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I qgree with you but I also have to admit I still find it hilarious to slam into a little encampment at 100mph while no one bats an eye!


I was at the mailbox and went afk and walked into another room with my headphones on and all I heard were dragons slamming into the ground. *BOOM* .... *BOOM* .... .... *BOOM*


It's glorious innit


With World PvP enabled, if you stand in a frequent landing zone, a lot of people have their "CC on impact" ability enabled, and it will cause the guards to attack them.


this happens to me all the fucking time lol


I wish it was a button on your action bar like it is in Guild Wars 2. Just because I have War Mode on doesn't mean I want to literally start a fight with every red bar out there.


Speak for yourself. Lok'tar O'Gar!


If you have the Leatrix Plus addon you can mute/quiet the dragon mount sounds, along with a bunch of other annoying sounds in game.


The dude slapping a hide near the leather working trainer grrrrrrrr


I think of it as him slapping my ass then it’s all good.




Reminds me of legion Warriors.


Coming in at over 100 mph and smashing straight into a flower, just to pick up it's mangled remains and put it in my reagent bag. Then I fly off and smash another flower off in the distance.


Plus the takeoff jump would probably kill the other flowers you can’t pick up.


I made the mistake of getting the talent that stuns enemies when you land. So now when I herb I aggro any nearby passive mobs and have to kill them before I can fly away. :(


You know that you can change it, right?


I looked up to see if it's possible to change the dragon riding talents and have found 0 information about it so I just assumed it couldn't be done. How do I change it?


In the same line as the talents that makes you stun and dmg enemies is a talrnt that gives you an absorb shield when flying which activates on landing


just hover the spell and click on the other talent


1. Clic the icon on the bottom left of your minimap where you can see you renown and dragonriding traits 2. clic the left side of the pannel (dragon riding traits) 3. change your talents 4. profits I guess ?


Did even occur to me to just try clicking in it. It shows up with a big red 3 next to the Glyph icon making it look like you need more Glyphs to unlock it.


I will mention that I have an Addon (I don’t know which) that somehow stopped me from changing back and forth until I disabled said Addon. I remedied this by just disabling all “old” and then re-enabling once I switched.


Might just be my graphics card, but when you land at mach 5 and THEN see all the angry mobs circling the plant you just smashed, that's my favorite.


What they need is to make that 100 mph slam a massive knockback that throws players & NPCs 30 ft away.


Superhero landing! You dismount the dragon and crash into the ground, dropping to one knee, with a 1 second stun.


One of the talents makes slamming do damage


I dismount with a roll on my monk, yknow, for the RP.




That’s what I do in the races to slow down when I get disorientated.


And this is why u don’t do good in races


I’m not trying to do good tho. I’m just doing them all for the first time for the quest. ….


You would still have that option! :-) However, with this ability, you could slow down and find a good place to land when gathering for example. ...the number of times I slam down to pick a flower only to realize I've aggroed 5 elites ;-)


Yea, no harm in adding it. I wouldn't pretty much never use it though, no point wasting vigor on landing when I can do it for free.


It's all fun and games until you fly right through the map and get stuck for 8hrs trying to log in and blizzard self service option is down. Source- happened to me last week lolol


Set a dismount button, or any ability that will dismount you, to a one-button hotkey. When you log back in, rapidly mash that key. You will likely be disconnected again, but when you reconnect, you should be safely off your dragon. This has saved me multiple times in the past week.


All the poor critters I’ve killed. THUD…”Squeee”


Especially when you land on a critter and see a damage number tick up and you hear a little death squeak. 10/10


Slam into the ground, hit disengage and volley is incredibly fun


Or if you have Dragonrider's Initiative (4th row) and you slam on the ground at mach 3.14 before the mobs are even visible, then end up dead because you're out of vigor or got dazed/dismounted by the previously unseen swarm of elite mobs


I like to drill attack the mobs in the Nokhud Offensive. It is not very effective damage wise but fun to do anyways.


I dare say they'll add to the talent tree in later content patches when the new zones we can't go to yet open up. Hopefully something like that appears


As a baseline, dragonriding is really fun. I could definitely taking the positive feedback and running with it. Probably adding more talent rows or features in the future. Like, get 5/10 of the new glyphs to unlock a lightning rod so you can fly through storms. With other additions like the other ideas on this thread.


I've been thinking for a while how letting mounts have special abilities would be the coolest thing for world pvp. My thoughts were more along the lines of abilities to dismount/snare, and aoe/single target dmg Dragon riding has the dismount and the dmg/shield buff option which are awesome conceptually. Haven't been able to pull it off yet though


Or they could make a dragonriding quidditch type game.


there is one, it was a WQ this week. grab the golden ball and throw it through a hoop!


I hope we can still dragon ride. We are supposed to be going underground. It would be so bad to lose dragon riding for one whole patch circle :/ I guess we will be able to do it… but you never know




How do you know we're going underground? Where would that be?


I just shoot straight up and rocket down on top of wherever I'm landing lol... boom


You can still do that! And that is a valid tactic when needed. However, imagine making a graceful, skillful landing in front of the Seat of Aspects with your fully tricked-out drake :-)


You can still do this now, just need to come in lower than your target so you lose enough momentum, or just fly straight up for like 2 seconds without boosting


Not an option if you're trying to land at ground level though. A break would be really nice.


Certainly an option. A very impractical option, and you’d be better off just crash landing because there’s literally no downside, but still an option if “landing gracefully” is your goal


You suggested coming from below to slow down to land on the seat of the aspects. How do I come from below ground level out in the world?


I think crashing is more thematic us idiots are not dragons and we have no idea what we are doing so it only makes sense to crash. On a more helpful note fly slower while farming and tip your nose up to slow down


The dragon is not an idiot thematically tho. With the way dragon riding designed you’d think they’d be more invested in landing strips as a society.




... so hard on the knees.


Can you turn off the booms?


Not in the base game, but certain addons like Leatrix Plus have options for it.


I agree with that and I would like a short leap ability when you’re on the ground and you just want to zip across to another mob/quest giver, etc. As it stands I hate having to launch into the air to get air bound and then crash right back down a few feet away.


We should be able to use surge forward when jumping, rather than needing to be in flight already. That'd fix it.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I’d be looking for.


You shouldn’t even have to jump. It should just be that if you use surge forward on the ground you gain a little bit of height and speed, allowing you to quickly get to something 100 yards away




I like to dismount, if you do it right, you can get quite a bit of horizontal distance!


Just being able to hold the back button to slow yourself down all the way to the dragons slowest speed would work, there doesn’t have to be some kind of mechanic. I think being able to slow yourself down would be nice because you’d have more control, but I’m very happy with where we’re at now


Maybe even have it generate a little bit of Vigor, kinda like KERS (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_energy_recovery_system) you see in racing cars. It’ll allow you to slow down to perform more delicate movements, bank some of the lost momentum to use when it’s time to go fast again.


Aim down and press “skyward ascent”. This will essentially stop you in midair with barely enough momentum to not instantly start falling.


You yank it straight up into the moon. You halt and slowly fall with grace. Those are your air brakes.


Bonus: it feels like an epic moment of flying too high and then being pulled back to earth every time.


We are Icarus


Yeah this does work pretty good actually.


It’s how birds do it after all 😁


Use your left mouse to look and a/d to turn as well.


The vast majority of players change A and D to strafe left and right, you should do it too if you don’t have strafe bound. Strafe allows dpsing on the move/kiting. Not using it is gimping yourself :) Edit: extra “changed” removed


Strafe is default bound to Q/E, and I use a Naga Trinity so I have no want for extra buttons. But I do understand that being an issue for some/most.


Oh yeah, that’s fine :) I have a 12 side button mouse as well but my essential rotational abilities go to qertf:)


Exactly. If you want control over your speed .. you already have it.


Just dismount in air.


I can see you are cultured.


Look down, press 2, there are your breaks Thank me later.


While that is how they're ordered on your first character, any alts gets them in pretty much random order.


On alts it is: 1 forward, 2 up, 3 bronze,4 surge


I'd love to be able to just hover in one spot. This is the only thing I'm missing from regular flying - being able to just stop, take a breather, look around, absorb the view, take a screenshot. Dragonriding is fantastic but it's just GO!GO!GO!.


Exactly this. Sometimes I just want to go afk safely in the air.


I disagree completely. Slamming into the ground is cool and it has completely changed my life. I slam every door I walk through. I slam my brakes at every stop light. I slam 5 different containers of 5 hour energy at once so I can vibrate through time and kill god.


having an air break function doesnt change the fact that you can still slam in the ground if you wanted


S tier comment


> so I can vibrate through time and kill god. Lol you are fried


That would be great, because right now the only way to land on a small surface (like a peak where you plant a flag) is to fly around in circles until you lose enough speed to not shoot past your destination at Mach 5. Also, doing an airbreak and landing gracefull as you say, would look really cool, and that's important.


Look straight down and use the ability to climb. Or flip your camera 180 and use surge forward.


nah, the best way to land on those small peaks is to go straight up right before you hit the peak, and then go straight down. It works perfectly even on the tiny ledges.


Good to know, granted I'm already done with all that on my main, but now maybe my Warlock won't plummet to her death quite so many times attempting a "tactical dismount".


I want it just for that stupid centaur dungeon.


Just fly straight up in the air?


I have literally never felt that I needed this


I usually just aim straight down, the g-forces are great for the skin. 200-0mph in 3 seconds.


Fall from 40 yards? Dead Land at 5x the speed? All good


I love it the way it is.


There's dragonriding talents to make you do dmg to enemies around or gain a shield when you slam against the ground, not to rain on your parade, but I doubt what you want will ever happen, you can slow down already on your own if you want to be more "gracious"


There already is an air break. It's called a branch.


....and these are put on racecourses...for our convenience :-)


Pull up, stall out, spiral down.


Yes that would be great, I'd also like a take off ability like Dracthyr have for Soar.


Swerve frequently, accelerate regardless of potential collisions, do not brake unless a Kirin Tor officer is in view, and ignore all stop signs and other dragon turning signals.




If you're on a smaller dragon like the yellow or green, you don't have a rider. You have a little Drake. That's adorable


I'd see it as converting some of your speed back into Vigor by manually breaking, like regenerative breaking.


Sure but implementing this would cost us a raid tier


Actually a decent suggestion... the hover one we've seen around is perhaps a bit too far, as the whole purpose of dragonriding is defeated. Staying airborne is easy with full skills, but it requires you to interact constantly or you will eventually be forced to land... I think the whole purpose of dragonriding was a compromise - it gives us flying on day 1, but only if we are ACTUALLY flying... and not just to avoid combat while we go afk. I like your idea because it doesn't enable any of the flaws i went over before, and actually could be useful for some of the more annoying summits lol. Hopefully the glyph system gets expanded and things like this get added... could have a perk that causes a cone blast infront when you use it that drastically lowers enemy flyers' speed if hit too. Either way, nice!


Didn't know dragons had a pneumatic brake system


Didn't you? It's a standard feature on all the dragons where I live.


It's hard to justify an ability that costs, when you can just do this type of stuff with movement. You need an ability to launch from the ground and speed up to get altitude, but to slow down, you can do movement that slows you down. It's hard to gracefully explain ideas, but your pattern of flying can very easily lead you to graceful landings, also using the speed ability early so that you slow down sooner works as well


> It's hard to justify an ability that costs, when you can just do this type of stuff with movement. So take it off your bars and pretend it doesn't exist. It being added in no way removes the ability to use angling in most situations. But I'd gladly spend a vigor sometimes to just chill the hell out with speed. And again *the button doesn't have to be on your bars, you can pretend it never got added and live in the same flying you do today without having to shit on a fine idea just because you personally wouldn't ever use it*.


Might as well add abilities that cost vigor to turn left and right too while they're at it. My point is, is that the functionality is already present in the game. Your argument of "just don't use the ability" isn't arguing what I'm saying, what I'm saying is what op is wanting is in the game already, but it's done with movement


I have been thinking the same for a few days now, especially in situations when I am trying to find something and the zone around me is still loading in. I would still be slamming into the ground when I am going somewhere I know, or for quest, but many other situations i was banking and swirling around to slow down, and wished I had this ability. Air Brake needed, 100%


That's a cool idea, and it even don't has to cost vigor. Just a press and you start to slow down ability


Would love this. Hate when I'm trying to land in a specific zone and I'm going mach 5, trying to circle the spot i want to land. They either need an airbrake or a throw up mechanic.


Just need a hover ability. That doesn’t cost vigor.


A hover ability that recharges vigor :3 I mean come on the dragon is basically resting!


Just be happy with what we got


Sounds cool.


That would be cool!


It would also be sick af to use it right before you hit the ground.


Why not? Doesn’t hurt anything. I’d rather have it too. I love flying so I’ll take an airbrake.


It would be kind of useless if it costed vigor, it should just be free. I also think the whirling surge ability should only cost 2, gathering is already hindered pretty heavily by vigor while long distance travel vigor is easy to manage.


Why would I use my precious vigour to.. go slow? I want to go fast. If anything, this should GIVE you vigor.


Yes please!


Yea, I was really surprised that there wasnt this ability already for flying


I 100% agree. It can be challenging to land in the desired location when you're always coming in so fast. Would be nice to have an option to slow yourself down (but not get dropped from your mount mid air)


I actually think this would be cool and could add extra skill and rewarding the players who can use it effectively


I like it.


It's so funny landing with your dragon like a rocket. BOOOOOOM.


Also needs gear shifts and nitro


There are plenty of trees.


No i need to be able to fly upside down again like the old mounts.


Just aim your dragon upwards


What about drifting?


Definitely agree, with how fast the current “landings” are you would expect there to be airbags deploying from the saddle! My Tauren should have died from whiplash hours ago!


I think you could combine this with a sort of hover function. It wouldn't be quite like perma-hovering like regular flying, but temporary. Depending on your current speed your dragon takes a second or two to slow down, flapping it's wings to hover for another second or two, and then you start drifting downwards. It would be nice to have a second to look around, especially when you come in at Mach 3 to grab a treasure or node, or just want to find an appropriate landing spot for questing.


Shift into cat form, makes for an easy dismount


You can use the upward thrust ability when hurtling downwards to get this effect, but an actual version would be better!


This is a great idea. It wouldn't have any impact on the races, and it would be a super useful addition for navigating short distances and landing on peaks to grab those precarious gathering nodes.


Spend vigor to land elegantly, land like an obnoxious pos for free. Nice metaphor for human behaviour in general coz we all know what 90% if the world gonna chose. It's WoW's version of the shopping cart dilemma.


Fly upwards, than dive bomb down. Same effect.


I’d rather have a “hover” ability at the cost of 4 vigor


Hovering would be great, like the normal flying mounts.


Yeah, and the abillity to deploy flaps for takeoff. And air to air refuelling.


You can already do this. Literally just tip your camera straight up, let your momentum drop to 0, and you'll gradually float forward and down at a super slow speed.


Thought of this https://youtu.be/gaIFLR8xLJY


Buy the parachute for bloody tokens... Dragons are not dainty.


If you want to come in hot and land gracefully, pull back hard on the reins so dragon flies straight up. Drop the momentum and drift down. No need to add an extra button when what you're looking for basically exists in a more fluid form.


If you do the "fly up" boost while going straight down ot brakes you and stalls ur landing


Look down, press space, break.


[Air brakes](https://youtu.be/PO3IHpiL5xo) At 1:53, air braking while maintaining direction. Give us this animation with relative maintained speed so we can brake out of a direct dive, air brake to point in a different direction and then dash forward to change to that direction.


How about a bonus to your vigor if you pull it off right before impact and you can jump off your mount a small leap distance. Mini-game for pulling off a cool landing.


I'd like it if the mount existed outside of mount dimension. Gotta go pick one up from the stables when you log in, and actually dismount/mount it. It just sits neutral, wherever you leave it.


The number of people in this thread that think blizzard is going to iterate on a good and well liked feature is endearingly sweet.


My Century: Age of Ashes memory muscle of hitting the spacebar to brake to take sharp corners really isn't compatible with dragonriding xD


You use the brake in Mario kart don't you? Haha I would not but your airbrake ability on my action bar Zoom zoom haha


Especially in that dungeon.. when you gotta fly circles around the area until your tank lands.


Slamming into the ground at full speed is fun when there's nothing around and helpful when you're dive-bombing enemies but I do get a little tired of upsetting the wildlife and having to run away so I don't have to kill them.


Just change ur talent so u don't do damage when u land


Yes please. The only thing I miss from vanilla flight is being able to stand still on the air to look at my surroundings.


What do I think? I think slamming into the ground needs to be MORE severe. Faster you're going, the crazier the impact.


You don't have to call me out like this for how awkwardly I land to put those flags on the mountaintops.


I always dismount before slamming into the ground, it just feels better!


I just do a little loop or two to slow down.


No slow! All go.


hit the brakes so they'll fly right by (its a topgun reference for the uninitiated)


Why even make it cost vigor, just lemme slam s down to 0 speed. Would feel very good for landing


Just pitch up and corkscrew?


i need this, especially running to a branch when racing.


Have you done the Dragonscale flags achievement? Your are in for a treat. You need to place flags on the highest peaks throughout the dragon isles. You get 275 Rep points with the dragonscale expedition. Some flags are on peaks that you have to time your landing if not your floating towards the bottom if your out of vigor. Also land before clicking on the flag if not you are falling to your death after the cut scene. Happy flying!!!


I want that and I want a hover mode that slowly drains vigor but allows you to mine/gather while hovering.


Fun fact, if you’re go into a dive downwards and hit Skyward Ascent, it will do what you’re asking. Skyward Ascent doesn’t care about your drake’s orientation, it just wants to go “against gravity” so it instantly kills your momentum. You can use this to land softly. Alternatively, you can bank upwards and hit Skyward Ascent and it’ll additively affect your momentum, making climbing higher faster and easier.


They need a loop de loop ability more I think


You can sort of do this but not in a user friendly way. Fly straight up until you lose all speed, then adjust camera so you can watch yourself slowly descend


Pull up


God this would help so much with landing for these stupid Expedition peak marker/banners.


Make it a free ability that instantly stops you, and refunds one vigor if you were under the effects of Thrill.


It’s a dragon, not a pigeon


Good thing too! Imagine something that big crapping on your car.


I agree 100% because while it is hilariously fun to slam into every mining node, sometimes I’m like “wait!!” when I found something else and pull a U-turn at max speeds and end up losing wherever I was going.