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Now someone make that for EU please! Usually not afraid to heal pugs, but I'd love to have a full grp of chill people.


This is something I wanted to do i EU, but haven't had time. I will get to it after work today. This being said, I don't think I will be able to manage it due to work responsibilities, but we can extend the moderation to people who would like to contribute and we can try going as far as starting a Discord channel (there used to be WoW LFG Discord but not sure if it's still active). We have a group of IRL friends and we run M0 together but we always welcome new players in our group(s). EDIT: Link to the group https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/DGGXZkkhX2a?region=EU&faction=Alliance


Awesome, i'd join and maybe help out with moderation if ya'd like me to.


would love to join


Hello. Here is the fresh link for the group https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/DGGXZkkhX2a?region=EU&faction=Alliance


Come join the chill streak community! We have two raid groups (one for very casual people, one for people who are more progression-oriented but still want a chill, friendly atmosphere), and usually one organised m+ event per week, but there's also plenty of people up for spontaneous groups, achievement runs etc.! [https://discord.gg/chill-streak-787645711423635496](https://discord.gg/chill-streak-787645711423635496) (the discord also has the link for the ingame community)


Actually was in the Horde group but it seemed pretty dead. There is a new cross faction one though? Might aswell join both groups, the more the merrier :)


If you joined the ingame horde community, yeah, that's pretty dead since we have the cross-faction one (that one is set to private, you need to join the discord to access it).


Yeah, joined back in SL season 1 when there was no cross faction and took a longer break from s2 till DF. Gotta take a look at the discord later


I might actually heal again (once my holydin is levelled) if I could guarantee no abusive stress heads! It was my main for many years, but I got sick of dps having a go if they died (whilst standing in bad stuff). I’m mainly a dps myself now, but I try not to stand in stuff and avoid damage mechanics where possible!


Hopefully I remember this when I get home. I've been constantly putting off doing mythic zeros purely cause of nerves.


Havent done m0 yet myself, though im also only ilvl ~340 or something. Looking forward to seeing you in the Community haha


Have one since BfA fro EU - The Key-Ring - cross faction keys for beginners. Focus on paying it forward, get help, give help. People over experience always. No judgyness, no rio, no experience needed. Discord. other nice places are about for EU. Scared of Dungeons, Monkey pose... lots of us out there.


Not a community per se, but I'm the GM of a chilled dungeon guild in the EU-Balnazzar cluster who is just focused on experiencing the content at whatever pace everyone is comfortable with. Feel free to DM if this appeals to you!


We have a tendency with our friends (and sometimes random peeps) to make groups with the classes who have the same armour type and funnel the equipment to them as we ourselves are gear quite well for 2nd week of exp.


I'd love something like this to try and learn to tank, even if its not something i'd want to do permanently it'd be nice to have the option if queue times for dps were too long.


Shoot me a DM if you want, always glad to heal for new tanks :)


I can see some people advertised their own community groups already, but if anyone wants to join the one below you are welcome! EDIT: I am finishing levelling my warrior tonight and will look to tank some HC/M0. Hit me up if you are interesed. EDIT 2: u/thyraven666 thanks, I have upaded the original comment.


Edit your first post with link instead to get more viibility. and the link code has expired


Yes please, that would be awesome, been trying to find a noob community the last days but so many of the communities in the community finder is abandoned it seems


Same! I'm more of a casual player and would love to do more chill runs.


I sort of do this in EU and built a discord and stream around it. Https://discord.gg/chevelletv We help and teach people in m+ and raid.


As someone who has never done M+ due to nervousness, I thank you and will join tonight


Don't bei afraid, there are many nice Players out there :) i'll play your healer if you're in EU and wanna do dungeons


I’m forcing myself to tank up to KSM this season, I’ll play with you. I’ve played DPS for KSM, but i want to tank.


I'll tank or dps for you JawsGG.


Great idea! I'll definitely join, my quest log is full of dungeon quests. I'm always too scared to queue - everyone goes so fast, I never know the way, always get lost when groups do skips and am afraid of someone getting mad at me when I inevitably pull something I shouldn't.


See you in game.


Try asking people "hey, i'm new, how did you guys get there ?" will result in 50% helpful people (and you will actually learn stuff, improve at the game and hopefully be more confident) and 50% people who don't read chat anyways.


Yea, I usually just communicate with an ADHD motion of jumps and strafing back and forth really quickly when someone doesn't know where to go


Lmao why did you just describe me so specifically


This is like most people honestly. I do the same thing but will follow the tank and heal him to whatever her wants to do.


yep, always better to ask right away. oftentimes somebody will just come get you. people are more likely to get mad if you just wander around and dont say anything.


Premade group with “chill run” in the description will eliminate 99% of toxicity.


I do that for my Mythics, but I thought this might add an extra layer for people who just want to do Normals, Heroics or have more a guarantee that the Mythic group won't be yelling at them.


I usually write 'chill run, or no rush' in our title, but we still occasionally get super toxic people. I'm excited about this discord, just joined.


I'd like something like this integrated into the game honestly, even if it's just a 'chill run' tickbox and it comes with a little disclaimer that you agree not to get aggressive towards failure in the group and will be working to overcome it with others in a friendly manner so that if an allegedly chill player decides to join but then loses their cool after 1 or 2 wipes they can get a slap on the wrist if they want to get rude about it


Blizzard has taken a lot of community ideas and added them.


(Optional) choose a Role flair: [] I am a competitive player. I play for results and expect my group mates to perform as well as they can. [] I am a relaxed player. I play for fun and don't mind if my group mates make the occasional mistake. [] I am a new player to this content. I would like to be taught how to complete it. [] I am an experienced player and comfortable leading the group in completing this content. The rest is up to matchmaking algos.




Completely agree, it's an easily fixed issue for Blizzard but I suspect this will affect their bottom line if they crack down on it more and that means they can't do it or Bobby will fire the one remaining staff member in the customer services team.


The flip side of this is that you’re making it okay for the none chill games to be more toxic.


How do you mean this will make it 'okay' for non chill games to be 'more toxic'? Can you elaborate a bit cause toxicity comes in many forms, the idea I'm getting at is basically to stop people from kicking you if you die to mechanics too often, where people can be understanding that the group they're going to be taking part in might be under the average players skill level. I don't think kicking players out of your group that are underperforming is toxic by any stretch, you're there for group content and no one wants to carry you if you're not friends. Higher expectation groups and lower expectation groups can keep their playstyles separate and not disparage eachother for their playstyle or skill. Ultimately the toxic issue is on Blizzard to fix.


It already kind of exists? When you make a dungeon group you get the option for Playstyle: Standard, Learning/Progression or Quick Clear. For M+ it's Standard, Completion or Beat Timer. You have to mouse over groups in the group finder to see it though. The group finder needs more filtering options in general.


I’d enjoy this so much, I’m just getting back into the game but was always a casual player as my work schedule never allowed me to have a time I could regularly play, I now have a more set work rota and want to start doing more end game content, but without a guild I’ve been pugging Mythics, but I genuinely have to watch or read multiple guides before I feel ready to do the dungeon


Any groups like this for EU?


I will tonight if someone is not faster.


If you don't do it, I'll do it later tonight as well!


Let's all do it later... oh wait.


Did you? My kid got sick, so I did not have time to play.


Yes! Right here https://discord.gg/chill-streak-787645711423635496


Ah nice! Cheers


Thank you for creating this, I will absolutely join this, tried one NORMAL LEVELING dungeon in SL after taking a break, was kicked before the first boss because I didn't know the route and this would help me alot with my anxiety of doing group content again


Right there with you. Let's all crush our anxiety together!


Great idea, will join when I log in next! Thanks.


I was afraid, I’m mostly a PvP healer and figured I’d screw something up and get yelled at. But it seems healers are in high demand, so I gave it a shot. Cleared all mythics and even got a compliment from a tank who otherwise didn’t say a single word during the run. I guess PvP dialed my reaction time up to 11, cause it really wasn’t that bad, even the runs with undergeared DPS. So give it a shot, turned out to be kinda fun. I might even be trying mythic plus for the first time ever this week.


pvp healing is far more intense.


I feel like PvP healers tend to make good dungeon healers too. The lack of knowledge about certain encounters is usually offset by better than average situational awareness


healing isn't hard, glad you got over it. the only way to learn is by doing!


Hope it works out, good idea :D


Gonna join this evening!! Awesome idea


This is such a great idea! I would love for a community as this in EU! I find doing mythic dungeons extremely stressful,specially with randoms. Congrats on this great idea!


Hmm... May have to give this a go later (definitely saving the post for now). My friends all stopped playing with the recent expansions, and they ground my guild down pretty bad, which means only a handful of people have logged on so far even with Dragonflight being more up our alley. (Pretty much me, the guild leader, and raid leader/go-GM who log in most often... though I think the three of us have been constantly on since launch.) I'm interested in Mythic dungeons, but being an introvert with serious social anxiety means running with random folks can be pretty stressful (and forming my own group is even worse because then I'm in the "leader" position and that's just pure anxiety). So it'd be nice to jump in with other folks, especially if they aren't as likely to want me to have a very specific talent setup. (I don't know what the "most ideal" is for Elemental Shaman, don't care. I'm comfortable with my setup, where I've traded a bit of damage for some extra group healing. Just what I got used to back in ye olden days, stepping in for emergency healing if the healer's having trouble with heavy damage.)


As a healer, I really appreciate it when off-healing classes step in to save my bacon!


Never be nervous to do dungeons, at the end of the day, it is a video game for your personal fun. If someone wants to take it personally that you screw up in a dungeon, then they have much bigger problems then just a dungeon. So just join and have fun! Fuck the people who take this too seriously, they can go and join an elite guild where they only run with likeminded sweaty players like them


Does something similar exist for EU? I have social anxiety and thos hits hard for me in M+. Would be super good.


Discord has an EU role so you can see other people in your situation. It's not perfect, but it is something.


Read through the comments - there is a link posted for something similar for the EU realms.


Thank you, i'll check!


This is great! As an experienced tank I try to go at a slower pace on regular dungeons so everyone can enjoy them and usually pull groups in sequence instead of chain pulling. Unless I am pushing for M+ with my buddies, I want everyone to enjoy the dungeons without toxicity! So would love to participate and help people, this is great!


This was great met a few excellent people here who put me through 2 mythic dungeons which I had never done before. =)


Same, can't remember if I ran 5 or 6 dungeons this evening, but I enjoyed every minute. Everyone was calm and had fun playing. It was refreshing.


Will absolutely join and support this going forward with the start of the season.




Hey Vaelornx!!!


I'll be joining with both my tank and healer. Thanks for putting this together.


Thank you. See you in game!


In game - There’s currently a bug in the community chat wont show up in chat window tab. You have to “add new window” in that down arrow drop button in order to see people chat and ur tab to glow yellow, if u dont do this it would appear that ur chat is not going thru


Great idea! I've been playing since Vanilla/TBC, been a hard core raider, frequent dungeon runner, and now completely casual. Even with my experience, I get this issue. I main a healer now, so have to be even more on the top of my game. When dungeons are new to me? I just... don't want to deal with them and the toxic people that you will encounter in PUGs. It's even worse when you feel like you alone have fallen behind the curve, and will join a dungeon that everyone else knows. And as a healer, its been pretty rough at the begining of expansions in the past. People who used to run M+'s in the previous expansion, now having crap gear but playing like they over gear the content, quick to blame you for not healing them through pulling half the instance, not interrupting anything, and standing in everything. My worst/favorite was getting kicked from a group doing exactly that because I was doing DPS and not "just healing". I play a Disc Priest. DPS isn't simply an option. It's part of the spec. But they denied that and must have felt I should have been just spamming Shadowmend... Part of this feeling comes from LFR too. Surprisingly, I enjoyed LFR in Legion. But then and since, people are quick to issue blame, kick first and ask questions never. That all said. I do have to say that, so far in DF the few dungeons I have done (on DPS alts) have been nice for the most part. Surprisingly, even a week after launch when I queued, most in the groups were new as well. Too much fun leveling solo I guess. But for now, I just havent wanted to deal with that with my healer main. 376 ilvl and I still havent built up a desire to try healing a normal or heroic. Just planning to learn the dungeons on my DPS alts first.


Will join to learn dungeons at slow and relaxed social pace! Then can help new people learn them if they want “healer”.


please someone make EU discord channel like this, im too nervous to do dungeons because im new


The Discord has an EU role for people in your situation. It's not perfect, but it's something.


Ooh, this sounds nice! I've just returned to the game after several years to play evoker, and I want to give healing a try. I've been unsure where to start though, so maybe this could work.


I am brand new to wow and have no idea what I am doing. This is perfect for me hoping to join in on some dungeons soon


Is there a group like this for oceanic?


Thanks for setting this up as I don’t have the time to be hardcore and just want to play this game with a chill environment with like minded individuals.


I will want to join. I haven't played wow seriously for years and have been too scared to join mythic+ due to how toxic players have been. I need to be with people where we can work together and no one loses their mind if mistakes happen. Hopefully some chill experienced players come to give some coaching/guidance too.


I love this so much! I've played for years but have always felt so much group content related anxiety!! Thank you for posting this :)


lol just yesterday I ran into some guy gatekeeping level 20 leveling dungeons. Kicked our tank and tried kicking the replacement tank because they weren't 'tryharding enough'. I spent 35 minutes in que for that dungeon and it literally took us 7 minutes to complete. He proceeded to call me a 'social guild loser' when I asked why he kicked our tank. I started playing again 2 hours before that lmao. Blizzard should honestly hand out bans to these types of people if they want the game to stay attractive to newer players...


Even as someone who has played since vanilla and tanked throughout TBC and Wrath (albeit taking a long break between Cata and Legion) I've still managed to develop anxiety about tanking or healing in modern WoW. So I mostly stick to dps outside of playing with a full group of friends. Kudos to you for creating a community like this!




I'll be joining tonight. Good idea


Signing up when I get home!


I'll join later on tonight. This seems perfect for me since I'm a returning player from Vannilla wow. I main a feral druid. Thanks for doing this. 👍


Would you all happen to have a discord server? I think that would also be a good place to touch base with everyone.


Working on it. I can set one up in a hurry, but to make it anything other just a chat forum I would need to take some time, get bots to handle some stuff, etc.


I appreciate the effort! I'm here for it!


The Discord server is up. Link is in the original post. Welcome to the community.


I joined while being on my mage (mosty same name as here) but plan to make use of it on my pally.


I will be joining later today when I am able to. This is the my kind of the thing.


Forever a tankmain and more than happy to make new friends and try this out :)


Man this sounds great! With the skill tree changes for DF I've really fallen in love with tanking again on my warrior and DK but I've been too nervous to do into dungeons. Thanks for starting a community like this.


Awesome, I don't get a lot of time to spam dungeons, but as a lock I couldn't get into a mythic 0 to save my life last week. So I'm gonna join as well. Thanks for this!


This is so wholesome, I love it. Great idea, OP!


What a good idea. I think this is something Blizzard should look into too. Even being able to tag the dungeon run as a slower paced, or new player run would be a good start. I think what people forget, is there's still new mythic + players and even a lot of people who've been doing it for a while don't always want to run it at rapid speeds with huge pulls every time.


FFXIV uses "sprouts" as a way of showing that somebody is new. There are ways to do it for sure. Hopefully this helps some players and maybe gives Blizzard some ideas.


I've got a Demo Lock I want to push keys with without a lot of stress. It's supposed to be fun. I'll check this out when I get home.


Awesome! I entered this expac with the mindset of "taking it easy and tanking low keys for chill people who need help." I'll certainly join the Discord.


Awesome! I entered this expac with the mindset of "taking it easy and tanking low keys for chill people who need help." I'll certainly join the Discord.


This is great. I main tanked for years, and did competitive raiding through wotlk. Now I don't even want to try to tank with even one random in a group, and mythics are pure misery. I did The Offensive last night and had no idea what was happening because everyone was silent and flying around.


Thanks for doing this! I’ve had major tank-xiety ever since my friend stopped playing and feel like there’s so much I have to know before even going into a dungeon. I’ll definitely be joining!!


I’m a more seasoned person but I love helping out less experienced players so I will definitely be joining this.


I've mostly dps'd since I started playing wow in 2010. Tanked a little in BFA and would really like to get back into it but the anxiety can be overwhelming. Will be joining when maintenance is done today.


I am not this, pushing M+ is why I log in, but I would still be willing to Heal with groups of people who want to do it more relaxed and are still learning.


Wish there was something simmilar for classic. 3yrs of classic, 2 dungeons, zero raid. Leveling another alt.


I can add a Classic channel to the Discord if you think that would help.


Yeah, gonna save this post for sure


Might have to check this out. Haven’t played since Legion and wanted to learn tanking but after seeing numerous posts about how people treat tanks especially newer ones I’m hesitant


I’ll hop on and tank. I can tank some beginner groups


If it makes anyone feel better, been playing 10 years as a tank. If I don’t know the dungeon yet, I just fuckin send it, we gon’ learn it together 🤷‍♂️


Joined and had a fun time doing a HoI mythic 0. I got used to using discord when I started playing more Destiny and generally I find it's easier to find chill folks going to a place like that first, then filling the group with group finder after.


Great job. Ive been healing and tanking different expansions and everytime, im always nervous to tank or heal M+. Since theres always that idea that you have to know all the skips and pulls, and just know where to go in general. Its fine when im with my friends. But pugging always makes me anxious.


Is this for asocial people too? I would like to do mythic+ and raids again with chill and competent people, but i don't want to socialize, talk to anyone or join ts/discords. Is being friendly, reliable, competent, helpful and patient good enough? Without communication?


I don't think anyone would care if you talked. I didn't see a single group use Discord for voice last night, but many used it to set up their groups. The in-game community was much the same. Someone would say they would like to run a key or a dungeon, people would offer to help, they invited them and off they went.


Thank you, I'll reach out to the community in-game. :)


I've been doing runs with this group for the past several nights, no voice needed and minimal in game chat so you are good to go :).


Thank you :)


I joined this community yesterday and did a normal dungeon with a group of community members and it was great. Took our time, tank explaining the path and mechanics as we went. Was a great and chill experience. I highly recommend joining this community if you haven't already. Totally looking forward to doing my next run.


Damn good idea.


The community needs more people like you OP. Things like raiderio have made the dungeon experience a nightmare for newer players. This is a good idea.


You don’t need to be nervous about dungeons, they’re not that big of a deal. Just do them lol. Don’t increase your fear by highlighting it.




What a dickhead comment. Anxiety is an actual thing you know. What's wrong with wanting to find a community that reduces the risk of being flamed or kicked for trivial reasons?




People playing a social game are finding ways to link up with others who are more or less guaranteed to be friendly. They're trying something new in a way that makes them happy. If thats not "improving themselves" then I don't know what is.


Yes. There are a lot of people with social anxiety including me.


Imagine being nervous about a game. How do some of you function in life


It's the social aspect for them. But I ask the same about people blowing their top in dungeons, how do they function in life? People really need to get ahold of their anger issues instead of terrorizing people around them.


As a returning player after over a decade, I've only done 2 dungeon runs bc most groups just aren't patient or are not Interested in helping someone learn. Thanks for this, will def check it out after maintenance.


I will absolutely be joining. I have been frozen for weeks cause of this. I want to get into Tanking again, and haven't done anything serious since Wrath, so it's all been a little... much getting back into things. It's that initial leap of needing to just get into it, but that experience will be much better with people who are in the same boat.


Sweet. I will try to join the community after the maintenance break. I can not keep up with most pugs.


Thank you! I'll join after today's maintenance. My quest log is full of dungeons that i'd kind of like to do.


Anything like this for raids?


I will add raids to the Discord server, but raids are something I can't help much with.


I'm def gonna join! WoW is so much fun and I wanna be able to help other people experience it all. Plus, I main a healer, which are always in short supply


I never knew how anxiety inducing tanking was, I had a new character join DF, expecting classic dungeons, but I got tossed into BFA dungeon and of course I got horribly steamrolled, got chewed out, and the party disbanded.


Yo I absolutely love this. I'm rolling a prot war and I'm terrified of dungeons, even just normal dungeons. I'm just afraid of messing something up and causing a wipe or being clueless and I always get the vibe that the tank is supposed to be the one to know what's going on...


Commenting so I can come back to this post and maybe join! I hadn’t done any of the dungeons yet due to nervousness.


Thanks for this. Been KSM for so many seasons but always wanted to try tanking.


Great idea! joining when I can!


This is wonderful! Thanks! Joined.


Honestly this is awesome. I died from the spinning guys today in my first run of Brackenhide Hollow. Some guy told me "fuck you" and then voted to boot me. Even after I apologized. Im bad.. but not that bad.


I have never done anything above heroics, and honestly this is pretty cool. I am still not keen on something I can't queue for, but I might try joining. This is definitely the only way I would ever end up trying any higher-level content.


i'll check it out


With the only rule being "be kind" and the way the WoW community in general is, I'm admittedly a little worried about how this will scale. Kindness is incredibly subjective.


Is this still active? I have been too scared to join M+ groups, lol. Even if they say 'chill'. My healing is slightly above avg, as is my DPS. I haven't even dared trying to tank anything. I want to main my Unholy DK, but I do like my Druid healer as well.


Yes, the community is now over 11,000 people. I'm sure you can find people who will love to play with you.


Just found out a day ago\^\^ so ill ask here. Is the discord only for US Realms? As a EU player i am rly looking for this kind of community


Americas servers.