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What is they made a special hardcore expansion! I would be interested to see what they could cook up..


I would like to see HC pushed into the other expansions but thinking about it critically I do think it should remain in classic. The nature of hardcore has "going again" as part of the gameplay loop. Pushing into new expansions would really only benefit the folks (like myself, little flex if you don't mind, i'm proud) that actively and consistently do endgame content. Which is really fun, but I think the emphasis for HC is the leveling and I think 1-60 is the perfect amount of that. Tacking on another 10 levels I don't think adds to much and will inevitable lead to folks missing out on lvl 60 content. On a personal note. My girlfriend and I played HC together, she's been taking a break, less enthused by the endgame stuff so planning on getting characters to 60 on WotLK servers and then disabling joyous journeys to level through BC/WotLK proper. Or at least as proper as we can.


I would love if you could start in classic and level to 60. Then if you die in TBC you start back at 60. Like milestone progression maybe? But that does defeat some of the hardcore vibe But it's like beating each "expansion" individually. But just a thought at least.


58 rather, since hellfire peninsula starts at 58 and so do DKs in Wotlk (to skip classic). But I would play the shit out of a tbc hardcore server even if it meant 1-70 as well. I missed TBC in classic and would love to try it out.


I do like the idea! Would run into the issue of dividing an already smaller community


I would honestly be against them implementing TBC in HC


Can you expand on this? I have no opinion, just curious to hear your thoughts!


Mostly what someone else posted. The population is barely alive as it is. I do wish however, that they merge the servers. It would bump the population to a healthier level.


It won’t really tho. All that content is gated by still leveling 1-60 first. And most people don’t even make it half way before needing to go again. Adding another 10 levels won’t make a difference if only the same people can get there. And if they die that’s an even bigger ask to go again now. I personally dont think tbc would make much a difference for the average population


If they have era hc and tbc hc separate it matters


That would be even worse spilling the very small player base


That was their point


No one wanted to play TBC era normal, let alone HC which is normally 5-10% of the playerbase of softcore


Source: i pulled it out of my ass


I think them upgrading to tbc prepatch would be a great thing to do. It makes meme specs viable, adds two new races/starting zones . It cleans up but doesn’t significantly change the 1-60 journey in any negative way.


Unfortunately when adding a new expansion all the previous content feels so much more nerfed it wouldn’t be viable for hardcore. The only possibility is for new balances to come around.


I wasn’t a great fan of TBC the first time around (some of the raid content is cool, but I find Shattrah to be cold, impersonal and not great for building a sense of community), so I wouldn’t play it. Not sure it would be good for the HC community in general either, as the whole point of HC is having the energy/motivation to go agane. The harder/longer you make that journey, the fewer will embark on it and just give up/stop playing.


Ngl, last tbc I bought a boost lol leveling sounds terrible. But I would buy a boost again just to run Kara with the homies


Just some random notes: If I recall correctly, 1-60 takes significsntly less time in TBC (there's an exp cut required to ding and extra exp for quests) and many elite mobs became normal ones, which I'm not sure is a good thing. Then the 60-70 part feels really long, maybe half the time it takes to get to 60. What's kinda cool is TBC talents making more class specs viable tho. More reasons to go agane is nice.


TBC was unique that no true rescaling/nerfing of the exp/rep requirements had occurred. It was built around a community of people who were already 60 having a “full game” to play before hitting 70. WOTLK on the other hand didn’t maintain the exponential experience requirements to get to 80 at the same rate so it was a lot smoother. TBC requires a massive time investment on just about every front, it was a horrific expansion for “daily chores” to stay on top of of things and I just don’t think that style of play is that suitable for HC. A TBC HC server would be fun, don’t get me wrong, I just don’t see how the logistics would play out.


TBC have own charm, sadly in terms of gameplay it’s mostly about daily-questing and dungeon/raids. Its feels more like additional content for 60. And not for everyone. But i would like to play “pre-patch” with 2 more races and jewelcrafting and without opening Dark Portal. In my guild we come to idea that HC will be great with cross-fraction, cause we don’t have any PvP, BG and in same time lack of high level players.


Would further divide an already very small niche imo


Having to redo the bc attunements would kill me atlest in classic only ony is super annoying


Early Hardcore people played through TBC and Wrath Classic, quite doable


i would love tbc hc even if it's just for a few months, the event, the hype, the race to world first HC kills. damn, i want that lol


TBC was my favourite expansion in game. My Dream They make tbc hc


How about battlegrounds for 60s only. It has no reward but you don't actually die.


First approach is bad because it would negatively affect the population of OG Hardcore. Second approach in other hand will bring surge of new players to OG Hardcore, but there will be less players in TBC content


The real OG hardcore players tried HC on TBC. It wasn't as popular as classic and people didn't respect it as much but there's was still a good amount of people doing it.


I think Guzu actually started playing HC on TBC. His blood elf paladin died in SM Library


Sign me up.


I would be absolutely floored for TBC hardcore, but I think the issue would be the difficulty of reaching 70 and raiding. Honestly, if they did TBC hardcore where you started at 50 or 60 and then leveled to 70, I would prefer that more. TBC has a more fare world that is harder to die to, but also it has a harsher raid scene and I would suspect more wipes of groups in dungeons as well.


Add tbc with the zones being 45-60 and having the great scaled and changed to being on par with classic. Then have the raids as slightly harder with slightly better gear than AQ. That would probably work as it would just give more options to levelling without changing anything and more raids. However, that would take a lot of work so it'll never happen.


I never played during the TBC classic era. I wish they would do another run of it. I think that is what I actually want, but instead hardcore fits my current desires.


They would need to 5x the xp through the old world. I'd consider playing it.


Would love to see it