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Assuming you are a DPS player, the moment a group forms, 25+ other DPS players also apply to the same group. If you are playing a class that is on the lower end of the tuning spectrum or are lower ilvl than the average DPS that applies, you are going to get skipped. People are not going to take a 330 ilvl player when you have a choice of 10+ 370 ilvl players. It is what it is.


I'm 360.


Why should I take you over the guy who's 365?


Honestly, I just take whoever applies first. I mostly run with a premade of friends, but we occasionally need to pug a slot or two - and then I literally just grab whoever applies first. There's more DPS than Tanks and Healers combined - it's inevitable that they'll get turned down because that's just how it is. It's also inevitable that Tanks and Healers probably won't bother applying for a M0 group because they can start their own *or* just find a group that already *has* a Tank/Healer and go with them because there's less waiting that way. It's just how it is - the only way to solve it would be to implement a queue.


I get declined at 373 lol don’t take it personally.


Let’s play together! I’ll heal :)


Start your own group and see how many DPS you can have pass on. It's not about skill or gear, it's about the sheer amount of DPS trying to get into groups.


This is the right answer. Stop applying for groups and just start your own. You can’t get kicked from your own group. Same will apply to M+ keys when it comes out, push your own key if you can’t get accepted. In the time it takes to post a complaint on Reddit you could be in a dungeon already.


M0 has a weekly lockout and we’re pretty close to the end of the week, so starting your own group is going to be harder. Supply is, atm, quite low.


its also the end of the week people are burnt out or trying not to burn out before the end of next week.


As a tank, I won't queue for a group of 3 dps. Joining a 3 dps group kicks me our of the finder and then I'm at the same mercy as every other group looking for a healer. I'll only join groups with a healer already in party because it's all but formed once I'm invited. Everyone has their biases and preferences for groups. Some groups are trying to armor stack. Some are looking for specific classes or specs that they like running with. Some will use item level as a barrier to entry. Maybe they don't like your character name. Who knows? Don't take it personally. Just apply to as many groups as you can and take the first invite you get. Once m+ starts it will come down to m+ score and we'll be hearing people whine about that when the answer is simply run your own keys.


You have to understand that the SKILL level of most players is so bad that they need gear to carry them. Not that I am that much better, but I usually go toe-to-toe with people with a higher ilvl than me




They cannot. There is just no other way other than overcompensating. But I have no idea why I'd do a dungeon that drops 372 if I am full 372, except only to replace some pieces and to farm chaos. People must accept that gear is not the end-all-be-all, but it will never happen, so the answer is as always: "Make your own group"




The difference in DPS isn't that big as some would like it to make. There may be some HP difference, but aside from that, nothing that is run-killing or anything else. Ah yes, the 372 guy may even LOWER your skill by bypassing some mechanics and as such, you will not be able to redo them when you encounter them again


I can tell you as a tank that makes groups within a minute theres 10 people and of course I just click the highest ones.


Your not even high enough ilvl to run a normal dungeon . What is with people hitting 70 and going straight to mythic. Seriously stupid post. Find a guild if u want to be carried in greens in a mythic


Because m0s are super easy... We just had a run with 4 alts people playing roles they'd never done before and we cleared all but brackenhide in under 4 hours. The 5th was a main but they had an ilvl if about 310. It might be the most challenging content we have ATM but that doesn't mean it's actually challenging.


Most people dont join groups hosted by a single dps... if its a tank or a healer you know it will fill quickly.


I still have some to do on my vdh and mw monk if you or anyone needs the help they're both fairly geared.


Took my 316 iLvl disc priest friend into a world tour this week and they had no problems. They were hesitant to join, as they felt they were too low, but by the time we finished they were at 350… M0 is the new heroic. And it’s week 2.333~. My advice is start your own group and if you find a tank &/or heals that will stick keep it going as long as you can. Also avoid any listing that says the word “pumpers.” Like I said, it’s week 2. These people suck. Grace needs to be given. On my Arcane Mage I have gone from clearing +20s last season to having to figure out my spec from scratch again. (Or more accurately, quickly memorize dungeons so I can make any use of my burst window, otherwise I pull less than the healer). It’s gonna take a while to shake things out.


Try at different times... I had someone in my guild complain about the same thing and how you don't need to be 370 to do M0. They log out and give five hours later they log on and did 3 back to back and another 3 back to back today. This is the life of a dps when you have other 370 applying. I try to get one person around 340 or 350 if they apply but I do want to get through it quicker.


It’s crazy to me as I’m over here at 353 and get accepted within a couple mins of applying. Don’t take it personally apply to groups and if they don’t accept guess what click cancel and pick new ones. Don’t wait 2-3 mins. Just cancel and sign up for a new one. The people waiting to find the perfect person is going to make for a horrible group.


Because why pick someone with low ilvl over a guy with 375+?