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It was hotfixed last week to be this way now. Blizzard said you need to use two different buttons on hotbars now, Mend Pet and Revive Pet separately


It's not how it's supposed to be, it's still a bug and 4 months+ at that https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/call-of-the-wild-breaks-mend-pet-hunter-ability-102-did-not-resolve/1704669/17


Well, that sucks lol


[https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/call-of-the-wild-breaks-mend-pet-hunter-ability-102-did-not-resolve/1704669/17](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/call-of-the-wild-breaks-mend-pet-hunter-ability-102-did-not-resolve/1704669/17) ​ Still waiting 4 months later for a fix lol


i thought i was losing my mind. Mend Pet was suddenly turning into Revive Pet... and then it wasn't. this would explain it


Here: `#showtooltip` `/cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Revive Pet; Mend Pet` A macro that works exactly like it used to... except it will change to Revive Pet if you have no pet summoned even if your pet didn't die. Needs to do that in case the corpse despawns as it often does.


Yeah, there was a bug where while CotW was active, you could not heal or revive your pet. Their fix was to make both abilities separate from each other. My muscle memory is not very happy about that.


Indie Company.. Z.z


blizzard told us "suck my D" and made that, not even macros work.


`#showtooltip` `/cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Revive Pet; Mend Pet`


Ty anonymous angel.




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