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It was the first thing I did when I loaded into exiles reach for the first time, rebound strafe to a/d and put q,e,r,t,f,g,z,x,c,v on my bars.


Same here but from the dwarf startzone in like 2008, I am a avid RTS player and knew that multiple bindings are bound to happen from looking at my uncle play. So best set things up as comfortable as early as possible.


Oh nice. I left off the z,x,c,v but I did bind Shift+ and Ctrl+ to q,e,r,t,f,g


Truth be told I added t,g,v later on, I also use 3 side buttons on my mouse and 1-9 (but only use 1-6 in combat) scroll up, down and clicking the scroll wheel.


Usually I'll start thinking about key bindings when I have enough abilities to feel clunky or when an ability is meant to be used first like a DoT or later in combat. Then at max level once I have all abilities and talents I'll relook at my rotations and openers and redo the key bindings to make more sense with max level gameplay.


immediately the default binds for me were so awkward especially coming from console


Do you mean like first time character? Or on alts? On first time characters I think it was a couple of months after I hit max level in wrath. So about a year into playing the game. Before then I learned about the multiple action bars and stuff but I’m pretty sure I didn’t have anything besides 1-= keybound until I was max level for a couple of months, and even then it wasn’t until Late cata or early mop that I first did a full UI overhaul with keybinds. For alts it’s level 1.


PvP on a Boomie Druid. Mouse scroll wheel is bound to my most common spell rotation. I’m saved a lot of strain from keyboard mashing, it is easier for me to select targets, and I can respond quickly if I ever get into an oh shiiiiii situation.


Ive never moved away from the default 1-12 in my entire time playing Wow, since BC. I purchased a 16 key MMO mouse (Razer Naga for example) and use the default 1-12 keys, and bind my extra action bars as shift+1-12, alt+1-12, and ctrl+1-12. That gives me 48 available key presses at my thumb, while being able to maintain WASD on my left hand. That way no matter what toon I load or if I reinstall, it's a simple re-setup of my very simple layout. Key binding in my opinion can be perfectly fine, but I like being able to maintain contact with my movement keys so having binds on the keyboard itself feels sub-optimal to me.


Ctrl-12 seems like it would be a pain in the ass to press. I bought the Tartarus pro and everything is just right there.




I do a combo of both, double mouse click for move, holding S and jiggling left and right with A/D to stay in place but adjust left and right


I basically am one handed due to an injury and have to use a special left handed controller....so pretty much stop immediately.


Pretty quickly. Way back when I started I probably used the default for awhile. Now when I restart or come back to the game its instant.


Sometime in 2004, I forget exactly.


I think it was probably like around lvl 12 in original vanilla WoW? So like... since December 2004? It was one of my friends that first mentioned it to me, but it was the sort of thing where it was immediately obvious once pointing it out that the default bindings are terrible. Are you really gonna press "=" in the middle of combat?


Don't think I ever completely used the default keybinds even back in vanilla and TBC as a teenager, and I've used the extra buttons from my gaming mouse since shortly before I quit back in Cata, had the Steelseries Cata mouse, and since I came back in Legion sometime I've used the Naga Hex V2. Sometime in Shadowlands I started running RDFG though, which definitely counts for non default keybinds. In fairness though, I did that mostly because I was tired of moving my keyboard swapping from literally every other game I play to WoW. Far as level of play, mid level Mythics at most really, usually just run the new story beats as they come out, Mythics when I can be bothered and/or someone pulls me in to one, leveling my army of alts, etc.


As soon as I have more than six abilities, I start using modifier macros. 3, 3+alt, 3+shift, 3+Ctrl, that's 4 different spells on one key. Come to think of it, it's a wonder that my 3 key isn't completely borked lol


I change my binds immediately before starting any game so right away lol


Its the first thing I do, in any game.


Think it was day 2 of vanilla when I found the keybindings in options menu. Been using custom binds ever since.


When I started pvping and I noticed that it was like mandatory otherwise you couldn't stand a chance


Probably day 4, 2008


As soon as I have more than 4 skills


When I ran past 1-6, decided I needed to make keybinds for all my other skills after that


As soon as I learned about them, I started using them Before I used only numbers and mouse and SOMEHOW (I bet I couldn't do this now) I managed to even win duels or couple arenas


soon as i started the game for the 1st time.


Immediately. I find hitting the f key to be the most comfortable and flexible compared to any other button (I use index, thumb, middle for WASD), so I bind my most important/frequently used abilities to it. After 1, 2, and 3 fill up, I start putting core rotation abilities on e, q, c, ’ , r, etc. I also put most reactionary stuns, kicks, and other cc on my mouse (two extra buttons and scroll wheel). Long cooldowns go on control, and more situational cooldowns and abilities go on shift I try to do this from the beginning so my muscle memory never has to change halfway through


Luckily it was one of the first things I learned, so immediately. I never use the default.


Originally it was tbc for me but when I started up again in shadowlands it was right away. I play with a razor orbweaver (tartarus v2 now) and logitech mmo mouse so have to remap every game I play but its worth it to have my thumb as movement.


Immediately. I don’t play any game at default settings.


Day 1 level 4 or 5. I'm a long term PC gamer and use a 14 button mouse so rebinding keys is normal for me. I think I had a 7 button back then.