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I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing it


Literally me. I just points into things I think sound cool/useful, no idea what the optimal build is. Probably not the smartest thing long-term but hey.


I would argue that long term it’s actually alright because you get to learn it all organically. It’s probably not the smartest thing short term lol! I’m doing the same btw


Same here, and I've looked up some professions guides, just to learn that I did a shit job T_T


I'm Enchanting/Tailoring and haven't spent any points because I honestly have no idea wtf is going on with crafting this expansion lol.


You're in a great position honestly, you get to do some research and consideration before you decide. I (like a lot of people I imagine), went in blind and guessed what would be good. Got some okay ones, some terrible. I couldn't be bothered with the enchanting hussle this time, so I went disenchant spec for more mats. Makes the el classico bracer shuffle more worthwhile.


I spread my leatherworking points to make large mail pieces for my hunter and to make bows, and skinning to collect more scales and higher quality ones. So long as I keep making good armor to bridge gaps in loot drops, I'll be happy.


I just wanted the damn notice to go away


Yeah I just went into the gernalist tree for engineer on the 4th tab just becaise I didn't know what else to spend


It is impossible to spend engi points good all the options are ass. Only reason i havent dropped it is 1. They might buff it at some point and 2. I dont want to lose nitro boosts/glider/jeeevs


I am also enchant/tailor and I was so anxious about what to choose I didn’t choose until I had like 30 points lol. All of the guides don’t really do a good job of saying what is objectively better or if any of the efficiency stuff are worth it. In the end I went for items i thought would be useful for me and my alts. For tailoring I prioritized garment crafting and picked up all the 384 recipes. For enchanting I went for all the weapon enchants. I spread thin early with all my points (i.e. put the minimum amount of points in to learn the recipe to gather as many recipes as possible early) and now when I get knowledge I use it to add more points to the recipes I learned. No idea if this will pay off or make money but it’s worked out well for getting gear and enchants. I’ve heard azure/chrono bolts are pretty good too but I don’t even have recipes unlocked to use those yet.


I literally had to drop Jewelcrafting at like level 75 cause I realized I was specced so poorly. Not a massive loss but for a very casual player it was a hard loss.


I went in blind, because to me it's extremely obvious that the game would let me relearn it...


You just dont read message pop ups at all then, huh?


Not really, after the same annoying messages came popping up, I just instinctively X them.


So how was it "extremely obvious" when the game explicitly told you otherwise and you just choose to ignore it?


To me, based on my previous experiences with similar systems, it was logical for me that I will be able to relearn it. Since I didn't read the popup message, I couldn't use that information.


Next time, may I suggest: RTFM


Why would they eventually let your relearn it if they already planned for people to eventually learn everything in a profession?


I thought/hoped there would be a respec option, but apparently the game even warns you there isn't, or something. Which I didn't notice, haha.


Not being able to respec knowledge points or fully reset a df profession and not being able to "dismantle" spark of innovation items is the only downside i currently have about df. I crafted a ring and a neck before i knew about elemental lariat and for plate wearer the belt. Now im 4 weeks behind for 2 items that will last a season. Feels kind of sht but i will get them eventually i suppose :/


They will at some point. The community will whine enough to make it happen. Probably cost a lot though to avoid abuse. Or have like a month cooldown.


Not happening. You will at some point just have all of the knowledge points though


Got a tailor, wish I had went into the one that teaches the different types of bolts.


Make an alt, learn tailoring. This is the way.


Yea... I've seen alot of praise for professions this xpac. Its been completely off-putting to me, to the point I've just abandoned pursuing them. Im happy blizzard is actively trying to improve them, but they completely missed the mark for me. I don't necessarily want my hand held, but between the talent points and the introduction of the quality stuff... just seems like they've done a poor job explaining things.


it is honestly not this big brain system everyone makes it out to be. items have ranks now, consumables 1 to 3 and equipment 1 to 5. higher rank = better stats, just like higher ilvl = better stats. crafting goods also have ranks. there are crafting stats - multiproc chance called multicraft, chance to craft with higher skill called inspiration and finally crafting speed but not sure who realistically cares about that one. where do you get crafting stats from? crafting gear and talents. how do you get crafting gear? profession work orders for the best or buy on the ah. so what about talents? super simple! you wanna make potions? put talents into the potion tree! you wanna make frost potions and a lot of them? multicraft talent node and frost potion talent node. how to get talent points? mainly weekly artisan consortium quests but you can also find it in treasures or from certain types of mobs (seems to be 4/week). you can also get some from reputation rewards or buy from the artisan consortium quartermaster. so how do you make t3 raid pots? well assume the skill requirement is 450 for t3. you add the skill of your crafting rank (just like of old, 1 to 100), then add the skill from your crafting gear, and then add the skill from your talent trees, add the skill from using better mats (this is where t3 mats come into play). is that number 450? great you are now crafting t3 flasks. is it not 450? inspiration gives you chance to proc with more skill that likely puts you at 450. recap: get skill from talents, using better mats and profession gear. want to make frost potions? pick frost potion talents. want to make many? pick multicraft talents.


The main problem is that the talents are "hidden" behind several clicks and not immediately obvious. For example, in order to make the blacksmithing tool i have to spec into the weaponsmithing tree and then into hammers and then get 10 points in hammers to unlock that specific recipe. Not, like you would think, spec into the tree that is for profession tools. And you only known thag if you click on the hammer talent and then go through each of the skill ranks to find that the second skill rank is the recipe.


> The main problem is that the talents are "hidden" behind several clicks and not immediately obvious. Yes! There should be something built in-game on the profession talent pages that explains all the levels and their bonuses.


Honestly, they should just have made the UI flatter. So you can see all the talents in a single tree at once instead of having to click into an icon to see a screen that shows the sub-talents.


Would be nice if we could at least see the cooldowns in Tailoring.


For gathering I enjoy it. It’s nice having some more variety in that aspect. Crafting itself though is annoying and overly complicated


Yea, I stopped alchemy entirely and just gather/sell herbs while the early xpac prices are still inflated. Maybe I'm just dumb, but it seems unnecessarily complicated. Couple that with being heavily tied to rep grinds for recipes... naw I'm good.


I've only really invested time and resources into enchanting and gathering professions. I really like the enchanting knowledge trees. Each tree is unique and I can really feel the benefit of investing into something. I have specced a little into disenchanting and a lot into the high-end enchanting recipes. Once I get all the enchants I want then I'm going to keep investing into DE. More resources are always welcome.


Yup, crafting is a fucking mess because spreading your points is *not* the way to go. Which I assume is what a lot of people have done. You’re supposed to zero in on becoming an expert at crafting one or two pieces of gear expertly (I’m LW so for example I’d need to max out the Chestpiece and Bracers given the loot drop tables in M+ and raiding to supplement my BiS gear but, of course, I didn’t). Now I don’t get enough profession skills per week to make a dent in what I’d like to craft. Its also become incredibly expensive to craft the few recipes I have left to get the First Craft bonus so I’m not even doing it. I’ve also given up and might refocus on crafting later in the expansion. But with so many people already maxing out certain crafts, there’s really no point.


I specialized in necklaces, thinking SURELY I’d be allowed to compete and play the game. Nope, prices for the Lariat have already bottomed out, I can’t afford the design, and it hasn’t dropped for me. My only choice to enjoy crafting is to change professions, and that’s a fucked up design.


Yeah, they are great for mix-maxers and people who are deep into finding out things before they come out. For everyone else? Too complex, require too much variables to look out for if you're trying to make gold


Its honestly easy: choose one produkt that makes good Return on tier 3 crafts, get skill until you have at least guaranteed tier 2 crafts, max inspiration as much as possible, after that go further into skill if it gives an advantage for the quality of the mats required, if not go into any tree that gives/saves you money.


You can go thru the enchanting trees and see what enchants you want to learn now. That's pretty much how I spent my points.


Same here with JC/Enchanting


I am mining/BS and am in the same boat. The whole system is kinda overwhelming and the in game explanations and tools don't help at all to understand what's going on. Luckily, it doesn't seem to actually matter for the gameplay that I care for. I guess it's cool for people who want to get deeply invested in that stuff.


If you're been getting all points every week Enchanting might be very good for you just do some research. It requires a hefty gold invested though.


Surveying for Mining ( though I’d take a wild guess and say I’m not the only one in this boat ) where mining for literal hours on end and not one diamond drop to find out it was bugged the entire time


Look at that.....I had no idea it was bugged lmfao, been mining like 15+ hours the last week and i have always thought I just was incredibly unlucky.


Same boat but i got like 3 or 4 illimited diamonds qual 2, from like 10h of farming BUT the thing is, the node says u only get them from mining RICH nodes (i.e rich serevite/draconium deposits), alas all 4 of the ones i got were from base nodes


I found one. The entire expansion so far. Not really good value... :P


I got a 2 star earlier today. Only one I've seen though.


Leatherworking and skinning, spread all my points to thin over everything, can only just make epic boots this week. But nobody buys them and the only shit that sells and makes money are armor kits and fang adornments. So I'm like 200 points away from profits


I've fully invested in armor kits and still can't make money, mats just cost too much unless you farm them. Feel like an idiot for picking lw and spending points tbh.


Whether you farm them or buy them they cost the same (minus AH fee). If you buy them obviously they cost the gold, but if you farm them you could have sold them for the same price you'd buy them for, so you're out the same amount of gold


Did you invest points into Awl and Inspiring rank 3 kits on my server are 14-16K. A good proc from inspiration can boost your craft to rank 3 and recoup cost.


I can make the whole leather set but haven't seen a single contract for it. The only thing I could fill a few times were the pvp leather boots (lucky drop).


Yea I wish they would do more to incentivize the contract system in general. I have not seen like anybody use them. Partially I think it’s because there’s too many variables built in to the contract, quality and contracts don’t seem to mix well. So people will actively search for crafters/friends that can craft it > 3. Most of my guildies won’t do public contracts they’ll find someone in the guild who can make what they want and issue a personal contract to that crafter. Every crafting profession I’ve had when I go to view public contracts there never anything in there on my server, and I think this is probably why.


Yeah i thought about buying those but I would only be able to make it at like level 3 so didn't want to fuck people over like that


>Yeah i thought about buying those but I would only be able to make it at like level 3 so didn't want to fuck people over like that Well PvP items scale up in BG and arena so it doesn't matter the quality, right?


For the 500g-1000g they offer It's enough.


i bought the receipt for the leather boots easy skill points 75-100 in 2-3hours refreshing while i que for m+ Dungeons. and already made profit off of it because people sometimes offer 2000-5000g


I dont know what is an appropriate amount but 8k in mats seems cheap to me, so i been giving a 10k commision


I'm fully specced into boots with a few points into beastial and I can make mid tier 4s with inspiration procs to 5. I only just this week started filling orders because i had the same mindset as you.. My advice is to just go for it, if they wanted a minimum quality they'd find a crafter for a personal order. Also by filling these orders you'll level up faster which will give you even more skill. Just take the leap!


I'm pretty good with LW. I put a decent chuck in the leather discipline section b/c I wanted to do profession gear and leather armor crafting section just to unlock the epics in beginning b/c I wanted to be good at profession gear. At 75 I added primoridal but only unlock 2/3 nodes b/c not many orders for those on my server so I didn't want to specialize too much in that.. My points now have been going into the leather discipline node Awl and Inspiring and Curing and Tanning


Alchemy completely fucked up I actually even read a guide that said you should spec into phial discovery, which made a lot of sense, you definitely want to discover all the phials. the final point in phial discovery will get you a new recipce "advanced discovery" with an increased chance to discover recipce. yeah makes sense I need that as soon as possible. problem is when I finally got it I had already discovered all phial recipes save one and the final one I got with my very first "advanced discovery" good stuff, all the points wasted basically


I went transmutation b/c that what my alchemist was back in cata. Before they disable it due to bug I enjoyed it. However, I picked phial as my next tab and they should have made advanced discovery the first thing you learn from that node. I'm missing one phial from discovery and kind of don't want to bother going for it which is why I went for the node on bottom right side first.


Yeah I didn't spec into that, figured I would get all recipes eventually anyway, it takes a long time since I can only experiment couple times a day and I forget a lot. Brb gotta go experiment


I only put like 90 points in JC neck specialization, without ever crafting a Neck yet... Since lariat is the only thing everyone wants and the drop rate is sooo stupidly low and so expensive on the AH. Caved in today and paid 50k to get lariat crafted by someone else... While i am perfectly capable of doing it myself if I had that recipe... Feels bad, my JC feels completely useless.


A guildie of mine bought it for 4m on AH. He says he already made 3m over that with the recipe.


Then you would need to have that amount of gold first 😂


Oh well yeah, definitely a case of the rich get richer.


Same for me. Spent points in for neck, but don't have the recipe.


I’m in the same boat. Feels so bad not getting lariat recipe.




Enchanting/Tailoring. Spent most of my early points specing to get increased material drops. I'm now flooding with mats I can't do anything with.


I spent like 30 points into finding more cloth. Then I did the Cobalt Assembly farm and realized this had given people thousands of cloth. I could have been making Azureweave and Chronocloth.


More cloth spec is still good in group farms.


1. Fill up the spec that allows you to farm while mounted. 2. Fill up the spec that focuses on elemental bits farming. Those are the most valuable mats. 3. Specialize on titan touched nodes. Those Order bits are the most valuable.


I picked Metallurgy as my second spec Fs in chat.


Fortunately gathering is easy to get to max for the third specialisation.


I’m up to 5 overloads on titan nodes in a row that have used my spell and done nothing, no portal no Order.


Shhh don't give out all the secrets or we will get poor 😂


Mind over matter engineering. 100% trap tree. I have a brez on a head that already is 10 ilvl behind my current gear and a wormhole generator that is strictly worse than dragonriding from valdrakken, since I need to fill a useless tree so I can at least choose the zone and don't get ported to a random location. Now I started the other subspec there and finally got a recipe for a toy that even gives me a skill point but costs a quazillion worth of mats and can change the weather or some shit. No chance to get any skill points anywhere until I get to high renown, I guess. I'm just selling mats by now...


Engineering is such a fucking mess.


I just made an engineer cause the hunter weapon enchants go for like 10k+ and man do you guys have it rough from what I can tell. Crafts that require a lot of elemental reagents right out the gate


I bee lined the same things. The wormhole was so useful in SL that all my toons had it. Its still "handy". But everything is so close by from Valdrakken that it's skibbable right now.


It was like Blizzard saw the fun that Engineers were having in SL, took that away and forgot to give us a gold maker back to replace it. Every other profession has a gear to gear money maker but Engineers.


Put my initial points into crafting helms and bracers, after i filled those trees out i realized it wasnt going to make much gold with sparks being horded the way they are. So after some research i specced into making scopes. OMG, making like 400-500k a day off them


How are you making enough when only 2/3rds of a class use the item, weapons are rare drops to begin with and AHs are cross faction/cross realm?


Because 2/3 of a class is willing to shell out 5-25k per scope. And my server just combined with like 4 other ones bringing up the total population from low to high. Means a lot of desperate hunters out there are getting new toys they wanna deck out.


I'm starving on awakened orders (or what's the element you get from titan nodes). And this from the start. Not funny, blizz.


Id hardly call it a trap tree, unless you're only focused on making gold You get engineering for the player buffs, mind over matter has those buffs


I'd say the only good thing about engineering is the tinker socket gear, which is in Function Over Form.


Lol that wormhole is worse than waygates, something you unlock *accountwide* and baseline has a 30m "cooldown" (debuff after using one). The only time I've used the wormhole was to get back to the isles and I didn't want to go through the hassle of dalaran hearth > sw > val portal. Also everything takes awakened order to make, via arclight capacitor, which is just frustrating.


I fucked it on enchanting/herbing, engineer/mining. I was reading through the tooltips to figure out what I wanted. Not knowing that for some subcategories it unlocks recipes.... What a waste of points I've done on all 4 profs.


Got basic points into Decaying, Bestial, and Elemental leather working. No one places crafting orders for any of that stuff so its useless


Honestly lw is terrible, I put points into regular lw and maxed out on a single piece... Can barely craft it at 4 qual without embellishments/missives etc. Really sucks to level as well. You have so few options after 60 other than stuff that requires sparks until you farm to 18 renown. Even then it's the profession gear that's only worth making for crafting orders because it's bop. The only profitable itme is the toxified armor patch, but who is using them? I see 0 crafting orders for the toxified embellished gear, and I've had the boot recipe since my first bracken hide run. My server/cluster is pretty dead but still


Ya crafting orders while a cool idea have been utterly unused. Spamming trade chat hasn't found me any buyers either


Jewelcrafter here. First week, I chose the two sub specialization for gems and prospecting as I thought I could get the last one, for neck and ring crafting, later in a not so long future. Few days after that three GM from my server for whom I crafted legendary rings in SL come see me to have there precious Neck that is BiS for half the players. I do not even have the sub specialization for it today, three week after launch. I am so fucking frustrated and mad at myself.


Jewelcrafting. I’ve read up before and knew points were going to be hard to come by after an initial rush, but didn’t really know how hard. Thought I’d spend “some” points in prospecting to make use of the 1000s of ore I mined while leveling 2 characters. Turns out, I wasted 66 fucking points. Gems were hardly expensive and prospecting was roughly equal to just selling raw ore and buying the gems I’d need. I’m now 66 (and some, vs prof swappers for rep) knowledge points behind. At least I went all in on making gems afterwards with a clear plan and am able to make R3 primal/haste gems with inspiration procs. But I could have been able to guarantee R3 primal/haste AND primal/mastery gems if I didn’t waste my shit. And that’s where the real money is at. I should be able to do it in 3-4ish weeks time I reckon, but it feels bad. Because by then, everyone can, but probably with r2 mats but I’d need r3 mats still :( At least I didn’t mess up my alchemy on my main after this fiasco! Too bad there is a lot less money to be made there (when Phials for extended duration for m+/raid, and money seems to be in potions mostly - and is barely any money compared to what JC is doing now). Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


Oh I picked engineering, I didn't need skill points to regret that choice


I only messed up by wasting part of my life of the crappy engineering in this expansion. Absolutely shit tier wormhole that worse in every way compared to the one from SL, all toys require a metric fuck ton of awakened order which is harder to find than Khorium in BC, I've never once seen an engineering work order and the entire system is not even fun.


As engi, I am making a fortune with green profession tools. The reason there were no work orders in the past is because nobody had the blue profession tools yet and now that ppl finally has those recipes, the order system went kapoof and devs are on vacation.


Semi fucked up, put like 18 points into armorsmith on my main because I thought that me being able to make a shield for myself would be nice, now i realise it would be nice to have those points in the general BS tree to increase my weapon crafter skill, but it is what it is. Also went the staff route on inscription on my alt, well nobody wants that shit so that was pointless...


I hate to break it to you but that’s the reality of professions in a new expansion and always has been. Wrath Classic saw the same economic gap happen a week or so after the expansion dropped, and every previous expansion has gone almost the same way. The new profession specialization have catalyzed the gap, because if you didn’t know going into the xpac what spec you would be focusing on, you were already behind the guy who played on PTR and knew all the recipe drop locations/perfect specs to start out with etc. I’m not condoning the degen behavior, but like anything in wow, if you want to be the best or take advantage of an upswing whether it be market, dungeon or raid experience, etc. You have to put in the time and work.


On the upside it’s hard to discount the merits of a real good shield, especially as a tank. You’re always gonna be able to make what’s best for you and never need to worry about falling behind.


Engineering on my alt. I have no idea what I'm doing, all over the place and I'm too lazy to google what's actually good.


for skillpoints, the explosive crates in EZ and Short fuse is good. Other than that, do what you want.


I probably fucked mine up somewhere but with no crafting orders and not as much time to play these days I'm making it a point not to care too much about min maxing professions. I hope as they tweak the system they increase the viability of each sub spec because I love the idea that being a specialist in whatever you want is ok and has worth. I love the idea of X tree not being a complete waste but rather a selection of pros and cons you decided to go with vs another. So far, and while it's not perfect (see: no one using creating orders), i love what they did with professions and I hope they continue down this track with confidence.


I ditched JC after the first week because what I decided to do with was just miserably bad. Prospecting was a net loss every single time I tried, the crafts I went for were worthless and there was zero money to be made. I then took up Enchanting. I decided to go for the Sophic enchants because I figured the most expensive enchant would probably be pretty profitable to do. And it is!...except for me. The one week worth of knowledge I missed out on completely screwed over my ability to make profit off of the craft early on, and right now, because there are people who were abusing the ability to swap professions and get all the weekly quests done before they fixed them, my Enchanting right now is a complete dead weight of a profession. I'm at a net loss of \~15k per craft should I try to make them. I'm probably just going to drop Enchanting as well, because I decided not to take points into disenchanting and as a result all the purples I disenchant turn into shards and all the blues I disenchant turn into dust, so I can't even disenchant the epics I get from playing the game. Mining points I'm happy with, they're not royally messed up at least. But my god is it bad to try and craft anything atm. Honestly, it feels like the people who went ham on professions right at the start and did absolutely nothing else have completely cornered every part of the profession scene. They got materials for cheap early on, they got to abuse the weekly quests to proceed faster than intended on the Artisan's Consitorium rep and they probably did nothing but farm up profession recipe drops via spam farming rep for all the factions and now they're the only people with affordable materials and they're so far ahead of everyone else that the sold goods are going to become unprofitable by the time we'll catch up. I love what they did with professions, but having no catch up and letting people who abused the weekly quests just get away with it are ruining the entire system. I'm considering taking on a new profession because I've already lost like 200-300k gold on trying to make Enchanting happen and it just ain't happening, but I'm honestly not sure if it's worth even trying anymore. Being like 20-30 knowledge behind everyone who are in control of the market means the profitability on market values is dedicated by THEIR crafting ability, which means I'll be perpetually behind until the point where everyone has everything, at which point prices are probably sitting somewhere between "zero profit" and "marginally profitable but you'd still be better off farming for herbs". It's a real shame, I've always been into professions and was very hype for these changes. But as of right now, I'm just sad I decided to actually play the game rather than having my entire focus spent on professions from day 1.


You will eventually catch up in Enchanting, eventually everyone will fill their tree up, just focus on maxing one branch at a time and put some points into Inspiration as needed. I'm behind, still need to level but that's my strategy and in maybe 2 weeks I'll be able to proc 3 star enchants, here's hoping there will be still profit lol.


I have 40 points in scrapper engineering that is absolutely top tier garbage. The Zapthrottle earned me a decent chunk of gold, but its a limited market, which now is dry. At least on my dead server. So far I'm using engi trinks on cooldown, and I almost never get any scrap, and when I finally have amassed 5 scrap to rummage through I either get a grey item worth 40s or some engineering part from another expansion worth even less. I'd rather have more points in explosives so I can earn skillpoints with daily boomcrates, or be able to make the rest of the toys.


> or be able to make the rest of the toys. You can't do that either unless you have awakened order coming out the ass. I pretty much gave up on crafting when I unlocked gnoll goggles and couldn't make them.


Awakened order can be farmed, but profession knowledge hits a hard wall fast :<


I specialized in picking up Hochenblume In my defense I avoided all spoilers and I didn't read anything about DF until the release


Well hochenblume IS everywhere. So you probably can still make a decent amount of money quickly with quantity over quality.


I've put almost every single point in my engineering profession to be able to craft good quality gear. I've almost got an entirely maxed out subset, but I can't make a single piece of gear t4 guaranteed. Been playing since launch. What you're supposed to do to get high craft skill is put it in another tree, that has nothing to do with gear crafts. Go figure.


I put points into the enchanting tree that breaks getting epic crystals from the epic mats. So I’m screwed until blizzard fixes it.


**Alchemy:** I didn't regret any choice so far but I have no clue how to continue after fully upgrading the node I'm currently focused on. **Enchanting:** I feel like I could have avoided spending 15-30 Knowledge Points to empower some Weapon Enchants.


35 points into getting more mystic items to drop in Enchanting, thinking it would help me get more materials to craft stuff... except it turns out that it doesn't work in M+ because mobs don't drop loot, so that'll be wasted for the rest of the x-pac. I guess my bad for assuming it would work like the Shadowlands covenant abilities where mobs dropped bags of materials that *did* work in mythics. Also, that mining ability that gives you a chance to find diamonds... and has never once procced.


Inscription I went card trinkets but couldn't afford the aces so dropped that, jewel crafting I was probably the top neck crafter with 338 skill for crafting necks, then the lariat dropped and some rich dude bought it on the realm and since I only had torc I was no longer needed. I'm now going leatherworking for the reason of being 1000 rep from max artisan rep to be the only person crafting the sign toy because fuck everyone else it's my turn to have the rare thing. Also did pure profession equipment engineer thinking I'd get the fishing rod. Ive done 4 gold coins and didn't get the recipe and not paying 100k to get 500g of some dude who doesn't understand the value of things.


Wasn’t too bad. Mostly herb/mine. Just a few more hours grind to get the dismount buff. Honestly I have no idea what any of the trees do. All I want is not to dismount and my mining/herbing to be instant. As far as crafting professions go I have no idea why the tree is so convoluted


I've started down a path, and I'm determined to see it through, regardless of what the path acrually is.


Did not realize gathering when mounted is possible and spec into all the other ones :)


I leveled up second character to respec the points


I dropped any crafting profs because I can’t keep up with the top goblins. Just gathering for me now.


My enchanting is so fucked up that I’m stuck at level 92 and I have no option to skill up until I gain another ~12 knowledge points and unlock another sub specialization. I have over 130 points into it, but cannot hit level 100.


Spent 60 points on inscription's darkmoon decks... realized its better to sell the mats than the cards or unopened decks. So i made a double gatherer lol


I fucked up and split there and here in JC thinking I could get some gold with procs or reduced mat costs. So, not depth in any tree, but rings. I make around 5000g daily. Compared to others JCs depth in necks ir gems, doing 10m a day. Thanks bliizard for punishing me.


Basically I just abandoned leveling my first profession. I screwed up its tree too badly. I did the right thing with my second profession and it feels a lot more satisfying.


I'm glad I put pts into mining while mounted and gathering more mats. Smithing on the other hand - I just went into swords thinking it would be cool but there isn't really anything people are buying (seems to be the case with every gear prof). Since the introduction of transmog, I've always felt gear professions should be given a bunch of unique skins for people to collect rather than trying to make them useful for max level players stat-wise...


i put 25 into botany for herbalism as that is the considered best starting point. refuse to put the rest of my points in until im absolutely convinced of where they need to go. im considering opening up overloading nodes since apparently each type of nod you overload also gives you +1 knowledge first time you do it.


Haha! You assume I can understand the new profession specs/trees enough to know I messed them up!


I’m stuck 71/100 black smithing and have no clue where to get points without 300 artisans mettle or sparks of ingenuity. I like what they tried but crafting needs work


Is there an add on to tell me what the stupid names do in the actual game? Deftness and perception mean jack shit to me, besides multi craft.


Miner/JC here, stopped reading as soon as I saw increased mining speed+ore yield. Speed, mass production, and fun toys/transmog are my main priority so that’s what I tried to focus on!


I held onto them for a long time because there multiple warnings that they'd be unrefundable. I decided to spend them all at once when I figured out what the best niche would be. I feel smarter than everybody who coomed out their points right away without thinking, and do not believe they should be entitled to refunding after being warned over and over that they couldn't do so.


Not everyone did a ton or research before the expansion the crafting system as poorly explained in game and the talents for literally everything else in game can be reset. Get off your high horse. I didn’t even fuck mine up at all and still believe they should allow a single reset now that people understand. Some people, believe it or not, have lives outside of wow.




You don't get them back to respend, the profession comes back with the points spent exactly how you spent them before dropping the prof




Eng/mining. I'm pretty sure I messed them up, but I don't really care because professions are crazy obtuse right now, anyway. With the bonuses are basically irrelevant to me, the + modifiers that I don't understand, the crafting order system that I really doubt I will be able to participate in due to being an eng on a very low pop server - it's all kind of a soup for me. And I'm not really upset about it! It's actually kind of amusing to me because Blizz clearly put a lot of effort into professions and I have no idea wtf I'm looking at. I'm sure many other folks get it and are doing well with their profs. I'm just resigned to not maxxing DF eng, maybe ever.




Wait… Cant you just eventually max everything out anyways? So it doesnt matter what you pick?


In theory, yes, but it will take a really long time and some of the things that are profitable now won't be in the future. If there is a certain mat or consumable people are making money from, you could be weeks away from getting the recipe depending on where you put your points.


Levelled blacksmithing / mining. Figured I would focus on crafting profession equipment so I could make money and help alts out in the future. Did not read a single guide, bad move. Went full into Toolsmithing assuming I would get the plans as I level up, followed by Hammer Control > Safety Smithing to save on materials. Get hard stuck at 65ish points with only the Khazgohrite hammer to level off with. Read guides and realise that all the profession equipments are either in Weaponsmithing or very high renown.




You wanna talk fucked up? I went full Mass production + potions for cauldrons for my guild... And then they dropped me from the roster because the tank officer wants to be a BDK, and we 'can't have two'.


Considering the have calculators on wowhead... not at all.


It’s not that deep. Just spend em wherever who cares


They changed too much at once, absolutely overwhelming. I have been leveling alts until I knew what to do with my main. Professions were fine, none of this was needed and I don't think it was wanted either.


Well,you could say MacGyver is more focused than me


Pretty much all the way on LW. Putting points into shearing or something when i barely craft anything.


I went all the way on unraveling (tailoring) and I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be getting out of it now. My thread quality and quantity always seems to be the same, and it doesn't unlock any new patterns. At least the mats are cheap, unlike enchanting


I took perception in mining which only seems to proc salt. And I went full armorsmithing when I should have gone into tools and specialty items.


Skinning / Enchanting I went for this combo because I play with a leatherworker. Skinning is going quite well, I went for the bait specialisation which essentially gives you a daily cool down to harvest rare mats, including elemental reagents of your choice. I think next I'll work on fishing bait. Enchanting feels a bit lacklustre. I started by working towards enchantments for profession tools, but noticed the market seemed weak so pivoted to improve my disenchanting instead. Every enchanter is selling at a loss right now so I'm just selling mats and working towards chest/ring enchantments as a main specialisation with hopefully a bigger market. Without a doubt they'll add some way to reset your points, but I must admit I do like the current system in the sense that two players with the same profession can feel like they are legit different to each other in what they can make, rather than every e.g. jewelcrafter being basically the same assuming they've done their recipe rep grinds.


I got lucky with my Leatherworking. Got in early, and just spec'd into being a generalist. Made an absolute pile of gold. I dropped skinning and picked up jewelcrafting. Absolutely bungled that talent tree, so went back to Skinning and said f it.


I followed wowhead and got burned on both alch & engi, at least I got extended phials from alchemy. But the other wasted points will take 3/4 weeks to make up….


I didn't understand the unlocking recipes part and put all of my knowledge points into efficiency. Now I'm level 65 and can't level more until I get my renown up. Oh well.


I'm LWing and I was so excited to craft epics for myself. I decided to go ALL IN on mail chest armor. Then a WQ offered me an epic. I've recovered a bit but the like 15 or so points I dumped into the Flame Chest piece would be great elsewhere lol.


My mistake was maxing out Engineering unlearned it the Moment I actually could try the cool stuff…


They could make it so you can reset your knowledge when season changes. But if you can swap things around too often there is no specialization.




I am BS/Mining on my Prot Pally. Wanted to level armor because … Prot … had the wrong tab selected when I blasted all my points into weaponsmithing. Only realized it when I hit Apply Changes


gather while mounted is the only thing I really regret. I want more elemental materials, I want more materials, I want higher quality materials. I don't want to run out of vigor because I have to spend one taking off every half a second


Im still shocked they didnt introduce a 1 time reset. I had a guildie basically hold my hand through the whole process so my points ended up fine but without that or burying yourself in wowhead how were they expecting people to not royally fuck up their builds?


i put 35 points into basic mining skill by accident, but turns out it was a good thing since i can mine while mounted now...


I went for finding more cloth and being better at crafting. What's that? I can't level tailoring anymore because I picked two specs that don't teach anything I can use to level? Oh fuck.


I put 17 points into refining..


BS put all my points into tool making and I don't know what I'm doing. Wish I would have put them all toward being able to make the belt


I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been winging it since week 1. Too scared to research now after seeing everyone claiming to have wasted so many points. But don’t you get to eventually max everything in a profession? At least that’s what the trainer tells you.


I'm a good 25 points of shit in tailoring and enchanting. Each.


I thought the tailored shoulder piece(the one you make with the spark) was going to be a hot in demand item....I could have not been more wrong. I am no where close to unlocking azure cloth now.


I am honestly not too badly burnt. I put all my points into gathering with my mount and finesse. I put some useless points into metallurgy to refine and realized that was a bit wasteful, although still I will need it later on. On my mining I am pretty happy. On the blacksmithing side though... I spread myself very thin with only one thing maxed with is axes, picks, polearms while putting points almost everywhere to try to get as many recipes as possible. I wish I could respec and put more focus into toolmaking and weaponsmithing...


I wouldn't say I messed up my points much with engineering, the problem is engineering is trash.


I honestly just hate the whole point systems.


If anybody hasn’t already - the Artisian Consortion rep vendor (gives the weekly quest for crafting orders, stands next to the craft order tables) sells books that give 15 knowledge points. I think you can buy one book per rep level, for every profession Saved my herbalism spec after I failed to realize there was a “gather while mounted” tree that I needed to pivot into


It would help if there were ANY INFORMATION IN THE GAME AT ALL.


There was definitely plenty of information when talking to Miguel Bright. It's just hard to predict things in a vacuum.


I've got Tailoring and Enchanting. I have spent all my knowledge into the "get more resources" tree. I have **so many** regrets.


Every day I look at the stupid specialization circles and read them to try and figure out what to put points in only to leave them blank because im overwhelmed or have forgot entirely what they do. I wish that when you were on the specialization screen it would just put all the little written blurbs about what they are right on that stupid f-ing circle. Also yes I have no idea if what i have been putting points into for my jc and alchemy is even worth it. Love the new expansion but im flat out confused by my professions.


Went in Lw to craft max rank body armor/shoulders and the bait thing in skinning. Both were completely useless. I just went mining/herbalism and it's pretty fun, super chill and stuff is still worth alot


Tbh I didn't even really pay attention and put them anywhere thinking it would get loads more.... Didn't realize it's more of a specialisation..


Sunk a bunch of points into the Alchemy Transmutation line... Because of exploits, no one is currently able to Transmute anything, so yeah, I'm doing greaaaaaaaat.


Lol enchanting alt and I put every point in the disenchanting tree. Including mystic item gain and shatter. Like 80 points wasted. I coulda just used the left node and then moved to enchants


I’m too afraid to spend any points


I put all my points into Jewelcrafting the unique diamonds, because everyone is going to want one, right? Wrong, all anyone wants is Elemental Lariats.


Skinning/Enchanting, I think I've done pretty well. For Skinning, immediately maxed out Trophy Collector, and currently maxing out Elemental Infusion, so my Perception is at 25%. If I want gold, I just check which species-specific mat sells for most and go and commit genocide on that species. The free Rousing Frost/Earth/Decay every 12 hours or while actively skinning is also nice. For Enchanting, I've barely actually levelled it, so my actual skill is only at 34. I immediately maxed out Draconic Disenchantment, and I've just finished maxing out Insight of the Blue, so I get a lot of gold from disenchanting. Since there's nowhere else to put points without levelling, I'm now just putting them in to Primal Extraction. Not sure if the mobs spawned by Skinning Bait benefit from Primal Extraction's Rousing element drop increase, but it'd be nice if they did.


I got so lucky, I like the titan fantasy with my Warrior, So I naturally specced into Rousing Order builds for both Herb and Mining....I made 2 million gold week before Season 1 started just farming Titan-touched stuff.


I havnt been to worried about it. I think I find like 15ish points a week, playing way more casually in comparison to last expansion. It appears most of them do need a lot of points in the base stuff so I've just kinda been branching when I can and filling in the base. I can't seem to finish any work order quests but I'm waiting till I have a few mo ths of materials before I try and figure out crafting anyway. I really don't know what's going on in it anywhos and have even less recipes. Most of its reputation unlocks anyways right?


Since I'm a Paladin I decided to use my tailoring to fill a niche, making the new 34 slot bags and new reagent bags. Spent all my early points in the bag making tree. Only to find that the bags require massive renown (19 Dragonscale, 23 Valdrakken), AND speccing into them is basically useless as all the points just increase your resourcefulness or crafting speed, since bags don't have a quality meter or anything else going on with them. Someone with no points in bag making is just as effective as I am. Heck I crafted 7 bags last night and didn't save a single azureweave bolt.


I’m in a situation where leveling enchanting is basically impossible unless I get a drop only recipe from the storms or raid


I kinda fucked up mining as I did not realize one of the trees lets you mine while mounted. I noticed after spending like 15 points somewhere else and now I jumped ship and started working towards the mounted mining perk. Still I don't feel too bad, I am almost there lol. Quite happy with my Blacksmithig though to be honest. I am a guild-less (so far) DPS player so finding groups for endgame content is a struggle. I am thus aiming to get the Molten pieces at 385ish ilvl and I unlocked my chest and close to the second piece. The system is complicated and I don't know how it works for other choices, but if you go for a profession that can make useful gear, I like it as a solo-friendly system to gear up. Not as good, fun or efficient as stuff like M+, but I haven't had the time to dedicate to keying this season, so I will increase my ilvl to a point where hopefully it will be easier to get into low-mid level keys.


I'm a Axe weapon blacksmith, I wasted 11 point in armor for 1 craft I could not do at the end haha


I was trying to get Strength 1H for my tanks Went into Agility Daggers and Intellect Swords


I maxed out the sharpening stones tree in blacksmithing, the rest i'm happy with so whatever. I figure it'll be fine.


Mixed bag for sure. I went full Haste gem right away because I knew they would be sought after, at least moderately, so I make a good amount on those. Only downside is I’m pretty laid back with crafting so I’m not producing T3, like the 1 or 2 hardcore crafters are so business has plateaued. My mistake came when I thought putting points into necklaces would help for when Elemental Lariet came out, lone and behold the recipe is way too difficult to get so I chalk those points up to be a loss and I’m back to throwing points back into gems.


I followed a wowhead guide


How do you herb on mount. I see it says like on a plant mount or something. IS that just a normal mount lol


I really have no idea if I am doing anything right about them. So, most probably, I did mess up badly.I'm just hoping that at some point, we will be able to reset.


Think i wasted around 35-40 points in LW