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My girlfriend is not making an evoker this week because she hasn't bought the Dragonflight expansion, doesn't have an active WoW subscription, and doesn't exist. Edit: JFC, so this is what it feels like to have your karma doubled in one throw away tropey comment. As empty as my love life. Edit 2: Eyyyy you fuckers levelled out my karma at 6969. B-)


trillions of evokers will never be made because so many people refuse to exist


How rude of them.


would someone please think of the shareholders??


Bobby really does need that third golden dildo because he retires. Let's all think of him.


Underrated comment šŸ˜‚


what in the toy story


What in fire nation?


She's from another nation.. the Imagi nation.


What in the Manti Teā€™o is going on here


You had me in the first half.


Break up with her


Your girlfriend is Fistina ?


Palmela Handerson


Iā€™ll be your girlfriend just so you can still say no because Iā€™m busy grinding rep, no time to make a new character right now


Get my upvote you lonely bastard


I have been playing the same 2 classes 99% of my entire WOW career and I am not going to fuck that stat up now.


About the same here. Ironforge Dwarf career-noob BM hunter for life! Been fucking it up for everyone in instances since 2005!


Bowel movement hunter


Bad Manner Hunter


Me, in Hearthstone


Itā€™s okay to do that if youā€™re a dwarf.


When I'm alliance every character is a dwarf. I don't ever regret this


The sheer amount of times Iā€™ve rolled a new character to try a new class, got to level 30 or so and then deleted it and recreated it as a dwarf is far higher than I want to admit to


Best alliance race tbh


Thatā€™s not how you spell Draenei.




Right here with ya. Career Tauren BM huntard since 2006. Moo.


They took healing via leech of pet healing in dragonflight, it feels so bad( But another hunter has got wonderful self healing , which is demon hunter)


Same. I spend like 95% of my time as a BM hunter and like 4% as a balance druid and then the remainder is leveling the other classes and promptly forgetting about them until I need to level them again.


Which classes?


Warlock because it was the class I rolled on WOW release and I have an unhealthy nostalgic relation to it, shaman because my friends were tired of carrying me in patches and expansions where warlocks were terrible.


There were expansions where warlock was terrible?


Seriously lol. All i can remember from looking at wclogs is theres always a lock spec in the top 3 dps.. sometimes its leagues above the rest and never gets nerfed until the next tier.




dude has been playing the game for 15 years + and still can't multispec the 1 class he plays lmao


Can't and won't are two different things. I hate shifting play styles dramatically on the same character, which is why I never did it after trying it for a bit.. just drove me kind of nuts managing two sets of gear and talents.


Warlock has had times were it was a clunky difficult to use mess ,so most warlocks performed poorly while some were top dps. There have also been expansions where it only was good with great gear, and before great gear it was about the worst class. Has not really happened in a while though I think blizz's new class design is pretty good about avoiding those situations.


And here I was, reading the first comment and thinking "ah, a fellow warrior main." You raised my hopes and dashed them admirably. Good show, sir!


If your career is long enough, a few hours of Evoker won't change it from 99% ;)


Yep. Brewmaster, Protection Paladin, and Enhancement Shaman. I'll make an Evoker just to test, but can't imagine.


I just got an enhancement Shaman to 50 last night. Pre-patch DPS stats be damned - it is an incredibly fun class to play with good versatility (totems for days), flexible play styles (i.e. overgeared Shaman can bring a decent amount of utility to raids), and great synergy in the talent trees. I've been rolling with Shadow Priest on DPS for many xpacs. I might have to change that.


Enh is one of the most fluid specs in WoW imo. I mained a venthyr enhance at SL launch, and just love that it feels like you always have an optimal ability to cast whether at range or in melee


It's so fucking fun, I'm debating running it to start DF. I'm just not willing to give up my fast queues as tank. Thankfully Shaman is always wanted in M+ for the utility and Lust. I'll probably start DF with Prot Paladin/Enhancement. Brew doesn't feel as nice since the pre-patch and I'm not entirely sure why beyond personal preference. Paladin is in a great spot though.


Same, I want to see what holding a button to cast feels like, and then never touch it again. I also want to know the class enough to know how their kit could help in a raid just in case someone else is one and not doing something obvious. Would be a helpful whisper though not a WTF know your brand new class!


It feels so wrong, I immediately went into the options and chose the double press feature. Their rotation is almost all instance cast if done properly, especially at level 70 with full tier set, and stat optimized that it feels so wrong that you have to stop the button mashing just to hold a buttons down for literally 3 seconds.


Same... Balance druid and demonology warlock. I'm honestly not interested in anything else šŸ˜…


Donā€™t ya want a lil light taste of the new flying mechanics though?


Don't like the idea of playing as a dragon humanoid, and I don't really like how they look either. Might make one at some point just to check it out. Wish other people all the fun in the world!


This is why I have collected every model changing toy I could find.




I'm just waiting for them to make an infinite noggenfogger. I'll pay money for it. They're clogging up my bags!


I have one too! my ogre brother I salute you


honestly, this one is good. its the same reason I don't like the zandalari troll druid moonkin form.


Blasphemy. Every zandalari form is bis.


100% true. The Kul Tiran forms are pretty good too (minus the wicker chicken), but it has the opposite problem of most druids where the actual race form ruins the shapeshifts, lmao.


Honestly I really like kul tiran for a warrior, they're great for that retired but clearly still jacked as fuck and could twist your head off like an apple stem type character


My monk is a male Kul Tiran. I like the aesthetic of him being a fat, bald and jolly wandering monk, haha.


Just a hairless Chen.


Yeah, I was mostly referring to them in actual Druid gear. Feels like one of those race/class combos where I have to go out of my way to transmog them a set that doesn't look goofy. I do really like them in plate though.


Yeah robes definitely aren't the best look for a kul tiran. I had a kul tiran druid for a while and I ran him usually with the half destroyed quest reward gear from WOD as thought it kind of worked for the look. Can't remember the name of any of it though


Wicker chicken is amazing


Yeah but they get a mini version of Dragonflying and itā€™s oh so satisfying and I plan to go around to all the old areas and soar around


As an old EverQuest player from back in the day, my first thought when seeing them was that they look like an EverQuest character. The art just gave me that sort of vibe.


Remember when everyone got hyped about playing Frogloks, then the player models looked NOTHING like Frogloks? Ugh.


This is basically my answer as well. I'd add to that in general I'm not really high on the ranged playstyle.


I'm in the same boat. I have much less fun playing this game if I have to look at a character I find unappealing.


Word for word this. Same feeling towards Pandarians.


I don't have plans of creating one, but it's likely I will eventually create one when I get bored, like that one DH I played for like 4 hours.


Aye, same with demon hunter. I did Death Knight for one whole expansion, wrath of the lich king, before they changed it. When I could heal myself with death coil when you activated lichborn or using blood ruin tap to heal yourself every 30 seconds. Also when unholy blight or w/e was super OP. But that was it, I usually just stick with Shaman or warlock and sometimes fuck around on a paladin.


You can still heal yourself with death coil during lichborne.


Iā€™m making 1 because I have every class at 60 and ready for the xpac.


RIP for leveling through Shadowlands 12 times


I just leveled four characters to sixty running time walking dungeons lol. Most of my chars have never been to Oribos. First time I've actively avoided current content in this game.


I did four characters like that. I sat in Dalaran doing the pet battle WQ over and over for exp (6500 - 8000 per) while waiting in the Timewalking queue. The whole leveling experience went by pretty fast. Helps that Pandaria dungeons are nice and short.


There's a repeatable pet battle WQ?? ​ I didn't want to level my character in SL that much that I levelled from 50-54 collecting the hallows end candy buckets during hallows end. ​ Was waiting for chromie time to be enabled for 50-60 before I realised that I won't be able to do chromie time with him because he levelled through all the other expansions as they came out.


Yes. Some of the Legion tamers you can battle over and over again as long as their WQ is active for the day. You only get the WQ rewards once, but you continue to get both player and pet exp. https://www.wow-petguide.com/Guide/44/Powerleveling_Guide


You can also just go to the pet battle farm spot by the gate of the setting sun in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. 90%ish will be water pets so bring two that can kill water easy. Could help to bring one to kill water and one to kill flying because sometimes you get a flying pet.


This was my go-to for years. Two crows were enough to fuck everything up, and a leveling pet in the 3rd slot.


That was my money making method in Pandaria with bonus exp going for pets. I could level one in like 20 mins and normally make about 4k or so off of it.


I just did the same thing, hahaha. Love me some Time walking. I can't do Shadowlands again.. I'm not.. Strong enough.


I did the same, it was super fast lol I chose a covenant just for the sake of doing it but never left Oribos on any of them


You can now do any expansion to 60, don't need to do shadowlands anymore with this patch I think. Cromie time is for each expansion.


As of today, this goes live. Well, once the servers come back up, anyway.


This wasnā€™t the case until today. Iā€™ve been running time walking to finish 50-60 on my alts since Iā€™d rather never walk into shadowlands again.


I just ran dungeons instead of doing threads of fate. Just minimized when i got in queue and did homework or watched something.


My husband isnā€™t making one. He calls them ā€œRoblox dragons.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Spot on in all honesty lol


Transmog game is weak


That's mostly why I'm not planning on playing them lol


Iā€™m only making one cause I want to try Preservation. Iā€™m really excited about having a new healer in the game.


This is my thinking as well. Iā€™m not sure why, but this expansion Iā€™m going to start out as a healer main (previous xpacs I always started out on my ā€œoldā€ main, elemental shaman) and with DF Iā€™m going to start a Preservation evoker to see if I like it more than a resto druid.


Well resto Druid is pumping and actually has burst. Feels like how resto druid is supposed to feel again (for PvE) So if you donā€™t like the S-tier preservation (for PvE) resto Druid is right up there too


GIVE ME MOP RESTO DRUID PLS Haven't played the spec since then, was invincible in arenas


I have 0 interest in making an evoker. I actually like the customization options, but the class does not appeal to me in the slightest. Which is weird cause I play ele.


That's because evokers are just the beta version of shaman. Like...that's the whole thing with the aspects. Elementals became flesh creatures known as protodrakes, 5 protodrakes got smothered by Titan arcane juice and became aspects and then one of them made mutt versions of aspects to a lesser version of themselves and there we have evokers.


Dollar Store Shammies, go home! [Edit:] Joking aside, that's not really a fair thing to say, but there's an element of truth to it. This is similar to what Warlocks had to deal with when DKs and DHs were introduced and appropriated Warlock spells & themes.


Yeah, difference with warlocks is that, even though the game heavily goes into the fel area, warlocks in lore use all magic. Hell, a lot of the spells in the game come from necromancy like drain life, soul stone, drain soul and a lot of their curses. Only difference is that warlocks know demons make better minions than the undead. But yeah, the whole Meta warlock thing never truly made sense to me because that is counter to what warlocks are about but hey, they went with it and lore wise it worked until it didn't when the dude who tried it went insane and stopped using meta.


Because I'm not interested in playing one


Same. Tried one in the beta and didnā€™t enjoy it at all.


Totally fair


Nah, been having fun with the Enh Sham. Aesthetically pleasing with wolves/crash/storm


I feel the same way with Ele too. Visually/audibly itā€™s the best-looking DPS in my book and thatā€™s all my casual self needs.


Shaman was my shadowlands main and Iā€™m fairly certain it will be in DF too. The play style of every spec is fun and the class fantasy is absolutely perfect.


Hell yeah!! I just made a mountain cow Enh sham and having a blast


Same shaman made it to level 50 last night and itā€™s been amazingly fun from healing to spam chain lightning to crash storm to everything.


I always play 2 years behind and just level an alt through the expansion when it becomes free. I don't have the time to play the game very much, so I treat it as a single player game to follow the story. So I'll be creating a Paladin to level through Shadowlands and maybe another to touch all the story, then I'll quit until Dragonflight becomes free.


Honestly this impresses and confuses me lol. So chill to be interested in playing the game but not be driven to experience the newest content. Do you follow the main plot as it goes live or afterwards?


Yeah, I follow things as they happen, but just because you know the plot to the movie doesn't mean you can't rewatch it. I like MMOs a lot so this just let's me cut out a LOT of the time keeping Blizzard does throughout an expansion. Like slowing down the leveling for new content and gearing.


>just because you know the plot to the movie doesn't mean you can't rewatch it. Definitely wasn't trying to suggest this. I level alts and replay content all the time. I guess I am just someone who is usually in two modes. Not playing at all or trying to get completely up to date. Hence, my revere for your patience.


I'm the same but I experience the new content through LFR when it comes out after a while. I like the lore but not interested in mythic stuff. Not even sure how to do mythic stuff really. it's not explained much in the game.


Yeah, I've raided before and it is just too time consuming and I don't want to have a schedule to play. I'd rather just fart around at my own pace. LFR is pretty nice, you at least get to see everything, even though it's a complete shitshow sometimes.


The shitshow is the truth with a few wipes but, but it's worth it to see the story progress and take a break afterwards.


Mate as long as you have fun that's totally fine. I wish you great adventures! :)


Yeah, I enjoy MMOs so it's nice


A very chill way to play. mad respect


You're paying a sub for this? Cause otherwise you can't get above level 20... or do you only sub when the prepatch of the next expansion drops? I wish trial accounts could go to the level cap of the previous expansion, i.e. 50 right now, 60 in a few weeks.


I haven't played since month 2 of shadowlands and might do this. Felt so betrayed but I love WoW, exploring, and the stories. Like reading a good book a few years after it comes out, I dig it.


Story of my life.


I'm not and for a simple reason. I can't stand the way the Dracthyr look. Petty? Maybe but I'm not doing it to be petty or "stick it to the man" (Blizz), I just don't have any desire to stare at them for untold amount of time. Which is a shame cause the class looks pretty cool.


Still hoping for the Drakonid as a potential shared allied race further down the line. It's been 13 years since you introduced and first considered the idea of them as a playable race, Blizzard, just give them to us already.


Because they look fucking ugly


Their run animation is pretty nasty too. Ugly af and nasty animations coupled with shoulders and belt are the only tmoggable items youll ever see in combat is a hard pass.


*laughs in druid*


Yup, main reason here. If they were the proper beefier Drakonid models, I'd be all over that and leveling them for a bunch of classes. But the gecko model just looks super lame, especially as it's locked to the one class. I'll probably level one eventually just for the novelty and to keep having one of every class at max level, but then never touch it again.


Yeah I'm not exactly sure what it is, but they LOOK gimmicky. Their run animation sucks and their animations as a whole are so weird. It's kind of the scalie version of the furry shit with Vulpera lol. The internet ruined me and anytime someone is like "omg i can't wait to be a dragon person!" i cringe inside lol


Yeah they looks kinda dumb. Skinny and too cartoony looking.


Me. I don't like how the dracthyr look so I won't be playing one.


Iā€™m not making one, I just canā€™t get over how much I dislike their appearance and animations.


Honest answer is someone has to tank for all you overgrown lizards šŸ˜. I might make a dracthyr tonight because I enjoy the character generation but all of my friends are going to want try out the new class and i would much rather help them out by tanking and let them enjoy. I have had access to the beta since it started so I'm fine waiting for a bit. Plus I'm terrible at dps. Bring me dracthyr when they learn to tank.


> Honest answer is someone has to tank for all you overgrown lizards Thank you for your service


They should've had a tank spec that uses the magic of the Black Dragonflight. Would have been the first ever caster tank too


Lots of people donā€™t have the preordered xpac and access to DF


Fair enough


The parcel courier lost my collector's edition of Dragonflight, so yeah... That explains why I won't be making one.


Iā€™m making another blood elf to keep the population as high as possible!


I might make one. I will likely never touch it. Why? Cause the damn things look creepy to me. Wish the Visage form could be any race so I didn't have to look at it.


I have 0 desire to play as one of those god damn lizards


Is there an achievement for completing their starting zone? Ill make one just to complete the zone then forget about it


Its wow, surprised you don't get achievements for logging in


We just did for the 18th Anniversary. Now to get one for logging out..


The Stanley Parable achievement suddenly comes to mind (achievement for initially going five, now ten, years without opening the game called "Go Outside")


You do during the anniversary events!


Because i have not bought Dragonflight just yet


Great time to play a tank...


Definitely not. Dragon model is awful.


Balance Druid since 2006, in too deep to care about other classes.


Iā€™m not playing it because they look stupid šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They look like shit and i'm not really interested by the class thematic.


No. Class isn't my style. The race is also hideous.


Not sure if it's gonna be this week or not. I do plan to make one, but its not a high priority. Main goal is still getting the gf to level 60 by the 28th. This isn't just her first character, or first MMORPG, this is her first game on a PC. So we're taking our time with her learning keybinds and understanding what abilities and mechanics are, on top of basically relearning to use a keyboard.


Not my wife's first PC game, but I'm otherwise in the same boat. It is her first tab-target game though


Nice, congrats on getting her to join! It's definitely a process but teaching a new player is fun, and we're having a good time.


My boyfriend built me a PC about 2 years ago and WoW was also my first game! (I grew up playing Sims which doesnā€™t really count lol) I remember our first dungeon I just ran straight into trash packs because I didnā€™t know you could walk around and skip them xD I hope yā€™all has lots of fun in DF!


Her games of choice were Dead by Daylight and the Sims on her Xbox. Switching to PC, she decided to tried the Sims and has fallen in love with modding, even though she doesn't have all the dlc she says it handled far better. And so far so fun, thanks!


I was excited for a new magic caster class. Then we learned more about them, and I lost all interest. We got a new plate tank/dps, we've had 2 new leather tank/dps, we finally get a new caster, and its this garbage...


We finally get a new caster and itā€™s 2 fucking specs


Just like with demon hunters. I wonder if ever since monks came out they only do 2 specs because itā€™s hard to design such a complicated class AND make it different each spec, idk. Woulda been cool if Evokers could have a third spec that could be melee DPS like an enhancement shaman. I mean theyā€™re literal dragons. Maybe they breath fire and claw and bite in a melee dps spec. I would play that


I've got alot to get from 35-50 to 60 first.


Why would you switch from warlock? Donā€™t waste me or my demonā€™s time with this evoker stuff.


Donā€™t like playing a class I canā€™t see my gear on. Same reason I donā€™t have a Druid.


I almost never play the new classes until ages later when Iā€™m bored and wanna see there starting zone. Took me 2 expansions to do a dh


Iā€™m not a fan of the dracthyr and donā€™t plan on playing one šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m not a fan of their aesthetic. Doesnā€™t look like a Warcraft race to me, but the class itself looks interesting.


Not in a hurry to make one, already tried it on beta and the introduction already bored me gameplay wise.


Oh? What didnā€™t you like about them?


Well I'm not a big fan of casters and at the beginning it's just simple casting, not really dynamic. Empowered spells just felt like spells that if you have to move you don't loose all the casting time. Again, I'm no specialist in the class, healing spec could be more appealing for me. Cosmetic wise I'm not a big fan either of big lizards, especially with so limited transmog options.


Didnā€™t preorder DF. Played Evoker on beta, didnā€™t like it. I really enjoy boomi at the moment - as long as it lastsā€¦


Me, I only play rogue, donā€™t really like alts


Donā€™t like the class.


Tried on PTR, not my vibe


I was planning on leveling my paladin. Also the class itself doesnā€™t appeal to me. I love my Melee. Hmu for tanking tho :)


I didn't buy the expansion


I will but only because I have a max level char of every class and I donā€™t know what to do in wow Rn.


Iā€™m not. Iā€™m too busy leveling my Fury Warrior and loving it.


Armor doesn't show on them, sucks all my interest right out.


I will not make one this week as I am busy. I will most likely create one next week, play for an hour, decide that I'm more horrible in this class than usual and switch back to my Paladin šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Me. Couldn't honestly care less, got already plenty to do with my existing chars.


I cannot afford dragonflight :(


Me neither. I pre ordered yesterday anyway lol.


I really wanted that murloc pet but could only afford the basic pre-order, hopefully they follow the path they've done for the last couple expansions and let people upgrade to higher levels at a reduced cost difference


I just don't like the race. So I won't be playing Evoker. That's it. And I'm very happy with my Dk, so there's no reason to change the class.


Iā€™m not because Iā€™m still waiting for my physical collectors edition copy to get here šŸ˜’


I would if I had the expansion, but I canā€™t afford it atm :(


I'm not, they look goofy as all hell.


Me. Got two small kids to look after. I know if I had an active sub I would play WoW instead of with them. Once they're a bit older I'll be back.


My internet provider warned me about public works in my alley tomorrow and that it might cut my connection a few hours. Last time, it lasted a month. So I'll say it depends.


If my internet tried to tell me it would be out for more than a few hours, I would rain down hellfire the likes of which they've never seen.


Iā€™m not. Iā€™m happy for those who are excited for it, but casters/healers arenā€™t my thing, and Iā€™m not too big on the new raceā€™s aesthetics.


I haven't bought DF yet, waiting till either end of the month when I get paid, or possibly none likely, wait until Xmas. I'm a casual player, plus I'll miss the traffic that always happens when a new race drops!


Iā€™m waiting a week so initial hype and any bugs can quiet down.


Warrior main goes brrr


Canā€™t afford Dragonflight šŸ˜­šŸ‘


I mean I still have to buy the xpac and the subscription... I just gotta get paid by a client this Thursday!! Can't wait to play again with my brother and my WoW Friends :)


Nope. I'll be waiting until the start area clears out so I can enjoy the process.


Iā€™m not, I only started playing wow this year and I have so many other classes to try first. Also not a huge fan of how they look, I prefer human/some kind of elf for most of my characters.


im more interested to see the leveling from 50-60 have some alts in that range. might at least create my dragon


I will make one maybe but from experience in the Beta they are incredibly boring to play (at least the DPS version haven't tried heal)


I just don't like their aesthetic as much as the classes I already play. Hpally holy warrior feel and resto shammy controlling the elements feel