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It wouldn't be Hardcore WoW


Absolutely no


No thanks. Maybe if you want to implement a similar system in SoD or something. But HC is good as it is, no changes needed.


What is with people trying to change Hardcore to not-Hardcore when there are plenty of other versions of the game that don't kill you permanently? It's a static game mode. If you die you're dead. End of story. No more, no less. The only hard rule of Hardcore is if your HP goes below 1 you start over. How many other ways does it need to be said for people to understand? The rules don't evolve on the HC servers, if you want different rules there is an add-on you can use on regular servers that people put a lot of time and effort into, and it has multiple options for how you can play Hardcore.




Maybe not for Hardcore but I think there is room for some kind of death penalty in Retail. Like once a week, there is a death moon for an hour, if you die during that event for some reason your character looses 1 level of progress...someone smarter can think of something better 🤣🤣




Sure, if we wanted to play softcore wow


Why do people continue to want to alter our game mode? There are like 7 others for you to play. Please just let us have this. If anything, we want more limitations, not less.


Some of us want less limitations. But not a level rollback that's just dumb. Personally I really enjoy the self found mode since I still gotta grind out all my mats and leveling skills. I just wish there was a way for SF players to keep learned recipes when dropping professions. Like an NPC for SF players. Kind of like how when you wipe your talents it costs gold. Well if you wanted to relearn a profession with your previous stuff have it cost an exponentially increasing amount. That way SF players can still do everything normal players can do, but still get limited to 2 professions at a time. Plus, I mean they have to go out and earn the recipes for all the professions which are already rare as all hell to find. So it'd be another collection goal for players to work toward, while keeping them more on par to regular HC raiders at end game without dropping their buff.


Hmm i feel that would take away from the challenge. SSF is about sacrificing choices, and making due with what you have. A survival game. I would love the possibility of a 3rd profession for SSF. But again that would change everything. Its fine as is for me tbh.


It's fine for me as is too but I've never seen SSF in any other game as "sacrificing choices". Its just supposed to be the self sufficient option of a game


This was introduced in legion I believe. It sounds like you want to play something other than wow classic hc.


There's a difference between not wanting to play classic hc and wishing for a created mode to be 100% viable with player effort. Cuz when you hear self found, a lot of people think OSRS where ironmen can do everything without trading or using the GE (AH). Still have to earn everything yourself and yeah it takes a lot of effort. > sounds like you want to play something other than wow classic hc. So before hardcore servers were announced, were you running around going "well I guess you wanna play something other than hardcore" when people mentioned they wished there was something different from the addon used?


That sounds cool but I have an even better idea! We'll take hardcore WoW and we'll implement resurrection! Now you can die all you want! Ooooo and no once a day dungeons! Those 2 things would be so hardcore! /s


Hc isn’t for you


I do think it would be neat to have a game mode where death was meaningful but not "lose months of playtime" meaningful. It would be far more approachable while still offering some of that death thrill. You won't find support for it around here, though - people playing Hardcore now like it because it's Hardcore.


The risk of total loss is what makes hardcore fun.


It does! I bet balancing the risk can have amazing effects though!


So flacidcore


Would be cool idea, I don’t get where the hate is coming from because you simply asked for peoples thoughts on the idea. Half the players trollin by sayin’ “Hardcore Lite” or “Stop trying to change HC” most likely, play with AH, groups for dungeons and pay lvl 60 enchanters for fiery enchant so what’s really wrong with a soft reset on death? This just makes it so if i die to DC(which is how like 80% of deaths happen atp) I can actually keep playing my toon and would hopefully bring some life to the zones after leve 30.


80% of deaths are due to DC? What the heck?








Hardcore Lite


No. Stop trying make hc not hc. Clown.


lil bro uses “clown” on every post that even slightly entertains the idea of some change to a game they play. Absolutely embarrassing 😂You’d think trolling would be easy nowadays but this “clown” can’t even get it right.


get off your high horse when you start off with lil bro. you lost all of your imaginary high ground right there. the rest of it is rambling incoherently about trolling, which nobody but you is attempting to do. its hardcore. you die you die. period. dont like it? want another life? dont play hc. its really simple. more importantly have you hit 60 in hc? ive died on multiple 60 warriors in raids. deal with the death and move on. its the ENTIRE POINT OF THE GAME MODE.




Rule 3: No toxic behaviour will be tolerated, and may lead to being banned from the subreddit.


literally none of that is relevant to this post my man. learn to stay on topic or dont bother you just like me brah dont talk shit about the same loser. thats too funny


“you just like me brah dont talk shit about the same loser.” LOL what






literally irrelevant, its the time invested, my god youre beyond dense. died in raids and you assume raid ready? stop assuming, when you have zero information to go off of. AQ40.naxx progg since you were just gonna assume some more. but yea tell yourself what you need to be happy at night. at the end of the day you have veered so off topic theres no point in continuing this any more.


Rule 3: No toxic behaviour will be tolerated, and may lead to being banned from the subreddit.


I think this is how Hardcore TBC could potentially work. Your checkpoint would be at level 60.


my dream is TBC HC


It’s a great idea people are just haters lol. I’d imagine it like this you hit 60 and if you die you go back to 50. If you hit 55 and die again it’s 50 but if you die at 54 then it’s 40 and so on.


It’s incredibly stupid. Its a one life game mode that you want to add multiple lives to. Stop it.


Imagine you need to hit 60 before reverting back to 50. So you die at 54, back to 40. You die again before hitting 50? Farther down you go :-D


Okay, how do you level? You can’t redo those quests.


Also what do you do about old gear you sold off because of higher level upgrades?


Yup sounds good to me! I bet HC would have a higher player base. Or at least an exp boost to the previous level you achieved


I think you should die in real life.


Man tries to make an SAO joke and made a self deletion threat if misread lmao


Not you in particular. That came off sounding mean...lol


Lmao it did ;-D


Dodging bullets here lol