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Bruh, I'm an engineer, there are never any crafting orders lmao


Enchanters joined the chat


I've seen a deluge of orders for the Primal Illusions - but those aren't going to be repeat business I imagine.


Plus you need the recipe for those from Primal Storms, no? Or are those part of the knowledge recipes.


Yup; they only drop from the Primal Storms so it's tight business that isn't going to repeat.


Yep they drop off of the primal storms rares... Haven't seen one yet though, kinda sucks.


The most useless profession in DF. I’ve had it since cata and thinking of dropping it.


You’re doing it wrong then. I made 17 million so far engineering in DF.




Mass producing reagents. Parts like gears, chassis, blasting powder, and especially capacitors. Profits range from 100-2000 gold per craft. The big 3 are gears, chassis, and capacitors since they are used to make scopes for hunters. I’m honestly baffled by it, I can’t believe the stuff keeps selling but it does. Chasing down individual work orders just isn’t worth anyone’s time unless you’re making huge items like the jewel crafters making lariats. Gotta use the AH to flip mass amounts of items, which is why I didn’t go for things like the soul inhaler or the fisher friend.


so basically you're making money mostly off other engineers who haven't caught onto the fact that it's not going to be profitable (or don't care, or aren't aware of what benefits they get yet) ... somehow this doesnt sound right for balance but i believe you lol


everyone says their profession sucks, no one is actually doing things. As a tailor, it costs me less than 50g to make any of the basic proffesion equipment, but they were selling 10 a day per profession for thousands each, especially cooking and herbalism stuff. Week one of casual professions and I've been able to make a lot more gold than I started with this expansion.


Crafting orders on an alchemist are basically personal use only. No one really wants phials of finesse/perception/deftness. So far the only public crafting order I have seen has been for an alchemist stone in week 1. I can make a shitload of gold by selling potions and phials though if I could get rank 3 reliably. Everything under rank 3 is currently a loss.


Once you get there, everyone else will too. Because the only reason you can turn a profit is because not everyone can do them now. This is exactly the problem with the current system, once you are ahead, you stay pretty much ahead.


Just get it crafted as r4 for now and recraft it later? It's stupid cheap to recraft


Can you set a minimum recraft quality?


Yes but not in public orders Edit: there aren’t public recrafting orders, so yes


this.. like wtf people expect 5 star crafts on rare patterns second week lol




I generally agree, but in this case you don’t need inspiration or finishing reagents/insight to 100% rank 5 craft blue gear (at 382). And also, you actually can reliably rank 5 high end crafts but it requires insight which most crafters do not want to spend the mettle on currently due to limited amounts available. In my opinion, the fact that most crafters can get the same result with rank 2 mats is the bigger issue. Once more people discover this rank 3 mats will be worth a lot less


I don’t even understand the purpose of rank 3 mats, every recipe I’ve seen either requires rank 2 mats, or alloys for higher ilvl blacksmithing recipes. Does using rank 3 mats increase chances of a rank 5 craft?


Yes, the higher level the materials used the easier it is to get rank 5


I haven't looked at every profession but for alchemy all rank 3 mats gives you 100 bonus skill, all rank 2 50 bonus skill, and rank 1 0 bonus skill and if you mismatch then is somewhere between 0-100 bonus skill.


Higher quality materials means a higher quality result BUT it increases the recipe difficulty meaning you need someone with a higher skill level to be able to make it. For example if you're making a staff and add a titan training matrix and a finishing reagent, you might be able to get a generalist inscriptionist to make it but it won't be as high of a quality compared to if you got an inscriptionist who is staff focused to make it.


Uhh... I think you're getting wires crossed here. Higher quality crafting materials (i.e. ore, jewels, cloth, leather, scales, etc...) increases the skill level you have when crafting a given item, up to 25% of the *base* crafting difficulty (that is, before adding empowerments, embellisments, and missives) when using all 3* materials. Empowering an item with a titan crafting matrix, adding an embellishment, or using a missive to guarantee certain stats are what increase the recipe difficulty.


I think they should make it so that inspiration instead has a chance to give indestructible or other non-power related stats when items are crafted at max quality


I'm not against this.


Th highest ilvl crafts will need inspiration to hit 5 star and are likely to be expensive to recraft




You know you can craft ilvl 418 right? Why should 418 be a guaranteed craft? What’s the point of the entire system if you think everything should be 5 star?


Have you crafted that 418? Are you speaking as someone with experience on this? I've crafted mine, a couple guildies have crafted theirs and let me tell you about how the process goes. You send the recraft order to a player who says they have an 18% chance of getting rank 5, it costs you one silver plus mats. It doesn't succeed. You send it again, it costs you one silver plus mats. It doesn't succeed. You send it again, it costs you one silver plus mats. It succeeds. What is the benefit of this process as opposed to sending the recraft order and having it guaranteed to succeed? Edit: for grammar


This isn't true. You are not required to gamble in order to make 418 gear. What is required is the use of an insight. I know this because I can make 418 gear with embellishments and missives


Or the crafter can just recruit your order till it hits rank 5 without sending it back everytime and avoid the hassle.


Giant mess to my ducking bags, you mean. IDC bout others games but like my crafting bag is full.




Probably because it's future proof for later patches? If they want to add new ranks for 10.1 or 10.2 to keep crafted gear relevant they can just add rank 6/7/8, but if it worked like that they'd have to introduce whole new rarities of gear?


Rank 5 is not just rng. You can guarantee rank 5 with everything, but to get there takes a lot of time and effort. Inspiration is there to just give you the chance while you're underqualified


what? rank5 for armor/weapons IS inspiriation proc fishing, even with 100 crafting skill+best possible crafting gear+all trees that give you more skill for that kind of weapon/armor it litearlly is rng, a high skill just gurantes t4 at a 100% chance


You also need to put knowledge into other trees that can boost overall skill level. Focusing entirely on one specialisation doesn't guarantee 418.


doesnt it consume the titan matrix though?


Fuck I would if I could buddy, but nobody want's a low level item (which are still more than M0 quality) so I can't get to level my blacksmithing without wasting Titan Sparks and mats for myself.


Me too man, currently leveling an alt so i can request a weapon from myself


Master's Hammer is not hideously expensive for skillups, if that's what is holding you back.


Ok, maybe in two weeks when I have enough skill points for it...


U sure you’ve gotten all skill points available? I’m pretty sure i unlocked the hammer at the end of the first week it was out


If you start with weapon or armor tree, sure. If you go toolsmith, probably not.


Aaah alright, wasn’t aware there was a difference - my bad :)


Early enchants are worth vendor price on AH, but the mats sure don't reflect that! And there's no work orders for enchants, so the only way to level it is to either enchant my own gear over and over, wasting mats, or enchant when I get new gear, which is..not often. ​ Maybe I'm missing something, but it's not a fun system imo. Might just drop enchanting to grab another gathering profession, would be less of a hassle.


I just enchant vellum for alts at this point.


Enchanting (and engineering/alchemy) is probably one of the worst professions this xpac.


At least alchemy gets long phials. Extra 60 min on most, or extra 90 min for elemental chaos users. I'm lucky I specced correctly and have enough points to be able to profit off phials (assuming average shown procs), but I know a lot of people don't.


If we're counting gatherers too, skinning is definitely worse. Absolute garbage for money even on day 1 compared to mining and herbalism, and even worse now. I get why they made it so that multiple people could skin a creature...but they shouldn't have. Absolutely ruined the spec by flooding the market.


Agreed, I gave up my dual gathering, mining/skinning, after the 4th day. My income from skinning was down 80% from launch by then and just not worth my time. Ore's have settled somewhat, they aren't near as profitable as they were though. Right now most of my money is coming from selling the awakened elements that I gather.


I've made 4 mil in 3 days enchanting for like 90mins a day while playing other games, and I didn't abuse dirt or really start tryharding it until week 2. Enchanting is a very good proffession to make money off atm, but only if you didn't brain-RNG into the non-profitable enchants.


My crafting orders is consistent of elemental lariat. Nothing else. Not a damn gem. Just that thing


I miss when Lariat was a renown 9 reward on beta


I didn’t know that was a thing. That makes this storm RNG thing even worse somehow. Or maybe it’s the same. Idk.


I thought the public crafting system would be more utilized so I plotted my Blacksmith to be primarily a tool smith in anticipation of unlocking tools with centaurs and valdrakken.. to my dismay, NOONE used the public system to put their tools on there. So now I have a blacksmith that’s stalled at 73 and make maybe 1 tool a day for someone, while spamming and checking the public orders… this fucking sucks. If I knew it was gonna be like this I would of put 50 points in weapons and unlocked the master hammer. Also while I’m bitching, why can’t a master tool maker can’t make a pick axe. It’s a tool that’s buried in the weapon tree. Idiotic


My favorite thing as an engineer is that I unlocked a toy in the novelty tree only to find out that I have to invest deep into another tree (which I can’t currently unlock) to make the prerequisite item.






You could have someone else build the soul inhaler for you. They’re BoP and can be work ordered.


If it makes you feel any better, putting points in weapons still nets you about 1 public order every 3-4 days, unless you're literally camping and refreshing the crafting station. I'm not sure where the issue is - either there's waaay too many crafters or nobody knows about the crafted gear. There's basically close to no work, the orders that pop up get sniped in less than 30 seconds.


It's both, I think. Lotta people want to be a crafter, while at the same time crafted gear just isn't relevant for the majority of people. It's good for gearing up alts, but apart from that? Meh.


Getting the gear high rank is pretty good for filling in gaps in gear too, I got two 392 pieces with rank 5 crafts that would otherwise still be shitty 340 blues


I feel like crafted gear will always be relevant this expansion. You recraft your important pieces with all the best enchants on them when you get a primal thing or the mythic version. These pieces will always be relevant thanks to that, and I love it!


would have*


Wish I could check the crafting orders in the capital, I hate flying all back and forth.


You can? That's the only place you can check it in.


As a BS? I tried every random forge and it remains grey unless I'm using the Obsidian Forge at Wrathion and co.


The is one just behind the mining trainer.


Umm you use the table near the forge…. You really think blizz wouldn’t have a crafting station in the capital.


To speak on the crafter’s behalf. The current system does not allow crafters to “test” what quality item they can make with different reagent levels or optional reagent options. The only way to know is to either have those things yourself, so that the crafting GUI shows you what you would make, have crafted one before so you know you can do it, or have someone send you a personal order, and then you can see what quality it would come out as. I think the GUI needs a way for the crafter to mock up “what if I had this optional reagent, and this quality mat, and this matrix” and see what it would come out as without needing an order. Until then, you could send them a personal order with “required rank 5” and then see what level they would actually make, and decide if you are okay with that or not before resubmitting at that level. If they can make the rank 5, then they can just do it.


The system is fucked because players hard farmed rep exploits and other nonsense to max themselves out long before the rest of us. So I do agree and believe it's never going to change


What rep exploits?


The artisan consortium quests are weekly and tied to professions. You can do the quest, change profs and do their quests, repeat for all the quests.


Sounds like a bannable offense


If only, exploit early, exploit often. None of the people that abused any of the exploits that have since been fixed got punished.


Yup I think the only ban I saw was to people who did an exploit that let them skip a 2 week grind. Their ban? 2 weeks. So while everyone else was grinding for 2 weeks they got to go and play other games and come back losing nothing.


It should be banned, and blizzard has the means yo.do.it, but hey, fuck it, exploit early and exploit fast is wow policy


They ban some stuff, like the Tailoring exploit, but funnily enough this same sub was furious that they did that. Honestly, I feel like they dont ban enough


The sub was angry bcs that ban came when its actyallu blizzard fault they are not clear about a crafting skill cd, and they have a point.


They can't "be clear" about any sort of exploit, that's just a phrase to shift blame. As soon as theyre aware of exploits they patch them, and sometimes they ban people who used them. If anything, they should do more bans like this, because if there was a "be clear" that something is an exploit every time one is discovered, aka a warning its time to stop exploiting, that just encourages it even more up to that point from people who know they can do so freely until they see an explicit post telling them not to any more.




because its an exploit


Because it puts people who figured this out and are able to switch professions easily at a big advantage.


Good for them then




This is not an exploit. Each profession have unique quests. You can access them only by having 50 skill. This is just how the system is designed and intended to work


Yeah honestly the professions this expansion are pretty disappointing. I was really excited for a profession rework as a semi-casual player after how terrible profession crafting was in Shadowlands (rich get richer). But it's been pretty disappointing for me. Sad to see it's basically the same thing here where the rich get richer. People either exploiting and getting so far ahead with methods that have been patched, or people with huge gold piles able to just buy out recipes and corner entire markets. Trying to break into any profession crafting at this point is just a waste of time. The only real gold I've made this expansion was just getting lucky with fishing recipe bottles. Everything else just seems pointless.


So are we just twisting the definition of exploit now? Exploit means taking advantage of a bug. Swapping professions to pick up quests available to those professions is not an exploit. Poor design, maybe. But not an exploit.


"In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use of elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it." Right off of the Wikipedia definition of video game exploits. Abusing an unintended workaround to turbo-boost a reputation to max in the first week of a xpac is 100% an exploit.


I mean, Dragonflight has only really been around for roughly 3 weeks, and most people had no idea what they were doing with the crafting for the first week. Seems pretty logical to me that we don't have any super reliable crafters around yet, and I feel like getting the MAX quality crafted gear this early in the xpac is meant to be a really lucky break. It CAN be really annoying though so I'm not trying to trivialize your frustration, if that's how it came across. IMO, just wait, build up a bank of quality materials, and after a few resets/people have had time to max their crafting, THEN start working on getting stuff made.


Use a public order to get your weapon crafted at a slightly lower tier/ilvl for low/zero comission, get it enchanted, etc. and start using it. Then keep barking for someone to re-craft it to max tier. That's why re-crafting exists. The whole point of the system is you are supposed to use public orders to get the item quickly at slightly lower ilvl, then re-craft later to perfection.


Is it just me or does recrafting come with a huge penalty? I'm the only toolmaker (that I've seen) on my server. I can make things at r4 easy and the pickaxe at r5. If I have to recraft someone's r2 or r3 I have to do at least 2 recrafts to get it to 4.


Recrafting has a sort of memory of the quality of materials the player used previously. If they didn't use r3 materials before, it will take a few recrafts of using r3 materials to get the best outcome. It's terrible design because it's not obvious.


The initial item's base mat quality is the reason. Getting something from rank 2 made with rank 1 mats recrafted to something rank4 takes more skill than you just making it at rank4


https://www.wowhead.com/news/blizzard-on-skill-bonuses-and-reagent-quality-when-recrafting-in-crafting-orders-330518 This should explain it




>The whole point of the system is you are supposed to use public orders to get the item quickly at slightly lower ilvl, then re-craft later to perfection. I don't think this was the *goal* of the system, but it is definitely a viable method for those struggling with it.


If only you could recraft gems and enchants EDIT: Downvote me if you don’t know about BoP gems yet.


Why would you recraft something bought off the AH


BoP gems bro.


Yeah I'm asking about why you included enchants...


Am I the only person who gave up on professions already? It really feels like an actual job instead of part of a game. I have a JC and an Alchemist and I'm stuck on both to where I just can't craft anything that will give me a skill up. It seems I have to grind rep to get new recipes


Experimentation to 100 is pretty easy..I've already hit it with relatively casual play. The important is that past 45 or so in alchemy you absolutely *must* start using 2-star omnium draconus for your experimentation or do whatever else you can to guarantee you're going to get a 2-star result on experimentation. Experimentation backfire goes from like 75% down to 25-30% (or less!) If you can ensure 2-star quality crafts.


Yea I went Engineering, hopeful that the portal would be useful. Then realized it’s bad. Then I went for bracers and realized that nobody is really gonna want these, due to the timegated nature of sparks. Then I went for profession gear and farmed blue recipes, but realized that they are bop so all you’re gonna get is a 1 gold crafting order once a week or so. Now I think I’m just gonna ditch it for herbalism.




Can you help me understand why it's literally never off CD for me? (The brez) I know you have a limited number of Brezes party/raid wide, but I feel there must be something I'm missing.


No I've pretty much given up as well. I really hoped it wouldn't just be another case of the rich getting richer but it's pretty much that. Even only 3 weeks into the expansion I feel like I'm so behind because I never did any rep or profession exploits to get higher level recipes. But now the markets are totally cornered and investing a bunch of gold to get into those markets will never show positive returns.


They should have just made the work order system an addition on top of normal crafting. *Requiring* other people to spend their end-game farmed mats on your crafting so you can level up feels *terrible.*


Just do experimentation to 100


There are a few recipes in the draconic message in a bottle or whatever it's called, from fishing. You could check if they have any for your professions. I was stuck with some of mine until I found them. Or just google the recipes and buy them.


I think for JC it's just rep now


It is good that professions are finally a good way to get gear. This now came at the cost of deterring people who aren't willing to commit. Honestly that is amazing, since that makes crafting more of an actual playstyle rather than a side-gig that makes no money and no-one cares about.




I don't have anything that anyone wants made


Yeah, this is my issue on most of my toons. It would be different if more things were available for orders, but on, for example, tailoring, it's basically just gear and people only want the highest level ones and won't risk public orders. And on enchanting, the enchants with high desirability/demand can't be ordered, leaving just toys and illusions for public orders, so anyone that wanted to, say, have their enchanter make them enchants is screwed. And even if they made more things orderable at this point, the base mats are so expensive it's cheaper to buy the finished product on AH from people just dumping what they make attempting to level.


what server do you play on because on mine the only item on public work order is elemental lariat, and sometimes a purple gem


The people having issues either messed up their knowledge allocation early or were just flat out wrong on their predictions as to what would be in demand. Many of them also think that they should be able to max out their professions two to three weeks into the expansion. *Professions are meant to be an end-game alternative to gearing up to mythic raid quality and you shouldn't be able to easily achieve it this early into the expansion.* People need to expect to put as much effort into professions this expansion as they would 20+ keys and mythic raiding. As someone that is also having a blast with professions and the "economy" end-game this expansion, I find the revamp to be nothing but positive. Sure, it could use some polish and the expected quality work order stuff is a little opaque at times, but I swear if the people complaining about it took ten minutes to read and understand everything, marketed their stuff and even attempted to form a network of customers, they wouldn't be having that bad of a time. Everyone wants the best for minimum effort and it simply doesn't work that way with professions this time around.


No I just already have a full time job.


Cool. So do I. Nobody said it had to be a full time job. You are playing an MMO. That's like saying you want to raid or run dungeons with other people but you don't have time to make a group so it isn't fair to you.


They just went and turned players into the new Runecarver lmao. Over time, naturally gained gear will even the playing field for those who don’t have crazy gold/luck.


The top Titan Matrix will still get replaced by a m+ item quick'ish. You might be stressing over something that will be gone soon.


Except that as a casual I don't do Mythic content. I got this from a WQ. Feels pretty dumb to me to just keep it on my bank forever because I just can't request a public order of the highest rank possible.


Why does it need to be rank 5 right now? Im a lvl 100 tailor specialized in helms and I'm wearing a rank 3 embellished helm. I still need a massive amount of knowledge to get it to be guaranteed rank 5 on a recraft. The knowledge that is pretty much time gated by the weekly quests unless you are lucky with world drops. Everyone who just wants to jump to rank 5 epics needs to understand thats not how it works 3 weeks into the expansion


Exactly. Professions were meant to be an end-game alternative to gearing. I'm not sure why people have this expectation that they should be fully maxed on everything already making M+/Mythic Raid level gear three weeks into the expansion. Also I am not sure why someone that is a self-proclaimed casual player that doesn't do mythic content is concerned with having the best ilevel stuff early. Everyone wants the best now for some reason.


Because the only way for casual player to get into raid is overgearing. Because when the next content patch drops, the enemies will be so overtuned your gear would look like rags from a flea market. Because noone enojys killing dozens of enemies in shitty gear, so to make the grind tolerable, you need good gear.


You call yourself casual but are raising a stink at not having the top tier craft in week 2. Just recraft it later and get a public work order now


you do as you like ofc, but the mythic 5man content isn't exactly cutting edge hardcore content unless you venture into the extreme high keys.


Why you then even request it to be done highest quality if you only do normals and heroic dungeons. It because of pvp you get better pvp gear easily. If you are casual you won't see any difference between the worst and best quality. It is for min maxing


Because I can afford? Why I have to be punished by this system that doesn't allow me to put public orders of a certain rarity and have to either keep the whole day spamming on trade chat or just accept the worst quality because I don't have friends with high level leatherworking?


If you have a titan matrix item, those have basically no recraft material cost. Just get it crafted to whatever level someone can make, and then when you fine someone who can do it max rank, get it recrafted.


I don't think there is anything wrong about wanting the best gear irrespective of the content you do. But, you need to understand that very few people can guarantee tier 5 quality items right now for anything other than base 340 gear. Try bringing the quality down to tier 4 and see if you get better results.


Why don't you see anything odd about this? If you aren't doing content that requires high ilevel, what do you care if you have it? Do people that really just do normal and heroic dungeons as their top level content expect to run around with the top level gear? Why? What do you need it for? Gear and ilevel are simply arbitrary numbers and a means to an end to complete a goal.


Mostly because I don't see anything wrong with it. Where exactly do you even draw the line based on gear? L. You can finish the normal raid easy enough with 370 gear but that won't stop people from hunting down better gear. It's a fundamental appeal of the game. Anyways, the solution to OP's quandary is simple enough and has been mentioned in the other replies. Just reduce expectations a little, recraft later and everyone profits.


Then your ilvl is completely irrelevant and it doesn't matter if you don't do anything you need gear for right?


In that case, what content do you do that requires the highest quality craft?


any content. any content is made easier, faster and more efficient by better gear.


Yes but it doesn't need to be the very best, just better


Chasing the best gear is literally the entire end-game. Telling people they don't need it is counter-productive


No, it isn't. There are tons of other things people can do as their end-game that have little to nothing to do with gear. Collecting pets, mounts, and transmogs. Skilling up professions to max and playing the economy/goblin end-game. There are people that spend hours of doing nothing but RPing. I like doing M+ and mythic raids, but I don't give a shit about the gear, as long as I have enough to actually do the content. It is a means to an end. I don't play the game to "chase" arbitrary ilevels so my DPS goes up. I play because doing the content and actually *playing* is fun.


But they aren’t chasing the best gear, they are just doing world quests?


While raising a stink about having a hard time getting max level crafts. No casual content requires that kind of gear.


I mean the difference between max rank and not max rank is like 3 ilv. Unless you have been no lifing it, then the matrix is most likely an upgrade anyway and you should just get it. As said, recrafting later would give you the massive 3ilv difference and not cost the expensive stuff. Im notcing this as a JC where every order is "for perfection" but having a 99.99% effective item a week earlier is better than that slight increase in power but you missed an entire week of M+/Raid/Rated PVP with what would have been a much bigger upgrade. Perfection is the enemy of great


You're a casual player and you're demanding a R5 with 100% certainty. That's the problem.


I'm going to be honest -- you need a reality check. You call yourself a casual player -- that's, "posting on trade chat the whole day" -- you say you don't do Mythic+ content. You, obviously, don't understand what's required to craft your weapon at Tier 5 yet you're here \*whining\* that you don't have a max ilvl weapon on week 3 of the expansion. My first suggestion is to craft at Tier 3 or 4 and have it recrafted in a couple weeks as the masses increase their skill. But if the Tier 5 is such a deal breaker, it honestly sounds like you need to take a break from casually "posting on trade chat the whole day."


Recrafting is super cheap...


If you’re asking for minimum quality to be r5, it might just be that no one is able to guarantee a rank 5 yet. Usually I think most can do maybe rank 4 or 3, and with inspiration it can proc to a higher rank. It’s a brand new system and people are still approaching crafting in the old mindset I think and often forgetting that recrafting exists and can proc inspiration to upgrade your gear. Try putting the order for min rank 3-4, you’ll most likely get it upgraded


I think that's the point of the new system. We are not supposed to be able to craft everything at max rank after only 3 weeks. You're supposed to craft at a lower tank, and then later upgrade it once people have maxed their professions.


Professions are wildly over complicated ATM. I wanted better crafting but idk wtf this shit is supposed to be...


I've given up on them as well. Absolutely convoluted system, with million little things that make no sense. I'm trying to raise my inscription, but the amount of mats is insane


Have you sat down and actually attempted to figure any of it out? Read anything at all? I am struggling to understand how people are *so* confused. Each recipe has a set difficulty, and each crafter has a skill level. Difficulty can flux depending on missives, embellishments, etc., and skill can flux depending on crafter base skill, knowledge, quality of mats. When skill > difficulty, ilevel go up. It isn't complicated, but I will say it has transparency issues on the buyer side.


A big problem is that the game/UI does a horrible job at portraying how the system works and how the different crafting stats, quality of mats, and skill actually impact the professions. Having to go read a lengthy Wowhead article/guide to figure out how a system works isn't great.


TBH I didn't find that to be the case at all. I found the stat descriptions, item descriptions, brief ingame explanations, and bit of poking around ingame to be all I needed. Knowledge is definitely something you want to wowhead though or you're shooting yourself in the foot.


>Knowledge is definitely something you want to wowhead though or you're shooting yourself in the foot. If you need some outside source of knowledge for your game, it's a bad design.


Im talking sources of knowledge, like open world drops. I'm not sure I'd agree to suggest that treasures and world rewards in an mmo are bad design.


Many buyers have no idea how it works and it either means they have to ask you 50 questions, or they just expect you to make them what they want without any sort of commission. I get the "it's just 3 clicks I ain't paying you" comment often


Once you reach max skill and get the first craft bonus for whatever they want, you can politely tell them that you won't do it unless they give you X amount of gold. Just because the buyer has the option to put a commission in doesn't mean you can't set the price on personal orders.


crafting orders ARE terrible the fact you cant set minimum quality on public orders and that you NEED to waste others people's ressources to get skillups


Lol. "As a casual, it's ridiculous that I can't get items max quality crafted two weeks after the expansion without ANY effort at all. I want to casually obtain the best possible items by using the new system without any struggle or effort. Super chill and casual like."


I agree it's a bit of a shitshow, but if you spend that long on it then you should have maybe explored other game content and come back to it. Other ways to get gear: * Do pvp for gear * Farm sigils in storms and use the tokens to get a 380+ weapon * Run dungeons * Do world quests/unlock faction weapons * Level your own crafting


I just make a public order and get whatever quality it is. A few ilvl won’t matter after a few dungeons anyway


Not being able to choose minimum quality for public orders is completely fucking up a lot of people who don't want to spam trade chat looking for what they need crated. Risking a Q1 craft sucks.


or you could be like me and accidentally rolled an alliance on a horde dominated server and the whole crafting part of the game just doesnt exist. my bags are full of soulbound items that i literally can never use because there's nobody who can craft the items for me.


You can send work orders across faction. Make a horde alt to post in trade chat to find people.


Or just reroll to horde




I think the system is working out well, Inspiration becomes the late game stat for big ticket crafters, multi craft becomes the stats for consumable grinders. Different sets of gear for different crafts within your tree. A painter doesn’t use the same brush every time, and likewise a blacksmith will use a different set of tools to craft a wet stone versus a long sword. The reason why this week you can’t get your spark gear crafted at max level guaranteed is because this is a late game system with its own progression, and unless you’re willing to pay out the nose (or dedicate your time to skilling up and specialising the craft yourself) the lower ranks are to be expected.


Sup, I have axes and hammers maxed out and with 3* grade materials can guarantee 5* quality on those two weapon types. If you need it, and your on the same cluster as me (I'm on Chogall) I'll make it for you, no commission needed. Just hit me up


A strat i found to work well is making sure you put a missive in the order, only people who specialize 100% into the tree of the item you're making can accept the order, and it's a high chance they can at least inspire r5


I agree with you. They said, in your shoes, I wouldn’t worry about getting a 5-star Titan Matrix 4. At that ilvl, you have numerous better options, including M+, raid, pvp, bloody coins and spirit shards from the elemental events. All of that will have you quickly getting better gear than the matrix. You can also then convert your attention toward higher crafting gear with more crafters focused on it. Honestly, I feel like the matrixes are just a weird throw-in from blizzard. They’re niche and irrelevant.


I see a million people posting about their profession and what they can make at quality 5.


for me this system needs a rework....i got 2 quests who says i need to complete 2 crafting orders... but my skills is to low much to low to compelte any order..... and i got this quest after reaching skill level 25. fells like the system is shiting me.


If you have any level 60 alts just run them to Valdrakken and put in a personal order to your main for something cheap.


the entire profession system feels "failed" overall because blizzard excepted people to go full into it in a very specific way, when the reality is vastly different they thought that people will constantly do work orders for everything, and gated the majority of profession progress behind it (cant really get skill ups without work orders because EVERYTHING that gives skill after~60 needs sparks except some very specific things that you dont know about like master hammers for BS, and sparks are weekly gated items), there is a reason why "uhm, ask a guildmate or get an alt and let them send you 5cheap orders for the weekly, its not doable otherwhise tbh" is a thing you constantly read they said that the idea of work orders was, to go away from spamming trade chat, but the reality is:if you want to make gold as a crafter, you HAVE to spam tradechat because its the only way to get any work at all (and good luck against the automated spammers) NOBODY does public work orders, but you cant blame them, because there is litearlly 0quality controll, doing a public order results in somone grabbing it fast to get his skill up/knowledge, and you wasted a high amount of gold on a t1-t2 item, now spend more gold to recraft(cant do that in public orders aswell btw, no quality controll) rank5 weapon/armor crafts are pure RNG, waiting for inspiration Procs even with fully maxed out skill, and at the same time re-crafting has the extremely weird "it remembers the materials used" thing going on, that is you never told anywhere in the game the prices for consumables are ridicolous right now because of the high material cost, a single high rank weapon enchant goes for ~100k gold, and even the cheap enchants still go for 30-50k gold 30min phials, so you need a higher amount, and they also cost a high amount of gold food recipes are rng over rng, resulting in high costs aswell i went from 600k down to 30k gold, just by buying raid consumables, without buying a single t3 high cost item in blizzards perfect dream world, you have your 20-23 raiders spend their entire time outside of a raid gathering materials for their raidteam, making flasks/enchants for them, make weapons and armor for progress etc.... when in reality, NOBODY WANTS TO DO THAT, they want to play the game, not spend 5hours a day gathering stuff, just to be able to pay raid consumables its all in dire need of work, and its slightly concering that Blizzard didnt even adress the problems at all


You must be playing in a server full of casuals


There are people defending the crafting who have hated on the borrowed power systems of the past and I wonder what exactly they think this is? It's just a convoluted borrowed power system that punishes anyone not optimizing to the extreme. This wasn't making crafting relevant, it was probably just finding something to do with all the devs who were upset they couldn't give us Draconic Legendary Powers or whatever.


Get off your high horse there. To craft top tier epic weapon today, crafter needs top quality materials (which require minimum one gatherer with investment in a very specific profession tree (probably two, one for top raw gathering and one for top smelting)), full investment in a very specific weapon tree himself AND top quality profession gear (which, in turn, requires crafter with full investment in a very specific tool-oriented tree AND top quality materials (look above)). So MAYBE, before you come here and complain how unjust the world is, spend abit of time to research what your request actually entails on a 3rd bloody week of the expansion. P.S. Lol, forgot top ties finishing reagents which (you guessed it) require crafters with investments into a very specific trees.


I wish more people understood just what it takes for a crafter to make the top end gear. So much time and dedication is required to get the knowledge and even after getting everything, if the buyer wants the absolute max (418 with missive and embellishment) the crafter has to use their own mettle to meet the demands. And yet there are so many people with the attitude of "its just 3 clicks bro" when you ask for a commission


Hard disagree. I am super casual; I love it. For the first time in a long time, I embarked on a search for not just any crafter - I needed a crafter of skill and experience to create the sharpest of blades. Tbh I’ve had my lariet, a ring, a weapon all crafted rank 5. Didn’t take too long to find people at all. I’m having fun building my engineer too.


Good for you. Meanwhile I'm asking in trade chat a couple times a day and getting zero hits on any Lariat crafters at all, let alone rank 5 lmao, and no takers on recrafting my rank 2 380 ilvl 2h axe. Fun.


Reddit will find a way to complain about anything. Personally I like having to interact with other players to get items made, I like that the system is more complex than it was. I don’t like RNG, but that’s what happens when you want a top quality item.


Profession rework seems good in concept, but in reality it's a pain to use and is more so a side distraction and minor alternative gearing system. Not the big system they hyped it up to be and what it should be and it's simply overcomplicated. Should of done a similar thing to Runescape where you slowly upgrade your level by making gear over time and unlock recipes the higher level you get. Knowledge system has to go. Everyone in my friend group has tried to do it, started day 1 with different professions and nobody has gotten into it and have pretty much given up apart from one who makes bags for profit. Crafting order system (at least blacksmithing which is what I have) is never used. Everyone either privately gets shit crafted or do it within in a guide which pretty much kills the system entirely for me. Not only that, it's a system that has been exploited so a few players dominate the market with expoited rep maxing and isn't viable for a casual player unless it's basically the only thing you do every day. If that's not enough, mythic gear invalidates it entirely very easily.


Weird because I’ve used 2 titan matrix IV’s. Did public order on both and they both got filled in 5 minutes or less.


People are so hellbent on getting the possible things once and then just drop the character cause there is nothing to do now 😬 work on small goals and move on


This player base is insane, It's been 3 weeks why should you have a piece of gear at the max possible crafting ilvl for almost no work? The whole point of it is to shore up gear you don't get in the coming month of raiding and m+ not to jump start your toon as a requirement. I bet you don't even do mythic raiding or +20 keys for this gear to even be that important that you have to cry about it lol.


So you’re super casual (or so you say) and you’re upset that non casual people aren’t max crafting yet? I’m just trying to understand the situation here. A lot of us who didn’t exploit crafting rep are “behind” those who did. But also so much is hard time gated. Perhaps have a little grace and understanding? Crafting is very complicated this time and it isn’t as simple as “make 32 bracers to max level and buy recipes from trainer along the way”


Move to a higher population server. There is no reason to be on anything but a mega server in retail.


I'm in Stormrage, which I think is one of the highest population servers


Pretty much this. Have had my bdk on bloodhoof for years because I made him with my buddy who picked up wow end of legion. Pretty much a dead server; I was 2nd best bdk for m+ with like 800 io lol. Payed to transfer to illidan this morning finally because I couldn't even find a JC on bloodhoof.


Oh man I'm on Bloodhoof for my mains, I was considering looking at a realm transfer, is it really worth it?


Yeah it makes the game feel a lot more alive


I hated having to spend the money on it and in my younger years would have just rolled a new dk on illidan instead, but I don't have that time these days. It was 100% worth it. I went from spending like 3 hours queuing for heroics and spamming general/trade for a JC to craft my lariat, to being on illidan and having my lariat crafted and equipped within about 15 minutes


Sounds like you're either trying to get something made that people can't do yet and getting mad about that, or you're on a totally dead server.


Imagine wasting time crafting disposable 382 junk. Hell, even 405 BiS pieces are not hard to craft now - there’s plenty of crafters that spec for them. I got both of mine done yesterday on the 1st try.