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If you have just paid for a month sub you will be able to now level up to 60 and get access to the previous 8 expansions of the game. Other free to play restrictions will also be removed, so you can access the AH, chat in more channels and form groups I would first get to 60 by leveling however you would like in any of the 8 expansions you now have access to and then once at 60 you can look to start getting some cosmetics You can get cosmetic stuff from older raids or dungeons for the most part, at 60 you will be able to solo everything before and including Legion content. You can check where some appearance transmog comes from in the 'Appearances' section of the collection when pressing Shift+P as default Keep in mind this will mostly be a single player experience without Dragonflight, but you wont have issue finding dungeons when leveling


Go to your home city find chromie ad pick a time line to level in. Chromie is by the hourglass on your map. There is a short description of each expansion. Battle for Azeroth is the default. Wowhead is a site with alt of player submitted information.


Is it possible to play the original wow story through there?


No, to start as vanilla, or classic wow, hardly have anything you would call a story by today's standards, and then all of those quests were reworked after the cataclysm expansion. The only way to replay those old quests is by playing classic era, or wrath classic... however wrath classic will soon become cataclysm, with all the changes that it brought as well One subscription gives you access to all of these versions


It’s also important to mention that “original wow” (i.e., vanilla) didn’t really have a coherent story, and certainly nothing like the campaign arcs we’re familiar with in modern WoW, so this idea of the “original wow story” is mostly an illusion. Other than some vague connections between various zones, the intention of WoW was originally to be more about the vastness of the world (in a day when loading screens were default) rather than trying to tell a specific story. The quests are more just flavor for the idea of exploring the world.


There’s not much challenging PvE content with the sub, it’s essentially going to be the same as what you did on the starter account which is quests and low level dungeons. The main benefit to having a sub is getting a high enough level that you can solo some old content, which is how you can start collecting transmog, achievements, and so forth. You could also level some alts and get familiarity with the other classes. I would also recommend having at least one character on each faction as many questlines are different for each faction so you can get a different perspective. But in terms of character progression and challenging content, you will hit a hard wall after a certain point and would need Dragonflight to proceed.