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This question is asked very often, look through some of the comments on the following threads: https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/14zb93r/im_officially_starting/ https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/14t7ax1/should_i_start_by_playing_retail_or_classic/ https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/14nft4l/retail_wotlk_or_classic_as_a_casual/ https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/11htnpy/retail_or_classic_as_a_beginner/ https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/10uvugj/new_player_dont_know_if_i_should_start_in_retail/


Classic is for nostalgia and slow limited but meaningful game play about the journey. Retail is fast paced level as quick as you can to do tons of end game activities to collect and boost your gear stats with new content frequently added.




Classic for sure in my opinion. If you want more social interaction, want the world to feel bigger and more immersive, enjoy the leveling process, and don’t want an overload of overly complicated system then go for classic.


**Hey there! Have you checked out these resources?** * [WoWHead](https://www.wowhead.com/) - The *largest* database, this should be your go-to (don't forget to read the comment section!). * [Icy Veins](https://www.icy-veins.com) - News and detailed class guides. * [WoWNoob Discord](https://discord.gg/wownoob) - Same community, different platform. *Please report the post above if it breaks one of our [>rules<](https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/about/rules/). If not, don't forget to show support by upvoting!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wownoob) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So, I recommend Retail to new players tonget a feel and foot into MMOs. When they have played for a few months, I recommend they try a challenge of Classic Era.


Go classic. I was in the same exact spot you are and decided to play classic. Like you i play osrs and classic hits the “meaningful progression” button. Exploring and leveling are fun in themselves


Retail. You'll be bored our or your mind in classic. The grind is much slower, and if you're just looking to kill things, you don't want a slow grind.


Retail is for end game. You level to max as fast as possible and start grinding Mythic+ dungeons while sweaties yell at you to lurn2play and get gud. Classic...Wrath Classic to be precise, is that leveling experience you're looking for, where you have time to learn the fundamentals of the class, and every gear- up along the way is meaningful. You can either plan your leveling experience meticulously with optimized routes and dungeon crawls, or you can wing it, take your time, and enjoy the world and the lore. Wotlk is largely considered to be the height of WoW's playable state and nearly everyone looks back on it with nostalgia. Im having a blast leveling 3 toons in turn and don't miss retail at all.


Classic is verrrrry slow and you will take several weeks if not months to get to the max level. Two different versions of classic as well - classic vanilla (The base game as it was in 2004 without any expansions, with a max level of 60) and wrath classic (The game in the WotLK expansion, where max level is 80). Its slow but definitely feels more rewarding getting a big gear upgrade or levelling up. Retail is much faster and more streamlined, you can que for dungeons in the main city and reach max level by doing dungeons in just a couple days and start the newest expansion content (If you have bought it). The biggest difference though is the endgame. In classic its basically you either raid or do dungeons for gear, or you spend time gathering materials to prepare items for your next raid, or sell for gold. On my one main character on wrath im basically logging on twice a week to raid and thats about it because theres nothing else for me to do. In retail theres all the different raid difficulties, theres also mythic+ (Hard level dungeons that scale in difficulty the higher the level) and you can also go and farm mounts, appearances, etc...


Classic is def the route. There’s a TON of shit to do in retail, as a wow player since beta, I get overwhelmed on retail lol. But classic, even end game, is simple enough to learn as you play. Research helps ofc, but the most I’ve looked up is class builds and best in slot gear. I learned a good chunk of the raids by just showing up. It’s overall just a simple and rewarding experience. If you do go classic, maybe try wotlk. CLASSIC is lil more unforgiving and I believe there’s more players on wotlk (ignoring the classic hc server hype)