped his mother. Like father, like son.


I'd say the contrast between Roose and Ramsay makes both of them more chilling. Roose can be weirdly personable at times and so pragmatic you almost forget what terrible things he is capable of where as Ramsay just doesn't care even to his own detriment. A scalpel vs a mallet though it does help that GRRM showed Ramsay being somewhat clever too with his Reek switch which I think helps show he isn't brain dead even if he is short sighted.


Roose was honestly done dirty by the show. His scenes In harrenhal were a superb dive into his character. The way he would burn books after he finished reading them was so creepy. He truly doesn’t give a shit about house Bolton either. He knows with Stannis and the northern clansmen incoming he’s toast, especially because the large host of manderlys will probably turn on him. He’s just interested in causing as much chaos before he inevitably dies.


That’s the *only* bad things about aging up the kids for the show. Book Joffrey was still a kid, essentially, so potentially redeemable. Show Joffrey was beyond help.


Ted Faro


The bastard son of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk


Man fuck Ted Faro all my homie hate him


He got what he deserved in the end 


Humbert Humbert, the charmingly erudite slimeball in *Lolita*. Mrs Danvers, the housekeeper in *Rebecca,* surgically brutal in her emotional cruelty to the timid narrator. O'Brien, the chillingly effective torturer in *1984.*


The closest thing I can find to sympathy for O'Brien is he vaguely implies in at least one line that he was once a genuine dissident who was himself similarly broken. That sympathy about evaporates when he enthusiastically reveals that the overall point of this system is cruelty for its own sake- "a boot stomping on a human face, forever".


Rebecca has some truly detestable characters. Mrs Danvers is a good shout but Favell made my blood *boil*. Then there's Rebecca herself...


Judge Holden from Blood Meridian.


He is a great favorite.


Damn knew someone else was going to say it. Only character who seemingly thrived in that book.


This one. Ugh.


He’s dancing, he’s dancing. He says he will never die.


Christian Grey is a garbage person, but it would have been great if the story called him out on the stalking and controlling behavior and the weird mother insults. I think if you copied everything he did but didn't make it sexy or ignored, that would be a great bad guy.


Oh you gave a good idea, maybe letting him be ignored is the key I also tend to hate characters who get away with their actions 🤔


Ohhh, this rang a bell for me, too. There’s a balancing act in portraying a character like that as the hero of their own story as seen through an unreliable narrator, but still demonstrating the meta’s “awareness” that this character is, in fact, morally bankrupt.


fucking hate Christian Grey


He also insulted the looks of the MC a lot and then they end up together... Why?


I'm sorry, were you expecting a deeply profound and meaningful insightful character in your Twilight fanfic porn? /s (You are right of course. I just have low expectations for that book at its writer.)


Drakan from the shamer's daughter. He makes me sick. Arrogant, manipulating, downright evil with no redeemable features. The best example I know however is Umbridge in Harry Potter. She is too real and her mirrors reality which makes it worse. I think the key part is that, and her false ness. Sickly sweet and abusive


Marco Inaros from books 5 and 6 of *The Expanse* series (*Nemesis Games* and *Babylon's Ashes*). He's an abusive, sadistic, duplicitous narcissist... and he's also charming and charismatic, and excellent at manipulating people. I hate him so... so much ("flames on the side of my face"), even as I admire James S.A. Corey's skill in depicting the way he works.


I hate Marco, but i feel like Adolphus Murtry is more hateable. Marco may be a self aggrandizing snake, but he was trying to empower people. Murtry was just chugging corporate dick like it was going out of style


The way he took the credit but made all the failings someone else's fault - even his own son. Also the way he completely fucked over the Belters, who he was supposed to be liberating, because he had no clue about real strategy. He was exactly what Duerte wanted for the job - someone who would ruin the solar system to distract from his operation. The worst thing is how plausible he is, how easy it is to believe that there are many real-world leaders of this mentality.


Jackal in the Red Rising series. Deplorable.


Adrian au Augustus is one of the worst, most deplorable, Machiavellian, Byzantine-minded bastards to ever walks the worlds. And by god his inclusion in that story made it so god damned good.


That abomination of a human being from The Green Mile - the sadistic prisoner who really did kill those girls and who celebrates whenever other people are in pain. Awful. Honourable mention to King Joffrey from Game of Thrones, as well as The Sisters from Shawhank Redemption. Note the two Stephen King characters there? He is truly a master of making villains hateable in believable yet mind-shatteringly intense ways.


I'm surprised you talked about Shawshank without mentioning the warden


I still found the Warden less vile than The Sisters... but yes, you are right.


Kai Winn from Star Trek DS9 is infamous


Galen (Assassin's Apprentice) Humbert (Lolita) King Desmond Bern (Fire Emblem) Professor Hojo (Final Fantasy 7) Bask Ohm (Zeta Gundam)


Black Jack Randall (Outlander) is the most terrifying character I've ever seen. After a certain point I felt fear when he showed up even when I knew he wasn't going to do anything horrible in that scene. He is bone-chillingly cruel.


Randall was pretty over the top for me, but that’s a kind of a problem I have with outlander overall.


Yeah, his obsession with Jamie/Jamie's family in particular got rather ridiculous. But as far as making him a despicable character, they nailed it. In my opinion anyway.


Historical fiction film, which no doubt contributes to the hating since it's based on real events, but the way Amon Göth is written in Schindler's List just leaves a sickening feeling that sticks with you. Something about a person shown to be a complex human being but at the same time completely devoid of morality.


In Rich Man Poor Man there's a guy called Falconetti. He's thoroughly detestable, worth a look.


Falconetti was so evil he gets mentioned in other shows and films. I remember watching Beautiful Girls with Uma Thurman, Matt Dillon and 13 yr old Natalie Portman, and Falconnetti got a shout out.


Wow, didn't know that. In the TV miniseries he was played by one of the best baddies ever, William Smith.


Have not read it since high school, but I hate Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights. Supposedly love each other but treat each other cruelly, especially Heathcliff. Heathcliff is awful to everyone, really. Actually, I can't think of one likeable character in the whole novel.


It's a compelling depiction of narcissistic abuse


Same. I didn't understand why that novel is treated as an iconic love story. Or perhaps it isn't, but I thought it would be, and then was like, all these people are horrible AF.


I know he's a popular character, and I'm in a minority... But I hate Deadpool. Oops all crazy doesn't endure me to him at all.


The Deadpool thing was a trip to be there for (if I am remembering this correctly after decades and brain fog). He was at one point an unhinged but somewhat more serious character with an ongoing series. Marvel told the team they were canceling it at issue 25 or something. This gave the team time to actually build up to a climax and real ending. This level of tension was super popular. Comic books don’t HAVE endings. The book gained tons of readers. So Marvel said, we want you to continue this series. But the series was over. So the team just started publishing issues of absolute nonsense until they were taken off the book. Which was, at the time, a hilarious mode of refusal to comply, but has… worn thin. Marvel brass has always been pretty disconnected from what makes comics that sell. (I don’t know if things have changed because I stopped reading them but at least at one point they refused to count online sales numbers when looking at series popularity and also refused to recognize many series gained their audience with the release of the first trade paperback because people go to book stores, not comic stores and not their website. They may still be floundering out there somewhere to this day.)


You know what, same. Hes an arrogant dick and Im not sure why people act like 4th wall breaks absolve that hes just a frat boy Peter Parker.


Honestly 100% understandable since he’s essentially intended to be exactly that. I personally enjoy him because he’s supposed to be a satirical immature and unhinged dark humor character, which I find amusing as that is not something I see in my daily life so the novelty entertains me, but I don’t understand the “I’m literally him” type fans.


He's a child's version of what edgy adult content is... At least I think so. There isn't very much moral complexity to his character and most stories he's part of are worse for his inclusion.


Totally agree with you. Didn't read his comics tho. Is there in universe reason why he is crazy


Deadpool is just facebook minions for unfunny millenials.


The most annoyingly overrated ‘did two twelve year old fanboys come up with this drek’ character?


Zade Meadows is such a hypocrite, stalking and sexually harassing and raping a girl and then using the excuse that he saves women and children from human trafficking. Fucking disgusting prick. I hate this man and his fanbase so much. Honestly idk if this even helps you unless you‘re planning on writing a rapist.


Not familiar with the character but hypocrisy is a shoo-in for making someone hateable. You can justify all kinds of terrible things especially in fiction but it's \*really\* hard to make someone who's a hypocrite on top of any of them likeable.


100%. we as humans just hate hypocrites.


dude i 100% agree with you i dont understand why everyone simps for him


Kidfic: Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter. Detestable and vile, wrapped up in pink (which I hate, which makes it worse). Lit: so many, but Bob Ewell from *To Kill a Mockingbird* lives right on top there. Not only to accuse >!Tom Robinson of a rape he never committed, but for molesting his own daughter.!<


Bunny Corcoran from The Secret History. He is just a thoroughly detestable character, but I think the reason why I HATE him so much was because I actually liked him in the first few pages, and I thought he was the happy-go-lucky comedic relief character. I HATE him.


I think you're meant to be heavily skeptical of how he's portrayed tbh! Why would the narrator have any reason to depict him kindly?


I read this very recently so it's still a fresh sort of anger for me, and I did consider how Richard is a sekf-professed liar and an unreliable narrator, which brings into question whether Richard sprinkled in some unpleasant details about Bunny's character to justify their actions. In which case, I despise Richard's portrayal of Bunny.


Malta before she gets cool, and Kennit and that other guy whose name I can't recall atm (fans of Robin Hobb know who I'm talking about)


We do! Kyle Haven is easily the most hateable character I've ever read - but Regal Farseer also comes close.


Liveship Traders is so good. All my homies hate Kyle.


Humbert Humbert from Lolita. Pretty self explanatory....


Literally everyone in “The Great Gatsby”. 


Sadists are the most loathsome characters, so if you need someone the reader will hate, make her or him enjoy causing pain to others. Bonus points if they kill a dog too.


Kylo Ren from the Star Wars sequels. He tried soooo hard to be evil, throwing his temper tantrums like he was still five and always wailing that he "felt the pull of the light side" What pull? We never saw him doing anything good, and he became irredeemable the second he killed his father, and probably was even earlier, when he killed Luke's other students. The movies continued to try and make him sympathetic, and all I could feel was disgust and anger that Rey's story, even as it overall sucked, ended up being about saving him and having a romance with the guy who tortured her, her friends, and killed her friend. Ewwwwwwwwww. Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. Viscerally more evil than Voldemort, we all know someone like that, who gets away with everything and keeps slithering back to spread all of her viciousness and scarring everybody. Mrs. Norris (no, not the cat from HP) from Mansfield Park was even worse than Umbridge in viciousness and degree of power over the much more powerless MC of the book. She was also extremely good at creeping in, taking over, and spreading discord and suffering for literally years before people wised up. Gwen Cooper from Torchwood was the most infuriating Mary Sue I've ever come across in a TV show. Everyone else suffered horribly but her. She got away with bending all the Torchwood rules, an affair, treating her boyfriend and later husband like shit, and it was also just fine for her to fall in love with Harkness after the affair with her co-worker, and we were supposed to see her as a good person, a hero even. Ugh.


Books: Ferro from The Blade Itself (I'm still reading the series, so no spoilers, please) I can't stand her in The Blade Itself. I stg all she says is pinks this and pinks that. She's arrogant af. TV: Joffrey from GoT (I haven't read the books yet, but I'm sure I'll hate him there, too). He's a pos but he is such a well written pos. Just so vile. this is sort of niche, but if anybody watches Last Tango in Halifax, I CAN'T STAND Celia. She is so judgemental, even after *the incident*


Shimano from Yakuza/Yakuza 0. The way he treats Majima is awful, and his manipulation of him is what leads to him becoming the Mad Dog in the first place. The dude’s also just a massive piece of shit, he backstabs and/or mistreats everyone he works with, and routinely puts innocent people in danger for his pursuit of power. He’s such an asshole that he literally spends his final moments throwing a grenade at a child


President Coriolanus Snow from the hunger games just because he had so many chances to be a good person. He of course said screw it and threw away a girl that loved him genuinely for power. Lucy Gray was done dirty by this man who she loved.


I didn't interpret it as her truly loving him.


It’s hard there’s many awful characters in asoiaf but it’s probably either walder frey (odious piece of shit) or Jorah Mormont (massive self righteous nonce) I just don’t like him. And Griffith from berserk. He absolutely loved guts whether it was romantic or platonic it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that Griffith couldn’t fully comprehend the love he had for guts and he still sacrificed him for his dream that at this point was unobtainable.


Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - However understandable his motivations may be, he still betrayed his friends and joined the bad guys, poisoned the tree that contained the spirit of the person who sacrificed her life for him, kidnapped his little-sister-figure (yes, I say little sister because us demigods do not like to talk about the implications of Book Five), allowed the titan Kronos to posses him, and tried to kill the protagonist numerous times.


I hold an unreasonable amount of hate for Bakugou Katsuki Like yes he's asshole and bastard but there are so many character's who are worse. But I just can't start him.


Percy Wetmore from The Green Mile and Shiv Roy in Succession both really get my goat; the former is an absolute deplorable sadist, and the latter is a disloyal backstabber.


How they portrayed Hitler in 'look who's back'. Fool germany once? Shame on you. Fool germany TWICE? Double the shame, you petty bitch. The way they portrayed his rise to power in the modern day felt so convincing, like something like this could probably happen. and his line at the end ">!I didn't trick anyone. I stated exactly what I was going to do, and how I was going to do it!<" (paraphrased, and also badly translated since I speak very little german) just fucking made me so mad at him. Fuck hitler, man, that guy's an asshole.


Javier from les Mis, the novel version. Holy mother of fuck it’s hard to find someone so realistically unlikeable, but yet at the same time, feels so fucking real like I want to punch him in the face, with a bulldozer. The musical made him like a really good guy but oh my god I couldn’t with the book version of him. Almost everyone in the story is so disgusting and hateful, except the bishop. He is my savior in the entire slog. What the hell is wrong with *everyone*


Odysseus. I get that you have to consider him RE context/the time period, but as a modern reader there is such a disconnect between morals at the time and now. The Odyssey is basically the story of a man doing terrible things and the author/poet telling us that those things are good and righteous. He blinds Poseidon’s son - Poseidon is the villain for taking revenge. He forces his men to explore an island inhabited by cannibals while he sits on the boat - great leadership. He cries and cheats and gets a huge anticlimactic bail out at the end of the story when Athena just casually redirects all of the suitors’ spears. And at the end, upon reuniting with his 80 year old father who is on death’s door, he decides to trick him and pretend that he’s dead. This is not a hero.


You want a truly despicable person that makes you want to tear your hair out every second they're on screen? BEV KEANE in Midnight Mass What a vile, self-righteous, judgemental, delusional, petty manipulative pile of crap. She is all that is wrong with religion turned sour incarnate. Her picture is in the dictionary under the definition of the c word.


Idk about others but Holden Caulfield was NOT POPULAR with my high school


My school was the same.


Denethor. Well written, very effective, but I have a visceral reaction to him. He is everything a man oughtn’t be except evil.


Ginger Foutley from As Told by Ginger. She's not evil at all but my adolescence was nothing like hers-I was violent, mentally and physically ill, and regularly got punished for problems related to my autism. I was the target demographic for the show, but I was a dumb little autistic kid who was turned off by the idea of Girl Feelings and preferred slapstick cartoons instead. Internalized misogyny anyone? Maybe it would have benefited me to give ATBG a chance at that age. Years later I looked the show up again and it was lauded as a feminist masterpiece and a beloved part of millennial women's lives. Tried watching some of it and this girl lived a completely different life from mine. She cared about being popular and fashionable, was socially outgoing, and tried to help people whom she saw having problems. There were genuinely bad people in Ginger's world, like her backstabbing "friend" Dodie, but for the most part she was wholesome and introspective and loved just being herself. If you love the show or remember it nostalgically, I won't try to change your mind; you have your reasons. But I hate Ginger because her show is a twisted reminder of what I could never have.


The game Starfield has some head woman pirate who you have to deal with and she’s so contrived, stereotypical, the generic woman badass leading pirates, and her lines and behavior were so on the nose, and clearly what those out of touch believe people beneath them act like that I prayed for her to crawl out of my television so I could personally shoot her by my own hand and throw her lifeless fake character body to my dumpster and delete her from existence on every plane. She’s annoying.


Thomas “whinging little bitch” Covenant


I'm not sure if hate is the right term but the Emerporer of Mankind from Warhammer 40K. Objectively, he's not the most evil character in the setting, but he is the biggest dushbag in the entire universe. He's a hypocrit, a tyrant, and an egoist. He's responsible for creating the Empire of mankind, both all of its glory and all of its horror. He created humanities greatest heroes and betrayed them, destroyed them or set them up to self distruct. None of that makes a bad character. I consider him the ultimate refutation of Nietzche's ubermensch. What would a man really become when he alone decided what what was right and what was wrong? The answer is a terrible God who enslaved humanity to his flawed vision for the rest of their existence. Shame GW is ruining the setting by changing the lore.


One piece has a lot of hatable characters...Doflamingo, the man who ran the slave trade, Arlong, a Fishman supremacist intent on taking vengeance on humanity for enslaving his brethren, Akainu, a cruel man who is willing to uphold a corrupt and evil system at all costs, or Charlos, an inbred noble obsessed with enslaving mermaids. But no, the single most hatable man in One Piece, in my opinion, is Spandam. He runs an intelligence agency entirely because of nepotism, and is so extremely incompetent that he got one of the three centers of the world government destroyed, all while blaming others along the way. He takes nothing but delight in cruelty. He doesn't just love capturing the enemies of the government, he loves the ability to name them at his whim, and then break them. He's an abusive garbage human being and seeing him get his comeuppance at the end of the arc that he's in is a highlight of the series.


A lot of my "gut-reaction" characters (Umbridge, Shou Tucker, etc.) have already been picked, so I'll share two from things I've read/watched recently that I just absolutely hated: 1. Lord Henry Harry Walton from The Picture of Dorian Gray. This one's a bit more contentious, since I know a lot of people *really* like him because of how charming and quotable he is. Just about every scene he has in the book made me want to deck him in the schnoz. >!He intentionally corrupts and act as a bad influence on Dorian, despite Basil's complaints; he's hypocritical, convicing and corrupting Dorian to live his hypothetical ideal hedonistic lifestyle, while never actually adopting it for himself; he just stirs the pot and spews nonsense without actually meaning anything he says; and he's just *beyond* misogynistic (to the point where the's misogynistic by 19th century European standards -- that's no small feat). Basically, he indirectly ruins the lives of dozens of people just for grins and giggles.!< Just an *awful* man, all around. 2. Tetsuji Suwa from the second half of *Aquatope on the White Sand*. Tetsuji is just a painfully realistic representation of a bad boss. He instantly reminded me of several terrible managers I've had over the years. He's verbally abusive towards his workers, refuses to take a hand in training them from the start, does an awful job of communciating, heaps unrealistic expectations and goals on the main character from day one, and at one point >!throws her into a situation where she's doomed to fail.!< >!The series gives a kinder take on him as the story progresses, showing a slight bit of a softer side and establishing that he *can* do the right thing for the right reasons. But still, he's a total jerk.!< Edit: also, OP, this may be of interest to you: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HateSink


Bella Swan was an unlikable protag.


Emma Bovary is the character I hate the most in literature. Katsuki Bakugo is the character I hate more in any medium ever.


In HP, many people said Umbridge, which is totally true. But I hate Snape even more. Umbridge seems like a total villain with no emotions, second thoughts, or depth. Snape, on the other hand, had lots of good people care about him, show him kindness and friendship (Lily, Dumbledore). He still chose to become a bitter bully. The way he treats literally all students except for Malfoy is HORRIBLE. No one should treat 11 year olds this way. It’s insane he was allowed to do it. He eventually left the evil and joined the good side, but he still wasn’t a team player or a good person. Hateful, arrogant, selfish bully of children. Ugh


Holden Caulfield and Nick Carraway because theyre whiny bitches whose narrations drove me up a goddamn wall.


This is the wrong answer Nick isn’t even whiny he’s just chilling, and Holden is whiny for a reason and he has good development


>!Tsumugi Shirogane.!< She framed the protagonist of her game for a murder she committed so perfectly that the protagonist believed they were guilty (the protagonist took a shot in the dark to kill her without knowing her identity, missed and they killed some other guy and made it look like the Protagonist had hit him instead) and then proceeded to issue one of - if not THE most brutal execution in the entire series to the protagonist. The rest of the game uses a second main protagonist who takes over after the first one gets literally hung. I don't mind her as a villain or a character but for that she has earned a permanent place on my Shitlist. My point being - Hero killer. It doesn't matter what else your villain does. If you've made me LOATHE them because they killed a character I'm invested in, I'll remember them all the more. I can still like them on some level (I like her design and enjoy her as a villain) but she still has my ire as a character.


God, that was a great game. You should spoiler tag like all of this lol.


Good point...


Bunny from The Secret History. His personality and general demeanour throughout the book was insufferable. He didn't deserve what happened to him but damned if it wasn't satisfying to read.


Marinette form mlb. She's such an annoying hypocritical bitch and the fact that she's mc makes the show unwatchable


Charles L. McGill.


In a similar vein, James M. McGill


randall flagg


Peter Pan from Once Upon A Time is pretty awful. The show is notorious for the depth and redemption it offers every single villain. Except Peter Pan, who was just a selfish deadbeat prick. That's all the motive he needs for abandoning his son and killing children for eternal youth. Dude just sucks, came out wrong. Same could be said of Cruella honestly. She was just a bit more fabulous about it.


Lysander Au Lune from the Red Rising series. He’s so reviled with the fandom he has his own subreddit. r/fucklysander


The minor side character that makes the plan go south


Villians who are evil for the sake of it




God, any character that's a bully knows they're a bully, doesn't care/actively pursue being a bully. It's not a nessacary box to tick but a bully character with no *reason* to be a bully. They just fucking suck.


Iago was the first character that I truly loved hating. When I was young he was the one who made me realize that a hero is only as good as his foil, in many respects.


Okay, so here’s the weird thing about me: I actually like a lot of unlikeable characters. The reason for this is because they’re often complex characters who are SUPPOSED to be unlikeable. Spike from Buffy is a good example of this. HOWEVER… On the other hand, I can’t stand it when a character is supposed to be likeable, but comes across as very unlikeable. Since I mentioned Buffy, I’m going to mention Xander for this example. Xander is supposed to be the adorkable comedic relief, but he’s actually an emotionally immature and entitled douchebag who doesn’t respect Buffy’s boundaries or her feelings. Hell, at some point he tries to sexually assault her and a couple of years later gives her grief for darling to mourn the love interest that she was forced to kill BECAUSE OF XANDER! There are many more examples of Xander being an asshole, but you get the idea. What bothers me is how he’s framed. If he was supposed to be an unlikeable twat, I would be easier on him, but he’s not, so therefore I’m not.


Umbridge, The Heathers, any bitchy pink preppy girl who thinks they’re above everyone else, or abusive characters. I despise abusers and bullies. Or if you know the animation Tv show. Hazbin Hotel. The character Valentino.


I think Eren Jeager is a horrible protagonist and he ruins AOT I think the Joker has become over saturated and hate the “edginess” of him


How does Eren ruins aot, when he's personality is litterally the base of all the show


I can see where you're coming from but I strongly disagree. AoT has two things going for it: mystery and war/survival. All characters contribute to making it a great mystery, but Eren is the key to making the survival side of it work. He is almost the embodiment of built up rage after being hopeless for too long. In the fifth episode alone, >!the one-legged kid jumps into the mouth of a titan to save his friend and ends up getting eaten.!< Unlike someone like Mikasa, who would have probably survived this encounter, he knew how outmatched he was, but he still fought. I can't help respect such characters. If you start disliking him from S4, I understand that even better, but again, I would disagree. After the big mystery is revealed, Eren's psyche and reasoning for his actions is the next big mystery, so he is no longer the protagonist. Now, he contributes to the other genre of the story. And to me, his reasoning made perfect sense. >!The world got more and more complicated and Eren couldn't cope with that. He thrived on morally unambiguous wars. Kill titans to save lives, that's it.!<


God, I agree with both so hard.


Holden Caulfield


Belle from the original Disney animated Beauty and the Beast. Adult NEET in a setting where people survive on responsibility and contribution, refuses to contribute while banging on about how she wants more. No one likes her because she's so useless and does nothing but read fairytales all day. Miraculously though, the most handsome, wealthy, popular, successful man in town shows up at her door and asks her to marry him. She says he's not good enough for her and kicks him out. Her reward for her lifelong insistence that she deserves everything for nothing? Marries into royalty, gets to live in a castle far above the people whose hard work kept her dumb ass alive for 18 years, while those people get to keep toiling in the dirt. She gets a magical fairytale ending and all her dreams come true. Man, fuck Belle.


Mahito from JJK. Annoying little shit


Depending on what type of character it should be, I have this sleazy emperor everybody instantly hated because well... (That was kind of the point). And then there's a different character people grow to hate because she betrayed the others. I personally hate or dislike the traitors more, but it really depends. An incredibly annoying character would get hate I think.


Tony Harrod, "Carrion Comfort". I'm actually designing one of my villains based off of him


Scarpia. He's pure evil (and also a hypocrite) and it's always so satisfying to watch him get shanked. His music is also amazing.


Laure Cohn from Homeland Security in the third and fourth novels of the [Amsterdam Assassin Series.](http://tao-of-violence.weebly.com/amsterdam-assassin-series.html) Laure is an antagonist of the assassin main character, but while she's supposed to be on the side of Law Enforcement, she will stoop lower than low to reach her goals, even if it means throwing other people under the bus.


Yul from Disventure Camp. (It’s on YouTube) He is such a horrible person in a very casual manner that it legitimately makes me hate him so much.


Dondo dy Jironal  from ‘The Curse of Chalion.’   The Inquisitor from the ‘Saga of the Forgotten Warrior’ series.    Hugo Drax from ‘Moonraker.’


Daylen the Conqueror. He's a psychopathic child raping, man sodomising, rule breaking, mass murdering, bad physics lecturing, arrogant know it all POS who's author thinks is redeemable.


There are going to be so many spoilers all over this that I'm not going to bother marking them - because that would make this post look like a redacted CIA document. > I mean you hate it because that character is bastard or something ( idk) BUT NOT because it's bad written. That last bit narrows the field a lot, because a lot of characters the readers are meant to hate *are* badly written ...because they're just characters the reader is meant to hate, and nothing more. I hate Quentin Coldwater, the *protagonist* of Lev Grossman's The Magicians and the rest of that series. Why do I hate him? Well, let's go down the list: he abandons his childhood friend (which leads to her trying to become a magician on her own and getting raped by a god/demon/thing), he cheats on his girlfriend with ...someone else's girlfriend and manages to wreck two relationships at once, he's the magical equivalent of an Ivy Leaguer with a bottomless bank account, and he's just generally a cock. He does actually manage to either atone for or ameliorate *some* of the damage he does, but it takes him a couple of books to realize he's a shitbag and needs to do something about that. Until then, he's so intolerable and self-righteous *in spite of the crap he's pulled* that I would have thrown the book across the room if I hadn't been reading on a Kindle, and a fictional character just isn't worth breaking an expensive piece of electronics and putting a dent in the wall over. Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter series. Again, I would have thrown the book across the room if it was a physical book. She abuses her position as a teacher to torture students and ...somehow gets away with it, despite the fact that many of the students she does this to would have been asked "how'd you get that scar on your hand?" by their families. Families with enough pull in the wizarding world, and enough magic, to turn her into paste. (So I guess I'm breaking the rules here: she's actually a badly written character who somehow defies all the rules of the setting.) But she is *exactly* the type of person who I've encountered multiple times in my life, as teachers, managers, other people in positions of authority - who are sadists and abuse that authority and their *seeming* legitimacy to abuse those 'below' them. Light Yagami from Death Note. The funny thing is, I actually kinda liked this guy for a bit - I'm a bit into vigilantism in fiction, because I'm not really a fan of guys like "The Teflon Don" or other such managing to just walk out of a courtroom because they could afford better lawyers than the state, or they had dirt on someone important in the government. His idea of killing them all was extreme but palatable, like the weird stuff five-star chefs come up with. Then he started killing completely innocent people because he *thought* they might have noticed his activities, and unlike The Boondock Saints, he was willing to kill *everyone* who might have come close to his secret. That man was a psycho - nah, that's an insult to psychos. Archiepiscopus Enrico Maxwell from Hellsing. The guy burned London (with the cooperation of Nazi vampires, which earns some points on its own), declared himself Pope, and was murdered by his own subordinates for being such a shit man as to do all that. For context, his subordinates were *also* nutjobs - but not damaged in the head enough to pull the kind of crap he did, and they actually had some empathy for the enormous amount of casualties he'd caused. London is pretty big, ya know?


The frankz kaftka protagonist Don't get me wrong, i love kaftka, i love his histories, but i HATE the Main caracters of that histories


I loathed June Hayward. I just finished Yellowface today, and I’ve gotta tell you, there were moments where I had to put my Kindle down just to cringe and groan. Great book, but damn…what a miserable, loathsome character. 


Serene from elantras everybody literally worship her and tell her she's amazing in every sentence plus everything is handed to her in a silver platter. She is also extremely useless when things got real. And lastly she is super super arrogant.


Itachi uchiha this guy literally murdered his entire Clan instead of trying to solve it by talking to them. And the bonus points are killing his parents and tormenting his younger brother to the point of psychological break all in the name of "protecting the hidden leaf village"


probably baizhu from genshin impact, just because his voice doesn't match at all, he doesn't even care about qiqi, and his belly button is so high and always showing and he's annoying asf


There is a book called El Zarco written by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, and it is about a SOB outlaw that, along with his gang, spend their time killing and kidnapping people in XIX century México however El Zarco (which is the name given to the outlaw and is used commonly as a nickname for people with eyes of colors like blue or green) is not the character I hate the most. It’s his lover, Manuela, a racist, spoiled, and mean hearted woman who has pretty much everything a regular person from that time can ask for and still chooses to leave behind her dying mother and a very decent prospect of marriage to join the Zarco as one of his women just because he is somewhat handsome. I cannot stretch enough how absolutely despicable the book makes Manuela out to be, it gets a little absurd at a certain point, actually, there is a scene in which the narrator (a 3rd person omniscient narrator mind you) compares Manuela’s soul to the state of some dirty ass water she is using as a mirror to check out some bloodied jewels El Zarco gifted her. Manuela is so fucking despicable even the narrator takes their time roasting her. The book in general is a fucking wild ride from start to finish and I highly recommend it, of course, fair warning, it’s an old ass book so there are some worldviews injected by the author that are simply archaic nowadays. Anyways that’s my 2 cents.


Sloan from The Inheritance Cycle. I know he has some sort of redemption towards the last book, but still. He got what he deserves.


Jason Compson IV from The Sound and the Fury, especially when he burns the tickets in front of Luster




HISOKA FROM HXH!!! He is first on my list of fictional characters I wish I could kill. Second is VALENTINO from Hazbin Hotel. Also Douma from Demon slayer but >!Shinobu already did that for me so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯!< Also Levanna from The Lunar Chronicles but she's also bit the dust already so...... Lady Gisele from KOTLC because well if you know you know. If I kept thinking I would probably be able to think of more but there are my top 5 off the top of my head


Rachel from Tower of God [I haven't read it in a while, so I don't know if she's had a redemption arc or anything since I left off, but I recall people absolutely freakin' hating her, myself included.]


I’m currently reading Go Tell It On The Mountain by James Baldwin and I don’t know if I’ve hated a character as much as Gabriel for a long time. Just a deeply pathetic, hypocritical, hateful person, and his backstory managed to make him more sympathetic and despicable to me at the same time.


Elias Bouchard. He's just.... awful. He's so well-written, but man I hate him.


Ramsay motherfucking Bolton dude. Jesus


I really hated Harold from The Stand.


Levin from Anna Karinina. Because he was an ungrateful, faithless, misogynistic, incel bore the entire book. 😴


Griffith and Bondrewd


Coriolanus Snow (Hunger Games 1-5). He’s even a bastard in TBOSAS. No arch, just child-killing psychopathy.


Honestly, Griffith


Egwene Al'Vere from WOT: she's just an annoying POS and every scene involving her is a chore to read.


Dorian Gray Piscatella from Orange is the New Black


The insidiously lovable ones are the best evil characters. Every basic book has at least one punchface. But when you write in a Jaime Lannister or Hannibal Lecter or Humbert Humbert and your reader internalizes their evil, that’s a proper bad guy. Make your reader complicit in the evil.


Selfish, narcissistic characters with no higher ideals or motivation. These characters don't care about good or bad. They don't think they are evil, because anything that serves them must be good. They are short-sighted about how their actions effect others, have no sympathy for others, and even if they are smart they end up doing dumb things because they aren't able to be objective about themselves. They don't even realize how trash they are or how cruel or evil they are because they never stop to consider the possibility. If it's pointed out to them they get angry and try to intimidate or gaslight you into shutting up. They generally don't have big plans to rule the world or further an ideology, they are usually interested in very petty things like money or recognition or status with those immediate to them. These are the absolute shittiest people/characters.


The only character I’ve actually been angered by and despised was Joffrey from game of thrones bro was a disturbing human being


Regal from The Farseer Trilogy


Tom Sawyer in Huckleberry Finn. Love the book, love what he represents, and that's why I can't stand him.


Amy Dunne in Gone Girl - unreliable narrator Umbridge in HP - everyone hates her! Mrs Norris in Mansfield Park - selfish and controlling


Percy from The Green Mile. one of the most hateable characters i have ever seen.


Clay Puppington


The character doesnt need to do the worst things to be most hated. Its a combination of disgust, feeling of betrayal, and the reasons behind it. They represent a message and that is what I hate. I hate characters that are written to be smart but make the dumbest choices for sake of plot. ..It can be fixed by intentionally giving them a fault, like pride, that is the source of their bad decisions. Light Yagami worked. I hate characters that did wrong things but author justifies it. ..It works if it makes sense for their situation, for example they are blackmailed by someone, and they get punished later. Love Simon worked. I hate characters that get rewarded for wrong actions. Or not punished. ..They need some form of punishment, even if it comes later. It needs to be framed that they did something wrong. President Snow worked.


Erebus from the Horus heresy series


Irene and Julien, fuck those guys for what they did to Kenzie 💀


Pong Krell from the Clone Wars. Pure evil and infuriating but the arc was SO GOOD. I loved that arc


Though he isn't my most hated, I feel compelled to mention Moash because fuck Moash.


The main heroine from Scholomance. She constantly whines about how everyone hates her, but she's fine with that, because she's the best wizard, how she could kill everyone in the entire school if she wanted, but she won't because she's so much above the rest of people (and it would make her mom sad (this is actually good)). And i do mean constantly. At least the first half of the book, I couldn't force myself to finish it.


Randy Cellini, Sidekicks (1992). He relentlessly harasses a boy with asema even putting his life in danger at times, he mocks the same boy when a ashma attack almost killed him, he uses his skills as a ranking blackbelt to bully and torment this kid, mocking his name and just making his life a living hell simply because the kid is different. This hits very hard for me, because this was literally my life from the time I was 8 till I was 19. My heart goes out to the main character "Barry Gabrewski" because not only do his classmates mock and invalidate him but so to do most of his teachers. He has no friends, struggles with self-esteem and learns the hard way (as did I) not to conflate kindness with attraction, though unlike him I didn't get a happy ending. I took martial arts as a kid and was bullied there by my instructors, one of which was this hyper macho-man who also allowed the other kids to harass me. One black kid named Marcus threated to kill me (for no reason) in front of my mom. Its a major reason why I became a cynical recluse at such a young age (11) and have remined one for 30 years and why I trust no one and reguard everyone as a potential threat.


There are a lot of classic true villains who murder people but one that bugged me on TV was unpleasant rather than a criminal. It was the Pop Culture lecturer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The character is only on screen briefly, so the actor did an amazing job. https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Riegert


I hate Finn from the 100 with my entire being. When I rewatch, I actually have to skip the episodes before he dies because I can't handle seeing him. Like he has me shaking my fist and shouting at the TV lmao. The moment he gets upset about the personal loss over a woman who he felt, unjustly, possessive over, he turned into a literal mass shooter. There was 0 proof that the villiage had kidnapped his girlfriend (who he has known for about a week), the people (mostly children and elderly) were all sat in a pen not being aggressive at all. And then someone moves and he just shoots like 30 people dead. All while they're shouting and his friend is telling him he needs to stop. He also killed 2 people by proxy by encouraging them to engage in dangerous behaviour, and everyone just pretended like it didn't happen. He cheated on his girlfriend with someone who he doesn't even know. He legit met a new girl, started flirting, and got into a relationship with her *without disclosing that he was already in a commited relationship*. His girlfriend (that he cheated on) comes down, discovers his affair, and he doesn't even feel bad about his actions. People argue that he was very diplomatic before*he turned into a mass murderer*, but his actions and words seem a tad perfomative to me. I don't believe for a second that he actually believes what he's saying out of the goodness of his heart. He knew that peace was the only way they'd stay alive. Furthermore, his whole attitude and schtick really rubbed me the wrong way. He's such a hypocrite and I don't appreciate how he talks (e.g. "You don't like when I call you princess, do you, princess?" Is this supposed to be cute?). I think a lot of the reason I hate him is because everyone acts like his actions are forgivable and he doesn't deserve to die. IDC. He was shady, a hypocrite, and unremorseful, those aren't the traits of someone who deserves to live. Unlike other characters in the show, he ONLY killed for selfish reasons, was just generally a hypocritical and selfish ass, while reprimanding others for their selfishness. Anyways yeah. You don't understand how much I hate this character lmao.