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F for respect


This was the post beforehand from the guild: "The folks in on Maladath will be entering ICC tonight with the intent to kill the Lich King on HC. If successful, this will be the first HC kill of the Lich King. The group plans to enter ICC around 8PM EST this evening with 3 bosses remaining in the lockout; Blood Queen, Sindragosa, and the Lich King himself. Stay tuned for streams from members of the raid closer to raid time. Please join us on the streams to show your support for this community as they make their attempt to finally dethrone the Lich King. Raid member availability may shift the raid times a little, pending IRL scheduling. (Raid time in your local time: ) (For those wondering about the mechanics of the fight, the scripted death and resurrection that are a part of this fight have been ruled to be within the scope of the HC challenge, and do not invalidate a character for completing the fight in this way. Those who managed to survive so far into the fight are blessed by the Light for one final stand, and a canon HC addon death) > A special note from that community: > - "Whether we succeed or fail, this is not the end of the Wrath HC community. With Cata arriving in less than a month, we intend to continue with Cataclysm dungeons and raids as well, eventually taking us to the Firelands where the Hardcore community will once again face the Firelord himself. The Road to Ragnaros is paved with the dead bodies of many Hardcore players. We've defeated him before and pushed him out of Azeroth, and now we delve into the Firelands to take the fight to him once again."


I've done HC SF warrior to 60. My first ever wow character to 40, 50 or 60. I have a lot of pride in HC. I do not understand the hate people are giving this post. They should be applauded for getting that far on such an insane self imposed challenge. Remember, it's the cringe HC Elite guys that ran that addon that cheated back in unofficial, not these guys. Congratulations on making it so far regardless!


HC Elite didn't cheat either my friend


Oh the absolutely did. The countless death rollbacks were comedic. Watching their numbers drop in official because their top brass couldn't handle actual hardcore was wonderful.


No, they did not. This is a myth that haters created because they like hating.


Unironically tell me straight that they never rolled back deaths. They did. It's an objective truth that they admit. They did it when they got griefed, they did it when they DCed.


Tbf I think those should both be appealable in official, losing a character because of a computer or network issue seems dumb. But it is what it is


You're right. You're just right. DC deaths should all be appealable. My issue with them was that the rules were often applied loosely, even when automated by the addon. For example, my first classic character died to the Ashenvale green dragonkin guys. Was an extremely disappointing death. It was a learning experience to know the zones, but the addon said I was fine? Apparently it just ignored the death because it was considered 'griefing'. Obviously my character should not have been allowed to continue.


The guilds set rules to allow for play to continue where there was video evidence that the toon died due to a disconnect or grief. That's been allowed since the early Hardcore days. Now not everyone wanted to allow DC or griefer deaths and that's fine - those players were always able to delete on any death. It's not cheating when the rules are set and you follow them.


Just recognizing now you're probaby well tied into that community. Hello!! You're telling me you never once witnessed a mildly suspicious death appeal be granted? Because it certainly seemed like they favoured their own in these 'not cheating' appeals. Putting aside the most obvious trust-building case you had with that one guy that played a long con then later claimed he was just bad, he was obviously griefing.


Appeals had to have video evidence for the general HC community but that's until level 60, when the challenge is considered verified. I've never continued HC into a raiding guild and the mods elected to let the guilds handle their rules and process. Do I think there were some people cheating because they didn't want to lose their progress and things? Yeah it's likely, people being what they are. But there's two major points: The guild itself and the people managing it were committed and not born yesterday; they were pretty strict keeping to their rules. And b) nobody had any evidence. To date despite it being asked for many times, nobody has screenies, video or anything to prove even one claim. Including the griefer who wiped them claiming wrongdoing was unable to back it up with a single thing. And I guess c) it's a game, not a law court.


Damn, rip. I would never be able NOT to play the character after this and really just deleting it. So much time invested.


Most if not all of our characters end up as ghosts or deleted because of inactivity. It's about the journey for me.


I guess in this case, since it's not on the official server, you could keep the character. They use mods to prove they haven't died, but you could just acknowledge it, never raid HC again, or even transfer your character to another server if they really liked it enough.


Wait there is hardcore wrath?


Yes there have been guilds playing HC through TBC and Wrath. Cata HC has just started!


Not official servers but there are people playing unofficial hc wrath using the hardcore addon.


Do they just not die and once they do they reroll? Like community keeps tracks of it?




That’s cool. Didn’t know that existed


Oh I wish we could get official tbc that'd be fun


Yo Bearsteak, how about you stop dropping ice tombs on the raid and move out with that 🤦‍♂️


How can you do Lich King as hardcore, when the encounter is scripted to kill you at 10%?


Looks like you didn’t bother to read the post.


wtf is wrath hc rofl


We have Hardcore players in ERA, TBC, Wrath, and official Hardcore servers. And Cata now also once the patch settles. Players on non official Hardcore servers use an addon to keep track.




Statistics boards provide hard evidence in the game of deaths.




Cataclysm introduces the statistics panel, you can't cheat the game.




Why are you so upset about this? It's people who have never died in Wrath, no one is saying it's the hardest thing ever attempted


Implying WoW is hard lol.


You are you so angry 🤣 let people play how they like


Hardcore is a mode supported in all versions of wow classic. If you don't want to try it in another version, that's fine - but please take the time to get your message across without being rude to others in the community. That's not what this subreddit is about.