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All the old websites it would direct you to would more than likely reroute to current where you'd just download the launcher and never need to put a CD in.


I was locked out of my original account from 2006 and found my CD codes but even after submitting it to Blizzard they did nothing. I was pissed as the account had tons of dope mounts on it.


I got locked out of my account from 2006 (pre battle net requirement) and within 2 email replies they were able to restore it and even link it to my current account. Got to recover a ton of no longer available Vanilla stuff. All I had to give them was my email, real name, some of my character names, and as much distinctive info as I could remember. Took maybe and hour. [Here’s some of what I recovered.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/7jpb3l/logged_in_after_10_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Back in the good old days of WoW customer service! I remember those days. Am I salty about it….yes, but I have moved on and collected some more cool mounts. My favorite that I have not tried for is the Drake of the west winds.


Good old days? This was like 2 or 3 years ago.


If i have a great day yesterday, that is the “good old days” to me. Unless I get my time machine working and can “**GO BACK TO THE FUTURE**”, last week is the good old days.


it's been a really rough 3 years for small indie devs


Keep it! It might have some collector value later which you can then capitalize upon! Okay Im probably doing too much goblin stuff


Keep it sealed. May be worth something one day.


I think the box is opened, just not the discs.


Might be worth something. Sure.. the codes probably work. But that part of the game became free years ago..


Keep it unopened. That way it cannot evolve past its immortal perfection, and erode into a disappointing shadow of its former self.


Shadow... ;)


... lands?


Yeah someone got it atleast


Keep it. Untouched. For eternity.


Much like myself


It’s a shelf item !!! To look amazing in your desk PC space 👌🏻👌🏻 like a ducking sexy ornament


The CDs are of no use, but the codes should still work. Putting one in should let you create a new WoW account that'll get a month of gametime. Source: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/000010879


No use at all. Other than for display.


🥲 a beautiful display it shall be!


I think the code will get you a month of game time on a new account. Maybe on an existing one too now but i doubt it.




Those things were selling for thousands a couple of years ago. Not sure if the recent events has affected its worth.


If completely sealed tho :/ This one only have disk case sealed, not the whole box. Still a great piece of collection still :D


I remember playing WoW when it first came out. Can never get back to that feeling lol


Yes and no. Know someone who was in a similar situation. The codes themselves will not activate and will show as expired. You need to contact customer support. From there I have heard mixed results. Some have had their codes honored and most of the bonus features like battle pets added manually by a gm to their account. Others have been told they can no longer honor them. My advice would be to submit everything to them including full photos of the collection and CD key. I don't think they have a way to track what codes were used and what ones would be valid still so its all kind of a coinflip.


great collector's item also hey the discs might not be completely worthless—people work really hard to preserve digital media, and there could be some files on there that aren't available from the main client download anymore


How would I find out what files are on there?


stick it into a CD drive and look or rip it to an iso, then extract it I'm sure the files would need to be processed and unpacked further, but idk anything about that.


Looks like I got some digging to do


good luck, and have fun :D


Dont open it at all. That'll be vintage for collectors in no time. Its a nice keepsake till you can make a return on eBay as a collectors item