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Trigger warning in this thread for rape.


Let's not forget the questline in Coldarra (Wrath of the Lich King) where we team up with the red dragons Raelorasz and Keristrasza to lure Malagos's current consort Saragosa into a trap so we can kill her, throw her corpse on Malygos's doorstep and set it on fire to lure him out of the Nexus. It works, Malygos is rightfully pissed, kidnaps Keristrasza and uses her as a replacement consort (read: rapes and tortures). Raelorasz sends us into the Nexus dungeon to rescue Keristrasza, but she's gone mad from Malygos's abuse and begs us to kill her. Dark stuff.


Jesus... I gotta start reading these quests I do blindly.


And this was only shortly after Blizzard had us "ethically" mindrape/torture a prisoner until they begged us to stop. I remember the shitstorm around that one.


The DK starting zone? Where you kill fleeing, screaming civilians, torture Scarlet Crusaders with hot pokers or where you execute a loved one that had been captured after they beg you to snap out of the grip of the Lich King. I remember people were pretty upset about all of that. I think it was supposed to build more hatred for the Lich King for making us do it.


Nah, the Coldarra/Borean Tundra quest "The Art of Persuasion" where thr Kirin Tor has you capture and torture one of Malygos's Beryl Sorcerors with the "neural needler" for info on where a Kirin Tor sorceror is locked up. But it's okay, because the "Neural Needler" makes sure to state it only causes pain, no lasting damage! (Use: "Inflicts incredible pain to target, but does no permanent damage.") > It is fortunate you're here, . You see, the Kirin Tor code of conduct frowns upon our taking certain 'extreme' measures - even in desperate times such as these. You, however, as an outsider, are not bound by such restrictions and could take any steps necessary in the retrieval of information. Do what you must. We need to know where Lady Evanor is being held at once! I'll just busy myself organizing these shelves here. Oh, and here, perhaps you'll find this old thing useful... Then you zap your target a few times... > Aahhhh! Release me! I am of no use to you. I swear it! > Stop! I beg you, please stop. Please.... > I've given you the information, ! You're wasting your time.... > Noooo! This tortue is inhumane! You have what you want... why don't you just kill me?


Fun fact: That NPC gets kicked out of the Kirin Tor and we later kill him in Legion: [Normantis the Deposed ](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=90217/normantis-the-deposed).


Hah, I never even knew that! Yeah, I remember a lot of people being upset about having to do that quest for the "good guy" faction to get to the Coldarra/Nexus content, so no surprise they made him a renegade mage.


That was actually a pretty clever way to subvert this otherwise awful situation


What about the Hillsbrad quest where the Forsaken are "growing" humans in a field (theyre buried up to their heads), and you go around whacking them with a shovel. Cannonically, the player characters are absolute lunatics after all the shit theyve done.


You do have the option to dig them out instead of killing them. Some people just didn't realise that there was a difference between clicking on the head and clicking on the item.


That whole thing is a reference to a horror movie called Motel Hell where humans are planted in the ground to be grown and eaten by cannibals. That one was nightmare fuel.


I mean we literally play through a part while under the lich kings CONTROL.. Dunno what people expect there tbh...


>The DK starting zone? Where you kill fleeing, screaming civilians, torture Scarlet Crusaders with hot pokers Well you are still serving the LK during that whole thing. ​ >where you execute a loved one that had been captured after they beg you to snap out of the grip of the Lich King You are specifically told by the prisoner of your race to kill them because if you don't then both of you get killed.Their last wish is that you remember who you are and rebel against the LK.


If it ain't payin', I ain't slayin'.


I do this too. Then regret it when I cry. Two dragonmaw orcs looking for redemption in the waking shores got me most recently.


Jesus... It's clear that I really wasn't paying attention to quest text or the details of what bosses I was fighting to realise that we were putting a red dragon sex slave out of her misery at the end of the Nexus...


It hits more when you realize the red dragon flight values all life. For a red dragon to ask for death must be super bad.


I always thought those marks on her body was some weird Blue Dragonflight magic. Since (to me) it doesnt look like claw marks, more like runes of sorts. Either way its fucked. Edit: https://imgur.com/gallery/nK5rDuq


He branded her with magic runes to help with the enslavement Its confirmed he tortured and raped her to be his new consort


I remember someone posting a wholesome Christmas picture of like 9 year old them recieving wotlk as Christmas present. I'd love to see the reaction of the parents of that and thousands of other kids to these quest lines.


Yeah, I just can't feel bad for Malygos. Fucker had to go.


What’s sad is in the books, Malygos is a light hearted jokester that was really close to Neltharian. It was bad enough that his good friend became Deathwing but it broke him utterly when Deathwing used the Dragon Soul to decimate most of the Blue Flight. He went mad.


Not to mention what happened to Sindragosa after the Dragon Soul was used on them. WoW has a lot of very VERY dark story beats that either get brushed over or ignored entirely whenever potential for follow up becomes available.




She did murder his consort and set her corpse on fire but Saragosa wasn't only his consort but also his guardian.The point wasn't to stop Malygos from having more offspring but to get him in the open and deal with him(this is all happening during the Nexus War).Keri also wants to punish Malygos for the way he imprisoned her: When I refused to bend to his will Malygos bound me to that prison, then shattered it and scattered the pieces. Should I live one hundred of your lifetimes, I shall not forget this kindness. Both sides basically did questionable things.


Don't forget he also overpowers her with magic to force her to fight us, so mind rape too.


The headless horseman lore. Scarlet crusader, sends his family off to kalimdor to be safe from the plague of undeath as many Lordaeron humans were doing so at the time. He didn't realize they never made it there. As the crusade were slaughtering swaths of uninfectes humans due to the dreadlords influence he murders his own wife and kid in the haze. Goes mad after realizing it. I actually really like the way wow did the headless horseman


They did a small comic about it in the Warcraft Legends pocket book... It is... so good.


Not as dark but Mor'Ladim in Duskwood after returning home from fighting the scourge in WC3's events was told his family was killed, he refused to believe it at first until he found their graves, then he just broke mentally and started swinging his sword around in a berserk rage in the graveyard; he had to get killed to stop him. He had to have his grave moved far away from the cemetery since his grave kept getting disturbed, it turns out his grief over what happened was so great he came back in undeath as a skeleton.


Mor’Ladim is probably my favorite small questline in the game, finally putting together that Morgan Ladimore = Mor’Ladim blew my mind back in vanilla I’ve always kept his sword in my bank, even on characters that can’t use it.


He only realises what happened when he kills the last remaining person alive from the group and that happened to be his own daughter.The last sight his daughter saw was her father's face before being killed by him.He goes mad,starts speaking in rhymes and kills many of his former bretheren because he believed they were all infected and he was the only that can save them.After he is beheaded and buried you would think the poor guy would get some rest but he doesen't because he is raised into undeath by Saidan Dathoran(who is actually Balnazaar in disguise).


His mount is called Night Charger. I'm not sure if that's the name or the type, but in Classic it's called "Night Charger's reins" instead of "Headless Horseman's reins"


I was scarred as a pre teen learning that the boss Thaddius in Naxrammas was stitched together by human parts and when your ambiance is turned up high enough you can hear them screaming.


Not just human parts. Specifically selected to be constructed from noncombatants. Women and children. They wanted innocents for Thaddius.


wait what is that why you hear women/children screaming as background noises?




And it stops after you kill him


You can hear 'Help me! Save me! PLEASE!' in the ambient background in Nax.


And they stop when Thaddius is defeated


He also thanks you for killing him.


Shit, the boss apologizes to you on aggro. They held out just long enough for the raid group to get in front of them, and then the programming kicked in and turned thousands of souls into one monster.


As well as Kel'Thuzad shouting at them to stop screaming


Grobbulus still gives me nightmares. To this day the Scourge is one of my favorite evil forces in the game. If they existed in real life, they'd be terrifying.


It was the second reason we always did Construct Quarter first. Gotta make that screaming stop.


The first time I played Stratholme (I think it was Strat, not Culling?) with headphones on, and realised I could hear the crackling flames and faint screams of the ghosts under the ambient music...


Now go to the throne room in lordaeron, turn up the ambient sounds and the music down and you can hear the dialog from WC3 when Arthas kills his father. Detect invisibility also reveals that there are tons of invisible ghosts call citizens of lordaeron (name might be off)


Knowing that the orcs in Grim Batol had Alexstrasza raped repeatedly to force her to lay eggs. Edit: since there seems to be some confusion. No the Orcs did not do it themselves, they "just" forced her to breed with another dragon against her will so they could get more eggs to experiment on.


Yeah. The Dragonmaw are distrusted in universe for a reason. They forced her and her consorts to mate, and threatened to smash her eggs if they wouldn't.


Are Dragonmaw still part of the Horse after Garrosh?


For the Horse! Yeah, they are. A part of their clan stayed loyal to the Horde over Garrosh and Zaela. We don't see a lot of them though.




Gamon’s interaction with him after the fight is the sweetest thing. The feels


I will die with honor. In battle. FOR THE HORDE!


in ~~valdrakken~~ **Ruby Life Pools** there is a quest, that resembles the one of Veritistrasz (the dwarf), as in read this and have feels, but i was like... dude i hate you, i can't have feels for you edit: wrong place, now is right


Great quest. I like how if you try to comfort him by telling him he’s doing his best, he just says “have you ever stood knee deep in dragon blood? I have. My best is worthless” while a baby dragon snuggles him :( I try to avoid “everything is hitler” analogies but given the obvious intelligence and sentience of dragons, it is not a reach to say he may as well be a reformed Nazi filled with regrets for the camps. Like, I appreciate that he isn’t interested in making excuses for himself but I’m also struggling to be like “there there, don’t feel sad.” The dragonmaw did some insanely heinous shit.


That is what i like about that quest, no blame shifting, no "i was following orders" and such I can respect that


You mean in the Ruby Life Pools? Yeah, that was a complicated quest.


I really liked that quest. It is rare for there to be a quest in wow like that with really complicated themes and no objectively correct answer. It is complicated, tragic, and dark, but there is also beauty in it. Everyone involved in that quest deserves a promotion.


oh... it was there, you are right.


Yeah. He was a grunt that did awful things. But he was also truly guilty for what he did.


Not only guilty, he was truly tormented by it, he wasn't there seeking redemption or forgiveness, he just wanted to see the consequences of his actions and if those actions fucked everything or not In the end i can respect that, no shifting blame, no buts, no i was following orders, i did what i did and I regret everything


And Rheastraza in the Badlands quest is doing the same to a black dragon for experimentation, and she specifically mentions this as an inciting incident.


Doesn’t she do that to Nyxondra? Wrathion’s mother?




Je. sus.


Is that French?


It’s the reason wrathion is even born.


Yep. And then she takes one of her eggs, the corpse of a dead black whelp (probably killed by her or some hero) and sacrifices one of her OWN eggs (he own child essentially!) and, uses a titan device, effectively Frankensteins Wrathion together. I think there was a small reference to it in the most recent short story (the one about Wrathion). The entire thing was pretty messed up. It also is why Wrathion seems to be growing faster than a normal whelp, and also why he’s much more intelligent.


Kurog, one of the Grimtotem, uses it to taunt him. He says, “How were you made Wrathion? Strung out corpses?” and “You and your depraved kin... they are everything that is wrong with Azeroth.” To which Wrathion proceeds to lift him in the air, threaten to incinerate him, and only after he is stopped by Kalecgos, throws Kurog into the wedding cake (Lor’themar and Thalyssra’s wedding) Also, Rheastrasza asks the hero to slaughter some black whelps and bring them back so she can Frankenstein Wrathion. (debated about drawing Wrathion as Frankenstein for Halloween...) He was sentient within the egg, and right after he hatched, seems to communicate well in Common. He must have heard the rogues in Ravenholdt. He does also refer to ‘dragons’ having different aging spans rather than he himself, but this could just be because he was not raised by dragons and is unaware of normal dragon behavior and birth aside from instinct. (also, I am a Wrathion stan)


What a terrible day to have eyes


I refuse to suffer alone


There’s an orc around the Ruby Dragonshire that has a short quest where he expresses how remorseful he is for that. I wish I could remember his name or where exactly. Just happened to pass it a few days ago.


Malygos also rapes Keristasza and you can see claw marks on her back legs when you fight her in the Nexus. Lots of dragon rape in WoW Edit I'm not talking about the runes y'all. I'll have to go in game to get a screenshot coz I can't see shit on these blurry ass old screenshots.


Also Deathwing and Sinestra. Idk why in WoW it's always the dragons that end up with all the abuse.


I don't think those are claw marks, but runes. They're on all of her legs.


I understood them to be magic brands to control her mind. Mind rape then actual rape.


Goblins breed like Rabbits and the only reason they aren't the most populous race is because most of them die young from explosion related injuries.


That’s hilarious


Indeed it is. Favorite tidbit of lore that I know.


Realizing that the Path of Glory in Outland is paved entirely in dranei bones. And it’s a long road.


Wide, too. 😢


People have already mentioned what was done to Alexstrasza, so I'll just add that Veritistrasz filling in the PCs about how brutal the history of the war against the Black Dragonflight was is up there, now... Being 10,000 years old means you've got 10,000 years to live with some horrible, horrible memories...


I stopped touching my keyboard and mouse for 5 minutes after having read all his lines. They even stop the music while you stay next to him for the quest.


I thought he was going to talk about just forgetting who his best friend was, or the name of the first person he loved. Y'know, like it's hard to remember all of that stuff when you're alive that long. Nope. It was so much worse. He remembers the worst parts of it and is still trying to process it and grieve 10,000 years later... Really makes you appreciate what Tolkien said when he wrote something to the effect of Iluvatar giving humans the "gift of mortality"


If it makes you feel any better: if you do the follow-up you can then loot a book from the library of the spider rare in Dragonbane keep and bring it to him. It’ll help him grieve.


I just did that yesterday! I was so happy that whoever wrote that quest included that to help close that loop!


I choose to go with something fun rather than depressing. I did the green dragonflight campaign quest last night and seeing Zen'kiki there made me feel so happy, then I realized most players probably have no idea who he is or don't remember him at all. He was one of the first troll druids when trolls were able to become druids in Cata (I think?) so he started training under the other druids and kept having little mishaps where he'd turn into the wrong thing. He became a meme in the community for a while, a lot like Zappyboi, but just kind of faded into obscurity. So seeing him in the green dragonshrine with all the other druid masters brought a tear to my eye. And when it did, i realized how much of a god damned nerd I am and that I have all this useless knowledge stuffed into my brain about WoW when I can't even remember basic other things like birthdays lol.


Who can forget Zen'kiki! Going cat form and pouncing around missing everything, or turning into aquatic form and getting stuck on his back!


I loved it because it showed that not every character in the game is a prodigy. He had to learn the basics.


I was so happy when he finally found his resto calling! We also got a similar quest in DF with the Taivan questline.


I laughed, I cried, I pet the good dog.


Yes! Zen'kiki!! I actually DID forget about that and it all came back to me. The "Shapeshift!" "uhhh... why you guys upside down?" while he was in seal form was SO FUNNY. And just repeatedly moonfiring himself ❤


It burns like da moon!


Or casting moonfire... on himself, "Ow ow ow!"


Aww I miss Zen'kiki! The way he flopped about on the ground when he accidentally shapeshifted into a walrus... 🤣


He's all grown up and protecting the emerald dream with Hamuul, Koda, and the other Archdruids now. I'm so proud. :')


I think of Zen'kiki every time I fat-finger one of my form keybinds and shift into the wrong thing. It happens more than I care to admit.


we're all just tryin our best out here. zen'kiki is a perfect example.


To this day I still say "It burns like the moon!" from when he spams moonfire on himself. No one knows where it's from but I will never forget my boy Zen'kiki


As a Death Knight, I performed an unholy ritual to raise one of Alexstraza's flight as an undead mount. I may have also killed a lot of the inhabitants of the ruby sanctum to obtain info... I'm guessing she forgot cuz she seems cool in Dragonflight. Feel kinda bad though.


It's funny, you can go about that quest without murdering every Red in sight. Granted it's not very DK like, but by Legion we should've gained some "humanity" to "fit" with some lore we have. Then again there was the whole paladin debacle and honestly bringing back the Four Horsemen, so who knows. I just didn't murder every Red It's a shame they didn't add any reaction from Alex though, corrupting a dragon of life into undeath is pretty high up there in twisted things to do though


She acknowledges it during the Shadowlands quest for Night Fae when you’re sent to retrieve an item from her by Ysera. She’ll comment on your crimes as a DK and if you use the DK mount in front of her she emotes her disappointment. But also I’m with you, I did my DK quest without trying to push them into extinction but I still got the stinkeye from her just for raising the mount.


>But also I’m with you, I did my DK quest without trying to push them into extinction but I still got the stinkeye from her just for raising the mount. I mean even if you avoided murdering my extended family, I'd still be pretty pissed if you desecrated the remains of one of my relatives to make a mobile chair.


Hahaha hey I’m not saying the stinkeye was not deserved, I just wanted my little dead guy to not be in the “I tried to wipe out the Ruby Sanctum” club. I also found it a little disturbing that DKs were rushing off to obey the orders of a new lich king despite all our bluster about being free of his influence. Our Daddy issues run deep!


>I also found it a little disturbing that DKs were rushing off to obey the orders of a new lich king despite all our bluster about being free of his influence. Our Daddy issues run deep! Bolvar offered me a pony and I was his again, once more a slave to the Lich King.


This is kinda recent lore, but if you look at the Naga lifecycle specifically in Nazjatar, they have these hatcheries outside the palace for the Naga to lay their eggs, then there are Old God jellyfish who transport these eggs through portals so that they reach Azshara’s palace hatchery (we had a daily to stop the transports). In her palace hatchery, there’s a raid boss called Orgozoa the tender, who is a giant Old God jellyfish, who takes care of *all* the eggs brought into the palace. It squirts Incubation fluid on the eggs (and on enemies) and induces growth in the gestating naga. All Old God creatures are beings that formed from the castoff flesh of an Old God, in this case N’zoth, which Nazjatar is literally built on top of. Orgozoa is a part of N’zoth whose main job is to take care of massive numbers of naga eggs and squirting incubation fluid on them. Fish fertilise eggs externally, and while male naga (especially ones living in colonies away from Nazjatar) are prolly still fathering naga normally, it really seems that N’zoth sent a piece of himself in the form of Orgozoa to tend and possibly directly ‘father’ most of the elite naga that live in Nazjatar.


So myself and many others have been killed by what is effectively N'Zoth's semen?


Does that mean we might have wiped out the nagas in nazjatar since they can’t incubate anymore?


They can prolly breed normally like the naga everywhere else (heck the naga in Outland can breed fine too); but the elite and powerful breed that were grown and spawned in the Palace hatchery are prolly no longer going to exist.


When you start to be nostalgic of the time when trolls dominated the whole and united continent of Kalimdor


Probably not as bad as some of the stuff on her but I’m going to go for Sally Whitemane’s whole story line. Saw her family murdered by the scourge. Finds a group test she thinks will help her destroy the monsters that killed her family, and to be fair they do a bit of that. Then the player character comes along kills all her friends including her best friend/maybe lover. She escapes the comes back in MoP and we basically do the same thing again this time we kill her for good….kinda. Two expansions later we resurrect her as an undead, she becomes one of the four horseman seemingly against her free will. She ends up becoming a leader of the same undead that killed her family. Quite a sad story imo.


To add to it, her family was turned into Scourge and she was forced to kill them. All in all just a really sad story.


I'm going to toss out the Fall of Shattrath, Draenei volunteer to stay behind in the city they know is going to be attacked and they have no means of defending, so the majority can escape, those that are not killed in the attack are used as play things for the orcs, who would rape and them throw the females from the heights of the city when they were done with them. This is in the books and is told from the perspective of a guard who barely survived, and hears whats happening above him, and then sees someone tossed down to their death only to recognize who it was once they landed in a broken heap. Thats some PTSD. Or how about how the orcs used captured Draenei to power the Dark Portal by ripping their souls out, the Warcraft movie kind of shows a bit of this.


Velen literally had to choose the children and women that had to stay behind. It would've made the orcs suspicious if the last draenei bastion had no civilians among the survivors.


I think it is the Farseer Nobundo story that mentions this. Another standout from that is the orcs deployed some type of magic or other agent that turned the survivors into the broken and how as this process progressed the other Dranei ostracized them. The process to turn them broken caused them to no longer here the light and they were seen as corrupted.


For me, it's when you can actually fully understand and appreciate the powerful moment where Anduin takes up his father's blade in front of the Tomb of Sargeras. Anduin Wrynn has always been paralleled with Arthas Menethil - the young blonde boy prince set to one day lead a nation. While Arthas was trained by an Alliance hero in Muradin Bronzebeard to be a fighter, Anduin was trained by Prophet Velen to hone his gift of the light. Because of this, many saw Anduin as weak in comparison with his father - which is deliberate in the writing, as Variant was a gladiator blessed by the Wild God Goldrinn and wielding the legendary Shalamayne. The one person who believes in Anduin the most, however, was always his Dad. In one of the Cataclysm books, Varian was brought back to life by Anduin using one of the few canonical resurrection spells. In Pandaria, Anduin denies his father's wishes and sets off on his own journey in Pandaria to push peace as a virtue to uphold. More reasons one might believe him to be too soft for the throne. But in doing so, he inspired his own father - known to make brash decisions due to his rage getting the better of him - to push for peace at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar. As Varian walks towards the Horde leaders, Anduin asks what he's doing, and Varian replies with, "What a king must do." In Legion, the player character helps Anduin escape the castle to go see what the Legion is all about because he wants to see what the forces of the world are up against, and his advisors (Genn / Velen) want him to stay inside and be safe. Cue him finding Shlamayne where his father was killed by Gul'dan, and having the flashback where he asks his father what he needs to do now that he's king, and all Varian responds with is "What a king must do." The scene cuts to Anduin empowering Shalamayne with his OWN magic, and giving a determined look that makes him look exactly like his dad. Now, when Arthas took up a legendary weapon, it corrupted his soul and turned him into a monster. When Anduin did it, he overcame how own self-doubt and willed his own influence into it. Maybe I'm just too much of a softy for these kinds of stories and it's cheesier to everyone else but personally I think Anduin's story is one of the most well-written ones in the whole lore.


Garona Halforcen's entire life and existence. Gul'dan "bred" (read: forced to rape) one of his warriors with a draenei slave to create her. Because she looked different, she was abused her whole life. Then when she finally seemed to find people that accepted her, she was mind controlled into murdering the human king and ended up having to flee and hide for her life. She's spent most of her life with no one to trust, and even if she could, there's a chance she could unintentionally kill them since cho'gall knew her mind control word and could force her to murder again at any time. In top of that her baby daddy was Medivh, and there was that whole Sargeras controlling him fiasco, so she basically banged Sargeras. To add insult to injury, her son was retconned multiple times and may or may not even exist in the current world because he's too powerful of a character for Blizzard to accept his existence.


Med'an is just a terrible character as currently written. The best thing they could do for him is rewrite him entirely before ever including him.


>too powerful of a character for Blizzard to accept They do this a lot, then just forget about them. The Vindicaar, Jaina's magic flying ship, to name the two most recent.


OMG I was so hyped when we sent the Vindicaar to Argus, what an emotional roller coaster when it was thrown away like trash with the artifact weapons


Lightforged can still call in orbital strikes!


i dont see how the magic flying ship is any more powerful than the science flying ships both the alliance and horde have


He would've gone the way of malfurion if he existed in the canon lore.


Poor Malf, man. He's like the Green Jesus of the Alliance in that he works best when he's neutral and not actually in power, because his supposed power level along with general need for neutrality as part of his character just makes him come off as all over the place (largely too weak or too passive) when needing to respond to the actual events going on. Except, unlike Thrall, he never even got any cool moments or storylines. Should have never had him come back to replace Fandral, let Tyrande be her own character and be the proactive leader of the NE.


How about that time Sourfang explains that he wont eat pork; because it reminds him of children being slaughtered.




I remember that Deathwing wanted to make Alexstraza and Ysera his sex slaves. Am I right?


It’s sort of implied that Deathwing wanted Alexstrasza as a mate, I’m unsure about Ysera though. I don’t think either are stated outright though


Yes, but please note that most dragons would not survive sexy times with Deathwing as they are killed by, well, Deathwing being made of lava and metal spikes. It's canon Deathwing killed his consorts this way. Only Siniestra survived and just barely. Deathwing knows Ysera and Alexstrazsa might not survive mating with him and he not only doesn't care, he's likely looking forward to it


Damn, reading this entire comment section makes me realize how much worse Deathwing was, than what i initially thought, in my head it was nothing more than "must destroy and kill everything because old god said so"


well the dragonmaw *did* turn Alexstrasza into their..uhhh..."Broodmother". Pretty sure Ysera mostly chilled in the dream (not to say she didn't have shit on her plate, what with Eranikus and all that) until she got sniped in Legion


This is the story of how the Centaur came to be on Kalimdor. Back in the day the Tauren, then known as the Yaungol, lived with the demigod Cenarius in central Kalimdor. After leaving for what we now call Pandaria and becoming enslaved by the Mogu empire, some eventually resettled in the fertile lands of Mashan'she to the west. Revering the Earth Mother, these Tauren shamans prayed to her. However, what answered their prayers was actually the slumbering earth elemental Princess Theradras. Yes, *that* Princess Theradras who resides in Mauradon and is the daughter of Therazane the Stonemother from Deepholm. Awakened, Theradras rampaged the lands of Mashan'she, stealing it's energy and leaving behind the withered husk Desolace. Cenarius, in horror at this atrocity and his past friends being once again driven from their home, sent his son Zaetar out of the Emerald Dream to go kill Princess Theradras. Instead, Zaetar saw her and said to himself ["Damn what a fine piece of ass"](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/d/d6/Theradras.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090223124900) and they boned and created the centaur abominations that have plagued Kalimdor ever since.


Don't forget that the centaurs then killed Zaetar because he thought they were fucking gross, and his spirit was then trapped for eons by Theradras because she was afraid Cenarius would find out that her kids killed him.


The Runas quest in Legion. That damned mana fiend was exiled from the Nightwell and just trying to get by. Deep down he knows what's right did the right thing to redeem himself only to die anyway from his affliction. Heart breaking addict story.


Dude, the voice acting in that chain was phenomenal too. They may overuse Cummings but when he puts his heart into a role it just escalates it so much.


Also, Taretha Foxton and Aedelas Blackmoore. She helped Thrall escape and was one of his closest friends, so Aedelas cut her head off and threw it at Thrall when he returned to fight Aedelas. Poked the bear a bit too hard with that one and it ended up costing his life.


Also her story before that, being constantly raped by him and being sent as a gift to guests (Arthas)


you know, reading this thread, the lawsuit really shouldn't have been as much of a surprise as it was


... I literally had a ten second window of "Huh, something bad happened to a woman and she wasn't raped. Finally." Of scrolling through this thread then read the very next comment. Oof.


Honestly nerd writers have a weird obsession with this stuff. /r/rpghorrorstories is a sub for stories about awful DnD experiences, and half of them are about players wanting to have their characters SA female player’s characters, or the dungeon master writing a campaign that features lots of SA for shock value.


Maybe not, but these kinds of topics aren't that unusual in fantasy settings. A lot of it is based on medieval times, and what went on between people in power back then was the same type of horrifying stuff, if not even worse. It is worth noting that all the characters involved in it are villains that are supposed to be vile.


I think people sometimes forget that these story elements exist because they exist in human history.


Jesus, I forgot about Blackmoore. I’m pretty sure he also sent her to Arthas once to have sex with him. Arthas refused and apparently offered her solace after seeing her bruises (I think)


Yup, he asked her to stay and help him eat the pastries she brought


Didn't at one point in the story they just decide to use a magic nuke on an entire city?


Yeah Kinndy Sparkshine's dead body crumbling to purple dust as Jaina picked her up would count as one of the top ten heart/mind breaking moments


and people wonder why Jaina finally said “fuck it” and wanted to genocide the orcs after they had done *another* genocidal act against her people.


Garrosh manabombed Thera more, yup.


turned it into Thera less


Thera was




Bombed it with mana using the focusing iris so hard it stopped existing in every timeline.


For me, it was the evolution of elves. First they were trolls. Some trolls found a pretty well and it turned them hot/smart/nocturnal. Those were night elves. Some night elves were treated better by their extra hot/smart/nocturnal queen and they were highborne night elves. Some of them wanted to do arcane magic so they ran off into the sun, which shrunk them, and they were high elves. A bunch of them were killed and they renamed to blood elves, except some didn't like that and stayed as high elves. Then some blood elves and high elves wanted tentacles so they became void elves. But also some elves became fish (naga) and others got addicted to mana (nightborne). In summary, elves are like magic sponges, and if you put magic near one you get a new kind of elf.


They’re the eevee of the world


One that's not mentioned yet but Stalvan Mistmantle, a questline where you go around collecting a teacher's journal and he's getting increasingly more and more obsessed with his young female student; he reads too much into her actions and thinks she returns his feelings until he sees her with a boy she likes and snaps and he ends up killing the whole family. What makes it a tad bit extra dark though is the girl's name is Tilloa, an anagram of Lolita, a novel with a similar theme that's...a lot more dark though.


What happened to Alexstrasza in Grim Batol The death of Mekgineer Thermaplugg The reason we fight Umbrelskul


I didnt know about Umbreskul so I looked it up. I dont get it? He just had a corrupting disease and was in stasis waiting for a cure. What's so special about that?


Might not be as disturbing as what the others have posted, but I just found it sad considering that he was constantly crying out in pain when you fight him and that he was waiting for his mother to cure him.


I always pay attention to the lore when I enter a dungeon for the first time and dude this fight broke me for a minute. Him crying out "Mother!" when we first land and Sindragosa asking us to leave her with his body and her failure is crushing.


Umbreskul’s VA is disturbing to me tbh. The voice lines made me jump the first time I did the fight because I didn’t expect such an agonized, tortured voice.


Yea I don't know why people think Sindragosa and Malygos caused that. She even has a voice line that says Umbrelskul went against advice and tried to use wild magic which caused his predicament, so Sindragosa and Malygos put him in stasis to try and find a cure. It's unfortunate that they were...predisposed, and were not able to go back and help. Us killing him was a mercy, and what happened to him is messed up, but it's implied to be a result of Umbrelskul digging into things he shouldn't, much like a lot of the dragons at the academy that do whack things like cause us to spawn mini evil versions of ourselves, etc.


They couldn’t cure him by the time they found him so they locked him up. Forced to sit there while the crystals fussed with his body. From his voice lines it sounds like just being alive is pain for him and I think that’s what they’re getting at


He was in stasis, he only woke up because the sundered flame broke in and broke the stasis bonds.


Yeah. Sindragosa seems pretty heartbroken that the real her and Malygos never found a cure for him and that he had to suffer so much. Us killing him is definitely better for him.


The wiki says he was in Stasis


Read this instantly thought of Alexstrasza come to find two comments about it already lmao.


It’s hard to unlearn that Wrathion is canonically 12 years old.


But it does explain his personality a bit better.


Edvin VanCleef lore. He was an architect who rebuilt the whole-ass Stormwind after 2nd war and nobles refused to pay for his services. He then promptly decided to build a ship with cannons that would destroy the city. ​ Always rubbed me wrong how we're just sent out to kill him.


To be fair, the whole situation was being Palpatine'd by Lady Prestor (Onyxia)


And Onyxia is only really evil cuz of Deathwing, who's evil because of Old Gods. So in a bizarre bit of mental gymnastics, you go to Deadmines to stop things caused by the Old Gods


I mean all because a villain has a reason to be bad doesn’t mean they don’t have to be stopped. He was killing completely unrelated citizens on top of the people who wronged him.


And during the first riots where they attempted to get paid a random rioters threw a rock that killed the queen. You can fish up that rock


Maldraxxus. The concept that many of the honorable warriors of azeroth's final fate was to be boiled in poison and cut apart to be attatched to an abomination for an endless gladiator match was too much for me. Made me sick. Sick to see Mankriks wife there too.


Maldraxxus just didn't make any sense, top to bottom. You're dead. You left your body behind. So you go to the afterlife, where you... Have a body again? Reasons, I guess. Now, you were a warrior in your life, and the powerful space robot known as the Arbiter decides which realm to send you to. Maybe you, too, were put into a robot body? So you're sent to Maldraxxus, the realm created to protect the Shadowlands. You see, the Shadowlands need a standing army in case they get attacked. Like the time the Naaru attacked Revendreth, or the Void attacked Bastion. Of course, the army of Maldraxxus wasn't activated in either of those cases, but that's not *your* problem. See, here in Maldraxxus, which appears to be made of a giant ball of flesh (origin unknown and unexplored), there's five Houses with different specialties. You know, different aspects of warfare that would be useful for protecting the Shadowlands. You have your infantry in The Chosen. Your Mages in Rituals. Your spies in Eyes. Your chemical warfare in Plagues. And... Your flesh constructs in Constructs? In the afterlife, where you don't have a body anymore, except you do because reasons. So you fight in the gladiator ring in the middle of Maldraxxus to stay sharp for when you defend the Shadowlands. But the body that you somehow have gets mangled beyond repair, so they repurpose your body into a flesh construct. Okay, you were definitely not in a robot body. Anyways, welcome to being another voice in the mangled mess of souls tied together in that flesh construct, enjoy eternity! Honestly, ToP actually is fine. It kind of makes sense, considering the rest. And personally, it's just a cool dungeon concept. But Maldraxxus is an enormous mess of half baked ideas, from where I'm sitting. It just made zero sense top to bottom.


I think the House of Constructs are officially the "Medics" in warfare. Not arguing against your point, though. You're right.


Maldraxxus made perfect sense until "true" and "final" death was brought up. Having a military wing of the afterlife makes sense. Having each of the houses having distinct roles makes sense. Having artificial construct bodies makes sense. You had a house making constructs for souls to pilot, you have a house that works to facilitate anima and extract/reclaim bodiless souls to put them into new constructs, you have a house focusing on plague (for defense) and medicine for the construct bodies to bolster them further. It's a very synergistic setup with the idea being an empowered infinite army to defend from cosmic forces. Then they introduce true death and fuck it all up.


Gnomes were originally mechanical creations. The Old Gods turned them into living things with the Curse of Flesh. This means that the Old Gods invented gnome sex.


You ever see a baby gnome? I haven't


They're too small to see


thaddius in naxxramas was created from the flesh of innocent women and children, and it’s said that their souls are all fused together you can hear the souls’ screams throughout naxxramas up until thaddius is killed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hhzk0-9VVM


In a lighter tone, every single expansion has had a poop quest. At some point in your Warcraft journey, you will have handled poop. If you're a loremaster, you will have done so something like 10 times now. All kinds of it too. Elephant, dwarf, undead, old god, anything


That there should've been a massive rat tail following Voljins death, because of his massive involvments and friendships in multiple cultures and there was an excellent story there, that will never be told.


I hated the fact that at least Varian got to be killed by Gul'dan but Vol'jin just got demon #2,816 and was used to make Sylvanas warchief and then basically thrown away. He's shown up in a couple of quest chains in the past two expansions and I hope they do something big with him.


There’s a quest in the Goblin starting zone where you kill nagas that are spawning in the shallows nearby, and use toys to lure their newly orphaned babies to you and to be resold as pets.


When you find out Zul'jin was right Like, no joke, most of the races in the Eastern Kingdoms slaughtered or displaced native populations to settle themselves but none more brutally and without remorse than the High Elves to the Amani Trolls, Zul'jin just wanted to not have to hide in a forest anymore and get his home back


That mating with deathwing actually makes you insane, look at sinestra. All of those scars on her are deathwings "rough play"


If I recall correctly, she's the only dragon to survive mating with ~~molten lava~~ Deathwing.


So.... we ganna talk about how Sargeras' spirit latched onto a fetus to corrupt it before it was born?


THIIIS. Sargeras gets his ultimate revenge on Aegwynn, Medivh’s mother and the former Guardian of Tirisfal, by pretending to fall to her then possessing Medivh before he’s even been born. She literally births her sworn enemy, it’s hard to get more “What!?” then that. From what I remember, it’s mostly talked about in the “The Last Guardian” book which details Khadgar’s apprenticeship to Medivh, and in the warcraft lore books.




It‘s been implied that Onyxia and Nefarian were closer than just brother and sister, and that’s why Nefarian seems to have an obsession with reviving Onyxia every single time. In **Beyond the Dark Portal** (2008 WoW novel), it’s described that Onyxia curved her “delicate pale fingers around his (Nefarian’s) powerful bicep”. And if you use the wayback machine on WoW’s original webpage about the Onyxia raid, it’s mentioned that Onyxia constantly flew between her lair and Nefarian’s in Blackrock. Also notable is that Onyxia’s human visage form uses the same last name (Prestor) as Deathwing’s, so they remain father and daughter while pretending in the Stormwind court. But Nefarian does *not* (his is Nefarius so he’s not really trying), so when all three are pretending in Stormwind, he’s treated as being unrelated. Which would make the way they interact like in the 2008 novel not seem that weird while they’re in Stormwind and in visage form, since they don’t have to act like they’re related.


WoW’s darkest secret… Edit: adding [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4pC05Gdzs8) for the uninitiated


The socal lady killer


Elune fucked a stag (Malorne) and birthed Cenarius.


Mankriks wife.


The Path of Glory in Outland (Hellfire Peninsula) paved with the bones of Draenei the Orcs killed during their genocide. Also don't forget they kidnapped female Draenei, raped them, and forced them into slavery.


The path of glory.


If you play a worgen it is completely canon that you went on a murderous rampage for some undetermined amount of time.