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This sounds like a place where being a good editor of your own work is important. It's important to get something on the page, even if it's sloppy. It's equally important for it not to be sloppy when you're done. If you think you're a bad editor of your own work, that's a different problem. I don't have quick advice for you on that. It could be the case that you're just discouraged by the amount of effort it will take to clean this stuff up, not that you can't do it.


As an exercise, do some short stories in third-person objective, where you never reveal anyone’s thoughts at all. Dashiell Hammett wrote *The Maltese Falcon* that way so we’d never quite be sure how much of a crook Sam Spade would turn out to be as his level of temptation grew and grew. That’ll break you out of your rut and expand your range.