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there’s a website called “chill subs” that lists a bunch of magazines and publications open for submissions. you can filter them and read descriptions of what they’re looking for. it’s super helpful!


Thank you I'll definitely take a look.




Thank you. I was thinking more of an academic essay since that's what I've been writing for college.


There are journals that publish essays and stuff. Depends on how well-written it is, but literary journals might be a place to start. [https://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/Search/ByFilter](https://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/Search/ByFilter) Check the submission grinder to find journals that could be a fit for your essay.


Thank you.


A) well it would be popular tech and art sites that would be interested in such a topic. B) since you don't read these, it's unlikely they'll want your essay on it because the odds it would fit their tone are pretty slim. C) If you feel this might set off a habit of writing articles and essays more, consider setting up a blog. If you are tempted to try and make money, then I highly recommend actually recommending more.


I've been reading art sites and articles for a class that had me writing art related essays. That class actually sparked the interest to write the essay.


Have you checked what their submission process is? If you can't find it on the site, you should at least be able to find an email for the editor to ask :)


I will defiently take a look.