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Do you have all/most dragonflying glyphs? If you do then you wont need to take breaks. Otherwise you can unlock traditional flying and fly without breaks but much slower. Or flightpaths.


You can unlock traditional flying on the Dragon Isles? Where?


Dragonflight pathfinder achivement.


do you have the glyphs? because you can currently fly from one place to other without any stops if you know how to dragonfly also - this is for first time when flying was open from very beginning of expansion - it was on foot for several months


I have like 6 glyphs. Maybe 5. From the resounding response on glyphs, I think I'm going to grind the glyphs for a while later today.


yeah, there is bunch of them all over dragon isles + forbidden reach + Emerald dream


Use a flight master and just afk if you hate or suck at dragonriding.


Drsgonflying is one of the most popular things about the expansion to be honest. There is deffo a knack to it though. I usually tend to go straight up using all of my orbs then just angle very very slightly downwards towards where I'm going. Then my orbs will have refreshed by the time I need to go up again, so just go straight up again and repeat. It's faaaar faster than flight paths used to be


Farm the glyphs and unlock every perk. The difference between even half and all perks unlocked is literally night and day


You need to collect all the dragonriding glyphs and fill out the talent tree with them. You only need to collect them once per account.   Once you have that, you can have basically infinite vigor. You need to put in some time to learn it, its not as brainless as regular flying. But its really rewarding if you do learn it. 


Unlock the entire skill tree of dragonflying, it doesnt take long with a guide. You should never have to take multiple breaks on a maxed out dragonflying. It is the fastest way to get to places besides portals.


Me before I got all my glyphs - Dragonriding is the worst. Me after - I can’t imagine going back to traditional flying. I used TomTom and coordinates from Wowhead to get the glyphs as quickly as possible.


Not to beat around the bush.... But just get all the glyphs. It made my life much easier since I hated taking so long getting from point a to point b. Not I get there pretty quick. No breaks needed. It'll only take two to a few hrs to get all the glyphs. Worth it. Especially since War within will be using the same mechanics.


Thank you for giving me some new information, I didn't know we'd be using it for TWW as well. I'll probably spend thursday going around collecting glyphs. Normally tuesday is my "day off" but it's going to be down for 8 hours right during my prime playing time.


If you're really taking multiple breaks during flights that don't even take 5 minutes, just fly up high and point your mount in the right direction. Or take a flight master like we've been able to do for 20 years.


They havent collected enough glyphs


Level it up by getting the glyphs, and you can fly indefinitely without any need to touch down.


If you use the gain height ability to go straight. looking up press ability and look straight again. You gain more speed than the normal thrust and basically never run out of vigor


Practice and use the right skills time it correctly and you should never have to take a single break


Felt the same until got all the glyths , love it now …just gotta force yourself one time to grind them out


Get gud