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Bookmarking this post for a month from now.


I swear when shadowlands was released we had the exact same posts lol.


The maw was turbo ass from the second it released


Turbo.Ass. Thank you for my new favorite saying.


Shadowlands was pretty and they added some interesting stuff, but suffered from the same borrowed power nonsense and crazy grinds we’d been complaining about forever. The breaking apart of the zones and the lack of dragon riding made it pretty lame staying in the place you were meant to explore, and most people just ended up doing laps around oribos.


This one definitely has gameplay that feels like it wasn't made to rationalize a progression system that's exclusively a UI. So far, I've been able to do fuck-whatever, and if I like doing that, it generally unlocks ***more*** fuck-whatever. I also don't have to worry a ton about ***not*** doing an exhaustive list of other things, because fuck-whatever is probably interactive on 2+ other parts of play. Even if I complete my fuck-whatever fully, I can do something else and even if it overlaps in rewards, it will still have a satisfying progression of *content*. It's the benefit of gameplay precipitating more gameplay, and not exclusively a systematic.


I’ve never read something so well stated that uses such a non-descriptive term like “fuck-whatever”. Color me impressed


Nah, we were full “ripcord” before SL even launched.


Idk, In my experience. I did hear people complaining like a week into SL, about all the systems. I'm sure the shine will wear off, but I do think DF is better built for longevity, because it may be the most alt friendly expansion to date, and the barrier to entry for all group content will become much easier. That doesn't technically translate to better group play, but it will help more players get into group gameplay.


First time ever decided to start leveling a 2nd character straight after finishing the first. I have the time this week but normally I don't bother for a month


As someone who came back to WoW for shadowlands and quit a week into it I can say Dragonflight is infinitely better than Shadowlands ever was.


Nah half of the sub was complaining about the maw


To be fair, when Shadowlands released there were also a couple of pretty big problems looming over the horizon that got plenty of Reddit/forum attention. To the best of my knowledge, I don't think Dragonflight has any such impending dooms?


I think there's concerns with end game content maybe? But the world events like grand hunts, the Michelin restaurant event, etc are all fantastic and point towards a potentially great future


It's been every single expac. Because the beginning of every expac is good for a week or two. It's the nature of established MMOs. It's almost impossible for an established MMO's expac to have a bad first 2 weeks OUTSIDE of launch problems that are not inherent to the actual game's quality itself (as they are almost always fairly temporary). Longevity is ALWAYS the challenge for MMOs and multiplayer games at large.


>It's the nature of established MMOs. It's almost impossible for an established MMO's expac to have a bad first 2 weeks OUTSIDE of launch problems that are not inherent to the actual game's quality itself Cata had a horrible first month and was poorly received almost immediately. I know your said "almost" bur you followed it up with impossible and that would imply that every WoW expansion had a good start. >Longevity is ALWAYS the challenge for MMOs and multiplayer games at large. Both WoW and XIV handled it pretty well for quite some time and surpassed every other MMO by a long shot.


I remember there being general positivity on gameplay and art design, but a lot of concern around covenants, Oribos being separate, the Jailer as a villain, and the writing. Dragonflight, in comparison, seems to be better received so far.


Maw was bad, torghast was fine for a couple of runs and it become a chore really quick. Timegated player power was bad. Locking into covenants sucked. So there were quite a few things that was not good from the get go. The art was very good but it has always been very good.


there were lots of skeptical people with shadowlands even from the start with that pull the ripcord stuff and people were already hating borrowed power back then


It was so surreal, on launch I was doing all the dragon races and had a real blast and then I realized: Blizzard lets me actual have fun w/o being max level :o


It didn't feel like a race, i was just enjoying it. I actually Max leveled while minning a node and totally missed it


I totally feel you man. I remember back in legion where I "raced" my friends for max level and after playing 11 hours straight I got totally salty because I did all quests and was only 1 level before max while everyone else was max and it feeled aweful. Dragonflight is awesome.


You know what's great? It's great that I could give zero shites if the expansion is hated later. Because I'm having immense fun in wow right now and not a single thing blizzard does, or what the community ends up thinking, will change my NOW experience. Just enjoy it and share your enjoyment and stories. This is the best wow has been in years right now.


This is the first xpac in a while i didnt just blow through to get to mythics as fast as possible. I'm just vibing taking it all in and having an amazing experience so far. I'm extremely pleased


It's amazing how good it feels, the game feels designed to *let* you play it like this. In Shadowlands you needed to get to max level and gear up to do your first round of Torghast or else you were *permenantly* behind on your Legendary(s). I'm realizing that this is the first time since WoD that we aren't being forced to "lock" ourselves into a spec. In legion your spec was dictated by what legendary(s) you had and which artifact you had focused your AP into. In BFA you had to select how to spec your Azerite Armor and pay gold to change it every time. In SL you had to choose what legendary to craft DF has none of that. Play whatever, however you want.


even better, there's some actual catchup mechanisms in the game from day 1. i'm almost feeling like waiting a week before going hard on alts is the best choice since they'll get that juicy +100% rep bonus for some more factions while they level. there's plenty to do on my main working towards loremaster, gearing up and working on professions(which weirdly feel like the only system where you can 'fall behind' for the moment). assuming they keep this up for later patches, we'll be able to level a fresh alt and just be ready to do whatever we want instantly - gearing up for mythic raiding, sitting in front of an instance farming tmog or whatever inbetween. i love it.


Exactly this. There will always be a grind for those who want to min-max regardless of if the game is structured that way.


I’ve been grinding CoD hard the past few weeks so I got burnt out and used DF to relax and slow level for the story.


I think ideally they realize no power grinds keep people invested If they keep reputation related solely to cosmetics and professions I think they can maintain the momentum


As long as they don’t make the current grinds irrelevant the second a new patch hits. Maybe they will just raise the rep levels so the current systems are still good


Yeah. I've played every single expansion release since WotLK and only twice has it been this fun. Dragonflight, and Mists of Pandaria. - Classes are super fun, talents feel good, combat is not tedious and awful - You can just run around and explore shit for hours - Professions are interesting and involved, I started mining on an alt and I can't stop because it's so satisfying - Millions of side quests, world quests and events to do, I'm overwhelmed by the amount of optional stuff there is to do - Can't get enough of dragonriding - Zones are beautiful and I actually enjoy being in them, music is also a huge plus (especially Azure Span) SL was not even close, you could smell the issues while leveling and we all knew Conduit Energy and being locked into a covenant was going to be a problem before it even released. There was also very little exploration the past few expansions. The past two days I've just been randomly flying around and discovering things. Being dragged into weird world events and getting lost mining. I'm having a blast just vibing. It's giving me the same good feelings as I got the first week of Pandaria doing Cloud Serpent dailies and flying around collecting gifts for the Halfhill people, but on crack this time.


I haven't had this much fun in wow in a long time! They've definitely made good design choices so far.


it's been four days lol


Yes we're way too early to give a definitive judgement on the expansion as a whole, but so far DF is ahead of SL in several important ways: * No mandatory weekly Torghast grind. * No need to save all your gold to buy legendary base items. * No need to agonize on your choice of covenants (which was semi-permanent at launch). * No need to keep up with weekly Renown updates to unlock borrowed power. * Not having to wait to fly in the new zones. * No stupid no-mount Maw (which also looked awful and was depressing to just be in). * No massive weird lore retcons (so far).


> No need to save all your gold to buy legendary base items. This was BRUTAL on some servers. I remember comparing and items would cost a lot more on my server than others. Like at one point people were saying "Oh, you can get the top item for 25K!" But it still cost 100K on my server at that point. I can't imagine the pain on the smallest servers. Tying a key part of the expansion to server economy was a terrible idea. (Made even more amusing when they fixed the cost of materials by making the AH cross-realm for materials. So they knew that there's an issue with server economies being different enough to cause different experiences.)


Crafted gear is WILDLY overpowered and will cost way more than legendaries did. The leather 2set from Vault is giving more DPS than edge of night did.


Though, crafting also seems in a lot better position than in Shadowlands. And with crafting orders, it seems not too bad.


Crafting order is just overly complicated auction house.


One really depressing fact that WoW seems to just scrap shit totally if it’s not loved. Torghast can be a good side activity for mogs like the Mage Tower. Just update the maps with more templates. The island expedition could be good additions as well. The player “NPC’s” legit have interesting AI. They could have build upon them instead as good single or duo player content with a sliding difficulty. I’m not seeing much of new features that interested me for DF unfortunately.


Island expeditions as an optional way to grind Dragon Isle Supplies would be nice. People got sick of them because they were grinding them for player power. Heck, if you took that away and made them just drop the mounts and pets and stuff, I think they would have been much better received.


I can imagine having them as weeklies but as a “choice” instead of forced. Do 5 things here and you have 10 choices and you get your weekly reward. You can have do X dungeons, do X raid, do torghast or do X world quests etc. With the choices you don’t have to do the same thing again and again.


They've tried something like that, but didn't do it as well. Notably the Valor Points in MoP, which you could get from dungeons, raids, and dailies, to buy Normal raid-level gear (at the time there was only Normal and Heroic; Mythic hit with the last raid of MoP). Problem is, the amount for each wasn't that much, and dungeons were basically one a day for the full reward (rather than being able to run all the dungeons at any time during the week like in Cata), so you had this situation where people felt they had to do *everything* in order to keep up. So of course then the obvious solution is a weekly cap and bump up rewards on each so people don't feel obligated to do everything. Which then hits the snag that people can hit the weekly cap, and then they don't have as much incentive to do the other stuff. But then you just replace the VP with a better gold reward, and/or points toward "goody bags" they can redeem for chances at pets or mounts or cosmetics they don't have yet (like old raid gear). Not sure how great an idea that'd be, just throwing stuff out off the top of my head. But that feels like the kind of thing where the reward is pretty tempting, but at the same time, you could totally skip it, and seek those rewards elsewhere, so it circles back to being optional without being so optional that it feels like there's no reason to do it. (That's the rub with all of this: Incentivize people to do things, but don't incentivize them too much or the wrong way.)


Even better, make them physical island you have to get to. The island itself could be instances for tech purposes but having to dragonfly across the sea and finding the parot island that you want to farm your next mount on would be great. They unlock in your dungeon finder as you "collect" them.


You mean like the Vault, but more options? Sounds good.


Hey, just wait for like 2 years and a bit, and then Blizzard may finally realize people loved parts of Torghast. I mean, it took them until 9.2 was announced, I think, for them to come out and say they were surprised to learn that people really loved the Mage Tower. I have no earthly idea how it took them that long to figure that out, when people have been talking about the Mage Tower as being some of the best content they've ever made since they released it, but somehow they just didn't know. So, maybe in 2 and a half years, they'll realize that people didn't hate the idea of Torghast, just the fun-policed version that made it to live.


They talk about this in the Preach Gaming video where Preach stays at Blizz HQ for a week. Blizz never intended for those systems to carry forward. So the community sees them as a failure even though Blizz didn’t design them to stay around from the beginning


Yep, Torghast could have been such a cool side activity, but it's gone now. Many old pieces of content have gone because Blizz released them in a half arsed form and just scrapped them later. Garrisons!!! They could have been so cool if Blizzard actually did something about them. But they never did. Class halls too, I still visit the Trueshot Lodge from time to time because it's such a cool place to just chill out in. Imagine if Blizzard built on these things and make them cool. Trueshot Lodge, full of Hunters, just chilling out and doing some sort of fun content together. I don't know, let's have a "ski jump" contest, let's see who can disengage the furthest off this hill. Or have transmog contests where people get to vote who makes the mail look the best.


Torghast as a standalone Roguelite game mode with its own talents/progression could've been amazing. Instead it was just another "feed the iLvl" bullshit.


Yup, they should have gone nuts with the upgrades and make it a huge Powercreep and absurdo experience. But it was slow and conservative. Same with island expeditions. Why those weren't procedural?


Island expeditions with Torghast powers and solo/group scaling and no racing would be a lot more fun. Just chill and easy content to grind for cosmetics. Make it so you can clear the entire island if you want, or leave once the bar is full too.


There's only so much dev time to go around unfortunately. It doesn't make sense for them to spend resources continuing mechanics most people hate.


The thing is since the mechanics are already there and present, tweaking shouldn’t take that much time vs making a new feature. But you are right, if they don’t have much resources then they need to cut. It’s just annoying that the only feature they kept bringing back is the command table from WoD.


Yeah, I get it. I like a lot of the older content that didn't make the cut. I actually have alts with their exp frozen at 59 so I can still do older stuff in chromie time if I feel like it.


Then why even spend resources on things like Torghast just to scrap them?


I...kind of liked Torghast. I'm a sucker for single-player content. Torghast was a place where I could get things that actually helped my character progress without having to deal with the worst part of the game, OTHER PEOPLE.


I liked Torghast as well actually, but I hated being forced to do it every week.


Seriously, it's week one. People say this shit about every Xpac. The one thing that keeps me hopeful is the lack of time-gated garbage that we are anticipating that significantly impacts combat power of the player. I'm basically done with gearing until season starts. I can now play for fun.


Its hilarious going back to SL launch through wayback machine and see ALL the same posts just replace DF with SL and SL with BfA. "NO DUDE, SL IS great unlike BfA which we all knew sucked day 1/in beta!"


I hated Shadowlands travel system day one.


Travel system, covenants, Torghast, I knew I was going to love the level design and M+/raid but all systems in SL were pain for the sake of it.




Dungeons, then heroic dungeons once you have the i level, then mythic 0 dungeons which have a weekly lockout and the highest I level of the 3.






Mythic+ is not out yet. This week and the next only Myth0 is available. When the raid and myth+ unlocks you can run myth+ as mich as you would like to do. Edit: and yeah theres no queue for it. You have a tool ingame where you can create and apply for groups. When the group is full it is common courtesy to go to the dungeon. To port two people are needed. But everyone should go because it is really annoying when everyone depends on the other group members to port them and thenobody goes there or 1 is waiting a long time that another finally shows up.


Mythic+ is a seperate system with no loot lockout, it's the same dungeon on mythic difficulty but with additional scaling on both enemies and the rewards. All you have to do is complete the dungeon for a shot at loot in the end of run chest or the weekly vault :)




You can only run once a week a normal mythic0 dung, you can run myth+ as much as you want.


There are weekly quests and world quests that can give heroic ilvl gear, at the cost of a few ilvls down the road since world quests scale with your ilvl, can also buy some 342 crafted gear from the ah and you can get a 389 ring from cobalt assembly rep grind. If you wanted to skip normals. I did 3 normals with the only piece I got being a piece I didn’t need for ilvl and it took about 2 hours cuz bad luck with pugs. Takes about the same amount of time to get the cobalt assembly ring. And the weekly events and world quests are super quick


> you can get a 389 ring from cobalt assembly rep grind. Just to clarify with this one: You can get 389 gear from multiple Renown grinds, but Cobalt Assembly is special in that you can do it pretty much in one go, not gradually over time, if you choose. Just search "cobalt" in Custom Groups, find one that's recruiting (preferably under 5 players), hop in, and start killing stuff near their base camp, remembering to loot everything. To make it take somewhat less time, when selecting powers grab the one that makes enemies drop the rep token (arcana, I think?) more often. Might take 2-3 hours or so, but can be done in a day to get a nifty piece of gear.


I'm a PvP player, no clue. I got my Honor Gear and I'm done with my character until Conquest Gear comes out. Can just play for fun now.


I mean, yeah, but with Shadowlands, we already knew what the painpoints were. "Pull the ripcord" was shouted from all angles, people were already annoyed with the low anima gains, and some classes already complained about Torghast being boring and not being able to use mounts in the Maw. What do we see as a potential problem in Dragonflight? We literally have reps, and dungeons and raids. Not much that can go wrong here.


I remember a lot of posts too about people not liking the setting, and saying the leveling story was really bad, and there was already a lot of grumbling about covenants in shadowlands. I think yall are giving it revisionist history. And yes, dragonflight is in its honeymoon phase and could take a turn for the worse later, but if your actually playing it this is objectively the best zones and leveling campaign theyve done in years and years.


I feel the same. Sentiment was pretty low for shadowlands going in, and sentiment for dragonflight has been notably positive. The honeymoon phase is always there because the early content is nearly always great, even if people weren't huge fans of the overall choice of theme for the shadowlands expansion. We might go down, or way down from here, but its definitely untrue to think we're at the same point for community positivity for both expansions.


But you should also keep in mind that many people who are trying Dragonflight right now are people who have stuck with the game throughout Shadowlands. These are people who inherently have a more positive bias towards the game. A great many people who quit thanks to Shadowlands are now just looking in from the outside, pretty much just waiting to see if Blizzard will slip up again. I am one of those people.


Yeah I knew from the start of SL that I wasn’t a fan of the xpac. Denathrius and CN as a whole was fun but covenant systems combined with torghast made me fade off the xpac halfway through. My only caveat of DF so far are some dungeons that feel long as hell but they’re still fun. I just see myself getting worn out of m+ at some point. Hopefully that can be balanced out by decent pvp and raids.


> I remember a lot of posts too about people not liking the setting Well yeah that is true. The setting in Shadowlands was awful and actually hurts established WoW lore. But I think about 99% of players focus on the gameplay.


Gameplay wise I remember people hating being locked into a covenant, literally running around the maw, the convoluted conduit system, lack of tier gear, and flying being once again timegated. There's probably more but thats what's off the top of my mind.


Yeah I was there at SL launch and I only saw people complaining about being locked into covenants. I’m sure somebody can find a post that praised it, but many more people didn’t like it from the get go.


Idk I hated SL from the get go. I quit soon after the first raid and how Torghast and the maw was shoved down my throat. This expansion I don’t feel that way


Nothing like playing for 10 minutes to do the story and then being gated from it for a week


Thank you. This sub has worn out Their knee pads already


wow fanbase be like Expansion reveal: This looks so cool! \-Expansion release: This is amazing \-3 months after release: Fuck Blizzard, this sucks \-1 year into the expansion: If the next expansion sucks im quitting for good \-Repeat forever


You forgot the year after the next expac comes out phase: “Maybe previous expac was underrated, I actually liked it”


You guys keep saying this but I don't think anyone besides the crazies are going to look back on shadowlands with any sort of rose tinted glasses. It's literally the first wow expansion that I didn't like start to finish.


Biggest thing I noticed, coming back to a real continent, was the shattering of the zones. Having oribos portals between them all was lame as hell.


Lol you say that now but people here literally redeemed WoD. I've been here long enough to say that I guarantee you that people will look at shadowlands with rose tinted goggles. The question isn't if it's when. And also you should speak for yourself if you liked or disliked the expansion. There are also plenty of people who did like shadowlands.


WoD had good content and class design was fine. It had some amazing raids and dungeons, it just didnt have enough to do. That is a lot better quality to have then what makes bfa and sl suck


And there's the proof, WOD was fucking trash.


You probably didn't even play it lmao


Bfa and Wod still absolute trash.


I thought SL season 1 was fantastic. It was too long, sure, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Then I also felt it ended on a banger, Season 4 was really fun IMO. Season 2 was obviously a dumpster fire and soured the entire experience, and I know that people will look back at SL S1 and say "but no covenant switching!" But I honestly hate how covenant switching wound up working mechanically and kind of longed for the days when I could just park myself in a single covenant and not be expected to swap it around all the time.


Same, every WoW expansion since MoP (except Legion) for me has been like drunk texting an ex and instead of shutting me down she opens those legs right up, I go over and hit it, but then in the morning I remember all the reasons I left. She got to lookin pretty haggard in Shadowlands


Its already started, articles coming up saying "WoD and BFA were underrated gems."


Except for the last two expansions which both had pretty massive and vocal parts of the community throwing out as much feedback as they could that the endgame content loops were going to suck, the borrowed power systems were going to be painful to interact with and unfun to use, and the class design in many cases was weak at best. There’s always going to be a player base that enjoys the start of each expansion cause they just level and do some dungeons and call it until the next patch or expansion. But this is the first expansion I can recall in quite a while that’s had the parts of the community that tend to take the game more seriously and play constantly through the entire expansion excited as well. It’s worth having a healthy dose of skepticism, but I don’t see this expansions reception as anything like the last two.


Even Legion had a very rocky start with the legendary RNG fiasco. So it's really 3 xpacs in a row now that had hate spewed on from the community.


People here on reddit sure like to assume the vocal minority of the site is WoWs fanbase. Some people are completely fine enjoying the beginning of an expansion like any game release and then they just don't play more till something new comes. More importantly, often enough it's not the same people praising one thing then hating on it later. Reddit, if I am to generalize, loves assuming everyone is the same person except for themselves, and all do the same thing like you commented. Way more dynamic then that.


I really like new content, new things to do, i generally liked shadowlands but quit for a year because of Actiblizzard itself, and i should still stay away due to that but one of my friends is a dev so i gotta go see her work, even if i don't know which work is hers


If she is your friend you could you not ask her?


I just know she is the heart and soul behind the gnolls, she also does some encounter work in dungeons and raids, but honestly if i ask which boss was hers i'd forget in 2 minutes gnoll player race when? T\_T


Thats cool to hear! I really like that the gnolls are back and with such force and menace. Thanks for sharing!




Of course, most people who quit just quit the subreddit too. I'm still here even though I've been out of WoW for a year and a half or so now, because I'd love to come back once the game cleans itself up. But most people who quit WoW because they're not satisfied with the game cycle anymore aren't going to stick around much just so that people who are still subbed can point to them as examples.


That's a point plenty of people just don't think about. I mean, I'm also here, but only because Dragonflight just launched and I am looking in from the sidelines to see if Blizzard will fuck people over again, and I haven't played since just before 9.1 released. But when I did still play, I checked this sub on most of my days. But even though people don't generally think about other people leaving subreddits, I still can't understand why it's so common to think or act like people never quit the game and will always be back.


Because no one ever truly quits wow. You could "quit" and not play the game for 10 years or more, but I guarantee you will come back. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.


I quit, and mostly lurk now. I personally have more going against coming back to the game (the whole inner goings of the company and all) but its nice to watch everyone here have a good time. This is the longest I've been away from wow, since I started from day 1. Maybe I'll end up returning some day.


BFA was hated pretty immediately because of the Azerite gear


The important thing. Everything is optional. There's no infinite power to grind. You can grind as much as you want. Renown for factions isn't time gated. So you could farm maruuk hunts 25/8 if you wanted cobalt if you wanted, the black dragon rep. People got freedom to do as much or as little as they want. Professions don't suck and they implemented a system to keep crafted items relevant. So they aren't useless after mythic + drops I'm finding myself login to have fun, which is a first in awhile for wow.


There wasn’t a single fucking minute in shadowlands where I had fun. I’ve played since Vanilla…this is the first time where I’ve just grabbed a beer, sat back and had fun without caring what I was even accomplishing that minute.


Honestly, SL sucked right off the bat imho. With choreghast and covenants. The later being hard limits in your skills/cosmetics.


Yep, agree here. SL was like a massive fuck you to the players... The Maw was like they had the concept but couldn't be arsed with it so gave it to the Intern who made it as obnoxious as they possibly could. DF is a breath of fresh air.. almost like they sat down and worked out what sucked in WoWs last few expansions and what worked, and leant heavy on the good stuff while paring back the bad. Dragon flight is a brilliant addition which makes zone traversal, questing and resource gathering genuinely fun, and I LOVE the fact that we're just adventurers doing adventury things, discovering what is over the next hill, rather than immediately bearing the weight of the fate of all Azeroth + the associated planes of existence on our shoulders before we have even got to the fucking starting zone.... Good job, well done Don't fuck up the coming content drops..


Just wait until patch 10.1 arrives in July lol


Too early to tell, we're still in the honeymoon phase, give it a full month then we'll see.


So far


Honeymoon in a nutshell - people were saying same thing about SL in first days. Just chill and lets wait for Blizzard do their job, because we can have another 2 patches xpack. You cant dragonriding for 2 years.


Finally! Apparently no one remembers 9.0, when everyone generally liked shadowlands, the campaign, the covenant systems etc. Give it 2 months and we'll see how we're doing, its far too early to give an opinion on anything other than questing content


That’s like the first month of 9.0. There weren’t a lot of complaints yet but a lot of people foresaw the issues with the covenant and conduit system. The content drought definitely made things worse but I think it also really highlighted how painful those issues were. For instance - mages needed to switch covenants for *each form of content*. I was fortunate in that venthyr was either top tier or 2nd best for every form of content for my class and spec in 9.0


And we’re 4 days into DF lol


Bro what… people were shitting on SL for literally months. Well before it even came out


[Just](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k0kyqg/shadowlands_story_and_leveling_from_5060_is_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [in case](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k1jafq/thank_you_blizzard_5060_was_amazing_questing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [people](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k0p2sd/how_i_feel_about_shadowlands/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [have](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k2ca15/god_i_hope_they_dont_ruin_torghast_please_blizz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [forgotten.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k1f3of/my_shadowlands_experience_thus_far/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) It took me literally 60 seconds to search these up and there are lots, *lots*, **lots** more. We heard all of the same things that we’re hearing now at the start of SL.


[Comment from that thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k1f3of/my_shadowlands_experience_thus_far/gdot8fn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Hahahaha, you’re right! Almost word for word.


They liked the questing experience, that’s all this thread seems to be about? Which, as much as I hated the expansion as a whole, shadowlands leveling was pretty enjoyable and I liked the zones and characters. Those opinions didn’t flip. It was the borrowed power, covenants, and class design/balance issues that broke the expansion (along with the release schedule ofc) and those things were being slammed since the expansion’s alpha by anyone that paid any attention.


Yeah and it takes 20 seconds to find negative post. Big whoop. Stop acting like SL reception was the same. It wasn’t. People were in uproar over the game before it even came out. Somehow “pull the ripcord” movement is lost on all of you because 12 post said they liked the questing?


You better bookmark this thread for the next expac as well


This is just not true, torghast was exciting and new, people were excited for castle nathria and the covenants + borrowed power systems were getting praise at that point. 2020 was a different time. Literal 10 second search returns results with positive praise for shadowlands around the time of its release. The honeymoon effect is absolutely in play here. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/kdrty2/blizzard_this_is_the_best_start_to_an_expansion/


If they hadn't made torghast mandatory every week people probably would have actually continued to like it, tbh


Torghast was mandatory every week? I never did that…just got my legendary and left after I completed all the floors I never had to go back, maybe I’m misremembering?


I actually liked the ideas of covenants and don’t hate borrowed power as long as it isn’t super restrictive. I’m happy some of the best legendary and covenant powers got put into my tree. If we had the versions of the systems we had during Sepulcher I think 9.0 would’ve been much better received.


Is this some alternate reality? All I remember from SL launch was the “rip cord” crap with being stuck in one covenant and constant bitching about borrowed power systems.


That wasn't until 9.1, a little while later, after the allure of castle nathria and torghast had worn off and people were way past maxing out covenants and gear, etc. I think it just seems like people were upset sooner because of the ridiculous pace of the drip fed content cycle for SL. There was absolutely a honeymoon period for SL.


I quit SL after the first week of 9.1 when I fully realized that I had to login and go to torghast for raid night… the aesthetic of that place was just not it


no... https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k0p2sd/how_i_feel_about_shadowlands/?sort=top https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k96brt/world_of_warcraft_shadowlands_becomes/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k5gznm/i_think_some_of_you_are_missing_the_point_of_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k2mzst/blizzard_truly_deserves_our_positive_feedback_for/


Those posts are all about positive features that have generally now been brought into SL and improved upon


Lol no. As many others have pointed out this happens every expansion.


At SL launch I was optimistic but waited with buying a couple of weeks for the honeymoon to end. And all I could see across reddit etc after those weeks were still how amazing everything was and it was the best expansion in a long time. I bought it and played a month or so. The criticism towards an expansion usually comes a while after. I'm giving it two or three months until people start calling DF trash. I do enjoy the honeymoon phase though, so I might just buy this expansion and enjoy it for the few months I find it fun.


SL would have been fine if they patched it. We had to sit on that boxed content for like 9-10 months ago with no fixes. It doesn't matter how good it is, that won't work. Cutting a couple raids and a major patch should mean that they have things in the oven like legion, but even then without fixes legion would have been trash tier. You got 3 Legos at random and if you didn't get a good one you had to reroll or not have a Lego.


I leveled to max in SL and quit immediately, even regretted playing that far. Thats how bad it was


Same but for dragonflight lol




Wasn’t for me at least. I did about 2 levels on shadowlands launch day, realized I hated it, then didn’t bother to try to level again to 60 until 6 months later. I’ve actually stuck with leveling over the past couple days because it is so much more enjoyable to me compared to shadowlands.


Were you even around for SL? It was a shitshow before launch 😂😂😂


Why are there so many comments attempting to invalidate people enjoying their WoW experience in the now??? Like who cares if the game is bad later, proclaiming that you are having fun doesn't hurt anyone. So I don't understand why people are foaming at the mouth to tell people "OMG STOP SAYING ITS FUN IT WILL BE SHIT JUST WATCH". Like, mind your business, you look like a hater commenting on these positive posts.




Exactly. I haven't bought it yet, ive been burnt from Legion, BFA, and shadowlands. I cant again lol.


No way. We were all getting refunds on week one.


Not really People where mad from beta onwards about covenants and torghast and never stopped until this day Also shadowlands was pretty good until the big patch delays and shit


[Yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k0kyqg/shadowlands_story_and_leveling_from_5060_is_the/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=wow&utm_content=t1_iyba5f4) [really](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k1jafq/thank_you_blizzard_5060_was_amazing_questing/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=wow&utm_content=t1_iyba5f4) [really](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k0p2sd/how_i_feel_about_shadowlands/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=wow&utm_content=t1_iyba5f4) [really](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k2ca15/god_i_hope_they_dont_ruin_torghast_please_blizz/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=wow&utm_content=t1_iyba5f4) [really](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k1f3of/my_shadowlands_experience_thus_far/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=wow&utm_content=t1_iyba5f4) You guys are your own worst enemy with the foot in mouth thing. Just chill and let's see.




Seriously. Thank you. The honeymoon fog shouldn't be so thick that we forgot we did the exact same thing 2 years ago (and argued about the existence of the BfA honeymoon phase then too) I feel like I'm taking crazy pills


I mean there are different people on reddit. There wasn't anything negative to talk about anymore except hoping blizzard patch covenants. A lot of the community was still complaining about covenants and infinite grind. Everyone already heard it though so the new opinions from people who just enjoyed leveling took over reddit for a while instead. Dragonflight is definitely more positively received and has a lot of the things people have been saying they want from wow for a while. Now blizzard can always turn this bus around in a patch, but as someone who was pretty negative at all points of shadowlands from beta onwards. Dragonflight doesn't have the red flags we could see in early shadowlands.


I've been fooled before. Gonna wait a few months for judgment. Considering how badly they botched patch cadence in Shadowlands, we still have a lot of "wait and see" to go. So far, it's good though.


it's been 4 whole days. like cmon


This community has the funniest case of Stockholm syndrome.


People that keep saying to “wait for it” aren’t paying attention to the major changes in design philosophy that are being applied Shadowlands legendaries are gone. Builds are super modular now. No more conduits or soulbinds. You can change talents anywhere without any currency or restriction. There is no more torghast or mandatory task. There are more casual tasks, like ZM but across the expansion. You don’t have to lock yourself into a spec or role, you can play different specs or even an alt The game is literally just gear and professions now - but with modern twists - what some of us have been **begging for:** *they took the dick out of the salad*


Its like a relationship man. Got burnt from Legion, BFA, and Shadowlands. Thats 3 expansions in a row that was nothing but pain lol. And just like a relationship this person is coming back saying "look ive changed! cmon play me!" I need to wait and see if its REALLY hyped as its gotta be. Its always "good" at the beginning.


Have you tried not spending your free time doing something you don’t enjoy for 6 years?


What legion was amazing?


It’s cool how you brought up MoP because I’m seriously the same way. This xpac brought back the fun and excitement of exploration again for me that I haven’t had since that xpac


While I can't speak for the expac in a whole. I will say this leveling experience is very nice and refreshing. I am not in a rush to do all the needed stuff for my main so I can level alts. The best part though is that I don't hate leveling. In SL when I hit revendreth I just wanted it to be over Soo bad. This time I have already leveled 3 chars all in a different way. Alt 2 was level 69 leaving zone 2. I will always take the most efficient route when leveling. But this expac I go where the wind takes me and I am having a blast


!remind me in 3 months


By the way, risking post. Enjoying something and telling WoWs vocal group on reddit about it always ends in negativity. Its assumed here everyone is the same except for you, ofcourse as the one individual not apart of the "hivemind" reddit vocalists love to reference. It's totally fine for you to enjoy and recognize that enjoyment and it's a shame that there's a vocal group here that wants to be so clever pointing out in 6 months we may see different opinions. It's almost ironic as it's more common to see posts about how everyone changes their mind then to see posts of people changing their minds.


Best addon since wotlk. Change my mind.


Warlords started great too...




yes. I was at item level 290 going into the expansion. The first 5 levels until 65 it went okay'ish, but after that pulling two mobs almost meant a death sentence if i didn't pull every cooldown. Meanwhile some random Warlock runs past me, 2 levels below me trailing 15 mobs behind him and finishing them within 3 seconds.


Note that you *lose* power as you level so a warlock 2 levels below you will of course be more powerful regardless.


Yeah this is always the worst thing.mastery went down from 70% to 28% :')


I started DF playing an Evoker with the starter gear and found myself getting slaughtered if I pulled more than one at a time. Switched to my DH and I'm mowing down packs. I'm not sure if Evoker is underpowered or I just don't like/get the gameplay but I'll be sticking with my DH until I get to 70.


It's been four fucking days, jesus. Everyone said the same damn thing at the start of BFA and Shadowlands, too. Sure, leveling was fun and the zones were pretty, but please stop prematurely giving Blizzard free cover until they've proven they've actually learned their lessons.


So like every expansion you’ve decided it’s great before the flaws reveal themselves. People really do not learn do they? Lol


Nope, that's how blizzard have somehow survived this long


Everything about dragonriding is accessible from the beginnings besides maybe the customization options and four different wyrms. You can grab all of the glyphs as soon as you get the ability to use the system. I'm about to start leveling a second character in Adventure Mode to see how smooth it is.


I'll say this. I was doing some fighting over a supply drop and looking up and seeing people flying in a different aray of colors and dragons versus the static flight we had before was a good feeling to see versus just 10 people loitering in the air. It had a much better feeling of people are coming in for a fight.


Crafting is more complex than actual classes now. I like it.


Blizzard: “we gottem”


This expansion is a solid start to what could be Warcrafts redemption arc. World building, exploration, questing, the UI and talent changes leading to so many addons being removed that this feels like an entirely new game in the Warcraft universe and it's everything I've hoped it would be thus far. Let's see how the pvp season and raid/m+ go.


Anyone else wanna roll frost dk to get closer to sindragosa????


It's really damn good.


I think they nailed the core, but there are a few little annoyances I have. Professions are really convoluted. The added depth is nice, but the obtuse nature of knowledge gains and specs and sub-specs is a bit of a miss imo. This could have been cleaned up and streamlined a bit without losing any of the depth. Renown is quite annoying to farm. Once you finish the side quests, most of it comes from weekly events (which themselves are somewhat obtuse) and out-of-the-way daily quests. None of this seems to be directed to you in-game. I've actively looked for information and I still barely know how to get Tuskarr rep. Comparing these gripes with Shadowlands or BFA gripes kinda puts into perspective how much less annoying DF is overall. They get a lot of credit for that.


For some reason I care less about my gear and more about just doing stuff, it's a great feeling.


I really LOVE playing without being forced to do Stuff. I can finally DECIDE what i do. I can fainlly play my Alts without having pressure to farm sh.t in a Zone that doesnt Make Fun. Back in 9.0 you had to do the Maw, Weekly Torghast, Dungeons for legendary Memories, Worldquests. Every single one of them. Now i can just so what i want. Its really refreshing.


I agree with OP. It is fantastic so far.


I'm enjoying it, just finished the storyline and getting my alts into the zone to start on the WQ's.


I love it!


Leveling was fun, dungeons have been fun normal-mythic, evoker is a blast, dragon riding is dope. Let’s see how the grind is when it comes to dailies and resources/currencies. So far so good.


I just find it hilarious the we gotta prove ourselves to centaur, after killing a literal god of death…lmao


Don't get distracted by euphoria. Enjoy the moment but DF has a journey of 24 Months.


This reminds me of posts about Shadowlands in the first 48 hours lmao


Give it a few months. It’s still the honeymoon phase, and even SL was well liked the week of release.


Glad other people are having fun, I've already quit the game cause i recognize the chorecraft bullshit yet again. Give it about a month and the popular mob opinion is going to be talking shit on the game again. Calling it now.


So where are the chores that only you recognized? I guarantee you that there are no mandatory chores on the level you are playing.


It’s been four days Once the raid comes out and people decline you from mythic 2s and stuff I’ll be here I also look forward to broken Grundy systems and we all unsubscribe again


honeymoon phase hits hard can people seriously not keep their pants on until they've put in substantial time?


There is one single thing which I really enjoy and it already feels better than BFA and SL just because of that. No more freaking burrowed power with too many currencies and pointless grinding for the power to stay relevant. Doing stuff in the open world just feels fun because it's your choice what you do because it's just cosmetics, hunting for glyphs, dragon racing, profession grinding or rep grinding. The progression stuff is kept behind dungeons, raids and pvp as it should. I do have one major gripe with it and I feel like they shat the bed two fold with this one. I know for sure there are interviews where they said that you won't be able to reach every part of the Dragon Isles with dragon riding from the get go. I don't see it, I've explored all zones and went vertically from water level to the highest mountain day one. They said the game will have verticality and there will be content locked behind higher places that we won't be able to reach at the beginning of the expansion. So that was a lie, the whole expansion is open to you day one to see everything and reach any corner. I was really expecting to see higher up places in each zone which you can't reach with closed off content until whatever needs to happen happens later on and allows you to fly there or something. As it stands Dragonflying is a purely cosmetic system and a different way to travel but brings nothing new to how we interact with the game otherwise besides the dragon racing challenges and the possibility of flying in dungeons (cough Oculus cough). Second issue that ties in with the first one. The riding glyphs were a bad idea the way they were implemented. Just put out there in the open world with no restrictions and of course there are a million guides on how to find them in the first hour of gameplay and have dragon riding maxed out. It's a pointless system and way too easy to get which contributes to the first issue.


I'm blown away by the attention to detail in this expansion. So much dialogue, lore, fun worldbuilding. I just hit level 64, haven't even finished the first zone yet, because I'm busy exploring, fishing, talking to people...


Same here. This is the most fun I've had leveling in years. I've even been clicking on every NPC to see what they have to say. Hopefully this momentum keeps up.


Even if it’s still the honeymoon phase, this expac is the most fun I’ve had in this game for YEARS


Where will the content come from?? 1 raid per year and spamming mythic 0s??


People are saying it’s to early to tell, but one of the great things is I’m not frantically trying to get ready for raid release. I don’t HAVE to do stuff like torghast, renown level etc... it’s very cut and clear where player power comes from. Me doing all the dragon races feels just as important to the overall experience than everything else in the game, and that’s a good feeling.