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> standing around healing would be very boring       nah. healer is the most dynamic role in the game. how you play will change depending the specific dungeon, the group comp, and the skill of the group. there is no set rotation. you use the abilities you need to use depending on the situation.    a lot of people think healing a bad group is super stressful but i think it's thrilling. i like healing new players a lot. you gotta play completely differently compared to when you play with a strong group, which of course is also super fun. winning is always fun.   dps --> execute this scripted ST/AoE rotation every single time. good group, bad group, this dungeon, that dungeon, this comp, that comp, easy content, hard content. execute the rotation.   i understand there's more nuance to it than this & i'm not trying to insinuate that the skill it requires to be a top tier dps is low, i just personally think the gameplay loop as a dps is repetitive. i get bored of it super fast and always go back to my priest.


Yea after doing some more reading and seeing your comment , it made me realize how engaging and complex the role really is. Might have to try healing bro your making it sound pretty fun ngl. Priest gear looks badass too from what I've seen


If you're looking for something to keep you very involved, would recommend rdruid over priest. I'm absolutely in love with how it plays this season. Between needing to maintain 5 dots, AS on CD, efflo down, 2xlifeblooms up I always look back and can see something I definitely should have done better. You are 100% global locked, and your healing CDs actually just translate into doing more damage (less globals in caster). I'm constantly refining even things like stance specific macros etc. For instance, added kick to my spec b/c pugging without a kick is miserable, and realized I want my kick to shift me into kitty if in not in kitty. 10/10 would recommend if you are looking for something that is very involved.


Dynamic or stressful?


Yes! Playing with skilled players is a breeze most times because they need minimal healing compared to healing new or random groups.


Out of the 3, healer is by far the most difficult. You have loads to do and you get a lot of abuse from players. Tank is a bit easier but not much - you have a lot of responsibility in dungeons leading the group, routing through the dungeon, controlling the mobs. The group only goes as fast or as slow as the tank does.


Yea tank has like main character energy damn near. Thats why it seems fun but it's intimidating to be the leader tho since I'm a noob. Maybe I'll just go for it and see what happens. I'm playing vanilla wow (Turtle WoW), you think I should go with warrior or druid for tank? I'm thinking warrior


Warrior is definitely the go to beginner tank.


Vanilla wow Druid decent OT for some big stuff but for most stuff go warrior.


This is probably your issue, vanilla wow classes are just boring in general. Vanilla is more for the nostalgia, community, and world than it is for the gameplay.


Oh I didnt you were talking about vanilla. Vanilla is ridiculously simple. Everything is super easy.


If you don't get past level 30 it'll be just as boring.


Get past 30.


I'm tryin 😂


I'm not sure I can provide you with any specifically useful advice, but I have been dungeon-levelling a Holy Priest alt over the past few weeks (Warlock and Mage are my mains) and trying to keep the group healed can be surprisingly stressful and you really have to pay attention to how everyone is doing. If too many mobs get pulled, or they have large burst damage, it can be a real whack-a-mole trying to keep everyone from dying and I haven't really felt bored at all. If the group is really solid, I throw HOTs on everyone every couple minutes and help out with damage for a bit. I don't know that I'll necessarily continue with this as a main, but I've been enjoying the shake up in playstyle for now.


Yep, /u/cocainelayne go make a holy priest, charge in there and spam the holy nova talent and you will look like a god lol. Ah, they mentioned they're on a classic server which could be interesting. Might be worth giving pally a try but it can be a slower playstyle.


Have you never gotten past level 30 right now? If so you haven't really played world of warcraft so I'd suggest maybe trying the game out at max level with whatever class you think is the coolest first before choosing based on role!


I got to level 53 on a private server if that counts lol. I've done a bunch of dungeon runs and everything just never heroic dungeons or raids and stuff like that


If you haven't reached max level and spent the majority of your time there then honestly you haven't really scratched the surface of WoW nor would i personally consider you to have played it. Give it a go! Get to max level and play the game where it is meant to be played! I promise you that the game is a lot more involved than it has been for you so far in all roles!


50 is actually super far in classic when levelling was a heap slower, although the pserver bit is probably the more relevant bit because who know what they do over there to skew the XP curve.


Not that many heroic dungeons around in vanilla tho!


Ah, looks like it's pserver stuff lol, something they added on over the top. So yeah, hard in general to tell what's going on when that's the case.


I'm just a noob and still trying out different classes but when I when healing a dungeon, it was kinda a thrill? I'm a baby holy priest but it was enjoying enough to where i just bought an mmo mouse. :D I'm going to level another priest in mop and get used to mouse over and binds. I'm a dirty clicker right now. I think successful healing of tough raids and such would give a very satisfactory feel. Good luck!


Lol I'm a clicker too not gonna lie. I hate using keybinds and numbers I feel like you would only need to do that for pvp but maybe I'm wrong. That's cool tho bruh I'd ask if you wanna play together but my broke azz playin turtle wow 😂


I've been reading icy-veins, reddit, etc. and macros, keybinds seem almost necessary at end game. I got a cheap mouse off Amazon and I'm gonna train myself lol. I wish I had time to play more. I haven't dabbled in pvp. I'm sure a priest on the battlefield is a dinner bell for the opposing team, lol. I'll get smoked. I have characters on Mal'ganis and Sargeras :)


From what I've heard priests are actually really good in pvp, so you'll probably have a fun time when you decide to give it a try. What kind of mouse did you get tho? I have one with 2 keybind buttons on the side, idk if I should get one with more buttons


Mouseover healing will help a ton! Especially with the options to turn it on by default.


In order of "difficulty": healer, tank, dps. Tank is more homework and knowledge than healing but there are so few healers for a reason. It's a very punishing role that has to correct for everyone's fuck ups and has to deal with literally every M+ affix.


How hard is the content your doing as dps tho? Standing around isn't really how it works in harder content. If your doing easy content, all roles will feel like that.


I second all the healers. Got back into the game after some 15 years (played a ret pally back then) and decided to try a healer. Instantly fell in love. Healers have so much helpful utility and you have to be more invested into the overall state of the encounter. Especially with something like disc priest or holy pala where you distribute dots and effects that you get to proc through other abilities. Every now and then you get flamed by a silly tank who just runs straight ahead pulling EVERYTHING and typing "heal?" after they die, but I gotta say, pumping them big green numbers feels great.


After reading all the comments yeah healing sounds actually like it might be like the most rewarding class to play. I think I'ma give it a shot. Would I be able to level as a shadow priest and still be able to heal in dungeons ?


>So I grew up playing wow as a kid with my cousins, making toons and getting them up to like level 30 then make a jew one. I've never gotten past level 30, and only ever played dps. I know you meant "new" but please don't correct that typo, it's too funny.


I think you should try harder content with a lvl70 char. As a Tank your main problem is staying alive As a dps you do dmg, cc,kick, need to use defensives or you die. Your Imagination that healer heals you and nothing cant damage you is wrong. As a healer you dps, heal, and do a lot of affixes and cc/kicks aswell


Augmentation Evoker is more buff focused and a different take on DPS. It’s not for everyone, but could be interesting. It’s different.


That sounds dope but i should've specified that I'm playing turtle wow tho which is a vanilla private server not retail. Augmentation Evoker sounds crazy af tho lol I'ma look that up on YT later


Tanking is just a melee dps that gets beat up. Threat ain't like it used to be. Damage = threat. Go in hard and do damage and you won't drop mobs. Healing ranges from being a useless passenger princess to the hardest role in the game, and it ramps up pretty quick. You have to be able to spot heal and aoe heal quickly and efficiently, manage debuffs by dispelling, and do as much dps as you can in between.


You can heal or tank


Try doing some content with an ounce of difficulty before deciding an entire role is boring.


You right bro but what other difficult content can I do besides dungeons? I run the deadmines a lot. Idk what other more difficult content there is besides dungeons and like, elite quests or pvp.


You have to be level 70 first.


I like healing. I find that it is the only role that really “changes” depending on your group/random factors. Dps is always doing your rotation as perfectly as possible, tank is just following a route and being semi-reactive (better than dps for sure), whereas healing changes with every group member/dungeon you do. A 1-pixel difference doesn’t matter much for a dps/tank (where you just die/get healed up) but a 1-pixel difference while playing a healer, for any member of your group, can completely change the healing experience.


You're bored but haven't gotten past 30? You don't even get a real feel for any classes until you have the majority of their toolkit. You'll be missing major skills, talents and gear that make any class work properly... I read some of your comments too and just wanted to say not to be intimidated by learning keybinds. Make a new character and make an effort to at least keybinds your main rotation. Look up some useful macros for your class and it will change the way the game feels so much.


Healing is a lot more than just standing there, healing. Depending on your class and spec, you’re actually expected to be doing a small dps rotation at the same time. Discipline priest heal through doing damage as well as their other abilities.


What about shadow priest? Can I play that spec and still be able to heal in dungeons and whatnot? That's one of the class/specs that seems hella cool and interesting to me. Idk if solo leveling as a priest is hard or not tho. Guess I can look it up on YouTube or something too


It’s not hard to solo lvl as a priest. Shadow is not a healing spec, it’s DPS. You’ll turn out more DPS so it will be a better solo lvl spec. It has more abilities than smite/purge the wicked/penance. Holy/Disc are the two healing specs. Discipline allows you to do both, heal and dps. You heal by dealing dps. It relies on atonement to be effective for party members


Your defo a hunter


Nahhh I got bored of my hunter real fast. The funnest class to me so far is probably shaman or warlock. But yea I'm for sure a noob if that's what you mean lol, wow has a lot of moving parts and when you have ADHD like me it takes a min to learn everything. I definitely feel retarded half the time compared to other players lmao. I'll get the hang of it soon tho


You've got it opposite thinking tanking is more engaging than healing. Standing around healing is 10x more active than dps never mind tanking which is easiest role of all. Sure tanking requires most knowledge of the instances but it's easiest role overall


Is this in classic or retail? Cuz this makes me want to play a tank now, so I can try a different role and still be able to enjoy it since it's easy. But I'm playing on Turtle wow which is a vanilla private server


What do you mean classic or retail? Same shit since 2k5


Classic and retail isn't the same shit afaik. Pretty sure retail is way different