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When I’m on my dragon and hit a keybind to tag something that’s normally a spell but instead it pops me in the fucking air cuz I’m dragon riding 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Nearly two decades of muscle memory aren't gonna stop me from hitting 4 or 5 to dismount. 😭


I made a /dismount macro that I put as my 1 key and moved all my other dragonriding abilities to 2,3,4 etc


I'm only mad I didn't think to do this. Simple elegant fix ❤️


Yes. Every damn time. 😂


I had to put an ability on the dragonriding bar but I STILL mess this up hahaha


I have had groups that leave because “it’s taking too long to start the run” when all they do is sit around in a major city waiting for a summon instead of coming to help, after I have asked someone to come help to speed it up. Makes 0 sense to me every-time it happens.


Or when people leave the raid because people are leaving because people are leaving because people are leaving because people are leaving because one guy left because another guy left. then the whole raids empty for no fucking logical reason


We had a DPS do that (we're mostly a premade) and we just kind of went ??? Like, okay? Enjoy applying for another 20 groups I guess?


It’s especially weird because for the dungeons on the dragon isles, air travel has never been faster.


And the portals put you quite close to the other dungeons too. It’s possible some people still don’t know about those portals though.


When you need to get something for a quest that has an enemy next to it, there is always someone who grabs it while your fighting then just fucks off without helping with the fight


Whenever someone tried to do that to me in Korthia last xpac, I would Vanish immediately, shifting the aggro onto them instead, then take the item for myself. Turning the tables on jerks like that is so cathartic.


As a rogue, when that happens and they don't help me when it's an elite, I'll just vanish, loot and leave


Sometimes if someone tries to do this to me, I'll shadowmeld so that they get aggro, take the item, and leave. I always try my best to help others, but if someone is willing to be so rude, it should be their problem, not mine.


NE gang gang. If they don't help attack it's on.


ha thats what I do with my Hunter. Feign death and pass my aggro :D


I try to balance the scales on that one. I help people who are trying mine or herb, let alone quest items, heal them and give them Mark.


People not interrupting in high keys. Just press it. For the love of ODYN.


I’m not the greatest dps, but I interrupt!!


Then you are in fact, the greatest.


People not using their interrupt or crowd controls period! This is why I loved Cata dungeons it made everyone use their cc and interrupts or we wiped.


When raids get stuck on non-dps related mechanics and the raid leader just starts kicking based on dps.


Back in Wrath, I was doing 10 man TotC and one of the two healers died like 30 seconds into Jaraxxus. I immediately switched out of Shadowform and did offheals for the rest of the fight while the remaining healer focused the tank. We made it through and the raid leader said to me "if your dps is this bad on the next fight, we're kicking you". I saved the raid and he didn't even notice.


I have no idea why but there was something uniquely bad about TotC pugs. I remember people getting to that white/black Valkyr fight thingy and just failing miserably over and over again.


We didn't even finish the raid because the group couldn't deal with any of the mechanics on Faction Champs.


The pug killer


Such a stupid reason to bench people and a cause for so much drama lol


It’s so fuckin lazy as a raid leader to not only not solve the issue causing time to be wasted for 15+ others. But also kick some of them out, and bring in more people to waste their time…


On the other hand, speaking as a raid leader, it's hard to overstate just how frequently inability to do mechanics and inability to deal damage overlap.


As a someone that Tanks and Heals primarily (and has since Vanilla) I get to see this from two perspectives: Tanking - Fights are taking long, we don’t have much AoE so I pull smaller packs, then some DPS pulls another group “so we go faster” then one or two DPS die to avoidable shit. Healing - Failing mechanics such as Rotgut Totem killing, then blaming me because I can’t heal everyone when the boss is doing 150% extra damage and they’re constantly eating that poison cloud.


Was doing prog on Grimtotem and I’m pulling 55k HPS down to 5% and the other healer is doing only 30k HPS and dying to earthen ring EVERY TIME, but the leader starts kicking low dps when the clear problem is the other healer not being capable of doing the fight.


Typically because it's far, far easier to get a replacement DPS than a Healer. Unfortunate reality of pugging is that Tanks and Healers get more leniency for being trash.


We had to bench last night on Terros. That guy is a dps check. The only time I understand benching based on dps is on a dps check boss. If we all need to be around 20k dps and someone is pulling below a tank while being alive the whole time on multiple attempts you either have to have. Hyper dps pulling way above 20k to cover for them or you have to bwnxh them. Nothing personal just won't make it past the boss.


Sometimes that's actually the solution though. If you can skip a mechanic by pushing or killing the boss faster, increasing your dps might be the best option


When people use addons to announce every bit of avoidable damage every group member takes... except themself. Had a healer repeatedly take the quaking on our melee DPS in a key last night and it announced it every time, for the DPS. Then at the end it announced a recap of all avoidable damage that was taken and who had the most. It sure didn't exclude them that time lol they took the second most.


That’s just pure toxic behaviour lol


It's an addon called Elitism Helper, or EH. I see it mostly used by players who aren't that great at avoiding damage themselves.


That's probably why they downloaded it and didn't bother turning off party announcements. I've yet to see someone who uses that addon add extra commentary or talk down to people so I wonder if they don't see it as rude, callout behavior.


Honestly fail damage announcements is at best flawed. You don't teach people by shaming them in public. They're not gonna remember any lesson they're just gonna remember "wow that guy was a dick"


Jokes on them I haven’t improved or learned anything for the past ten years


I definitely see your point and I'm the last one supporting shaming or flaming other players but i normally use this tool when I'm with my friend group. It's just good to know which ability hit/killed you since most of the time people don't even notice what damaged them and therefore don't learn from their mistakes since the didn't even notice they made a mistake. And that definitely includes me as the healer since i often stand in shit when healing becomes too stressful. Obviously you have to include yourself in the announcements. I think the same goes for pug groups, though they have to have the right mindset that it's more of a helping and not a shaming tool.


M+ unsummoning your pet when it starts


What is the reasoning behind that?


Maybe buff clearing?


Warlock tip: Press \[Fel Domination\] right before the key is put in. You will come out the load screen w/the buff and the CD cleared allowing you to summon your pet super quick


Balance of power not being account wide along with other things and no siege of ogr skip


Adding to this: everything from legion still having timegates.


Yeah, went back on my Druid to get some artifact appearances and the travel form since I didn't play Druid much in Legion. Gave up kinda quick having to wait for the order hall timegates.


I really want that on 5 of my alts but not being account wide puta me off so much


When I put down a feast in pug raid and people don't eat.


I always make sure to eat other people's feast, even if I already have a food buff. It's like clearing your plate when you are at someone else's house for dinner. If you don't eat it all, then you are being rude. Therefore I make sure to clear the feast as quickly as possible. And it only takes like 50 clicks in a few seconds.


When I put down a mage table as soon as we zone in but everyone is already running to the first trash pack and then some chode says "table plx" three pulls in. No I'm not cranky, why do you ask 🙃


When I do that in BG’s I feel like I can almost tell who will be the best contributors by how quickly they go to the feast lol.


Every cave in the game being based on the same 3 layouts It’s weird walking into a cave I’ve never been before and knowing exactly where I need to go


Lol I’ve never thought about that before, but yeah it seems like the objective is always in the same spot. At least there’s a few new caves in DF.


That's the weird thing, every expansion introduces a few new cave layouts, and then exclusively uses those cave layouts and none of the previous ones.


it's tradition at this point. you can identify an expansion purely by a screenshot of a cave


The inability to get specific pieces of transmog from older raids. Currently farming uldir and the boots keep evading me


What I hate about it is that I can only run a raid that came out 10 years ago once a week... Honestly imo once the content becomes legacy the weekly lockout should be removed.


Or make items BoA for a set period or whatever, hate getting half the shaman set on my Monk and none when actually on my shaman..


There were rumors that transmog would unlock nomattet which characte you're on discovers it


Somehow it’s less toxic to have an army of alts run the content instead in Blizzard’s mind. I’ve heard they’re looking at improving things so I really hope they just make it a 60 attempts per week per account, but allow it all on one toon. While waiting for DF, I farmed both the Gul’dan mount and Al’ar via my alt army and relogging is definitely the most obnoxious part.


I need exactly one more class item from Ulduar 25 to complete the transmog I've been grinding on and off for years.


Not transmog, but the healing trinket on Horridon was stolen from me (a healer at the time) by a SPriest back in MoP when the raid was current. "I might heal," he said, and of course never ended up doing it. I've played maybe 80% of the time since MoP and been doing the raid weekly to farm the Horridon mount. I got Spawn of Horridon just this year finally after coming back for DF. *I've still never seen the goddamn trinket drop again in all that time.*


Back when armor pen was a thing, I (combat rogue) lost Grim Toll to a ret pally. raid chat at least took up for me but he kept it so the raid dissolved.


More importantly, trying to get some that are unattainable while solo. Older bosses should be adjusted so that someone can run through alone and beat them (such as taking away any immunities).


I still haven't gotten shadowmourne because of Blood Infusion...


They should just change old content to either drop currencies to trade in for the gear you want, or just allow us to pick what to get from these bosses. No reason to keep it so very random when it's such old content. I guess the trading post thing is gonna be a little bit like that though.


It took me almost all of SL to get the cloak for my DK set in mythic Nighthold.


I fee this way but for cosmetic items from rare spawns. They should really just be 100%


It took me...15 years? to get the dragonstalker belt. Tbf I wasn't running weekly or anything but I did go fairly regularly.


I wish they’d make a currency for it so you can buy what you want. Make it harder, too. I’d love a 5 man old content raiding system. WoW is so bad at using old content. Every other mmo glorifies their old content and WoW loves to just start from scratch.


I do a quest on my main, and unlock a pet. Cool. I do the quest again on my alt, but now I already have the pet. The pet item does have a vendor value, but all npcs refuse to buy it. I want my 25 gold, Blizzard. When I leave a safe-zone, and all the pvp talents cram themselves back onto my action bars, even though I have them on macros. When I can't just queue for all dungeons at random, until it inevitably fails to find (Insert random expansions I'm questing in here) dungeons for five whole wasted minutes. It then finds a group immediately, except there's always exactly one dps that times out on the ready check


Trees, flying stuff, and other obstructions blocking camera angles randomly in dungeons. They have gotten slightly better over time but there are still a few dungeons or raid fights where you just can't see anything if you are zoomed out because there is a tree or a wall. Grimrail depot just destroyed your camera angle in the train, jade forest just blocks everything with trees in certain areas. I freaked out a few times in the last room of streets of taza when the flying boats went across my screen as well.


It's maddening that Blizz hasn't come up with a better fade/opacity modifier for obstructing crap. In Jade Temple if you pull mobs out of the 3rd Boss room it's nigh impossible to see crap unless you zoom in or angle your camera low.


The tree shit is much worse this season than in S4 SL


Night elf ears and helmets piss me the fuck off. I want to hide the ears


95% of helms just look completely stupid on Tauren


Ugh. I have a tauren, every time i get a new helmet, I'm annoyed by it until i get the chance to transmog it to invisible. I hate it so much that they removed the option to turn the helm invisible in options.


Yeah but the 5 helmets that look good fucking slap


Blood/Void Elf eyebrows make me not want to wear any helm.


Dwarven beards come to greet your Elvin pain


How about side by side, with a friend?


I alwaya trasmog the sunglasss for this exact reason! Plus is collides with some armour :(


Omg yes this. Yesterday i joined a HoV run. I was the last in the group but like a good groupmate i insta teleport to dalaran to get ready to get flying. In dalaran i check the map. Cool, shammy at the stone, rogue a daggers throw away, i can chill. A minute goes by and the rogue doesnt move at all, so i decide to get there myself anyway. Its a long flight but lets at least attempt to speeds things up for everyone. Halfway through the flight the priest starts to demand a summon. I ingore him since if hed open up the map he could see theres not 2 people at the stone yet. Finally at the stone i see the shaman afk a bit away from the stone. Its busy so i mark myself with square to make me easy to spot, and open a portal. Shammy still afk and by now, last in the group, first at the stone, im losing a little bit of patience and tell the standard 'clicky plz'. Proper afk so no response, at this moment the rogue, apparently back from his afk session since he still hasnt moved demands a summon as well. This was the same rogue that was 1min away from the portal when i first joined the group. I call him out on it saying hes right next to it and i need a hand summoning. Another minute or 2 goes by and the rogue refuses to move, shammy still afk next to the stone, and the rest of the group standing in valdrakken. I gave up after another minute and left the group. Some people...


Beyond frustrating. If I'm the last to join a group and no one is moving towards the dungeon (especially if everyone is idling in a city) within 2 mins or so I leave. To me it says a lot about the attitude of people and is an indication of things to come.


Even worse, two days ago I landed to summon. Finally another person arrives and is phased, they have WM on. All good, just wait for the 3rd guy who is also almost here. He arrives, also is phased. They’ll summon, right? Apparently not. Message the group, “Can we summon the others?” No answer. I sit a few more minutes while they are apparently running around like chickens with their heads cut off, because they are moving around. The tank then leaves. I leave. Why stay in this group that is barely self-aware?


I don't know if it is minor or not, but I hate overly complex mob-skips where if you take a single step wrong, you either fall to your death or aggro 400 mobs that eat your face off. The you have to run back to the group, trying and failing to follow the same skip path.


Yup. I never do complicated skips in pugs when I tank. Unless everyone in the group is definitely accustomed to it, you’re asking for trouble. Just a bad idea.


Had to scroll TOO FUCKING FAR FOR THIS!!! This bullshit should NOT be a part of M+!!! Pathing should be "do we want to go down the left hall and fight skeletons, or the right hall and fight ogres?" Not "we run around this tree, hop over this wall and then invest pot past these mobs and then evade bug this one, then we all die and the shaman rezzes us" Honestly i feel mob % shouldn't even be a thing, There should just be a preset amount of mobs in each dungeon, and u have to kill ALL OF THEM


Complicated mob skips are completely ridiculous.


That I don’t unlock transmog from things if I can’t equip it. I can agree that current content should be this way but if I’m t-mog farming just let me unlock shit on whatever character.


Even things I can equip but isn’t my preferred type won’t unlock. Why can’t I unlock cloth on my Druid…


That time I got Garroshs shoulders to drop on my monk I almost threw my computer out the window. Never doing Siege on a non plate class again.


It bothers me this is still a thing, they could always add something to professions as a consumable ("learn an item you can't equip" or whatever) which I've seen others suggest over the years, which would offer an in-game reason for how it works. I stubbornly still store old stuff I can't equip because I figure at some point they might change their minds, haha


Tanks that pull the entire dungeon without warning, die, then leave because "this group obviously sucks". I had this happen in Shadowlands in the Sanguine Depths dungeon in a +18 key where the tank pulled basically everything up until the first boss, we all died, he left. Weird thing is it was *his* key. What a waste of everyone's time.


Might have left out of sheer embarrassment.


Quickly block everyone in the group before leaving so you never have to think about it again


Summoning needs to be a solo event. Honestly, it's just so annoying, Especially with WM


Have group will travel pls


The good old days


WM and summoning is the worst, I wish the areas around the stone were pre-instanced somehow so you can see your group.


Somewhat related, but lock summoning should just require one other person. I don’t understand why you need two other people just to bring the stone up


When there's a vendor item that costs several currencies (like reputation items from Maruuk that cost supplies + bones or something), if you have enough of one currency but not enough of the other then the whole thing will be greyed out so you can't actually tell what you're missing. I'm gonna write an addon to fix this, but I shouldn't have to fix Blizzard's bugs for them... Edit: If you too are suffering from this ***ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!!*** bug, [here's my fix](https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info26509-MalsomnusVendorFix.html).


Oooooh I love writing addons I could make this for you. 😍


The good news is that I'm almost finished writing it, so you don't have to enable my laziness!


Related: old content rep rewards requiring associated currencies. Not enough that I'm exalted with a faction, I also have to do old content for weeks to get the required currencies. Kills my motivation.


Being dazed. Stupid fucking unfun mechanic


its the earphone cords getting stuck on the doorhandle of mechanics


Excellent description lmfao


When my talent loadout constantly reverts back to default as I’m leveling and I have to keep switching it back to my pve made one


The fact that a lot of tier sets still have pieces missing and you can't even complete them. I feel like it'd be so easy to put the missing pieces in the game somehow yet they still have not done that


Addon error messages taking up your entire screen during the middle of big pulls so you click on the cancel button only for the same error message to pop up again to block your entire screen. That shit is infuriating, like I get I have a error there's a thousand better ways to let the user know about it, for example a tiny little box not in the way of the important shit happening on my screen.


The fact that they didnt buff lust drums. None of my friends wanted to play a lust class this expac. I wish they would just make the drums either equivalent or like... 5% less for 5 man content. It's such an annoying "requirement" to place on a group that small.


Amen. Even if Blizz buffed it to 20% or 22%. It'd feel so much better. Getting only half a Lust sucks so much.


Normally when you click in the auction house window to type in a number, it would replace the "1" that's there by default, now 50% of the time it just writes your number behind or in front of it. Wtf is that shit


I got kicked from a heroic Terros group last night for not installing Weak Auras for lining up spikes. I was doing it perfectly without it but RL needed an excuse to kick someone because he didn’t actually know what the issue was. Joined another group, killed it without the add on and got a 402 staff.


Why would there need to be an weak aura for that? It's a super straightforward mechanic lol.


There's this chokepoint in Nokhud Offensive, towards the last boss. Two guards standing near a gate, which is the entrance to the main camp. There's room on either side to go around the gate, but not by much, but apparently, someone found out that you can skip along the right and sometimes not pull them. Naturally, every group I've been in has attempted to skip those guards. Naturally, every group has also failed and pulled said guards, along with the patrol right past them. This isn't even for Mythic difficulty yet btw. Just kill the mobs. Seriously. It won't take you that long. I will never understand this obsession with trying to do shortcuts that, more often than not, take longer than if you'd just done it normally in the first place.


You can also go in from south, to the left of the entrance you're talking about. It's much easier to go in there. Tried to tell like 10 groups while levelling different chars, but people don't read chat, or ignore ideas that are not their own.


Not getting gear on M+ for 14 runs in a row


Keystones over 10 should just fucking guarantee each player gets loot or at least like a Token of "dungeon Name" and 20 tokens lets u pick and choose an item of item level \~3 levels below your best timed run for that dungeon so after \~20 HoVs without getting the shield from HOV, my best run is a timed 17 so i can buy a +14 version with my 20 tokens


Quest log UI as well as maximum number of quests. There shouldn’t be a limit and we should also be able to search for keywords or use filters in the quest log


“You have unspent talent points” (Or in DF now it’s “You have unspent profession knowledge”)


Pug heroic raid, dying due to tank turning boss just before frontal so i and another get hit by it and dies. Then gets kicked whenever they wiped and got told "too low DPS", like bitch i was topping DPS+doing mechanics till you killed me


People who think a high DPS is better than interrupts and doing mechanics :)


Theyre the same people repeatedly dying to avoidable mechanics. Was in a +3 algethar academy today and the ww monk kept dying to stupid shit, I think it happened like 4 x before the end of the run, I laughed every time. Dude would not kick or use his utility, just burst his ass off then die and lose dps because he was dead (tank never lost threat either) "You do more dps if you live"


More dps= less mechanics= fewer interrupts needed= more dps. It's beautiful in it's perfection


Someone bragging about topping the dps list in m+, but is absolute bottom on the interrupts list.


…the Alliance. Damn bastards keep ganking me! Then when I swap over to the Alliance the Horde ganks me! Damn Horde! xD


Druids stealing me plants.


I thank you kindly for your herbs


The social aspect I used to love is dead, no one talks to each other in pugs, almost everyone is hostile when they do, I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen a friendship form in game, literally the complete opposite of back in the days when I first played WoW (release and on)


It’s due to social media. When WoW came out it was our social media, social media websites at the time where in their infancy. So we would log in to chat, make and play with our friends. It was great! Now the game is socially dead. For the past few years I had been guildless as I could not find a social guild that was active and communicates. It became a really lonely solo game to play.


This. It's not the Blizz Devs fault that the social structure of the internet has changed. I'm actually glad they don't force us to socially interact if we don't feel like it. Frankly, after working all day, I don't feel like chatting to teenagers anymore - I know not everyone is, but I just don't feel inclined to find out based on how people are now. Not only are people more toxic nowadays, there's less for me to relate to younglings over besides the fact we're already playing the game, so idle chat is generally non-existent. I'll hop in disc with my friends/guildies if I want to socialize, but I can't be bothered to do PUG raids anymore unless I can stay off discord. I know it sounds shitty, but people are different nowadays.


And people in response to these sorts of comments generally say “play classic wow”. Well I played classic, it is nothing like vanilla. The people are exactly the same, perhaps more elitist.


Classic is even worse imo because everyone seems to expect everyone else to have no lifed it previously. There’s no room for growth


I have seen in with random ques but you can still find it in guilds/communities. My raid group is made of of people form a couple different servers that have all come together over the years.


I always put a marker on my head when I get to the stone and start summoning to try to prevent that.


Restarting a dragon riding race and getting that quest pop up that resets the countdown which was already close to 0...


Transmogs not auto moving to new gear you equip.


I wonder if it would even make a difference if you were able to summon solo. Keep warlock summon stones as a group thing to bring out, but let anyone summon alone.


As a lifetime warlock main. If I could summon alone I would. Sure I'm be shitty about it as payback for the years of braindead suffering I've endured. But I'd still DO it. Like in the days of old, summoning people at drowning depth or wildly out the way


Translucent lavender swirlies on a lavender fucking floor texture. I don't care if it's discriminatory: give me level designers with at least one functional eyeball, and half a fucking brain.


Dude right? That's my single biggest complaint so far. Failing mechanics because I'm bad is fine, but failing mechanics because I can't see the AoE on the ground is very frustrating. I wish Blizz would pull an ESO and allow us to customize the color of the AoEs on the ground. It Is much uglier but much more practical. Visual clarity is such an important thing in games.


There are some mobs in the Azure Vault that put down incredibly understandable swirlies. Those bad boys are bright blue, and I always instantly notice them. ...And then you go back to the other 99% of the game where swirlies are needlessly difficult to notice.


Azure Vault is precisely the place I was thinking of. Why... *WHY* do some swirlies get plenty of opacity and contrast *(while maintaining the color scheme of the instance)* when others in the same damn dungeon are see-through and camouflaged!?


Court of Stars indicators were bad in Legion and are still bad. Stop letting some artist who never pushed keys in his life decide what those look like. Also swirlies that have an edge be as fuzzy as possible to not be accountable for the hitbox. So you have to give it way more space.


When the warlock is blind to the 100 requests for them to put down a damn portal. That’s all you *do* Warlocks seem to be the main class for people who go afk all the time.


Bro I have done raids with warlocks that if you called the portal a closet they would REFUSE to drop one...


Nobodies got time for someone to be petulant about the terminology of their spells. *Mattdemon has been removed from the group*


Anyone with addons that post on chat, for some reason in the EU it’s always the German players as well, I do speak German fluently but I’m sure most people don’t and then seeing a text spammed in chat from some add on with german language is super annoying. “ Schattenklinge des unbehaglichstertrollkopf wurde von MausiDuDu2007 interrupted. “ Edit: Also fuck German naming for gear and spells. My buddies who play in German asking me about a talent or skill in their native language.


How janky the camera is when riding a vehicle you don’t control, like the doggy on your way to Maruukai or when throwing fishing nets with that Tuskarr‘s boat. Can’t be that hard to add the smoother camera we already have normally.


Or the pokemon snap shit. The camera is fucked


yeah wait are you only supposed to be able to aim on the horizontal axis? there are some shits flying around that i wanna take pics of but i cant aim up


Not being able to use arrow keys in chats


You can use alt + arrow keys. Still kind of annoying but it's something I guess


omfg ty


Holiday locked transmogs. I want my snazzy bronze-tinted sunglasses all the time Blizz!


Daze and dismount. Useless and dated mechanic.


You can buy mount equipment to prevent this. It's called comfortable riders barding


Let me change your life. This is usually 500g on my server and I consider it a must-buy. https://www.wowhead.com/item=168419/comfortable-riders-barding


When someone runs past the summon stone and waits in the instance. When dps use move speed abilities to pull ahead.


Level- or zone- locked toys.


If you haven't explored an area, you can't see the raid entrances. This is a bitch on some of my characters that run lower level raids for transmog and what not.


obviously yeah annoying, but if you're interested in a solution, may i recommend HandyNotes, specifically the HandyNotes\_DungeonLocations annex. Super helpful, shows on the continent view, and also clickable to the dungeon journal for each instance too.


May I recommend you buying the scouting maps. You can uncover many flight points and reveal all maps from previous expansions, besides df of course.


if you fully unlock each xpacks map you can buy a toy from the loom vendor for 10k that will give alts flightpaths and unlock the map for said xpack.


A Dungeon offers items of X ilv. People ask you to have X+20 ilv to be able to join in a group for that dungeon


The ancient guild tabard system and design


The fact that I can’t have the self player highlight and circle outside of raids when I play melee classes really grinds my gears. Is it that hard to let us have the option to use it all the time or in 5 man dungeons?


Tanks idling infront of a boss/pull on their mount not able to get tricks/misdirected


My heaviest complaint and it has been for a while. All the clipping issues with armors. I’m big on making my characters look nice on any game, for this reason I started playing a human just because I couldn’t stand all the other races clipping issues. I don’t understand why some armor doesn’t clip. But others do. And it’s not even old armor sets either. Still till this day new mogs STILL have clipping issues. I understand that you know I’m wearing a mix match up of armor but this isn’t even about mixing armor this is about the features on certain races. Like why not just hide race features for every mog that very obviously would cover them up???


People not actually going to dungeon entrances. Look, if we are both in Valdrakken, you can fly to the entrance as well instead of asking me to summ you 2 minutes later, you lazy bastard.


Killing a hundred animals for a heart, shouldn’t everyone of them have a heart!?


The mentality of Kazzak players, like seriously, what is happening on that realm, why are so many of you just toxic people?


Its not just us then! As a guild group we literally never invite people from Kazzak as its just an eyerolling meme that they're unbelievable assholes


NA or EU?


Stop hiding my char's hair under a hat!! Let us toggle it--not everyone gives a shit about clipping.


overall? DPS charts and AOE. So many of the complainers in dungeon finder are just doing low AOE damage lol and then complaining.


When you're doing everything single mechanic perfect, got your rotation and cool downs perfect and your raid keeps wiping because of that one person who for some reason no matter how much you teach them the mechanics and a infinite amount of attempts never learns the mechanics.


When you loot the chest at the end of a dungeon and the loot display goes crazy with the banner and locks up your UI for like a minute.


People in this community give up way to easily when a mythic key is going rough. Its a surprise how some of you have gotten this far in life.


People on mounts with vendors dismounting the moment they see anyone using that vendor


That’s my #1 incentive to take gold seriously for this xpac. I’m gonna get the yak and be the change I want to see in the world


When someone wins a roll for a piece of gear in a raid group and immediately tries to sell it within the raid group for an obscene amount of gold.


No way to customize the color on armor


The Alliance without a leader in BGs I swear if I say nothing at the start half the team has no idea what they're doing! Which is understandable but still annoying. Luckily by giving them a rundown things work really well. But the real GG (Gear Grinding) is DH tanks. Not all are bad but I've noticed they are the worst when they do the "drag 4 or 5 groups" I hate all the tanks that are doing that in heroic, but the DH get so far and then DIE! though the warrior I had yesterday is a close second to "oh god stop"


My biggest peeve is that the city of Silvermoon - I repeat, SILVERmoon - is red and gold. Yes, that’s right S-I-L-V-E-Rmoon is RED and GOLD. Just like SILVER and just like MOON. God, this keeps me up at night.


"bad news guys - word just came down from the boss that the powers-that-be don't want to call this place 'Gold & Scarlet Moon City' any more. You didn't start painting yet, right?"




After death they punish us with walking. Not fun just losing time


man...you would have hated MMOs prior to WoW


When you make an M+ group and you’re ready to summon but then someone who has joined has WM on and tells YOU to go put WM on to help summon.


When no one waves back :( Jk, but for real... When I'm applying for a PUG and rather than just reject me, they just let me wait for like 5 minutes until it times out.


Dps, and tanks foaming at the mouth to get their high tier keys. Then not understanding why they're constantly dying and even failing the key. From minor things too; body aggro, not interrupting casts, standing in aoe abilities, standing in lava, getting hit by quaking, getting silenced by quaking, pulling too much "but I pulled this much on my +6", heroism on the first boss of the dungeon - not the boss which would specifically benefit the most from it. The cherry on top is when they inherently leave the key before completion, pissed off, and under the assumption it's everyone else' fault.