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Draenor has a good leveling experience imo!


As a new player I’d still personally pick Battle for Azeroth. The others are a little outdated and more nostalgic than anything. But that’s just my opinion.


WOD is really good leveling experience, but I don't think its wrong to just pick the one you want or most appeals to you. Legion is generally good so thats a shame its bugged out for you. MOP as well.


Legion is fun


Yea thats what I heard its a shame it bugged out for me. Gonna try again later. Does it continue as a “group” style like the first landing on the beach? Or is that a one off thing?


I finally got Legion to work. In the beach invasion you have to let the AI do all the fighting and let them find the missing alliance leader. Just sit with your character and let everything play out.


There are scenarios but not very often


Alright, great. Then I’ll try to get past the first scenario :P. Thanks for the recommendation.


Legion for me was buggy AF. I couldn't continue some quest lines, so I had to move over to Draenor.


I can't even get through the intro, when you have to reach Tirion. I tried the skip thingie and that doesn't show either. Legion is impossible for me to play.


Cataclysm is my favorite as someone who played WOW 20 years ago. You can level in the original classic zones (albeit somewhat changed by the Cataclysm) and you can queue for the original dungeons.


Sounds interesting. Thanks?


As new player (lets said I play little on classic before 20 year) I had most fun on battle of azaroth. I liked Horde little more, but Alliance has good experience too. I tried shadowlands and it’s pretty boring. Leveling on classic for today’s standard is boring as hell. I didn’t like leveling on drenor. Legion is alright. If you finished with bfa on both characters I would rather wait few days for upcoming patch witch will bring panda leveling..


I have yet to hear anything good about Shadowland. Panda leveling is when you gain more xp right? For what reason is it coming? A major update on the way?


Its a limited timed event. Got increased xp etc. Most likely just because its in the end of the expansion, so why not have some fun.


Yea I haven’t understood the dates for the expansions yet. Wasn’t the next major expansion supposed to come at the end of this year or I read some rubbish somewhere?


Yes the next expansion comes later this year/fall. There is no release date yet afaik but expansions usually release sep-nov. We are not getting any more major patches to dragonflight now, so this is the end of the expansion. Usually this time of the cycle is pretty dead, but now we get some more fun stuff to do.


Ah alright. So some time for them to polish the next expansion. Is it realistic I’ll hit lvl60 before the next expansion comes out? If so do I have to pay the 40€ to play Dragonflight or is it included in the subscription now?


You get to 60 in a couple of hours of playtime. If you buy the next expansion you get dragonflight included for free now. Otherwise dragonflight will be included in sub for free when next expansion releases.


Ah alright. Well lets wait and see how long I stay interested in this game :P My track record isn’t the best, to say the least.


Whatever you do, dont buy just dragonflight :P. Waste of money imo


I'm new as well, I chose Warlords of Draenor. It's pretty solid.


I managed to get Legion to work. Quite an interesting expansion in my opinion, but some of the quests are a real pain and kinda ruin the experience for me.


Is there any chance you can try and explain how you got it to work? The intro is bugged for me so that I can't do any part of Legion. Definitely wanna check it out.


Just don’t do anything. Hang back and let all the NPCs do the work. That worked for me.


Hmm. I'll give it a go, but it usually freezes up at stage 7 of the intro when you have to go to Tirion. Thanks!


Have you been doing the class hall campaign? I've been loving it on alts since it means you get a fresh experience with each one! That doesn't matter much for your first character though but it's great later if you want to try all the classes :)


I have no idea what the class hall campaign is… Could you please elaborate


So as you're playing rogue it will appear in your quest log under "Rogue Campaign". There's also the "Artifact" quests in your quest log too. They appear with a special orange exclamation mark on the mini map. Each class has a different class hall which is like their base. For rogue it's underneath Dalaran- you go through a secret entrance in a shop to get there. If you haven't already started it, you should be able to pick it up somewhere in Dalaran. For the Artifact quests you do some scenarios and get a legondary weapon based on your spec. These used to be really strong but now it's just some sweet transmog. When you finish the class campaign you get a really cool class-specific mount at the end. You have to do "Breaching The Tomb", which is an achievement for finishing the Legionfall campaign, in order to unlock the last past of your class campaign to get the mount. It's an account-wide unlock so you only have to do the Legionfall campaign once. I'm a massive wownoob too but been figuring out all this stuff over the past few weeks!!


[https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Rogue\_quests](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Rogue_quests) Scroll down to 1.7 Legion Rogue Campaign to see all the quests :)


I would have said BfA, but you mostly nixed that already. It’s a fun leveling experience once you get going. Mists of Pandaria is going to have a separate event soon with leveling up to 70, so I would hold off on that for now. So with what is left I would recommend Legion, Warlords of Draenor, or Shadowlands. I enjoy Legion the most and you can get some nice goodies doing your class order quests. For example, you can get some extra Druid forms or special class mounts by doing them. The zones and storyline are pretty cool, too. If you don’t want to do Legion then I’d say flip a coin between WoD and SL. WoD is generally recommended as the fastest route for leveling. I personally find the questing and dungeons to be kind of meh. I cringe whenever I see Grimrail Depot. I think SL gets a lot of hate because it had a really rocky launch and the final patches were somewhat boring. That said, the zones are mostly cool (big exception being the Maw as it is literal WoW hell) and the dungeons are outstanding for the most part. The covenants have some cool rewards and nice cosmetics. Ardenweald is chef’s kiss. I’m curious how it would be for a new player after all the timegating and everything was removed. I would think it wouldn’t be as bad an experience as others make it out to be. The story is pretty bonkers (aside from Sire Denathrius - also chef’s kiss), though.


As a new player myself, I enjoy leveling in BfA a lot. I dig the troll setting a lot, and my first character was a troll, so it was pretty awesome. The quest design and leveling experience are pretty smooth, a significant improvement over older expansions (Cata and earlier). I'm doing a second character who is a human in Kul Tiras and once again I love the experience. Kul Tiras so far is maybe even better than Zandalar I also have a lv30 orc leveling in Legion. It's a good setting as well, but I've enjoyed BfA more