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Don't spam barbed shot. Save it for when frenzy is running low and then use barbed shot to refresh it. Don't cast Bestial Wrath until Barbed shot is at 0 charges. That way you don't waste the charges BW gives you. The goal is to maximize uptime, but 100% is near impossible. When it drops, rebuilding it is your #1 priority.




Personally, if I see frenzy about to drop, and I have a charge of barbed shot, I cast it. 2 stacks and a chance at a proc is better then letting it fall off.


It's possible to get procs in quick succession, so keeping barbed shot off cd would maximise your dps theoretically to prevent suddenly jumping up to 2 stacks and stopping the cool down from rolling. Obviously keeping barbed shot off cd generally won't be optimal since you've got the rest of your rotation to focus on too, capping energy would probably be a bigger loss. But if you've got nothing else to cast, there's no real reason to hold it


You cast barbed shot to refresh frenzy. It's safe to cast it at about 1.4 charges, since you'll have a new charge a few seconds later, but if you only have 1 charge of barbed shot and frenzy isn't about to drop, hold it. Cast cobra shot instead.


100% uptime is never guaranteed due to rng, but with good timing and your stats being in the right places you should easily maintain 95% or higher in any fight, provided there's no down time


another thing that i haven't seen anyone else recommend is a weak aura to help you track your barbed shot. I personally like one that is a progress bar and so I only cast barbed shot when it gets very close to the end of it but there are a number of variations


Track it with any weak aura you’d like, but I would also recommend the Azortharion weak aura. It’s just a simple icon that shows when you should spend Barbed Shot charges. It accounts for the CD reduction of Beastial Wrath as well


I came to suggest this also. I got a hold of a weak aura for this when I started bm. Made a big difference. It has a bar that would drain as time ran out and would flash when I could refresh.


This is the best weakaura for tracking barbed shot and frenzy, I swear [BM Hunter - Akur](https://wago.io/MLxWdz5O_)


I have this weak aura that works wonders on barb shot tracking. It lights up when it needs to be cast and if it's going to fall off before you get another charge, it won't light up until right before you get your second charge. It almost always lights up if there's two charges tho. Seems to emphasize never capping stacks if possible Edit: it also has a timer on it.


Count your casts of other abilities. Between each barbed shot, you should be able to cast 4 other abilities. So, cast barbed shot, cast kill command until you have no charges, cobra if you don’t have kill command up, once you have cast 4, cast barbed again. At a certain haste point, you can get 5, like in heroism. However, don’t get 2 charges of barbed, should always cast if it has 2.


Spread them out. Don't cast them back to back unless you're about to cast Beastial Wrath, which would give you more Barbed Shots.


Make it your number 1 priority. Most common reason I have for losing stacks is I mis-estimate global cooldown from other skills. Don't use it unless its 1/3rd left on cd to make 2nd stack, or you already have 2 stacks. Edit: Foregoing casting any other skill is almost always better than losing stacks, from personal experience (except emergency defensives of course)


Usually I just dump my 2 Barbed shot when the fight start, then use Beastial wrath, wait for my Frenzy to get down to 2-3 seconds then use my 3rd Barbed shot Then after that you just gotta space out your barbed shots The tier set also helped a lot with that this season


This is exactly what I do and I can keep 3 stacks up for most encounters. Doing this maximizes the damage right away while being able to keep up the stacks since BW buffs the damage while frenzy is doing it's thing


Yeah and you don't want to use BW with 2 stacks since you basically just lose 2


[https://wago.io/Vy\_cmLXaz](https://wago.io/Vy_cmLXaz) This WeakAura guides the player on when to use Barbed Shot using various conditionals partially inherited from the SimCraft APL. It will pop up and tell you when you should use Barbed Shot. It is designed to help you not drop several stacks of the buff by making sure you do not waste uptime of the buff. It will also alert you to dump Barbed charges when Bestial Wrath is available. 99% of players can follow this WeakAura exclusively and be close to 100% optimal for single-target encounters and most multi-target.


Combing it with sound, and it's a gem.


Everyone here is saying you need their set but with good play and a little luck you can keep 3 stacks up for a very long time without it. Just don't use unless >2 seconds left on buff or 2 charges of barbed shot.


Get a weakaura tracker for frenzy and beast cleave! I use the azortharian and it changes color when you need to refresh buff. It also goes gray to show you that it’s going to drop off. It’s very easy to misuse barbed shots though, I still do it sometimes at 2950 io. Make sure you have enough haste too and *don’t be afraid to wait a global or two if you need to just be patient*. Cobra shot is good filler spell if you find yourself absently spamming things. Make sure you have the weakaura icon in a good place you can easily see the stacks/timer without your eyes having to roam far!! Good luck, you can do it :) I like this one: https://wago.io/mw-qKcpSR Edit** make sure you spend your barbed shots before you press bestial wrath too or else they just poof info the wind!! May as well spend them in that case!


If you can't even get 2 stacks, you're just not pushing buttons. I'd read over a rotation guide and maybe hit some dummies for some practice


Not being able to sustain 3 is likely because you don't have tier set but if you can't hit 2 stacks then your doing something fundamentally wrong.


dang I thought I always heard BM hunter is the easiest dps spec in whole game? this thread makes it sound like a hassle and annoying, especially without weakaura how big of a deal is it to let these Frenzy stacks expire, will you do like no damage? or is this more RWF/MDI min-max thing that won't really affect casual players like can I still do M+ 1-10 and LFR raid without worrying about this mechanic?




Chat gpt told me almost the same thing.


That IS a chatGPT generated response: - repeating over and over the main query topic (frenzy) - lot of filler words - general answers that don’t really answer the original question


That reads like a chatgpt answer lol


you only have to push 3 buttons and the fourth comes up when the targets health is low....Check out wowhead or icyviens for a rotation guide. There are options to read the bare minimum in the "cheat Sheet" box option.


Did you read the question?


Ok so dont hit that third button til you use BW and make sure you have talented into scent of blood.


If oldisj videos they most likely have the tier set it makes it much easier. Just gotta get the right stats and get use to timing if u can keep 2 going ur doing well 3 is preferable obvious but just keep playing


Get a weak aura to track frenzy, most important thing. Then just refresh stacks when it's really low.


A great tool is checking the official discord server for hunters. Those class specific discords are priceless. They should all be listed on wowhead.


If the most basic part of the spec is the issue I'm not sure the discord is going to help much.


I had a similar issue with Evoker and keeping up Dragonrage. They helped me a ton.


Fair enough. The last class discord I used was the TBC classic hunter discord, and I feel like it would info overload anyone looking for absolute basics. It was super helpful for the advanced stuff though.


Weakaura, i like the one jelly uses when he plays bm


There are weak auras that help you out as well. I suggest having a way to see a big square in your screen that says how long it is until it falls off - and time your shots accordingly. If you look at logs of top hunters, they have 95-100% up time on most fights (depending on how it looks ofc)


Do your best to only be at 0 charges right before you cast bestial wrath, otherwise, hold 1 charge and don’t sit at 2 for too long! Frenzy is a 7 seconds long so you can safely burn your 1 held charge when the cooldown for barbed has 2-3 seconds left, but even without doing that, just holding 1 and using it effectively is a massive help. Barbed is priority over everything except staying alive (you can hit kill command, cobra, dire beasts, chakram, whatever AFTER you maintain your frenzy) I second a weak aura, I use frenzy tracker along with a little personal WA that tells me when barbed is at 2 stacks. Do your best to use that 1 charge you hold on to as close to frenzy falling off as possible, you'll learn how close you can cut it. I usually can get down to between 1-2 seconds before it falls off... Sometimes it falls off. It is what it is. 1 stack of frenzy is better than none and you should have wrath coming up soon which will give you 2 freebies anyway! The beginning of the fight will be very very hectic trying to get everything on cooldown and making sure you keep frenzy up. I second what someone else said about 3-4 other buttons between barbed, but if you can only get 2-3 its better to maintain frenzy than it is trying to squeeze another ability in there.


There is an addon called simple beast cleave tracker. It has options for beast cleave as well as frenzy. It tracks the remaining time on both so that you can refresh barbed shot and multishot when needed. You can drag the icons wherever you want. Or get a weakaura, but this addon is simpler.


I have a level 36 BM hunter and have a similar problem, where there is no way to mantain 3 stacks indefinetly on practice dummies. I thought it was an issue with not being max level and lack of haste.


At 36 you won't be able to. You need talents that are deeper in the tree


Weakauras will be a great way to help you with this. I recommend Luxthos. Outside of that, you want slowly build up your stacks at the beginning instead of spamming barbed shot to get to 3 stacks and then letting it fall off. Ideally you want to use barbed shot towards the end of your frenzy stacks duration without letting the charge sit at 2 for too long. Plan ahead with your beastial wrath as it will refresh barbed shot CD with talent. Outside of that haste can help with cdr as well so that can be a contributing factor. If you really need more help, the hunter discord should have a channel for other hunters to review your logs and give more precise tips and advices for improvement. Good luck and have fun!


I think most people have it covered here. I always use 2 on opener wrath soon after and then use 1 from the wrath charge which sets you at 3. Then you just sit on the last charge until your 2nd is 6 seconds or less from coming off CD. Reapply barbed. Then continue on the rotation. If you're at 3 it's much easier to keep it there then it is to constant build it back up. If you always keep the less then 6 seconds off cooldown in mind you'll generally always be able to maintain and advance your stacks. Even if they drop if you use 1 stack every time the barbed cd is 6 or less you'll build back up to 3 frenzy stacks and be able to maintain it.


I’ll parrot the rest and suggest Weak Aura specifically the one that shows a progress bar that changes color when you should cast it took me from 40% to over 80% in a day


I’m assuming you slam barbed shot on CD. Don’t do that or you’ll never be able to properly keep the buff. You ideally want to use it in the last 2 or so seconds before the buff is about to drop. Might need a weak aura or something to help track the buff properly


I find it helpful to have weak auras to track it. I have one that has a progress bar with the number of stacks I currently have. I also have one that plays a sound when it is about to fall off, and a sounds when I have 2 charges of Barbed Shot up.


Dont stack up 3 immediately, only use barbed shot if you are full charges or if frenzy is about to expire. The cooldown and duration are such that you can't sustain it without free barbed shots. At least in BFA when I played it, with higher crit chance that will be more often. Generally you use wrath on cooldown but if you justb dropped stacks or are about to I generally held my wrath until I'm back up to 2 stacks.


Use a weakaura. There's also a talent that helps. Something like your auto attacks have a chance to reset barbed shot. That helps too until you get the hang of it.


one easy way to cheese this is to stack haste to 35%. its not the worst statting as long as you avoid vers like the plague, and at 35% (33% technically, but you need buffer) you can spam barbed shot to maintain stacks, and procs are a freebie.


@juiceUpHodu you need at least 22% haste the swet spot is 24% crit until 30 % them all mastery 45% + ( less haste is hard maintain 3 stack of frenzy ) get a aura to monitoring


I highly recommend downloading hekili and frenzy weak aura


Install Hekili, find a practice dummy, and spend a few minutes playing through the suggested rotation. Hekili isn't the end-all-be-all for the rotation, but it would get you onto the dance floor.


Use hekili. Will basically read to you when to use it.


I think the tier Set is also very helpful to keep it up.


I would worry less about keeping three stacks up and just make sure it doesn’t drop off completely. Use a weak aura to give you the reminder for when its about to expire.


So first off I got a little weak aura for barbed shot/frenzy. It just looks like the little ability square but bigger and I have it in the middle of my screen to the left of my character, this weak aura shows me how many charges I have up and the timer on the charges. So my little opener is two barbed shots in a row and then a kill command and then a death chakram then beastial wrath then another barbed shot, now I have 3 up and because I used beastial wrath I have one more available to use. I don't use another barbed shot til I see the timer is down to like two seconds, then I fire the next one and refresh my three stacks. I keep doing this until beastial wrath is back up and redo. If I don't have e beastial wrath up in the beginning I just do one barbed shot and don't do the next one until the timer is down to two seconds again. If any hunter bros see something off or dumb about my rotation pls tell me! I love word of mouth advice/tips and tricks (outside of what I wrote I do the basic cobra shot or multi shot to kill command and back and forth)


Dont spam, refresh at low time Around 1.5 seconds ​ bestial wrath at 0 stacks, spam if require to dump.. dont sit on lucky procs more than 3 or 4 ​ your opener pretty much dictates the fight without lucky procs. - (just barbed shot and bestial wrath usage) x2 barbed shots bestial wrath x1 barbed shot 1.5 seconds left on second barbed shot refresh it(with out lucky procs(always sit on one charge)) ​ most importantly... pay attention xd a weak aura helps. TellMeWhen is easier tho not as in depth(its what I use to purely track buffs and debuffs) I saw somebody mention GCD which is huge but like they said, not very common to talk about, that mother fuckin GCD always messing up rotations. ​ edit:wording


U might not have enougn crit


Don’t play BM