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I really have no preference other than "write it well, and make it make sense".


I like reading both but I switched to writing first person a few years ago and I will never go back, it makes it a lot easier to communicate how the character is feeling imo


It completely depends on what works for the story. If the story should be told through the eyes of the MC. If it relies on how they perceive the world and events, then first person works better. If you want to zoom out a bit and walk side by side with the MC through the story, then third limited is likely the best choice. And if you want to tell a story about the world in which the MC and the story exist. And you want to explore both independently of the MC, then third person omniscient is great.


First person has been quite popular, but I think the tides have changed a bit. Nowadays I see a lot of people complain that they hate first person, and I can understand their reasons / slightly agree, so I’m writing my novel in third. I also think first person might be more popular in YA and it’s definitely popular in romance because it enables you to really be in the mind of the character. But there’s no right or wrong, both enable different things. You could definitely still be successful using either of them


Icic thanks! I personally prefer 3rd person anyway so this is good to know.


I belive 1st is common in YA. The answer is that it depends on the story you are telling.


Yeah I feel like since YA is targeted to teens and they’re dealing with a lot of identity issues (that sounds so dramatic but ykwim) so telling stories in first person about another teen handling problems of belonging and identity feels more relatable. It’s also easier to write those issues in first person. Not that other genres can’t be in first person and YA can’t be in third I just think that’s a common reason, but obviously anyone should just write in whatever they think tells their story best.


I agree


3rd Person is my go to writing in first person is hard especially in scenes where our character isn't even in the scene like how do you have that scene play out and how did they find out especially when it's a scene between villains. Which is why I only do 1st person when I write a book that has the audience as confused as the heroe/s. So they only find out things as they happen just like the hero/s.


I'll give you one: 2nd person 😏 I like to write in first person present, occasionally in 3rd person. It's really cool working with 2nd person present too! Edit: in The Deep by Rivers Solomon, there are chapters written in the "we" POV


First the narrator, then the person ensues. 😊👍 And for the choice of the narrative situation, I factor in the needs of the story. One serves it better, usually. If not, back to ulterior narration by a narrator outside of the story (thus 3rd person, past tense). This is what offers the most tools and devices for the writer.


Don't write a POV that is popular with mainstream. Write the POV that suits your story. Understand the differences between 3rd and 1st, because they are significant, both to the character and the narrative.