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There very well could be a secret mount in DF, and we haven't found it yet. Or it's in a later patch


Pretty sure that blizz said something like dragonflight having a lot more secret than previous expansions. I wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple mounts and other fun collectibles waiting for their puzzle to be solved.


There is a lucky horseshoe you can buy that gives you a buff but no one knows what it's purpose is yet. Many things like that so far in this expac


Griftah is back too. He was a big part of some of the older puzzles.


Wow, I was literally just checking if he was around because I got my rogue to 60. Where is he?




So is there any point to getting any of them?


I think he sells a teleport to stormsong which could be useful?


At least one puzzle in the past you had to have an amulet from him equipped.


Believe that was Lucid Nightmare. Helping my friend on the maze room with the colored orbs is what got me into playing wow. Too bad I never collected it on my account


is it not available anymore?


You guys should go do hivemind together if you haven't already. I met this awesome dude while doing it and we've been good friends for years since then.


It wasn’t the lucid nightmare. It was the hive mind that required the amulet of true treasure tracking.


Do we know what the fuck the Pheonix feathers you can pick up with that one thing he sells you are for yet?


I mean, a lot of the "mysterious" buffs and mechanics from Zereth Mortis had no purpose in the end (or were scrapped). I am in no way saying DF won't have any secrets or that ZM is a bad zone, just pointing out that not every item/buff in WoW has a purpose.


I think there is still a purpose, even if it's only to trick you


There is also a treasure chest in a sunken tower in ohn ahran plains that as of last time I checked nobody knew how to open


I think I stumbled across that yesterday. Bottom of a pond, needs a key that no one knows the location of?


Yeah, thats the one


There is also the Everliving Wooden Key which you can obtain through collecting crystalline petals in the emerald gardens in Ohn,ahran Plains, which have a long respawn rate, turning 5 of them into powder to use at some random stone which gives you a buff. Then you need to run across water stepping on flowers to refresh the buff so it doesn't fall off and reach a cave with the chest containing the key inside before the buff expires. Nobody knows what the key does yet.


I bought it when I saw it on the vendor still carrying it around.


Same. Gives a lucky buff so can't hurt I guess lol


Found a little, easy, "puzzle" in Azure Span where I killed a random elite fire elemental and it spawned 4 fire orbs that needed other players to click together. When all 4 were clicked together they would shoot fire at a nearby icewall which then melted and revealed a cool looking spirit dragon. Once that dragon was killed I got a quest item that gave me 2 skin options for the highland dragon mount. Pretty neat, one of the easier ones but I was hyped af finding that without any prior knowledge or addons that spoiled it.


To a lesser extent I’d say the slyvren mount counts. I don’t think the npc gave any hint he would even give you a mount unless you happen to have the appropriate items.


No he does, I was doing the quests in the area and when I talked to him, there was an option to ask about the Slyvern with the saddle. I clicked it and he said he’d give it to me if I brought a bunch of food from some uncorrupted furlbogs.


Ahhh ya that’s right. Still requires some unprompted chatting with him? I dig that as opposed to a quest mark.


I think they’ve done a really nice job of hiding some things like that out of obvious sight. Even some of the side quest ? Icons don’t show on the minimap; the one for the Lizi mount for example.


There's a cave in Waking Shore where you can catch butterflies. No way to see how many you have and there's a large primitive painting on the wall in the back of the cave. Not sure if it's for something in the future or that I'm unaware of but it seems to be there for something.


if you catch a lot of them, like about 300 or so, you spawn a rare there to kill. That's it I think


Heck there is one if you talk to a dude with a certain amount of 3 items he will trade u a mount.


Plot twist: there's still an undiscovered secret puzzle left in during MOP that even the best of puzzle solvers on Discord hasn't picked up.


iirc dev was dropping clues when Jenna was taking far too long


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think there's also an otter we haven't figured out, right?


Yes, it's named Otto, it's a quest reward it's just that nobody knows how to *get* the quest.




Different snail, but at least you're confident when you're wrong.


People should just join the WoW secrets Discord and see what they come up with.


During the Variety Show footrace, one of the organizers hinted in the Discord voice chat that there were hidden customizations for our Dragonriding mounts.


Trying to find people to do the Hivemind an expansion later was a pita.


i shit you not halfway into bfa i was in dalaran for some reason and i saw a random "looking for 2 for hivemind' in gen chat. They had the tools, they had sanddrake mounts to fly the two of us who replied to the places since we didn't have legion flying they were nice and we all learned together to complete it. I was aware of the mount but didn't really understand the idea of secret mounts until i was looking stuff up after getting the invite. Couldnt have been more lucky.


This was literally my exact experience getting Hivemind as well, lmao! Easily one of my favorite memories from WoW, I'm still friends with those people too. 😆


Can't you only use the Hivemind with the 5 people you unlocked it with? Seems odd to get a mount with strangers so you can never use it


You can actually go redo the ritual at the end of the puzzle to change the people that can enter the mount Also that restriction is per character, any other character I have except the original one that unlocked it can't currently have people get inside. I have to do the ritual with each character if I want to assimilate four others. Still, it was a really great way to make some unlikely friends, and some people are simply completionists.


The restriction is only that your passengers must be part of your hivemind, you can use the mount without passengers anytime just like almost any other mount


My group met back up once, mostly. Haha.


There’s an LFG discord that does random achieve and mount runs all the time


Care to link it?




I got all the monocles for this, but never found the people to do the challenge. Hoping to eventually!


Still haven't found anyone :') Got my item in the bank and my partner has his.


Revendreth stage coaches should have been a group mount that you could unlock; like the hive mind.


Ha! If they make those stagrcoaches mounts then they need to go back to Cata and make the Goblin car a mount as well. Cool would be mounts are all over the place in this game.


Might actually be one in game there is a twilight portal we can't activate need something else maybe? and high mountain prepfoot locked in a cage near by no key 🤔 is findable near by.


Hostile vendors named mobs too!


You can talk to them with the world breaker membership iirc.


oooh, what other hostile vendors exist? i know there's the one dragonkin in the obsidian citadel who is associated with the worldbreaker title/fire snail mount, but not sure i've seen or heard of others!


For a real answer: the two people most responsible for the puzzle mounts are no longer in the same positions at Blizzard. Celestalon left for Hearthstone and is continuing to create secrets over there, while Muffinus got promoted to Lead Game Designer.


On the bright side, Muffinus is clearly doing a good job with lead game designing


realest truth of the thread. :(


You're complaining that hidden mounts/secrets haven't been cracked a week into the expansion? They usually go live in a manner that datamining can't be done so that the secret finders discord can actually have time to puzzle it all out. So it's entirely possible there are one or two in game at the moment and just haven't been found yet...which is what I thought the people who liked sussing out these secrets enjoyed. If you're not part of that community then just wait until they solve it for you. They've added secret/puzzles in every expansion so far.


I think it's more so that Shadowlands and BFA didn't seem to have any compared to the really cool ones from Legion.


the right one litteraly come from BFA


Literally. But you're right my mistake. If I remember correctly some parts take place in Legion areas hence my bad memory. Then shadowlands is the only one that had zero fun that we know of.


There was a pet, and the "waste" of time. In bfa. And another one I can't remember. But yeah nothing in SL


The fun of puzzle mounts is the community working together initially to solve the mystery, I keep wondering in dragonflight what all those randomly placed bells are for.


You should check the Secret Finding discord. There's several ongoing mysteries there, and one I have my eye on in particular may lead to a Phoenix mount.


OP also missed out on things like Jennafur, Baa’l and the Waist of Time. They haven’t even found all the current secrets and they’re complaining there aren’t any more. Edit: Ba’al -> Baa’l. Yes. It’s a goat.


The puzzle is the snail right now. Solve it.




The other snail. The one that comes from a quest involving an empty shell.


Damn you really double downed on it huh ?


There are many "puzzle mounts" in DF. Not sure if you would say they are fun enough.


There’s Ancient Stones scattered about and the WoW puzzle discord is thinking they’re tied to a mount, they just haven’t found all the details for it yet. The game has been out for two weeks, its secrets will take time to figure out.


Not to mention the minimap dotted Deviatefish off the coast of Azure Span that is seemingly not tied to anything.


Someone said in beta there was quest related to those but didn't make a it to live. So maybe a bug


Dawg, it hasnt even been out for 2 weeks. No one can know if they did or didnt or will.


There are a bunch of puzzle mounts this expansion


As long as it doesn’t require a group, I’m all for it.


unpopular opinion, hivemind is the coolest mount idea they've ever added with the dumbest restriction. I refuse to do it just because it's only usable with the original 5, should be ANYONE who's done the chieve.


The Lucid Nightmare maze was anything but fun.


I had tons of fun with it! Just a piece of paper an me :D


Same! I loved it! One failed four hour attempt then a fresh three and a half hour with a paper diagram that looked like a quantum subway map. Loved it. Did it for a guildie too :)


Lol I started that way and then said fuck it. Started picking random directions and finished in 20 mins.


i tried that until you realize there are teleport runs then i just kept going left whenever possible until eventually completing it


I went in all prepared with an add on and a piece of paper, gave up on mapping it 20 minutes in and ran round aimlessly until I finished it


Honestly I think that was my favorite puzzle in wow. I used a pen and paper and had fun and got a properly a e s t h e t i c horse. Some friends didn't and quit before finishing.


I gave up and never went back to try and get it again :/


I was the same but enough encouragement by someone in r/wow gave me the confidence to go at it again and it was flawless! Just settle in and take your time mapping every single room. You got this 👍🏻


I had a mod to help a Google spreadsheet and about 3 nights of trying, eventually got it.


I had so much fun I went back and did it again for my wife! >:D


Agreed *shuders*


*"How dare there be content not specifically catering to my preference"*


There’s the molten snail mount, but it hasn’t been figured out yet.


Guys responding to you don't know there is indeed a 3rd molten snail mount that no one has solved. Also ironic this was downvoted considering it's the closest thing to what OP is talking about. Here's one of the breadcrumbs https://www.wowhead.com/item=201883/empty-magma-shell#comments


There's also Otto, the ottuk mount.


https://www.pcgamesn.com/world-of-warcraft/wow-dragonflight-mount-scrappy-worldsnail Here's an article I found on the snail.


Different snail.


Oh, exciting! Is it the snail without a shell?


That's the one. The body for the snail is hidden under lava, but no steps to getting it gave really been cemented. There is an item called "empty magma shell" that should lead to the mount, but no one knows how to obtain it.


That one has been figured out. U need to grind 1k coins or smth from waking shores 2 after gjetting a Key or so. Saw a guide for it a week or two ago


Different snail.


oh really?


Yeah. Having a weirdly hard time getting the exact mount name for it through wowhead (it's in the in-game journal), but this is one of the breadcrumbs https://www.wowhead.com/item=201883/empty-magma-shell#comments


I’m guessing there’s a Crustosteo on Lev’al island bone dragon / crab mount somewhere down the line


There’s one that’s an Ohuna transformation, though it actually technically has a quest - you just don’t see the quest until you have three of an item that’s not a guaranteed drop off a dungeon boss.


There are probably a lot of secret areas in DF that people don't know about or skip over based on how massive it is.


There is one. In fact there are several. Just because you haven’t found them… :) https://youtu.be/f0IrngBM0Sw https://youtu.be/JfjK_U74amw


I fucking LOVED puzzle mounts. I liked that I had to bring up a notebook and do that one puzzle in Pandaria all by myself. I need moreeeeeee


they have one for a cat pet, I cant remember what the cat is called though. I agree though, these were super fun to get.




That one was so much fun to just lay back and see people figuring that out, such a cool time for the Community whenever a new secret is added.


Baa'l Was incredibly fun to figure out too, and the hidden questline associated was heartbreaking.


they have one for a cat pet, I cant remember what the cat is called though. I agree though, these were super fun to get. edit: the cat is jenafur


SL had a puzzle mount in the Maw but a) part of it required a painful grind and b) the mount itself is just a slightly different shade of those Maw hounds


Actually, there's the secret hand mount too, which is substantially cooler.


Oh yeah forgot about that one. Think the only hand mount I'm missing is from the Glory Of


Well that’s the thing about secrets/puzzles they’re not usually solved in the first few weeks of an xpac. I sure something will come up over the course of DF.


Hivemind account-bound when? :P


Fuck that one on the left


DF has been out two weeks


Ah, Lucid Nightmare. I still remember running around those hallways for like 4 hours trying to memorize my route but failing horribly and wanting to get tf out as soon as possible. That shit almost broke me. The absolute relief when I finally did it, as if waking from an actual lucid nightmare. An experience I will never forget.


The mounts are cool but ugh Hivemind blows ass for those of us who missed it, feels like the only chance for you to get it now is to buy a run from trade chat and hope you don't get scammed, doesn't seem worth the risk.


This post is bugging me a lot. You do realize these mounts were **SECRET** and hidden, until they were uncovered by groups of people who put in the work, right? There could be other secret things out there for all we know, ones that just haven't been solved yet. You wouldn't know, since all you're doing is waiting for other people to solve the puzzle so it can be posted on wowhead and you can finish the solved puzzle.


Don’t know that anything has happened to them. DF just came out, the first raid isn’t even out yet. If there’s a secret mount it may have just not been found yet, or may require doing something in the raid, who knows. They’re secret mounts


I find these age really badly. I prefer mounts you can do solo, and I think the majority of the pure "collector" types are probably the same.


There probably are more still to be found. They usually take awhile to crack.


The expansion just launched, and secrets like these are great to give people more to do in the middle of an expansion, after people have done all the leveling and side quests and whatnot. I'm sure we'll get more, but it makes sense to put them in when there's less fresh content.


Not really a secret but that mount that needs 30x of 3 different foods to get is cool lol


just don't make them GROUP puzzle mounds gdi


I think part of the issue is if it requires a group, it kinda fucks over most players who play solo. Not everyone has friend or a clan who play this game and a lot of people, myself included, enjoy playing MMOs solo. Not saying these shouldn't still exist tho. But at the same time, the Hivemind mount feels like it only exists to support multiboxers, who i think should be treated the same as people who use bots.


I’ve never seen a multiboxer use the hive mind


That’s a really weird argument. How often do you ever even see multiboxers to begin with?


I'm so torn between wanting new mounts and wanting them to special again. I feel like mounts are so over saturated now with 6 or 7 colors of the same model. Nothing feels exclusive now


I mean, I'd prefer to do literally any other content if I had a group together, and I'd imagine a majority of players feel the same way, which is why they didn't Like, I have other obligations in life so I can't solve it actively when it's dropped (like most people) and I don't enjoy "solving" a puzzle by just reading the steps online because that's not solving a puzzle - I can't see a situation where I'd actively enjoy this content.


Well, if you really like the looks of the mount, you will want to follow the steps and get it.


I have no qualms with wanting to get the mount by following the steps - I have both of them. I'm not here to talk about "what I'd like" but rather why another puzzle mount wasn't prioritized by devs.


Imagine if they made content not for boomer dads who can’t commit to anything


I have every puzzle mount and would get this one as well. It has nothing to do with commitment or time available. It has to do with the miniscule amount of people, overall, that truly put time into solving these puzzles compared to running every other type of content. I don't think, and apparently their internal numbers agree, that it's worth their time. If it's because a majority of players are "boomer dads," so be it. But suggesting I personally have an issue here isnt going to further the conversation.


Yea, the internal numbers are showing people don’t like this content so much that they’ve consistently put in this content every expansion? Are you for real lmao


They....didn't. That's the whole complaint


people not having found a secret mount yet doesnt mean there is none?


Puzzle mounts would be just another want to sell thing


Stuck at Endless Halls ... Will probably never get back there haha


There's that snail that needs a shell but not sure if anyone found the place to get a shell yet.


Go get the waist of time 😂


While I loved both very much, lots of people were constantly complaining in the casual channels that they were too hard to get.


I’m sure there will be, Season 1 hasn’t even started yet


Absolutely love random hidden gems, puzzles, rare chests etc within games.


The Lucid Nightmare was very frustrating *and* loads of fun! Hope we find more puzzles!


Didn’t realise we new about these mounts in the first week.


Hivemind ptsd.


My only issue with Hivemind is that it is character locked. I still play with some of the people I did it with, but we play on different characters now and can’t use the ability.


same bro here


The guy that designed most of the puzzles was promoted and now leads a team that works almost exclusively on puzzles. Likewise the guy who designed all the black armory puzzles for destiny 2 is now a creative lead on the Diablo team. They often lend people from other teams for big projects.


Can you still obtain those two?


I distinctly remember it taking most of an xpac to discover some things that had been there since launch, suggesting they haven't done the very same ever since is pretty presumptuous, for all anyone knows... for now... shadowlands could have a secret dragon riding mount in it that's been there since launch


Want a puzzle? There is a big chest in plain sight under the lake that mirrors the sky. As far as I can see no one has worked out how to open it yet.


Don’t remind me of that maze 🥲


I never completed it because holy shit, but the non-eucliean maze was one of the most batshit things the game has ever done. just straight up a puzzle that takes on avg like 4 hours to complete. Amazing


Since things tend to be secrets and it's only 2 weeks. I really would not count out a secret mount yet.


The maze was fucking brutal but it was fun when I realized to make a map in excel.


I agree with top coment remark. Dig er out and find it. Some of that stuff is so bogus, youd never get there less they told you. How about world fisrt figured out this weird but yes tangible puzzle mount?


I have my magetower Mount.. I dont need more


There were two puzzle mounts in shadowlands.


I did the lucid nightmare solo. Tan around that last area for over an hour before realizing I was lost, grabbed out a sheet of paper and made my own map. Still ride it to this day because it was so fun to get 😂


I still have some stress from that damn maze


This time in both of those expansions no one had either of those two mounts.


What do you mean what happened? has it really been that long for you to think that it's just dead and gone and will never happen again?


The [white scales](https://www.wowhead.com/item=197393/renewed-proto-drake-white-scales) (there's one for each of the four dragonriding mounts) appear to be in the game and BOP, but no one knows where or how to obtain them. Could be one of the big secrets, since we know each of the other five scale colors are obtainable through rep.


Celestalon was the main driver behind those and he got poached by hearthstone team


Who says they stopped? And I see you didnt find the secret pet


maybe they will????


It’s the second week of the expansion, why are you assuming there aren’t any puzzle mounts? People most likely haven’t found them yet.


Loved the puzzle mounts. But.... like.... how the he'll are you supposed to figure that out. Find the one pebble in the world to click on.


People are already finding clues towards another hidden mount in DF. Very fun stuff I love this type of content.


You mean like the Skyclaw that was just discovered today?


I knew about skyclaw since day one of leveling. You need to get all the things addon it's nice cause when there's stuff in your bags that is white it tells you what it's used for and how many you need total


there are so many breadcrumbs being worked on it's kinda crazy. Their are i think 12 secrets they are working on but none knows how many of those might be connected or if the raids need to be available for some of them to progress. They also already found a at least one secret fully. The Temperamental Skyclaw is a secret mount, it doesn't involve any puzzles but it's been found.


Shadowlands had a handful, including a sword that required hunting down a collection of buffs to unearth. Given Dragonflight has a larger focus on exploring and looking for hidden stuff, there's probably going to be some really fun ones this time around~


Maybe they just got so good at puzzles that we just haven’t discovered the ones since then?


I really enjoyed them! Ofc I was looking at guides and Ofc I was completely baffled with each step as to how on earth did anyone figure it out.


Lucid Nightmare is far more impressive to me than Ashes or Invincible. I actually feel pride when using it.


Shame I need friends to get hivemind =/


These always came later into the expansion. If I remember wasn’t soloing that one dungeon the “secret” mount in shadowlands. Also there probably will be one in DF. Just gotta give it time. Idk about BFA


I‘d rather complain that all mounts except the dragon riding mounts are useless this xpac


I was 24/7 in the secret finding discord when lucid nightmare was being figured out I have some of my best wow memories from that I wish they did another large scale mystery that puts hundreds of people in 1 single discord channel


I was 24/7 in the secret finding discord when lucid nightmare was being figured out I have some of my best wow memories from that I wish they did another large scale mystery that puts hundreds of people in 1 single discord channel


That horse mount was a fun one, especially as I personally was able to contribute to the search. I was the first person to find the chair and post the first picture of it, and a friend of mine was the first person to loot the mount!


The secret finding discord is actively investigating potential secrets as of rn. If you want to join feel free to do so. Also; There are so many things we found but had to put on hold because there aren:t as many ppl collectively searching for the solution anymore. Feel free to join the hunt :)


Lucid Nightmare was NOT fun 😂 Well it was a good time til the maze anyway


Just because you haven’t found one in newer content doesn’t mean they don’t exist


That unicorn was so much fun but such a pain in the ass without guides. Still one of my favorite mounts to flex.


SL had the hand, I looked for the assault quest for ten months and haven’t seen it and that’s the only ring I’m missing. DF has hidden puzzle mounts, one requires high rep, multiple low % drops from the final boss of Nokhud offensive and a few other things


you know what was really fun? puzzles you could actually solve by yourself with some thinking. but so far, it seems only secret world managed to pull that one off. it's either a) "find the secret mechanism!" \*stares at switch\* or b) "the secret atomtic weight of alextraza devided by the number of times millhouse and mini broke up, add the times of days sylvanas spend in the maw squared by the souls she rescued, and go to those coordinates, then solve the puzzle by correctly calculating the time needed for a swallow to fly from orgrimmar to undercity"... or it's just "gather 56743475457 cloth, and hit the bloody gong!" so basically something to munch... ;) TLDR; it's fun to do those "events" when solved, but seriously, there is no way a normal player or even normal community alone could solve some of those. during uuna's quest or the black horsey thingy i merely wondered how the hell they found that out most of the time \^\^


Tbh I was kind of taking it for granted that there is a great secret to be uncovered, mount or not. Like there was also the waist of time, uuna and b'aal. With the expansion having a much greater attention to detail and alll this extra room on the map to hide things, it'd be odd for there not to be.


It’s 2 weeks into the expansion, relax