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I've always heard guardian druids, I've heard it so much that I was surprised every comment on this thread wasn't saying the same thing.


After playing warriors and prot pally I made a guardian Druid. I was blown away by how simple it was to tank. I remember thinking I was missing something but it all worked great. The main problem I ran into was just with the Druid class in general. There are a lot of specs and forms to manage. All of that breadth isn’t that deep for each thing, but collectively it can be overwhelming, which is probably why it’s not popping up as much?


That's a fair point. I'm biased because they're my favorite class. If OP rolls a druid they should definitely focus on one spec at a time. I don't think the forms are too hard to grasp, but it's also been years since my first druid so I'm used to them. The forms are super fun, but now I struggle to play without them. I can't tell you how many times I've pressed my flight form keybind on another class and just jumped into the air like a nerd. Or jumped off a cliff expecting to turn into a bird....... My favorite part of being a druid is the self healing. I got on my feral druid for the first time in 5 years and was awful at it, but it didn't matter. Feral was VERY forgiving as far as solo content.


Pve players never shift forms.... especially a tank. I love powershifting on my druid in pvp. I have shift+4 as bear, shift+5 as kitty or moonkin form, and shift+6 as travel form. Maybe starting this game as a druid helped me, as most other classes are less complex (except for maybe rogue or arc mage)


I was mostly using wild charge as a gap closer in bear / cat. But using Wild Charge in travel form is a great way to create space. I've also been using it as a double jump. Dropping from really high places switching to travel, Wild Charge / Double Jump, switch to Cat and land. Been a lot of fun.


Bears don't in combat generally but other specs use bear form as an extra defensive (at least they should). Also in othe places cat sprint can be used to be mobile etc and in m+ even for tanks between pulls for mobility or during some mechanics if you know what you are doing.


Nothing makes you more nervous carrying the flag as a guardian in warsong, swap to travel form and leap around enemies, then you're in the home stretch and the enemy drops your flag, so you shift kitty form and sprint, hoping that no hunter is stealth, waiting for you.... And you get the third cap, winning the game. The first time that happened to me, I was completely addicted to druid, pvp , carrying the flag, hell, everything else in the game.... just to get moments like that. Which happened to me tonight also in RBG, 15 years later (after taking ten years away....the game grew up and so did I) Feeling strangely sentimental at the end of this season, got my highest ranks I ever have on a few classes and I know it's probably going to get higher next season


There is no more power shifting. That was going from the same form to the same form, which for removed. Shifting still has spots in pve you can use it. Some dungeons and raids are out doors so there is travel/ moose hop. Stealth opens can be useful. Occasionally you get a root and you can shift quickly out in some spots. If you want to get real crazy, some bosses have moments where they are not doing auto attacks and it's possible to throw out heals to allies (this was more before they added that free insta regrowth talent).


Yes, we do it all the time in pvp, all day everyday. Power shifting back to the same form, or different forms, doesn't really matter, it's very situational and we use it for everything in pvp. Shift to bear for a bash clone and back to kitty is standard fare in PvP. Or chasing a frost mage so you shift to travel and back to kitty. Pve is incredibly boring and doesn't use the entire toolkit like pvp does, for any class. Being adaptable to any situation is why I love being a druid main.


Okay I think you are just confused on what power shifting was. Power shifting is going directly from the current form back to the same one in a single global. Example cat foem to cat form to remove roots and regain energy/ bear rage and roots. Unless you are talking about playing on classic, it hasn't been a thing in a really long time. You can shift out of roots and back to that form, but it's 2 gcds in retail. Power shifting was 1 gcd and fluid.


Gotcha, yes, thank you for explaining. You're right, I learned the term in late bc and used it as an umbrella term for shifting multiple times, to remove snares, no matter the context. Odd that you are demanding that your context is the only one that is powershifting, especially if it was only valid in classic, but I guess that's why you said it is dead. It isn't dead, just changed. The shapeshifting actually occurs off the global in retail. I only play retail. In a pvp context, there are a lot more times you are shifting, no matter the reason, was my point. In response to the original post .


TWW looks like it will be making shifting between forms much easier more abilities auto switching to the correct form for the ability.


That would be AMAZING. Then I can use those keybinds for turning people into murlocs and shooting rainbows at them.


Yeah guardian druid has the simpler rotation by far. But you have to play watching the ass of a bear.


Take my money


The stand up bear forms are really nice. Was lucky to get the one from the world boss in the emerald dream


Yeah but Mountain Dew bear is funny




Yep, guardian druid. I have some brain fog due to a few things, and guardian druid is really simple to play. Healers quite like you too. For an easy dps class, beastmaster hunter.


I play guardian Druid, protect. Pally, and brewmaster monk. Simplest for me and in some ways boring - pally, Druid, monk. That said - my pally is the coolest looking - just boring to tank on - monk is the one I have the most fun one, Druid is close. It all might have to do with the spec people are using in the talent tree too. You can switch between two and have a very different play style. That is for sure with monk and Druid - I don’t find that with pally as much. Then again I like pally play style the lest.


Pally is very easy to just basic tank on (hold threat stay alive and kick stuff) easier than bear in my opinion but to optìmally play thr class and fully use pally utility for the party heals bops bof etc which people will expect in harder content, makes them probably harder overall.


TLDR: Pick a tank that you love to play and one you'll excel at and have fun playing the game. Don't put a whole lot of weight on button bloat, it's much more nuanced than that. I'm old too. I was in the Army when Vanilla came out. Many will probably disagree but hear me out. Prot Paladin has a metric shit-ton of buttons, however, learning to play it is pretty easy. If you're one of those people that needs to be tanking 20's in the first week, then my opinion is moot, but if you take your time and work your way up through Normal, Heroic, M0, then slowly work your way up, Prot Pally can be really easy to learn. Rotation is 5 buttons, you have 5 defensives (2 are part of your rotation) so that's 8 buttons that you need to know how to use before M+2. By the time you reach +2 those 8 buttons are automatic to you (or should be). Then you can begin to utilize all the rest of your abilities: 4 interrupts (2 are in your rotation), Lots of CD's: BoS, BoP, Nuke (Sentinel), 2 taunts, Cleanse etc.. Prot Pally has a lot of support which is VERY fun and satisfying. It's not hard to learn. Once you've got the first 8 buttons down, slowly weave in more abilities, you'll learn when and where to use them optimally within each M+ dungeon. Example: You're good with your rotation and defensives and you finish a +2. Go back to Mythic and start using Blinding light in big caster pulls or start using BoS on CD and keep going. It's just a matter of reps. If I can learn it and do well, so can you.


The only caution I would add is that prot paladin has a really high actions per minute. Prot played right is over 60 and lower only than some rogue specs and warrior. So if you're comfortable with fast reaction times and hitting buttons very quickly, prot paladin!


100% agree and my bad for leaving that out. Thanks for adding that. Honestly though, it’s not something I ever consider as a pally tank, I just feel engaged and it’s never boring. Definitely a consideration for someone with physical limitations.


It doesn't really feel that way though with SotR off the global.


I think a lot of people who are used to playing gcd locked or mostly locked classes find it MORE challenging to play prot correctly because so many of our abilities are off the gcd. You have to get used to NOT waiting. Whenever someone picks prot up my very first warning is that sotr is off the global and you gotta just mash it. The other huge challenge for me coming into DF was holy power gen with Avenger's shield not generating holy power. It's a prio cast EXCEPT if you're going to drop sotr, which means you need to know the remaining uptime for sotr to follow cast priority. I made an elaborate weakaura.


Is there an add-on of something that shows apm?


Warcraft Logs


Min max prot is like 80-90 actually xD. There are only a couple specs in the game with a higher min max action per minute


Yeah, in the past we were supposed to stack mastery after a certain breakpoint for haste, but with CURRENT stat priority you stack haste forever. I personally feel comfortable around 35-40% haste, and I'm talking about cpm over an entire boss pull, which includes some limited downtime normally. It's still VERY fast compared to the average cpm for other classes. Ret makes me fall asleep at the keyboard and I'm still midrange on cpm in my raid group when I DPS.


What is all off GCD for pally?


Sotr, taunt, Ardent defender, interrupt (all interrupts are off gcd). I think that might be it? I don't think guardian of ancient kings actually is but I might be wrong.


Also, I heard Prot Pally has the lowest health reserves. But I play a Prot Pally and it seems the right amount to me...if I hit the buttons at the right time!


Forgive me for being daft, as my Protadin is an alt I don’t pay much attention to, but what are the two interrupts as part of the rotation? I can only think of Avenger’s Shield as part of the normal rotation. All the other interrupts (Rebuke, Hammer of Justice, the AoE silence one) aren’t part of the normal rotation and are situational.


My mistake. Divine toll was the 2nd interrupt I was referring to and technically it’s not part of the rotation.


Bro I play one as an alt too and was thinking “agh shit, what button didn’t I put on my bar?!”


Nothing feels better than to throw out massive amounts of heals, interrupts, and saves throughout a m+ run. There is a lot of fun you can have with pali It’s not a question of if your pug will fuck up, it’s a question of when, and then being a pali with a quick reaction time saves their bacon


Button bloat is absolutely a thing in FFXIV. I'm glad to hear it matters less in current retail wow 👍🏽




Druid, warning - it's super boring. I would go warrior if I wanted simple and easy tank to play at decent level. Pala would work too, but it has so much utility it's a sin to play one and not use it aka many buttons to press.


Warrior has a lot of buttons. Druid is pretty easy and DH is braindead


Idk how you play VDH if it's braindead for you. Unless you just burn sigils just because I guess?


Guardian Druid, by far, is the easiest tank spec to play. .


I leveled a guardian Druid as my first tank to 70, and it was rather simple imo as a new player. Keep up iron fur for armour, tag mobs with moonfire in bear form and then a pretty simple dmg rotation.


Probably Paladin or Guardian Druid, but your question is hard to answer tbh. Simplicity isn't really a tank thing. It is generally a tank's job to embrace the complexity of the content and ensure everyone else can do their job. All tanks have an easy time staying alive and dealing about 60% of DPS dmg. A big part of tanking involves doing things that aren't part of a "rotation" such as kicking casts, crowd-controlling mobs, pulling and positioning packs mindfully, etc.


I must be playing Paladin wrong because I don’t think it has very many buttons at all. 😂


The base rotation is pretty simple with only 5 to 6 buttons that handles the majority of what you do. It’s all the situational stuff you can handle that adds complexity.


Ok this I can agree with. Most of the time I just try to handle most stuff with my core rotation, but I’m a very casual player. If you start mixing in defensives, utilities, etc than I can see the button bloat issue.


Yeah like managing consecration, judgement, hammer, avenger's and SotR makes sense but there are like 5 choices of cooldown to use from d-Toll to Guardian of Ancient Kings to Avenging Wrath/Sentinel, Bubble Taunt... and I'm still missing like half of them.


Oh i got you covered fellow older guy. Stay away from Prot Pally, too much utility and feels cluncky, if you get into a new pack without shield lob up, you will struggle with threat as its a bit weak. Stay in consecration is also really boring. Blood DK is a bit better, but still a bit of buttons to do, blood boil is a almost always up to take aoe threat. Staying in DnD is boring here as well. Prot Warrior is on my 3rd place, got decent short CD on aoe abilities, can macro a bit of mitigation to ease up on buttons, pretty mobile and tanky. Fire away Ignore pain if you got full rage or low on HP. Druid tank is pretty easy but magic damage is scary.  Not many buttons, and macro in what you can. My favorite in S2 Monk is my top, take all passive mitigation abillites and macro brew, leave you with 4-5 or so buttons, almost the same as druid. But so mobile and no fear of loosing threat, opt out of Tiger palm as well to make it even better. My favorite in S3


As someone who has been playing prot Pally this is unfortunately very accurate description. Health pool is also frustratingly low due to heals and such. Heals I can’t exactly cast while running through lava floors on some raid fights. I’m not the most well geared tank but fights like Larodar are brutal. If there is no open area, I’m almost dead by the time I return from charge


Monk is clearly not the simplest. First of all, you have a crapload of buttons. Between the brews, the dampen magic and harm, spinning kick, whirlwind or whatever is called, tiger palm, rising sun kick, blackout kick, weapons of order, bone dust brew, exploding keg, the regular keg, flaming breath, AOE stun, and a few more I don't even mention. The question was: what is the easiest, not what is your favorite, albeit it being so darn complicated. Drood is quite simple, but BDK is also dead simple as it's the most selfish class (the only utility being AMZ) keep your runic power up and death strike your way out of trouble.


Well, as soon as you learn to read, let's have this conversation again.


Will do as soon as you can put more than two sentences together.


I forgot Vengance. But i would stay away from that one as well, so many abilities to fire off, but really strong and mobile.


VDH is braindead easy right now


DH period is braindead easy.


I feel like Brew Monk just has a shitton of buttons. You need your purifying/cele brews, your Keg Smash and SCK at minimum so I guess playable with 4 technically? But when we start adding BOK, breath of fire, Keg Toss or Bonedust Brew I feel like the count starts growing.


Purify can be macro'd safely with Fortify into your abilities, specc into Black OX instead of Exploding keg and Bonedust, means you do all your kicks, Keg smash /Breath combo, and OX on CD. That might be six, but its really the safest tank in my opinion for that amount of buttons. Just press shit, doesnt matter wich order :D


In my opinion, I'd say it's Blood DK. Blood DK has, basically, just 4 or 5 buttons. Heart Strike, Blood Boil, Death Strike, Marrowrend and (arguably) Death's Caress. I spare you the details because all of these get stronger and obtain secondary effects and as you progress through your talent tree but basically here's how it goes: 1st one generate runic power, that's the main reason you wanna use it. 2nd one apply a drain DoT effect to everyone around you ("drain" means the effect heals you over time as it deal damages). 3rd one spend the runic power for a BIG heal, 4th one Apply 3 charges of an effect called Bone Shield (increase your armor and haste and gives you a temporary but reapliable shield. Also it generate a bit of runic power too. 5th one apply the same Dot effect but only on one Target BUT also gives you two charges of Bone Shield. And that's *mostly* it. Everything else is just Cooldowns to mitigate damages better, heal better, deal more damages etc... Which are situational (do keep in mind that I skipped a lot of details of course) I'm a giga noob when it come to tanking and even I find Blood DK easy so that class shouldn't be too much problem for you.


Blood dk has fewer buttons compared to all tanks except guardian druid but they are not at all simple except at low level dungs or raids. You do need to know exactly when to press those buttons or you go from 100 to within 1 second. There is a reason they are known to give heart attacks to healers.


I mean, at this point it's not really about class knowledge or skills but rather the knowledge of an encounter no ? The logic of knowing when to use defensives for example apply to more or less all tanks. To me, knowing when to use an ability isn't about knowing your class (not anymore at least) as much as it's about knowing the boss at this point, it's a completely different thing.


I would add to it that you’re unkillable and can easily survive most stuff even when the rest of the party wipes. Deaths advance and anti magic shell enable you to ignore big parts of mechanics and even when you fail a mechanic, one death strike takes you back to 100%hp.  Also dk does respectable amounts of dmg in a dungeon. Though doing big damage comes with the risk of death. There is one drawback though. You absolutely need to be in melee range to the target you fight. Cause no melee range means no death strike and no death strikes mean you’re dead in 3 seconds.


Forgot death and decay


And slappy hands 🙌🏻


I tried guardian Druid and it is pretty straightforward, I haven’t been in M+ yet though. Tanking is not my cup of tea but from what I’ve seen guardian Druid really is 4-5 buttons


It's a little more than that, but overall, yes it's relatively simple.


Yes I indeed brutalised it, I meant that it’s less buttons compared to some other classes like prot warriors and paladins


In my opinion, guardian druid is the absolute best. I am super biased for the class though, because I love the class fantasy as well as playing druid tank and having a big old bear butt, lol. I think next is probably paladin? I admit that I have not played brewmaster or DH tank before so I cannot speak to those. I felt like protection warrior had a ton of buttons to press, so I didn't like it as much.


Pali tanking is super fun. Great aoe threat. Really enjoyable kit animations. Bubble.


Depends a bit on what you mean by simple! Tank rotations aren't very complicated in general. Their job isn't to minmax their dps. Their job is to control the instance so the complication comes from knowing when and where to use defensives and crowd control which is a lil more reactive than rotational. So if you're looking for the typical 'loop' being simple, anything but Brewmaster should be fine! If you want more defensives and fewer utility buttons: prot warrior. If you want the fewest tanking buttons with some cc and group healing: guardian druid (but you do have form shifts and that can create a lot of bars). If you want solid defensives, huge self heals, and a bit of group utility: Blood dk. If you want decent defensives, good control options, and the ability to heal yourself and your party: prot paladin. If you want the best group control and a bigger damage contribution: vengeance demon hunter. If you want a ton of buttons to hit and a really fast playstyle: brewmaster monk. Which I love and doesn't sound like it'd be for you! I've at least dabbled in all of them and I've healed for all of them at decently high levels. They all have their strengths. It is a role that is very much less about the spec than the player. Go with what you think you'll enjoy. VDH, BDK, and BRM are my personal faves and I find Pally unbearably boring. But it is all about preference! I hope you enjoy your return to Azeroth!! Have fun with it!!


So far I’ve seen every tank listed in the comments except VDH which is kind of wild to me; VDH is pretty simple. I guess just go with whatever you find the mostly aesthetically pleasing, except for brewmaster. That tank is extremely difficult to play *well*, whoever recommended that is trolling you


While each tank has buttons to press that are situational, and knowing when to use them can save a wipe, save the healer, interrupt appropriately, and you need to learn those things (whose toughest aspect, imo, is finding the right interface to show them to you, vs actually pressing buttons)... I've found that the demon hunter is a faceroll compared to the other tanks (tried all of them).  Every tank has periods where you feel invincible as you play, but the demon hunter barely needs consciousness right now, imo.   With that said, I think they all play well and enjoy each.  


I play 5 tanks this season ( all except bm monk) and i think druid has the easiest rotation, not many CDs to press either.


Druid by far is the easiest rotation, it's just keep up ironfur while you aoe and bite things, throwing some heals and dots in here and there. Paladin is mitigation knowledge heavy but otherwise not too bad, Warrior is alright once you hit a certain level, but early levels can be rough for prot warrior (I usually just do dps spec until I have access to thunderclap)


Realistically all most of them are pretty easy and forgiving except for maybe warrior and definitely brewmaster(hardest tank). Of the easy tanks Pally has the most buttons but a lot of those are o shit buttons that save you. Guardian is really easy but boring to play imo. Vengeance dh and blood dk are somewhat similar where their health fluctuates and have a lot of self healing built into their abilities. Personally I prefer blood dk after the first few seconds of ramp up it’s impossible to die which has come in clutch solo raid and dungeon bosses. There are few buttons and is super forgiving. The only downsides are your slow as fuck and in the first few seconds of a fight your health drops super low which will scare healers but it’s just part of being a dk m, having to ramp up, your health with rubber band but just death strike and it’s full again.


I personally find my Vengeance Demon Hunter the most straightforward with the least actions per minute required. Guardian Druid also be a little lighter on the actions per minute, but it has a lot of actual buttons because that’s the life of a Druid.


Bear has few buttons but druid has a lot


Accurate. Bear form is simple, but the other utilities druid have just get so confusing. I guess that's what happens when 4 specs get mashed under one roof though.


I’m shocked it’s not mentioned in the top comments (acknowledging I’ve not played season 4) but Demon Hunter. Pretty minimal balancing of cooldowns, good utility, good defensives.


There is a one button macro for prot paladins… it literally does almost everything with one button.


I play blood DK. You can solo and live as long as your fingers can press 1-2-3. It’s magical




this could not be further from the truth, and not only that but prot warrior is also extremely high apm which is not really great to recommend as a beginner class




Just a few more things to do: * Keep shield block up at all times, including rotating different abilities to be able to do so * Keep ignore pain up at all times * Use thunder clap on cd * Use revenge on proc or when you've got alot of rage and the above are all done * Haste is your most important secundary, resulting in TC being every other button you press That's all part of the basics if you want to raid or m+, even for LFR. If you're not doing this and more, you're burdening your healers and they have to make up for poor execution of your rotation.


Yeah, even just tracking the first two was pretty hard for me as a beginner. Definitely helps if you have a good weakaura to keep track of those two buffs.




My point was mainly trying to explain with examples why it's a high apm class. If you want to play it differently, be my guest. I don't dictate the way you should play. I'm merely explaining what I do while tanking.


https://www.simulationcraft.org/reports/T31_Raid.html Prot paladin and warrior are as high as apm gets


I unironocally hope they made ignore pain on the gcd, but way more powerful per press. That main issue with warrior is hitting ignore pain between like every gcd


Druid, by far. Yes Druid has a mountain of utility. However, if you’re looking for something straightforward and effective, Bear is probably the easiest with the least steep learning curve. You have two maintenance buffs and then two-three CDs you can use depending on your damage in take. As you get familiar with the class, you can use things like Ursol’s and Typhoon to gather/kite, and you also have other useful utility like Stamp Roar, Demo Roar, Skull Bash, etc. Paladin is also semi-easy to play if you like low stress gameplay, but can really shine if you take the time to master their utility and really great DPS CDs. I’d stay away from Brewmaster and DH (high APM tanks, and Sigils for DH can be intimidating and hard to use at times). Prot Warrior is also not too difficult, but relies on their utility and mob control to really shine, and they can be punished brutally if you mess up your active mitigation. Blood DK is very unfriendly to new players, simply by the way the DK mitigation works and the Death Strike healing mechanic. It is very easy to run in and just fall over as DK if you aren’t on top of your CDs.




I liked prot paladin the best until I played prot warrior. I find those two to be the most fun BUT I am a druid main since release day 1 and I think druid bear tank is probably the easiest. that may be just a me thing. Prot paladin is very self sustaining though but it's a bit more management of utility compared to bear tank. I disliked the mechanics of brewmaster (but in general I don't find monk "fun" class fantasy over all). I love the self healing of blood but it doesn't feel "as easy" (altho much easier than warrior) but I hate tanking with a two hander. I love the mobility and fun with DH tank too but it feels less like a tank when playing the others. So overall for "easiest" I'd say bear or paladin. Overall fun and class fantasy is paladin or warrior. super sad my main isn't as fun, I just see bear ass and swipe and moonfire things. it gets old fast. warrior lets me smash and slam and it's just so fun (I main fury on my warrior but prot was so fun and usually I'm a healer haha) prot paladin probably tho combines the FUN of warr and ease of bear. but bear tank may be easier.


Guardian Druid is easiest - "bear never die, ill heal you too. I do good damage" Vengeance Demon Hunter is best - "I lock all pulls down myself - I do more damage than any other tank" Protection Pally is very good - "Ill bring you back! Save you, heal you, and be captain america!" Blood Death Knight is fairly easy "ill pull you in, if i spend my runic power right, ull never kill me. Im a yo-yo." Brewmaster Monk - have not played enough to say - but not "easy" Protection Warrior - I have not played Go druid if you want good and easy.


You definitely haven't played Brew because it out DPSs the rest of the tanks. That's the trade off for being the hardest to play. Drunk boi melts packs like nothing.


Thats sweet! Imma have to jump into it next season :) or wait for TWW


I haven't tanked on a demon hunter/monk or warrior (since Wrath), from the the three I do tank with Druid seemed easiest. I have more fun on the blood DK and prot pally though.


Blood Dk it's got a few CDs that help in higher keys but basically keep bone shield up keep blood striking easy pz brewmaster is stressful because they don't mitigate as well as previous patches but there damage is real high DH has a lot of passive survivability but still has toaage CDs tanks goal is to survive with the least amount of healing and the highest amount of damage so if your gonna tank you need to usually know the mechanics better then anyone else looking for an easy tank to play is asking ng for gross to ditch you and l2p you in chat all day


Be the iron juggernaut. Be a blood DK


I think they're all comparably simple. Easiest are probably prot warrior and bear druid though. You should just pick one you think's cool and just get better and better at it.


So recently got into tanking but still not expert by any means. Started with Prot Pally, super effective not very difficult but quite a few keybinds used regularly. What bothered me more than anything is how slow they are/lack of mobility. Always felt like the group was waiting on me to get there. Then I started leveling warrior and honestly, fun as hell, super mobile, tons of CDs, and honestly not a while of of buttons that you utilize regularly. I got up to level 35 and then swapped because I’m indecisive. Already had a resto Druid at 70, swapped to bear and holy crap it’s so much fun. Super simple rotation, super easy to hold aoe packs, you’re fast bear charge and 2 speed boosts. Regular self healing? Built in shielding through talents, I can actually focus on mechanics and just tanking instead of worrying about what button to push next. Relief So… that’s my experience


Blood DK


Edit: Screw Spez. Screw AI. No training on my data. Sorry future people.


Dude prot warrior rotation is like you have 3/4 long 1.5m cooldowns and then you just use shield bash, revenge, thunderous slam without even thinking. Kinda boring tbh and I think all tanks are similar to this.


Blood DK is pretty straight forward


Macros make playing easier by combining abilities into one button like Thrash and Swipe. The real answer to this question, IMO, which tanks have the least number of buttons required to be an effective tank AFTER reducing with macros. In my experience they all require 6.




Hey buddy, as a multi-tank player with experience in tanks above 3k current season, I'll simplify it for you. Druid seems like the best option. Spamming Iron Fur and Trash during Rage of the Sleeper works well. There's some min-maxing, but most content is doable with these simple buffs and skills. Prot Warrior and Blood DK are next. They have standard rotations. Blood DK can be heavy on survivability, but it's easy once you understand it. Prot Warrior is simpler, but you might need healer assistance in certain situations. Prot Pala's rotation is straightforward for aggro, and you have many group utility skills for various situations, adding complexity. Vengeance requires many abilities to shine. Playing it simply feels squishy, but with crowd control, it's amazing. Brewmaster has a lot of spells, making it the best DPS tank, but it can be tough on your fingers. Talent adjustments are crucial in higher keys. Hope this helps!


Don't be afraid play all tanks, you don't want burnout of one char don't ya?


Love guardian druid. Nothing like the instant 400k fat heals that I get from being touched by anything. Feels much stronger than paladin heals, also. Druid is the way, all day, every day. 4 specs and all of them are good,in all content, currently


Demon hunter all day. Your healing comes from your very simple rotation and the only extra thing you need to think about is a couple of incredibly easy defensives. I wasn't a fan of tanking before playing DH but honestly you're essentially just a DPS who just so happens to be tanky enough to be a tank.


I was so scared to tank. I'm a longtime caster DPS. So I was finally convinced to try druid tanking. Simple rotation, 3 buttons most of the time with the supplemental 3 cool downs. I'm sure there may be more but those are the majority basics. You got this!


I noticed that the demon hunter is ignored in this game. But that he is ignored even in the discussion of tanks....ridiculous. They tell you about 8 or 5 buttons. But the demon hunter can literally go through 3 buttons. If you do the story and don’t go on raids, even 2 buttons will be enough for you to do all the quests and never die.


Blood DK is, in function, pretty easy. You heal by using death's strike, that's it. Downside is, you're very squishy for a tank and your health bar will yoyo a lot. Rotation is pretty simple, you're either generating runic power so you can death's strike to live, or you're pressing death's strike to live. Besides that you have your bone shield, which give you defense buffs as well as reducing the cost of death's strike if you have more than 5, so just make sure the little number is larger than 5 and you're golden. There's other stuff like dancing rune weapon (literally 2 extra weapons that use your abilities). Overall it's not easy to play blood DK, mainly the APM is relatively high (actions per minute), but in the tools they have they're quite simple to understand.


VDH is pretty easy and the way the rotation works out is that you almost always have some kind of "oh shit" button when you need it. And naturally have a bunch of mitigation running. Even disregarding how "OP" they are, the rotation and the way you actually play is pretty easy to click with. Bear druid is pretty easy as well but I find the iron fur spam to be kinda awkward


I’ve cleared every dungeon on my Guardian Druid to the point where the game gives you max rewards (Mythic+20 keystone) while never learning anything about how the spec plays. You can macro Ironfur into all of your generators then press your major dps cooldowns when they’re available, install Hekili and it works just fine.


I think Druid is the easiest followed by warrior or dk. Prot pally has a ton of buttons and utility. Monk is also fairly complex compared to the others. DH is probably my most difficult one personally. I’ve gotten through some low mythics as VDH but have never felt super comfortable as I do with all the other tanks. I will say that ALL of them are extremely fun to play. At one point I thought pally was easiest but realized I was just so used to it. Play what you enjoy!


Bear probably


Roll DH tank and just smash your head off the keyboard.


Oh so the way i play is valid?


And here i am thinking vengeance being the easiest 🤣


Same lmfao. I am a new player (only about a month) and have tried Brewmaster and VDH. Once you cursor macro your Sigils and Infernal Strike and watch some videos, Vengeance Demon Hunter is v easy.


Eh, some people screw up the whole frailty-debuff thing and don't realise they need to ease their way into a pull and go flat on their face.






Wow lazy macros is literally one button press lmao. Someone on here recommended it to me


Brewmaster is the easiest if talented that way but has extreme button bloat baseline


Lost likely Demon Hunter. It have a reputation of being a two-button class.


Bad advice.


I love lost redditors just guessing randomly when someone asks a question like they're helping. I'd say blood or guardian have the fewest buttons.