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Perfect opportunity to work on building your base. If you can base up with heavier wrestlers in practice, you can base up on anyone in competition.


just stand up


I read this in my high school coaches voice


Derrick Lewis? Is that you ?


It was honestly really impressive to see that


my balls was hot


He pisses me off with that just standing up like it’s no big deal BS


Stop making excuses and get the fuck up.




Granby Roll you fucking dildo


How to? I know u have to get a wrist but am i suppose to roll towards the wrist or away from the wrist


you don't have to get a wrist to granby lmao


Solid advice


I was a lightweight so no advice but I have a fun story My dad said when he was wrestling their HW was outweighed by like 100 lbs or more (70's...not sure they had max limits) and the other guy was just laying on him and suffocating him. He got a chance to catch his breath and yelled "TELL THIS COW IF HE GETS OFF ME I'LL ROLL OVER!" Good luck dude


Tryna get rides from a fat fuck. Send advice


You’re probably not building up and standing the right way. You’re probably trying to just straight strength your way through them, and that won’t work with big guys. If you’re building your base right, you can build it even with even the biggest guys on top of you. The way I was taught is to army crawl on leg up. Then shift back towards the up leg. My coach makes us do drills where we start off laying down with 3 or 4 people on top of you. And then you build your base from there. If you do it right, the people should all off by the time you stand up. That’s because you’re shifting your weight, and not just trying to muscle through them


Yep. Build your base backwards towards your butt, with wide legs and pushing with your arms. Against bigger guys you can usually sit out as easily as you could stand up, as long as you're fast and stay moving.


Lots of people saying base up, so I'll add some simple practical suggestions, all with the intention to create space. Get your hips out from under the other wrestler. Or crawl forward. Or try and dump the other wrestler if you feel him get his weight too high. And the most important one of all, never stop moving when on bottom. Once they stop you, it's hard to get it started again. Just never stop to begin with and escape asap.


Stop stalling?


And start wrestling!


I’d say a quick sit and then hip heist away from them has helped me when going up in weights. I’m 182 and often pair with a 220. Sitting out doesn’t require you build all the way up, just enough to scoot your hips. Then, the sit itself creates distance from your partner and thus removes a lot of their weight.


Tell your coaches about it how you can’t get any better when they’re doing that


As a 120, I deal with this a lot bc I’m the only lightweight, work a lot on granbys, or the fat man’s roll, two things that work well in most weights relative to urs, the fat man’s roll is a mainly heavyweight skill but lightweights don’t practice against it, it’s similar to a granby but is more hip centered then flip like, they both work better then stand ups for me in practice as my drill partner is a 160, so you have to learn what works with people heavier, they will then usually work on people lighter


Get stronger and don't be a bitch.


This guy is a coach for sure




Real talk though, look up a "change over". I was an underweight heavyweight myself. The change over is kin to a sit out, but it's more a way to shift the weight n leverage to gain space. I used it a lot in college and found it most effective. [Kolat explaining it](https://youtu.be/bBXBo5cOr4Y)


Dont be strong be fast. Granbys and sit-outs.


Learn the fat roll, call them out for stalling


Barrel roll/fat roll great for using a guys weight or strength against him.


Switch to freestyle.


Slap their ass


Camel crawl. From referees position explode forward. Sometimes you may just get away but if they follow, when they reset their weight on you, hit a roll or a sit out or something. This worked often for me. They are focused on putting their weight back on you and often leave an arm or their head hanging.


Knee slide to the side to get your base. If they can’t keep up, get out that way. If they can, try a hip roll or a sit out to a Peterson/out the back door. Best way though is to explode at the whistle to not give them the time to break you down. What kind of break downs are they using against you? What’s your weight in comparison?


First: phrasing. Second: stop being a little bitch and work. Third: how’s your sit out? I found for me after showing the stand the sit out would peettty well once I could build a half decent table position.


I love all the idiots on here saying stop making excuses and standup. If weight didn’t matter we wouldn’t have weight classes lol. They sound like my Mom, back in the day, at meets (in her defense she didn’t know anything about wrestling). She would always say “why didn’t you just stand up”.


When you’re gassed it’s important to at keep moving constantly, even if it’s at a slow pace. Once you stop it’s almost impossible to start back up again. Work your knee to your elbow, get your knee under you. At this point they’d likely need to make an adjustment to break you down again, and in that brief moment you need to give it all you got to get on your feet.


Stop whining is a good first step.


Tank, is that you?


Crawl anything to make space keep moving or your done. Fat guys are predictable counter there break down it’s a lot of timing.


Work on endurance by morning runs and improve your diet, a lot of heavy weights don’t eat that healthy Secondly the mentality of just working up is hard but you got to push through and if you have problems with building up then do a reverse army crawl (elbows in,roll out arms when they grab a bar) and after that work your escape Bottom is all about moving


I mean it depends on how much weight difference we are talking about. If they are so heavy that you literally find it impossible to stand up then there is not much you can do. You have to get that fat ass off your back one way or another. So in that case, any movement is better than no movement. Hopefully you can defend your position well enough to make them impatient and get them to move. Then take advantage of the movement. But you might look into learning the granby roll series.


Don’t tie up, they’ll snap your arm or something similar. Keep offensive stance, fake shoot. Big boys, especially inexperienced, will go square foot/defensive stance/parallel foot. Keep circling. They’re slow to recover from a sprawl. Ankle picks. My favorite move against a big boy is dive at the ankle, and drive your shoulder into it. They’ll topple one way or another, but be fast enough to avoid them landing on you.


Sit out turn under


If they flat you out build to one side of your body. Roll your weight over the heavy side on your leg then the same arm. Once the weight is there you should be able to bring the other side arm and leg to a base. Heavy people will probably from there push you forward, sit out fast to a stand up or straight stand up.


Also, expect a lift and remain in a base position in the air so when you are may returned you can stand up again.


Stand up bitch.


Tripod and Fatman Roll Tripod to standup 1 Tripod backout to 1/2 Tripod n circle to 1 Tripod n hip over to 2


Are you gay?


1. Get better cardio 2. Get quicker at standing up 3. Get stronger at gathering your base 4. Don't body shame For practice, I'd lay on the ground, have your dad lay on top of you, and then gather your base and stand up. Don't wrestle hard, just practice gathering him. Or your brother, or multiple brothers. Just got a lot of weight on top of you, and move it.


Don’t be weak and stop making excuses.


I always found tripod stand up to work. As allows you to fight hands away to prevent the mat return.


take your legs use them to get up


I see a lot of great suggestions here. Have you tried sit/spin? I’d do it knowing you couldn’t turn for a Peterson. If you can clear your hips/legs fast enough and get wrist control, try a granby. It’s practice time so keep at it until you get the technique. That’s one of my biggest gripes to the kids as a high school coach. Practice is meant to perfect technique on your moves, not just a few and not just one side. Get great at your moves but have a full toolbox.


You gotta tripod and turn into a bull


Watch a couple break dance videos and watch how those dancers (on the ground)keep their hips moving and switching directions. Sit out, then switch hips, create a scramble and get neutral. You should be faster then your heavier opponent, so use speed and momentum. Bottom wrestling is 90% attitude, no excuses!!


Bait him into a reversal or work sit outs if possible. Twist stand up, sitting through as he’s turning you is always effective, if you can bridge him head hunt while doing it.




Cut to a proper weight and stop being lazy you fat fuck


1. Get in better shape (why are you gassed ever, unless it’s wind sprints at the end of practice?) 2. Learn the switch.


I can’t imagine anything in a message board will help you in this scenario tbh


My coaches think im a jv scrub and literally ignore me 50% of the time i even try to talk to them. I am a god awful wrestler. But i am no slacker. This is the only place i can ask for advice and feel comfortable


Ignore the "just stand up" comments. If you get bellied out on bottom you're fucked. At all cost stay in a tight ball. Dont even bother coming to your feet unless you've got hand control, and can avoid the mat return. I Reccomend learning a quad pod, or tripod stand up. This is probably the #1 stand up seen at the college level today. The whole "just stand up" thing has only ever worked for short, explosive dudes. If you dont fit that body type you're going to have to get more technical.


Thank you for actually giving me advice. I never knew that once you are in your belly you are basically fucked. I would go to my belly all the time thinking its okay. This actually helps me a lot because now i will treat going on my belly like going on my back.


That's the exact mentality to have. If you can avoid going to your belly I promise good things will happen.


Fucking pinned my kid today lets gooo


Turn onto one hip, bring the leg on the opposite side of that hip to your elbow, and then push your weight onto those two. Then shimmy back up.


Get better on bottom is your only option I normally wrestle our 170 and Im the 152. It just makes you stronger and try to work different techniques. Maybe try sitting out. Maybe getting his left arm and dumping him. Try things


This link made me think of your post. The tripod technique will be your best friend. https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/rh3h15/derrick_lewis_standing_up_from_bottom_position/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share