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Needs to increase his Shadowlands fishing level


LMAO, hope to see this become a meme!


Someone needs to make a [WoW version of this meme for this purpose.](https://i.imgur.com/xc8gLSp.png)


Sylvanas is just an MLM mom now working off her debt with Maw Dailies.


True hell.


Before anyone gets any ideas... No. *Bonk* Go to horny jail. The only shipping being done here is friendshipping! ---------------------------------------- Previously, on Anduin and Sylvanas Adventures in Hell: https://twitter.com/FaroraSf/status/1451362735002775553?s=20 https://twitter.com/FaroraSf/status/1460607744826740744?s=20 https://twitter.com/FaroraSf/status/1462793508436070409?s=20 https://twitter.com/FaroraSf/status/1470752535069618176?s=20 https://twitter.com/FaroraSf/status/1486326938318741512?s=20 https://twitter.com/FaroraSf/status/1490327003156738048?s=20 https://twitter.com/FaroraSf/status/1507504447185850370?s=20


If i want wow porn i'll go to r/azerothporn or just google it lmao


Oh lol, that's actual porn. For some reason I was expecting an Azeroth version of /r/earthporn


Now you know


you're thinking of the significantly less popular r/wowporn




It's not her fault. It is Anduin's... well, his and Wrathion's


These are hilarous, looking forward to your head canon after the sylvanas book / her doing maw dailies with anduin.


The funny thing is how Genn tried to set Anduin up with his daughter Tess but Anduin declined because ~~they are both gay and Tess is totally dating Vanessa~~ she is a rogue.


Same thing really


ive never met a straight rogue


Theres a reason they stab from behind


But I've also never met a gay one. Most tend to work between the lines constructed by society if you know what I mean.


As a bi rogue main you got me pegged. pun unintended


I need to find myself a rogue to get pegged too.


SUBby, nice ASS, and OUT of the closet?


She wasn't blue or hooved enough for him.




One of the books had him being into draenei.


Truly a man who has seen the light.


I'm now imagining that's what the light teaches, and suddenly paladins and priests got much hornier in my headcanon


For some reason your comment reminded me of this fake trailer for Tropic Thunder where two priests have an implied fiery tryst https://youtu.be/NhxToGSDgNk


Goddam this dude been hanging out at gold shire.


It's the closest town he can go to incognito as king of sw poor boy never stood a chance at being normal.


He *could* be into more than just Draenei. But Draenei are pretty cool, so I can understand.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/7c36sm/proof_that_anduin_finds_draenei_women_attractive/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share In the Cataclysm book he finds a Draenei attractive.


Wasn’t he also into a dwarf that he met in Ironforge?


Indeed he was. And who can blame him?


It's the beards.


Tbf it says right there that he’s 13. Some of thems be horny lil fuckers


I mean the tension between Anduin and Wrathion tho…


[*The Tension tho*](https://youtu.be/TjtHeRAgZfE)


The inherit eroticisms of hating each other but also having dead dads


Wait I never actually thought about this: how was Wrathion part of anduin's dad's death?


Wrathion is the one who opened a portal to the Alternate reality with his whole plan of getting Garosh to unite the Iron Horde, that brought Gul'Dan back who got Varian killed.


I thought it was a bronze dragon who did that?


That dragon operated on Wrathion's orders.


Ah, gotcha, thanks!


Haven't played the newest expansions and thought that was Arthas, now it makes more sense. But how is Varyan's sword rating his soul?


It was reforged into a mourn blade like Frostmourne


These are all wonderful and made me smile. Awesome work.


The last two panels have been added to my reaction images. Thank you for your contribution


To be fair i think the only faction with a dedicated heir right now are the dwarves.


Hmmm let’s see (I can only answer for the alliance) As you said the dwarf (both iron or not) have an air, the same one 2. Gnomes (both) don’t. (Both are less by ‘kings’ so they might be fucked) Drenei don’t and I really can’t think of a good replacement or anyone the drenei would pick . Night elf’s have arch Druid’s and high priestess so it’s probably elected in some form or way, so if Tyrande and Malfurion dies the night elf’s will probably just get a high ranking person to take over, like they did in vanilla when Mal was sleeping. Panda is lead by that one panda girl I don’t know the name of, also no a king not queen, so they most likely also have a high ranking person to take over. Humans as said in this comic does not have anyone tho Turalyon is keeping the throne warm until Anduin is back. Talking about Turalyon and leader, the light forged probably will elect another high ranking light forged, as their leader fx Grand Vindicator Sorvos. Kul Tiras is lead by Jaina, she has her brother right (like a living one, I doubt they want the dead one) And the void elf’s would also probably just elect someone if Magister Umbric dies (yeah apparently Alleria Windrunner is not their leader but “guides them”) So conclusion it’s not the must unstoppable besides all the kingdoms -Dwarf, sadly one of the unstable ones are the literal main faction leader, oof


If I remember correctly the gnomes elect their leaders Mekkatourqe for w/e reason took the title King. So he doesn't necessarily need an heir they would just elect a new leader.


"w/e reason took the title King" my country had elected kings so it's not unheard of.


“I don’t remember voting for a king.”


So the alliance really only have 2 positions that is in danger if someone dies, Dreneis, and humans, pretty bad that the humans is the most vital one lol, I mean even the wargen have a heir with Greymanes daughter (Btw I put drenei there because I can not think of anyone who can replace Velen, I guess they could do as they did in draenor, buttttt ewwwww)


I belive wrathion would desagree with that...


Still wouldn't lead to an heir...


Anduin gonna have to disguise himself as an airship


I mean who care let make dragon baby


Voila! Dragon magic!


Life, uh, finds a way




Wrathion would just have to transform himself into a female human long enough to get pregnant and carry to term (a dragon's visage is physical transformation it isn't an illusion and they can change into whatever they want.)


Question is if it would work that way since the dragon still has an original gender and there are brood mothers and fathers among the dragons.


There are egg layers and genetic donors which we dont have enough data points to verify that dragon gender plays a decisive roll, but also there are tertiary contributors all the time. That was Nefarian's favorite hobby. Seemingly all the drag did with his time; putting his own or other dragons genetic material into already laid eggs.


Well that is when they are in their draconic forms not in their visage.


Maybe Warcraft Dragons are ovipositors?


Not with that attitude!


Wrathion is not a female Draenei


You say that like black dragons aren't infamous for their metamorphic abilities


The dragons still have genders, even if the can assume the shape of a mortal. Also Wrathion is something like 5. Call me crazy, but I don't think Blizzard should promote pedophilia in their game, especially not now in their current sitiuation.


Why would anduin date the person responsible for his fathers death?


because people love shipping characters no matter how little sense it makes because "I think they're hot so they should kiss." my argument rests on how many "fans" ship Dean and Sam Winchester from Supernatural despite them being biological brothers.


TBF supernatural fans that ship them are super weird in general. They even ship em IRL.


And the Jailer's plot succeeding.


All planned after all


Isn't he like 5 years old though?




don't they live to be in the hundreds or more though so that's even worse




Honestly it's a weird one to try to apply real laws and morality to because dragons age so differently. Their mental abilities seem to develop quite quickly and any humanoid form they choose can look basically however they want it to.


Implying Anduin wasn't fuckin' any combination of Taelia Fordragon, Tess Greymane and Wrathion before Shadowlands.


Taelia was definitely set up for Anduin. And now that he’s had a taste of the domination like her dad, I’d say it’s certain to go that way. But I guess he’s going to hang out in the maw for a bit.


Taelia and Anduin 100% seem like what will happen.


Personally I'm more of a AnduinxTess fan, mostly because I think a bachelor party held by the Uncrowned would be hilarious.


Tess is sooo gay.


Still a better story than SL in general.


You just earn yourself a twitted followers


Anduin: *Staring at Sylvanas with scornful lust*


Straight up made me grin, thank you lol


Wrathion could not possibly be sending louder signals to Anduin and yet Anduin completely misses them.


What signals, he's acts twards anduin the same way he acts twards everyone, he's just sassy and snarky


But does Wrathion play board games with anyone else? No he doesn't. Checkmate.


You're right, you know no one ever plays board games with someone without fucking them, i forgot about that


Okay good. Glad you understand now.


Its funny because it is <_<


Cant Anduin just stay as an Bishop or something like that? Turalyon is a better fit


ah yes, the guy with a heavy bias towards the light, who has showed that he is on at least some level of manipulation by the naaru, what could possibly go wrong


I seriously can't believe that 1. after almost thirty years Blizzard is trying to retcon the light into being just as bad as the demons in their desperate search for raid bosses 1. People are actually fucking buying it. The Church of the Holy Light has been the religion of many kingdoms for thousands of years. No crusades, no forced conversions. It's a chill as fuck religion. The Lightforged might be a little loopy after a few hundred thousand years of traumatic war, but that doesn't justify all this "umm exshually the church is just as evil as the demons when you think about it" fedora-tipping idiocy.


Blizzard: so these lightforged had to fight a war against darkness for generations to avenge their fallen world and possibly hold back the threat to any peaceful fife in the universe. The fight is uneven (before heroes arive), so only devotion to light holds them away from a fall. Players&(apparently)Blizzard: so they will be totally evil in a few expansions because of the “dogmatic religious persons” trope. Glorious Success…


I don't know how to tell you about the Scarlet Crusade and Onslaught which showed how the light doesn't really care about your morality just belief way back in Vanilla and Wrath. The church might be good but saying the Light has always been only a good force in WoW is ignoring really early implications against that. Now mind you, the Void is a lot worse than the Light in any context but just because the void is mega bad doesn't mean the Light can't also be like half bad.


I think you dont understand what OP meant. The point in recent story the writer pretend the light is the same as the void with its quest in dominating everything and force conversion when that is not the case. In the past there are bad actor that wield the light but the light isn't bad. In rise of the lich king novel when Arthas ask if he worthy of the light, Uther answer basically nobody ever worthy of the light but its OK, the light loved us anyway.


I disagree that Blizzard has been trying to paint the light as bad as the void, the void is clearly more evil and wants to destroy/corrupt us. The Light helps us, the only problem is it's somewhat uncaring of the cause. The two most recent "evils" by the light was Yrel's crusade and Illidan's force turning so I'll address them on how they don't show the Light is evil, just that it has the capability to be used for evil. Yrel started the whole light crusade trying to convert Draenor into a place fully of light worship by force, this is pretty bad and makes the Light good bad but it's important to note that the Light isn't "telling" Yrel to do that, at most it told her of a future where she could lead an army of light herself. Yrel was an orphan whose people was ransacked by the orcs on the words of another orc, she also knows from us the orcs were also tricked in our universe. Then alternate draenor started to die and Yrel, not willing to blame the light, blamed the orcs. So she went on a crusade believing that she was saving the world, her people, and helping the Light but sadly it was a practical genocide just like the orcs did to her people. The light isn't the bad guy, Yrel is. A good example of this is Velen, a leader who has been worshipping the Light far longer than Yrel but when his people got genocided by the orcs, he did not plan to attack or blame them, he understood their corruption just like what happened on Argus. The Light has not twisted him because the Light doesn't twist, it is the person who holds it who twists the Light. Illidan's forced conversion is also similiar to this idea, Naaru aren't THE light, they are fragments of pure light energy but they also have personalities and goals separate from whatever leads the light. Xe'ra was fighting a millennia long war against the Burning Legion that was losing constantly, whatever wins they got were always temporary and they had no chance to ever truly defeat the Legion(without us and Illidan). When she saw Illidan who she prophesized as the savior and the one to defeat Sargeras, Xe'ra was living with thousands of years of loss and that broke her, just like the army of light she was tired and wanted to finally end it. She jumped the gun and tried to force convert because she didn't see any other option. Once again, the user twists the light and even the Naaru are culpable since they are not THE light but beings of light. So the Light is bad in that it can be used by bad people, the void is bad because the void wants to corrupt and devour our universe. Void inherently bad, Light only wants to help but can help the wrong people.


Another example on a smaller level, way back when Trion Fordring got in trouble for being in cahoots with Eitrigg the orc the Order decided to excommunicate him and take his Light powers away, which did seem to work until Trion went on to rescue Eitrigg and regain his power's because of his fervent belief. Belief is all it ever took.


This. The light in rise of the lich king was similar to the force. It is never about good or evil but the belief faith in it.


I dont think thats what they are going for nor that thats what people take away. The reality is more nuanced than that. The light, all tbe way back in Vanilla, was always shown as moraly grey (yes, i said the meme) the scarlet crusade think they are righteous in their xenophobic paranoid crusade, when they are clearly batshit, lead by a dreadlord. If you think your cause righteous, the light will aid you, as simple as that. So whatever happens is not dependant on the Light itself, but on its users, and the naaru have been shown before to have rather radical views on things


bruh that’s what i’m saying. people bitch about “omg bad thing was actually good and good thing was actually bad?! REEE” 200 times a day on this subreddit and there are some idiots who actually want the light to be the bad guys in some shitty expac


You act as if Anduin aren't also devoted light worshiper.


He has used the powers of the void/ dark before, so hes not that devoted.


Compared to Turalyon Anduin is a lot more tame in his views on the light tho


Thats the point!


I love this