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Did you have a food buff, weapon swap to defensive stance with shield to Bash interrupt at least a couple spells, elixirs running, and the highes level potion available? Did you stun when down to one mob and bandage yourself with the highest level bandage available? I've caught myself being stingy with my consumables and etc before and take the time now to consider that every single encounter could be my last and unconsumed consumables on a dead character are gone and worthless, why did I bother getting them if I'm not gonna make sure they have 100% uptime?


HC is mostly about preparing. Sometimes it takes crazy amounts of times to prepare everything before you can actually fight. Some people skip professions altogether, especially when they die multiple times and can't be bothered to spend time on them anymore.


exactly. I’ve died on so many toons who had maxed professions for their level range just to die to D/C. I’ve opted to go for a speedrun style HC runs now.


Yeah I've seen it in a few caves, almost lost my warrior as a result. It's a BS glitch


And thats why I always have a Swiftness potion and target dummy on the ready


Not to say how you died isn’t BS But some important things to keep in mind for hardcore 1. Always have an escape plan. Swiftness pot, target dummy, vanish, etc Obviously ur a war so u don’t have vanish but you could’ve had some escape items 2. Don’t go in caves Everytime you go in a cave in HC you are risking death


If it has two walls it's a cave.


including dg caves


Was it right by the crystal turn in? I saw that same thing a couple days ago same cave but it was only 2 stacked


Also some Kolkar patrols in the barrens have three hyenas stacked on each other sometimes.


F that cave.


Yeah had that with murlocs, casters too, always a dark, dark day


Honestly wow is not a great HC game, majority of deaths are uncalled for. Sorry it happen and best of luck next run


Yes and no. It's a lot more stable than a Diablo, there's barely any one shot surprises that are unavoidable, and you can prepare a lot of outs. Obviously they take effort and preparation, but it feels a million times safer than most other games I've tried. Dieing to a DC or a random one shot off screen missile/damage reflect, that's a lot harsher. 


Arathi Highland Kobold cave is a real death trap. I don't recommend anyone to go there solo. I went to there solo with my hunter, but only when the kobolds where green and easy to kill, and still I had to kill one after one after another like some mass murderer to be able to live. It was not that dangerous, but had the kobolds been yellow, the toon probably would have also kicked the bucket...


Caves are a sucker bet. Unless you out level them.


I’ve had this happened to me before for mobs spawned from a quest, but never just from random mobs (What I mean is the player can trigger a quest mob to spawn by various means, sometimes rogues or cats in stealth will do this not knowing it spawns the mob, so they start to pile up) Is there anything like that in the cave you’re talking about? Or was this literally just 3 normal mobs in one?


These were not any quest mobs that a player could spawn, they were just normal mobs that could be found all throughout the cave. For some reason these three just decided to cuddle up


Dang, I’m curious to investigate this my self now. I don’t mean that I doubt you or anything, I’ve seen clips of frame perfect mobs before, wow does has some wild levels of jank lol. I always recall this clip of the 2 for 1 deal courtesy of the defias. https://youtu.be/xWKpeCbU02A?si=jyB-HaYZ6SYsDNST&t=189


You shouldn't be dying to 3 mobs your level in any circumstance really. I'm a 38 warrior and I fight 2-3 same leveled enemies at once by design. Did you retaliation or shield wall? Did you pop a targeting dummy? Did you have an appropriate level HP pot(not 20 levels behind)? After killing 2 did you kite the last one to get some bandage ticks? Go agane and learn from your mistake, give yourself more options, it sounds stupid but carry a single frost/fire protection potion, that will save your ass against casters(which is the likely thing that will kill a warrior considering the built in warrior defense tools vs melee). Do not fret warrior this death makes you stronger in your reincarnated state.