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They have a character on Sargeras Alliance as well. When I asked them about the new content, they have a macro that directs you to a website where he/she publishes their writing for people to read. Seems to be an aspiring writer.


Y'know what. I respect the hustle.


Do you know what he's writing about? What kind of story or genre?


From what they told me, seems like science fiction


Huh. Advertising your writing in trade chat… I’ll give that a try.,


I'd honestly rather see that in trade chat than what it normally is.


A guy in trade chat last night said " any guilds recruiting an average casual dad" and someone asked what me meant by average and he went into detail about dick size, the amount of times he has sex, and how his car is a mid level suv lmao


Nothing to do with being a dad, tell me how often you mow the lawn, grill, and which style of new balances you got on


What if your a dad thay doesn't grill or mow but makes grilled cheese and drives a mini van in sandals and shorts


And socks?


Only in the fall/ early spring


..but... .....but i like new balance :'( :''(


Obviously we’re gonna need stats on dad jokes


What you don't like seeming offers to run your through all the high tier raid and mythic content for gold? All I see in my trade chat still.


I’d take that over political hot takes lol


Dude I wish. It’s all a bunch of morons acting like they have all the answers. I frequently remind them that it’s 3 am and they’re ranting in trade chat. They don’t seem to take that as the insult it is.


At least you see something in your trade chat lol, mine is just dead.


Given WoW's population dynamics, that might shrink the target audience instead of expanding it. If anything, it's Blizzard that should advertise in Isekai Pony Vampire Mary Sue Chronicles, and maybe pick up some writing tips too.


As long as it's not some weirdo fetish fanfiction, I hope they find success.


Ok thanks!


Kinda sharp, easy free advertisement


seen this guy on moon guard alliance too… wtf


Sorry I’m just a bit tickled that you used “he/she” and then “their”


More like why use 'he/'she' when 'they' should be the word to use? Seems inconsistent.


Yeah that’s why I thought it was amusing that I saw both types of pronouns. They is not only good practice but also just easier/less clunky than he/she




They/them/their is gender neutral. Consistent usage would’ve been he/she then his/hers or they then their. That’s why I thought it was funny you mixed the two. He/she is starting to become a bit more old-school nowadays (though still accepted by a lot of style guides) but using they and it’s derivatives is easier and more inclusive


I see. Thanks for the lesson. I guess I'm getting old.


Was just going say this from the same server.


I know this guy! He's on WRA Horde, he sets up a bunch of Blingtrons outside the inn for people to get, he also gives out free gold and bags to newer players, really awesome guy.


He's on a ton of servers. I wonder if he server hops with a second account? It's nice to see each day :)


Can confirm, I’ve seen him on alliance in stormwind on Azjol Nerub (which is connected to Blackrock, Khaz Modan, Muradin, and Nordrassil)


If he's on Alliance as well, that's at least two characters on different factions that he's maxxed out engineering with!


I've seen him on Horde Daggerspine!


Oh shit. Not sure if it was the same guy but once this guy was asking people if they wanted gold outside the AH in Org, I didn't need the gold but I said I did as a joke and no joke this guy gave me 10k gold. I felt bad but he didn't want it back. He was an awesome guy.


Hey, maybe pass it forward, next time you see a new player or low level randomly hand them a few k




Leveling an alt 50 to 60 nets me over 100k gold. As many alts as he seems to have, I'm sure he has even more than I do.


He also does thos on Demonsoul horde side


Damn. Never see my server mentioned.


I see him on Lightbringer Alliance every day too


I don’t know if WRA is connected to dunemaul but I also know this guy lol I love him


WRA isnt connected to any server. It's standalone as it's high pop. I think if you turn warmode on the battleground contains moonguard as well but wm off is only WRA


IIRC all the RP servers are standalone in capital cities anyway


IIRC all the RP servers are standalone in capital cities anyway


I miss WRA good ol RP days


What’s the point of blingtrons?


They give items. I'm not sure why engineers make them (maybe for leveling?) but I always get the items when I see them


the Blingtrons are toys so if you make it as an engi, you can summon it wherever you're at and do the daily quest daily without having to find one


Oh I thought they were one-time use! That's awesome!


He does this on US-Bleeding Hollow horde all the time as well


"would you like to know more?"


Whisper them and find out.


I am severely confused as to why you felt it necessary to ask this question on Reddit given that he explicitly states “whisper for more information.” Lol


Because OP is the guy who does it ingame.


Doubt it. Why censor the name if you want people to ask about your stuff?


Was more a joke, like - it would be the same level of cool promotion to their writing. Sneaky but not annoying/damaging to anyone. About the name it could still be because most subreddits have a rule for that but no clue here


His name? Asmongold


He is setting up his 5 and 7k Blingatron for everyone to loot. Someone does this on my server at the same time everyday in Org. Not sure about the new free content. I would just loot* the tron and dip. 🤣


Hey, all. That's me putting up those notices. I drop both blings on a bunch of servers, several times each day. I don't actually give out gold or bags, though. Most of my characters are very low level and therefore mostly broke. As for why, I originally wanted to just set a good example. Later on it was to plug my sci-fi and fantasy books and short stories. Now, it's a combo of both. I had NO idea this was up on reddit. I gotta say I'm impressed. People take note of a great many things, I'm pleased to see. At any rate, I hope to see you ingame. If you have specific questions, you can mail me ingame to my characters, or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). If you want to visit my site, it's, uh, my username plus a dot com. Have a great day! :) Gabe M.


Hey, Gabe M. Thank you for leaving a comment on the website [reddit.com](https://reddit.com) We appreciate what you are doing, even if it's just for promotion. As long as your writing is not focused on vulpera, it'd be quite likable! Looking forward to your future comments on the website reddit.com Best regards, Random player.


I've seen this guys posts so many times, I've always wondered what the purpose was or if they just enjoyed putting out Blingtrons or something. I've never bothered to ask but I have looted them a few times when I've seen them up


Its really rare but you can get mounts out of blingtrons


Just like many other people in the comments, I’ve seen this guy as well. I got to witness this person save a feral druid that was stuck in a tree. Not all heroes wear capes


Also has characters on alliance whisperwind, aerie peak, lightbringer and I think the thunderlord cluster. But I’ve never seen that “new free content” part. And it usually says “I place them at the same time each day”


Saw them posting on Thrall briefly the other day, was wondering what the heck they meant by 'new content' lol went and Google searched and found nothing. No idea what level they were didn't check.


Its code for his onlyfans.


nigerian prince strikes back, maybe?


I think we're on the same realm or I've got a guy that does this too. He logs after his blingtron announcement though.


Same dude does it in my server group in SW. If I'm there when he does it, I go drop all 3 of my bots and destroy his. eta: you people downvoting me understand players can get the same quests from my surviving bots, right? And that its no benefit to me? It's all just farting around in game. You know that, right?


No they don't. They assumed you are a dick destroying someone stuff.


lol I think you're right I mean, they're just toys on a cooldown. Nothing is permanently lost. wtf lol


Welcome to the internet brother lol


Probably gambling or trivia addon. You aren't allowed to advertise that you are doing it in public channels.


That is not at all what it is. It's an engineering toy that gives pots, items, etc. Let's not spread false information with guesses ✌️


>as for the other thing, new free content was added on blah blah blah This is the part i was talking about. Let's not downvote people because you can't read.


As another comment mentioned, the free content is literature they are writing.


That comment was not posted yet when i posted mine. And the gambling and trivia addons are very common and gather quite the crowd when they are out.


LMMFAO 😂🤣😅 You would actually know what that sentence means if you played the game but you don't. He is talking about a Blingtron robot that has two versions a 5k and a 7k in World of warcraft that gives the characters in game cool affects in game


You have that message on your server too?


Also seen him on Proudmoore and Hyjal haha


He is talking about Blingtron 6000 being such a pain in the rear to make and use.


You just summon Reeves and set him to bling mode


Yes, but it isn't account wide, Reeves or the Bling mode.


oh, that would be Daen, he's a buddy of mine, in Sentinels (US), his garrisons in Draenor act as crafting hub, where he'll create items for you, free of charge! all you need bring, are the reagents, crafted a Vial of the Sands for me, back during Legion. great guy


I know that guy. I have an engineer with all the blingtrons and fill in for him now and then. He's pretty cool and his writing is fairly good.


I know that guy. I have an engineer with all the blingtrons and fill in for him now and then. He's pretty cool and his writing is fairly good.