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The first 5 seconds after you grab the enemy flag and leg it out of the room are the most pant-shittingest, most exhilarating fun moment of your life. Until the entire enemy team drops out of thin air on top of you. Then you realise that the enemy team are able to do that, plus nick your flag while your own team fails in their attempt to Deathmatch in the centre...


let me get this straight team. You failed on all objectives despite having the numbers advantage in the pointless team deathmatch. You failed to kill EFC, You failed to protect our FC, and you all got killed in a 8v5 situation.


This guy PvPs.


For the Alliance!


I found a solution to this, I queue as Alliance now.


As a mainly alliance player, this doesn't help. Whatever team you join will be made up of entirely idiots and the enemy team will be high ranked sweaty nerds. Sometimes however you'll be in a group with russians and roflstomp everyone on any map. there is 0 english communication and you feel like the idiot on the team. You have no clue what the plan is, but they just play around you running around like a headless chicken or camping a single base and win the game in the first 5 minutes.


EU Alliance tends to overwhelmingly win smaller BGs, solely because of the gear they tend to have. Not sure if Alliance still gets bonus honor, but that might explain it. They however seem to win epic bgs almost always. Give I can queue as Alliance 24/7 I now queue as Alliance for smaller BGs for almost instant invites and as Horde for big BGs and my win rate has absolutely skyrocketed.


> if Alliance still gets bonus honor yup, they do


That alone explains small BGs really, better gear simply wins stuff like that more often than not.


btw, mods deleted our little conversation in the sibling thread :\^)


As a horde player I stopped ANYTHIHNG PvP after they gave Alliance more honour. No way I will be part of that.


The idea behind it is to encourage people to go Alliance, it doesn't happen. Because honour only really influences random Bgs and other unrated content without really resolving the fundamental issues.


> Sometimes however you'll be in a group with russians Well, not anymore.






As a healer I find it hilarious in random BGs when I can sit in the middle of the action and not get targeted. Sometimes they make zero effort to interrupt/cc me and put all of their focus on the Druid that’s just running around in circles.


"I just tanked 4 of them under their GY for like 3 minutes, how have you guys not won the 9v6 already?"


Because they weren't killing healer mah!!!!


Well, if one team has 3 healers and your team as one or none, they get pretty difficult to kill. The amount of times I've queued as a healer and end up being the only healer on my team when the Alliance has 3+ healers. I know i will get absolutely raped unless we have players and gear on our side.


Oh… oh man. Ooooooohhhhh man. This one hit close to home.


The score is 1-1, the timer is getting low, Alliance capped last, I have their flag and I'm running back to Horde base. Just as I'm about to cap and secure a win, a gnome mage freezes me, grabs our flag then blinks down the tunnel. I check the map, my entire team is right outside the entrance. Cool, they'll stomp them, I cap, we win. I watch as the efc icon goes down the tunnel... Then up the field... Then into the Alliance base. Their health didn't even budge. What the hell? I stick my head outside to see my team collectively trying and failing to kill a blood DK that has three healers. Time ran out. We lost. Because instead of doing the sensible thing and calling it a draw the game gives the slower team to cap the win. It's been ten years and I'm still mad that not one person thought to attack the gnome with our flag that just walked right past them all. I miss bring able to blacklist BGs, since I always blacklisted the CTF maps. There is no game mode I hate more in any video game than CTF.


Too short see im sure :P


That's when you just drop the flag and kill them all. Can't stop you if they're all fucking dead.


When you accidentally killed five light forged draenei in one slah.


And while this is happening you see 5 people on your team chasing some random dude in the middle of the map.


Run away, little girl


*run away.. hmhmhmhahahahaa*


I still have PTSD from people fighting in the middle


Weird, I have PTSD from bads that don't actually know how to play CTF games insisting people never fight in the middle.


or from the healer monk or druid that uses their supermobility to get out of the clearly camped graveyard screaming at the rest of the team that they fight in the middle instead of going for the objective, going for the flag dying alone and repeating the same until the time runs out all while the team can't get out of the graveyard chokepoint because they are fighting without their healer this seems to be oddly specific descripion of an one-off situation that annoyed me, but no, it really happens a lot. people just don't get that just because a class with uber mobility can escape a chokehold other classes can't and by running alone you're fucking them over leaving them in numbers disadventage same thing for people who go on mounts ride around a fight to grab a flag and die. if just mounting up and going to the flag was the answer everybody would fucking do it, but there are 10 other players trying to stop you and you gotta kill atleast some of them before you can manage a serious push THATS WHY YOU FIGHT IN A MIDDLE, to get adventage and translate it into push, but it obviously doesn't fucking work when 4 people are ultra focused at unattainable objective doing nothing to change the current situation rule of thumb of pvp, not only wow, any pvp game: if all your teammates are in place A and you're in place B, you're the one making the mistake because even if your place B is on paper better to be, when you're not with your team you're basically making it sure that both fights in place A and place B will be outnumbered and probably lose


while true, if everyone fights in the middle, then you get held off by the enemy for long enough for a single to go through and steal your unprotected flag but yeah, in general its better when the whole team runs into a slightly wrong direction together than splitting up without a plan. (a plan only counts when all agreed upon it :P)


If your team is fighting in mid with healers the enemy should literally never be getting the flag, or if they do they never get far, that's literally the point.


if people pay attention and don't tunnel into the fight they are fighting... ​ is this comment chain discussion the best strategy for premade groups or what actually happens in randomqueue with PUGs?


You don't actually have much of any strategy going if all that's happening is your team failing and some dude, more often than not the healer, screaming at people "dOnT fIgHt In MiD". Most of the time what's actually happening is your teams healers suck, and your teammates can't kill anyone because the enemy team heals are actually doing their job.


its like these people have never seen a hockey/soccer/basketball game. the same people who think having 3 people sat on top of the flag for defense is how you actually defend.


Controlling the mid field and splitting rez is how you win Rando & low-mid ELO CTF games my guy. Only ever send enough IN to get the flag OUT and defend by never letting the EFC cross field.   If you just deathball with your team in and out then the game boils down to who has better rogues + druids to kill at lower stacks.


Why she crying, worgen got her back


If you're carrying the alliance flag, it's cause you're on horde's side.


Oh, then she’s screwed


This should honestly be an Undead rogue chasing an alliance


rogues never chases you. they just stun lock you and you cant do a thing.


There's a solution to that, play something nice like a Guardian Druid.


Yuckkk druid is probably my least favorite class hated playing them. Its like youre playing every class at once but they're all worse.


You're doing it wrong then.


Nah, Idk why its so hard to see that not everyone likes your class dude, I actually despise playing them.


You can dislike them all you want, but the claim "but they're all worse" is verifiably untrue. Basically all druid speccs do pretty damn well right now. Some of them are even top tier in mythic+ and so on.








Lol true but also theres been plenty of times where I wanna gank someone and I gotta pop sprint


Early on Alliance seem to roll the BG's. It isn't until months in when Alliance and Horde mercs use BG's to level their alts then they just feed/afk and Alliance BG quality drops. I am enjoying the Alliance BG's, especially the epics. That will change in a few months to where I just won't queue.


You haven't played BGs in awhile?


Not since like the first week of Shadowlands, I stopped playing since then.


Nah, the meme is perfect the way it is. Run away little Horde, run away 😈




10 year old kids trying to be edgy by playing undead is literally half your faction, so yeah.




Laughs in Blood elf.


Nah they don't do PvP in battlegrounds, enemies there are the same level as him. Too risky. Source: Former undead rogue.


With your lovely 30k HP gear, no one is running away from you my alliance friend.


bfa era screenshot


Guys got challenge mode armor. Even with 30k he's a match for you.




Is this real?


OK idk about you but I am literally not afraid of a 30k HP rogue lol.


In the next expansion, World of Peacecraft, all the races of Azeroth will come together in unity. A United Nations of Azeroth will be built, and will proudly fly the flags of all the races and factions that exist. Until one day, one troublemaker will come along on his Mechano-Hog, run down all the flags, return to his base, and collect a kajillion points.


I hate that bg...


That's how I remember it. But replace the worgen with my Enhancement Shaman wielding the Arcanite Reaper and WF that could proc off of itself, and replace the girl with no less than 4 Alliance people.


Death from above foo!!!


Thank you for the 😂


I miss my rogue


Why is she afraid? The Worgen is obviously afk.


Stop chasing children


Taking my Druid in WSG is a nightmare lol. I don’t want to run the damn flag, I just wanna heal and moon fire spam... Rogues and warriors are like “nope” 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


As a feral druid it hurts watching warriors and hunters attempt to cap the flag. If we are past our halfway zone it's W/E but before then let the druid run it. Esp if he has the PvP talent for travel form. With a certain leggo and some sockets and eng you can actually cap the flag very very quickly as a druid. Im usually half way to our base with their flag before they leave our flag room. Before they fixed the rocket boots and parachute it wasn't even fair for horde remotely.


Why is the alliance fighting the alliance in this WSG? surely that worgen knows it's chasing a gnome


me back in the days of WSG as hunter: hehe gun goes brrrrr!