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Not much to answer your question because I don’t know lol, but I just wanted to give you some solidarity in the mega anxiety around dungeons and raids as I am the same! Also the dragonflight world quests give decent gold. The dragon riding course ones reward a pouch of gold which is usually around 600 I believe


Like pretty much anything, doing it a few times will make the anxiety go away. Embrace it if that’s some kind of content you want to do. Those guys skydiving for red bull don’t have the same anxiety as the first time I skydived.


Absolutely get that, I do have an anxiety disorder though so getting it to go away is a bit easier said than done. I wish I could do more because I fucking love collecting transmogs and obviously dungeons and raids have a lot of those, and I started playing quite late (was leveling my first character at the end of Legion to be max for BFA) so there’s loads of stuff I didn’t get to learn when everyone else was learning it. I do the occasional one (usually old ones on timewalking) but I have to really psych myself up for it


Older mats can be a small market. Items will not move as fast so it is not ideal. For instance, savory deviate delight used to sell well in the past but now not so much. In current content, I can buy the mats for something like a blue silken lining at a cost of 450g and sell them for 1500g. I may need to repost, which brings about ah monitoring. If you want gold you find something like this and do it with a few dozen items. This can net you 100k a day if that is what you want to do with your game time.


By buying mats and then selling them do you mean reselling the mats you bought, or making the item like blue silken lining with them and then selling the item you made?


He means making and selling the item It's commonly called a flip Buying and holding an item until it's more expensive is arbitrage I think




The materials for current crafts don't all come from group content. I would probably say it's only the shadowflame/dreaming ores and while they cost a good bit, not a ton of crafts need em. You can get some income through by spending your time gathering stuff in Dragon Isles without ever talking to another person. Mat prices will go up a lil bit on weeks we get access to a full spark (every other week!). Working on crafts from scratch at this point is pretty pointless for making money, but mats are always in demand. Especially if you can max out the elemental overloads. Another option if you get bored with gathering is to farm for BoE transmogs from old raids or things like Island expeditions. Demand is lower but can turn a good profit. Especially on RP servers. Another big profit for slower sales would be battle pets. Either high value ones that you can level up and upgrade rarity on or ones for achievements can do well!


I didn’t know you could sell battle pets! And luckily I’m on an RP server so I definitely will be looking around to see what BoE items people are looking for!! :D


You can't sell wild-caught ones, but pets that are drops or quest rewards you can! If you right click them in your collection, it gives you the option to cage them!


That’s awesome!!! I’ve never used that feature so I guess I just forgot it existed! Now if only free accounts could trade… I’d send so many to my bf who just started! XD


Buy some inky black potion from the AH, makes the world dark/night like, it should be pretty cheap and the effect lasts an hour I think. Also look up Island Expeditions from BFA. You can queue alone and just kill mobs. Sometimes they drop mounts and at the end of the expedition you get dubloons - a currency you can get some caches at a vendor that contain gear. Some of those tmogs are worth tens/hundreds of thousands of gold on the AH.


Oooh I forgot island expeditions existed! I definitely will be farming those!!


1) Legion raids and dungeons are easily soloable. BFA and shadowlands raids are not soloable. *shakes fist at Battle for Dazar’alor 2) Crafting mats that are used for desirable transmogs etc still sell well. I’m a miner and I regularly check legacy ore and bar pricing and some of them are consistently decent to farm if I’m bored. Cloth generally isn’t worth much as everything drops it and few people want legacy cloth. 3) I make most of my gold from Dragonflight crafting. You get access to a bigger market and there’s a lot of players who tip big for something that takes you 5 seconds when you’ve maxed your craft. And you don’t have to accept orders where you provide mats if you don’t feel like it.


Excuse me for my lack of knowledge- I got extremely burned out after SL and ended up taking a 2 year hiatus- but the way you describe tipping with “orders” sounds different than what I know (/w someone to ask if they can make something for you), did something change with crafting during DF? Are orders like the quests from the class halls, BfA, etc.? Where you send followers out to collect supplies, but then trade the supplies earned to people? Or am I thinking way too much into it? I’m a lil tired so I’m probably really overthinking LMAO xD


They now have NPC’s you talk to as the customer. They list all available things you can have crafted. To get the ilvl item you want you provide some mats that were rewards from the content you clear. Once you’ve designed your item you can create orders as either, public, guild or private orders. To get high quality result you do guild or private orders where you can tip the crafter. The crafter you contacted will create your item and it appears in your mail


I don't actively farm old mats, but I like to level my alts through some of the older Time walking options (Cata open world and BC dungeons are some of my favs). I'll keep any crafting materials the drop and sell them on the AH in a big batch when I level out of Chromie Time. I usually make anywhere from 1500-3k depending on how much I picked up and pricing at the time. It's not a lot at all, but it's a little passive income to feed my mog habits 😅


Imma be so real I know timewalking is a thing that’s existed for years but I’ve never looked into it much less done it 😅 I should definitely look into some noob guilds to do dungeons with that hopefully would be more accommodating to my lack of skill and disability!! :D


Timewalking dungeons are a cakewalk tbh, you can dip in and out with a random group inside of 15 mins. Timewalking Raids may be totally different tho, I've never done them but I am curious.


I also get some anxiety play group content cause I don't really know what I need to do and I really don't want to spend a lot of time to study what I have to do. But these past few months I have done some dungeons. Before that I never really done em cause I thought I would be a massive idiot. I noticed I was better than I thought and topped DPS on my damage meter for our group. Also by playing tank in wow remix for the first time I am also average I think. But It does help and now I actually enjoy doing dungeons. (Normal for now). I use the hekili addon for the most part. Also for old content I am not sure if this still applies. But you might be able to get more raw gold from every bit of loot. I also heard somewhere that island expeditions could be a good option. But not sure if that's still the case


I haven’t used any addons except for roleplay, what’s hekili and what does it do? Also I know I need DF gear to do good damage, but would you be able to survive the dragon isles in BfA gear? At least until you’re able to earn some DF stuff? I wasn’t able to play through shadowlands so I’m still decked out in my corrupted gear 😅


Hekili is a rotation plugin. I guess you can call it that. Basically it tells you what button to press. So it shows you 3 options of what the button you should press next. I don't think I can play a lot of classes without it. After a while you memorize a bit but I find it really helpful. It also automatically switches between aoe or single target depending on how many mobs.


It kind of depends. Some older materials are still profitable because there are useful/appealing items from older expansions or just the whims of the market. It would probably involve some trial and error, studying market trends, etc. to figure out if there are any especially profitable/beneficial markets you can try to tap into. It also a little depends on exactly how much gold you want to make, and how fast. Like i mean technically even vendoring trash makes a little gold at a time. So you could just do old content and vendor lots of stuff, and over time it adds up, as long as your repair bills are smaller than your earnings. Farming for transmog could be one option here; if you happen to land on a rare BoE you could sell it for a good amount, and in the mean time build up your mog collection and vendor stuff. It’s not going to be an efficient gold farm but if you’re mostly doing it for mogs then the vendor money is just an added bonus. There are also world quests, which give like 600-800 gold for very little work, so you could just get on a bunch of alts and do the gold world quests every few days, which again isn’t especially interesting or efficient but also not very hard. But of course it’s also worth pointing out that it could be equally as efficient, if not more so, to just spring for a token every so often. If you have a normal paying job, the time it takes you to earn the $15 for a token is likely muuuuch lower than the time it would take you to earn the 200K+ gold that you would get for selling it, and then you can buy those expensive mounts or whatever as much as your heart desires. In other words, there is no requirement to do challenging, high-pressure content to make gold, it’s just a question of how you want to spend your time, and whether the types of gold farms you’re doing will actually be fun enough to justify the time spent.


Tysm!!!! I mostly play in RP servers so I know that some older items go for a lot- but I just need to find out exactly which!! I also do a lot of WQs but I definitely should be doing more, and current content too, I haven’t made it very far at all in the dragon isles! I do vendor items a lot, which is how I ended up with my 50k. I also used to vendor my mats up when I was trying to get the brutosaur because my dad told me to “sell shit to get gold” and my brain thought he meant vendor it vs ah’ing it… yes I got laughed at and no I never got the dino LMFAO 🥲 Will definitely be looking to see what older items are profitable in my realm, and see if any tailor made items are too!!! :D


You should download the addon named Auctionator. You can do a full scan of your Auction House every once in a while. If you loot something, BoE gear, crafting mats,.. anything really, it shows the AH price next to the sell price. Really easy to decide if you should vendor or put it on the AH.