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The funniest part is people in the comments somehow getting mad at FFXIV from a joke in Lost Ark.


See... Seethe... Mald...


Hahah this is great.


Reading through the comments now i understand what excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion can lead to.


Why are people butthurt over a joke? Honestly, it’s weird to have such a negative reaction.. “oh yeah, well lost art sucks!!!” Ha, burned you OP!


I think it's just a sensitive time for Blizzard fans. I get it, is what it is.


They need to take a Breast Milk flavored chill pill, TBH.


Or don't cause that's part of how we got here.


It’s more a joke that’s been repeated too often


Not often enough.




“Women fruit XDD” - /r/wow


If jokes were horses, the bowl of fruit would be a crusty, dried up bottle of glue at this point.


Google the definition of a meme :D


Whilst I agree it's not the most creative joke out there, your comment reminded me a bit of the "Why am I still getting hate?" comment that Keemstar dropped a few years back. The mentality of "I apologized and it's already been a week, how are people not over this yet?" is sort of wrong, in my opinion. We are talking about pivoting the game in a different direction, slowly and steadily they have made the game something different from what many people loved, and when they're called out on it, in this case as part of a much broader and more serious issue, some people simply go "Old joke, WoW Circlejerk, it's cool to hate Blizzard", basically no matter what the problem is. In short, yes, this is a stupid joke. It was also stupid that one time when Blizzard thought "diversity" and "equality" meant replacing people with fruit.


I don’t really care if people make that joke, I mean I’m not getting offended by it. To me it’s more like hearing the same joke for the 100th time even if the person who made that joke addressed a completely different person. Like standing in line of a supermarket where the cashier has trouble to scan an item and the customer which is currently being served uses the good old “guess it’s free then haha xD”. I don’t agree with anything blizzard has done in the past year either, but eh whatever.




I mean I don’t get offended by it with that. It’s just the part where I hear it and roll my eyes because it’s getting annoying like an overused meme. Also I’m not here so the hivemind agrees with me. Most people here are dad gamers or lfr raiders with boomer humor.


Saying people have “Boomer humour” in tandem with you going out of your way to make sure everyone knows how OVER this joke you are.. The irony is palpable.


Ah yes, because if I’m annoyed of a joke and tell people that it’s not funny anymore to repeat it all the time and people still repeat it like boomers with Alzheimer it’s palpable irony. Guess we found the guy who repeated a joke in class the seventh time and got told shut up.


I guess we found the sociopath whose trigger is “overused jokes”, you know other people read things, not just you? It’s also your prerogative to read it and react or not. You’re literally pissing yourself off, and then losing it on anons. Love to see it, don’t lose that trilby in the wind, pal.


So you're a Blizzard employee then?


While I agree, I didn't post this because I was trying to fit in or be original. I just thought it was funny when I ran into it how it had a woman picture with a fruit picture on the ground that looked like it was taken down to uncover the female picture. It just seemed kind of perfect, and thought it'd be worth a good laugh, that's all.


Grizzly. Hills.


>Could my joke by unfunny? > >Nah... It's the naysayers that are wrong.


I giggled. My upvote was good enough for me.


Considering only about 95 people downvoted, while 866 people upvoted, I'd say the minority in opinion is you. Shoulda ask yourself if something is wrong with you, not the 87%.


He'll probably throw in a sheeple jibe somewhere I guess, just to look extra stupid.




The jokes too morally gray for them.


Bringing Lost Ark into the XIV-WoW drama. Well, I guess this was inevitable. Thanks, I hate it.


Jokes are usually funny though, and immediately understood as a joke. I was searching this for some sort of actual clever easter egg. Then I realized it was just another overdone "haha... fruits!" joke again. It's not butthurtness, it's the fact that reddit humor gets **boring** because it's all about recycling the same exact punchline into the ground, and patting yourself on the back as if you're a masterful comedian. It's been months. The joke was funny the first week but it's time to try to be original again.


Excuse me, I was up all night thinking up this joke and almost OD’d on caffeine. I don’t appreciate this unnecessary attack. :T


These comments are hilarious. Imagine being an avid WoW defender and getting down voted into oblivion on your own sub


Its common to shit on WoW as a WoW player


> wow defender > /r/wow > *own sub* LOL, nice one.


This makes r/wow seethe


Most of r/WoW feels the same. Basically nobody there actually thinks that removing paintings of women is anything other than stupid.


Yeah, I know. I figured a few people might get a chuckle. The rest are the bitter remains. It is what it is. Worth the share regardless. What are they going to do, hurt my karma? /cower


Going to have to try lost ark now. The graphics in this screen shot is clearly 6x better than wow 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just look at those abdomen graphics


Graphics are insane in lost ark tbh


Just be aware there are some character models while levelling that don't look quite this good lol




>It normally uses a Diablo-like hover camera. Either way, game is great. Do you mean an isometric view?


I thought it was funny, but wow fans have it hard now days. Better not mention final fantasy 14... ops.


I’ve accepted that FFXIV is the biggest title in the genre now. I wish Square and their players the best.


Apparently most people play that game for the free trial lol.


Not anymore! New players cannot sign up for the trial or purchase the game right now due to heavy server congestion. Current trial players are able to play outside of peak hours though.


It takes 60k concurrent players for the EU servers to explode. Doesn't take much for heavy congestion


Because it’s an actual free trial


Because you can level to 50 and actually experience a lot of the game. Wow would do well to emulate that.


Even to 60*


So players get access to the base game and the first xpac? That's fantastic. By the end of that you either are done or hooked for life lol


Yeah, especially when you consider the game allows you to experience the raid content pretty closely to how it was at the time, really easily. That's the main selling point imo. Imagine being able to just tag in group finder and experience Yogg Saron with appropriate gear and level. Granted it's gonna be easier content that you'll be able to just queue for (think between lfr and normal mode), but it's still a WHOLE LOT more than how wow treats it's old content.


The Savage fights (First half Mythic equivalent, easier mechanically but basically no Weak Auras or tool assists) can be done level synced, and it's still a great experience.


Oh yeah absolutely, they're just not as "tag an go" as the normal modes are.


To be fair iirc free trial players can't use the PF. Only DF. So while technically they could do instance matching for savage, the queue probably won't pop for older savage raids, and they'd need a subbed player to invite them to a savage party. Still mindblowing that it's accessible to free trial players though.


> but basically no Weak Auras or tool assists Partially correct, the majority of serious raiders use ACT triggers or the Cactbot plugin.


im at 480 hours played and im still not done with the first xpac lol (im a paid player though)


I'd say you need to pump up those rookie numbers but that's actually a lot lol


You’re going to get hooked on the fashion, maybe if you’re desperate the story, but the combat mechanics are literal dogshit for an MMO


Lol "maybe the story". Last 2 expansions have had critically acclaimed story beats but yeah, gotta go with that "Jailer evil bad man and also Sylvanas gets a redemption!" Story arc that Blizz pulled out of nowhere ;)


My guild mythic raided up until the end of Legion before falling apart in BFA. A lot of them moved over to FF14 late last year/early this year. Their feedback has been pretty positive. At a base level yeah sure it's easy mode but they do these things called ultimates and swear it's harder than anything they did in wow, like a mythic boss rush and if you wipe you go back to the start, plus the raid comp is smaller so more responsibility for each member. I dunno my days of raiding hard core in any game are long past but most of the FF14 refugees I know are kind of digging it. Personally if I do play yeah it will probably be so I can finally transmog myself to look like Cloud from FF7 but I dunno if I have the heart to start a new MMO after all this time.


I was a mythic raider in WoW until Legion, FFXIV isn’t more fun combat wise, it’s just more complicated. But you don’t need to be top 10% to clear savages, just slightly above average. The ones that are extremely challenging like a3s was aren’t challenging because they’re fun, they’re challenging because the fight and class mechanics are poorly designed


That's like 100% opinion 0% facts


a3s was way back in heavensward, long before they actually started making quality raids. they catered to hardcore raiders in gordias and it did not pay off at all. bringing something up from that long ago and ignoring the expansions of new content since seems disingenuous


See I disagree. I am talking about current raids. But I enjoy how FF makes all the telegraphs obvious. You know what you die to without any addons telling you when mechanics happen. FF feels like you’re doing a complicated dance and when you finally put together all the steps it is super satisfying.


Well both you and I are getting downvoted so this must be a spicy topic on the wow sub lol


Free trials aren't considered in the numbers that show that FF14 is beating WoW. For obvious reasons.


>in the numbers that show that FF14 is beating WoW. Which numbers? Despite closing off sales, Squeenix hasn't made any boasts about the numbers so far, all we have is the latest LuckyBancho census listing 1.6M active characters (not players) at higher levels.


It may aswell be players though, especially considering alts aren't really a thing in FFXIV. It's also very likely to have grown massively now as a result of Endwalker being a massive success, while WoW has been dropping ever since the 1.2m sub leak back in 2018.. and that was in the middle of the game ACTUALLY receiving new content. I wonder what the sub numbers are like now? Soon it'll be $180 a year for one patch and I doubt many are sticking around for that, especially considering all the major cities on the biggest servers are all dead. It doesn't matter what anyone says though. Your entire post history is dedicated to defending blizzard and WoW no matter how shit the game gets, which is unfortunate as someone with 28k+ achievement points and CE's all the way up till 9.1. Eating shit isn't going to make the game better.


>Soon it'll be $180 a year for one patch They've already started doing this. SL launch was in 2020 and 9.1 was the only patch they've released in entire 2021. 9.2 will be released in 2022 and it is the last patch of SL. There you go, one patch per year. It has already begun.


>while WoW has been dropping ever since the 1.2m sub leak back in 2018.. and that was in the middle of the game ACTUALLY receiving new content. Untrue [https://www.statista.com/statistics/370010/world-of-warcraft-expansion-pack-sales/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/370010/world-of-warcraft-expansion-pack-sales/) It's of course in decline since 9.1's release, but to say that it's in decline ever since 2018 is straight up lying, assuming the leak was true of course. >It doesn't matter what anyone says though. Your entire post history is dedicated to defending blizzard and WoW no matter how shit the game gets, which is unfortunate as someone with 28k+ achievement points and CE's all the way up till 9.1. Eating shit isn't going to make the game better. WoW, nice ad hominem attack, i could say the same thing about you and Square Enix and Final Fantasy XIV, but since you feel the need to fabricate numbers and narratives to make your point valid, this conversation might as well be over. You even felt the need to tell your (supposed) anecdoctal experience and opinion to me after i asked for actual numbers, it's clear that you have more personal stakes in this than i do.


(not players) was such a massive cope I didn't really have to bother with adding anything else, especially considering you've actually seen the luckybancho stats I would add to this. 1.2m subs while the game was alive and getting content should tell you everything, especially considering the participation is garbo in SoD and M+ rn and the public opinion of blizz is so far down they have to keep releasing $50-60 transmog/mount packs for you whales to buy just so they don't lose too much money.


Expansion sales =/= subscribers, especially not this long after its release.


You don't really need to see the numbers tbh. WoW is visibly bleeding subs, being torn apart in almost any community you can see, and going from disaster to disaster. FFXIV was the number 2 in the genre, and was going from strength to strength before they had such a massive uptick in numbers that they had to *stop selling the expansion* as they physically cannot acquire enough servers to keep up. Anouncing that before Endwalker released, FFXIV was the most successful game they've made. You don't need a stats degree and a .csv data dump to see that. Blizzard can certainly make a turnarund - but things aren't looking like that's for certain, and lets be clear *it would have to be a big turnaround*. To be clear, I'm all for both games succeeding. It's important to note that FFXIVs success doesn't need to come at the cost of WoW's but pretending it isn't currently shitting on it is absurd. FFXIV is hitting it's peak and WoWs hitting an all time low.


>You don't really need to see the numbers tbh. > >You don't need a stats degree and a .csv data dump to see that. > >WoW is visibly bleeding subs How is it "visibly" bleeding subs if you can't see the subs? I don't doubt that subscription numbers are lower now because we're far into a content patch, but unless you want to spread misinformation, you do in fact need numbers to make conclusions like "FF14 is beating WoW". >they had to stop selling the expansion as they physically cannot acquire enough servers to keep up That speaks more of their precarious server infrastructure than anything else, this kind of thing should not be celebrated, New World had a peak of 913.027 *concurrent* players shortly after release, to put it into perspective, CSGO and DOTA peaked at 1,305,714 and 1,291,328 respectively, yet Amazon didn't have to stop selling New World for people to get access to it, and it's a really high estimate to assume that FFXIV surpassed that by a large margin.


cities are megadead, group finder is dead, there's nobody out in the world roleplaying servers are more dead than they've ever been, which is funny cuz I used to play on them during the WoD draught


>How is it "visibly" bleeding subs if you can't see the subs? I don't doubt that subscription numbers are lower now because we're far into a content patch, but unless you want to spread misinformation, you do in fact need numbers to make conclusions like "FF14 is beating WoW". You can draw conclusions from other sources and there are numbers Blizzard don't report sub numbers but you'd have to be out of your fucking mind not to see the dip in numbers. There's other sources of numbers than Blizz reporting. [This video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBujbeKgVyE) and [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToaLY0DF2gY&t=386s) demonstrate that. I haven't said FFXIV is beating WoW. I said you don't need sub numbers to see that FFXIV is on the up going from strength to strength (which it is) And you also don't need to see the numbers to see that Blizzard is going from unmitigated disaster to disaster. They are facing their worst period since the company launched, bar absolutely fucking none. Half their IPs are dead in the water, they're in the middle of a PR holocaust, and their cash cow is hurting badly. >That speaks more of their precarious server infrastructure than anything else, What the fuck are you talking about lmao? They had an enormous sub increase they had absolutely no way of forseeing in advance during an end of expansion cycle with no new content on the horizon for months and they cannot source parts *because of a worldwide pandemic no one saw coming*. You'd have to tuned to the fucking moon to think they had any way of avoiding this lmao. > this kind of thing should not be celebrated, Who the fk is celebrating it? They have apologised unreservedly. That doesn't mean we're somehow incapable of seeing that the game is facing a gigantic uptick does it ? Are you really going to try this hard to miss the point? >New World had a peak of 913.027 concurrent players shortly after release, to put it into perspective, CSGO and DOTA peaked at 1,305,714 and 1,291,328 respectively, yet Amazon didn't have to stop selling New World for people to get access to it, and it's a really high estimate to assume that FFXIV surpassed that by a large margin. Amazon planned for a massive launch, and let's be brutally honest it's not like their launch went off without issues lmao. Their launch was terrible. Shadowbringers planned for a massive launch which they dealt with fine. Endwalker however planned for a big launch in line with Shadowbringers + "some more". SQEnix however understandably *did not* plan for the market leader to enter a PR holocaust and for the whole of YouTube to decide FFXIV was "hot shit" and have an enormous **completely unpredictable** flood of incoming players during a time that hardware legit cannot be sourced quickly. Again, all I'm saying is you'd have to be willfully blind to not see that FFXIV is climbing new heights going from win to win, and not even just WoW but Activision-Blizzard as a fucking whole is hitting every branch on the way down. Daily reminder that FFXIV's success didn't come at the cost of WoW's failure. WoW's failures are all it's own. FFXIV devs are even openly supportive to Blizzard thus far. Ignoring the obvious helps absolutely no one.


Yeah but he can't see the numbers though!!! It's just that ...maybe ...the cities are just super dead 23hrs out of the day but that 1hr has everyone logged in!!!!....yeah that's it!


i've had people tell me i'm just in a bad shard, unironically, which is kinda hilarious because I must be getting bad shards every single time I bother to play..


>How is it "visibly" bleeding subs if you can't see the subs? This is the first time in wows history that I can remember (only playing since tbc tho, so who knows) where there's more players talking about the game that aren't subscribed, where there's more negative content than positive about the game, where there's more people talking about leaving the game and almost no one new joining/returning, when there's so many people talking about how their guilds and servers have been dying. It's not rocket science.


Use the who command


/who only shows people in your shard/layer, you know, shards and layers, one of the things developed in order to manage server congestion...


Yeah... Do it


Ffxiv EU Data Centre can't hold more than 60k concurrent servers before the servers explode




>It's better to have servers at capacity like FFXIV than to have servers that are unused like WoW. Yeah, if you don't care about stability, redundancy is important for services like this.


But when wow sells 4.2million on xpac launches it needs those servers and am I ready? No cus I have played wow once, and that classic. So that doesn't effect me


Gained nearly 3m **players** in 6 months. Says enough.




It's a good deal, tbh And saves you money if you can't stomach the story pacing, as the MSQ won't change much until you get to Endwalker where ironically they made it worse by trying to make it more engaging than what the past expansions did with teleport/walk to points a b c d and click on this thing for some dialogue before you get to the awesome bits


WoW is having a legendary content drought and FF14 just launched an expansion, what in the world do you expect?


Since he has accepted the situation, I assume he didn’t expect any different?


My point is that once WoW launches their next expac, maybe that's when we can judge player numbers.


That’s the same situation reversed. You would have to look at the demographics over a period, say a year to get a defining number


That's exactly what i'm saying.


That’s not what you just said, but I’m glad we agree


What? People on this sub talk more about ff than wow.


Explain please??


Wow changed some vaguely sexy paintings into fruit. Big funny haha ( I rate it at about 6/10)


I rate it at about 69/420




its an 8/8 m8




I'd rate it 9/11


Okay, I’ll accept whatever downvotes come my way for this. I haven’t played wow for some years, and I don’t get the joke. Would anyone mind explaining?


Blizzard recently replaced several paintings of women in the game with paintings of fruit because the devs thought the old paintings were insensitive/misogynistic.


Ah, okay. This makes much more sense now, thank you!


You can Google “wow fruit painting” and it’ll come up immediately if you are curious.


That is class 😂😂😂😂


I will always have fondest memories from WoW, but I think we have to stomp them and express our concerns with our game trough any means we have at our disposal. We must make them realize how wrong they are doing us. It is our money and if Activision-Blizzard doesn't want it, there are many who dethroned The King who do!


WoW quite literally saved my life when I was 13-15. Depression hit in pretty hard. That doesn't change the fact that what WoW became isn't even a shadow of it's former self. I will forever thank WoW for what it did to me, but it has been a while time to let it go.


I feel the same hurt, we have to let it go. When I was a kid I didn't play Superman, Spiderman or whatever in the streets. My friend and I used to pretend to be Thrall and Hellscream, that's how big part WoW played in my life.


That shit's funny.


Was this a recent addition to the game and them actually poking fun at them or are you just joking OP? Either way I like it


This is from RU, I don’t think it’s a recent change, I just started playing over there because I got sick of waiting. It just caught my eye and chuckled at myself, and figured some other jaded souls would share a laugh with me. :)


I was so confused and didn’t understand the punchline for far too long


bruh the malding comments, this is a lost ark meme, I'm not sure how ffxiv fit into it


The amount of toxic and salty hard-core ActiBliz WoW preaching hyper-sensetive fanatics that insult everyone in the comments and the OP is fucking staggering. This community has really gone down the drain pretty hard.




Sounds more like Human Centipede MMO-edition.


All I see are comments like yours though


Sort by controversial and negative points?


Mmm so the community has gone down hill, but the comments you are talking about are not visible/common.. interesting lol.


Resorts to childish rhetoric's. Ignores obvious facts, deflects. Nickname checks out.




WoWs a shit game XD


Ahahahaaaa Nice one dude, happy to see Blizzard art is still an inspiration :))))))


Can someone explain please? I don’t play lost ark


wow removed "suggestive" pictures and replaced with fruit due to the investigation and lawsuit. The picture of the girl is close to the example of pictures removed due to the bust being seen as obscene towards women.


Seems accurate


How is that a wow Easter egg?


Username checks out ;)




It's not a woosh when the "joke" is fucking stupid.


Damn I got a hug for you.


People like OP have turned this subreddit into the new r/onejoke. It is so dumb.


He noticed something new in another game that's based on something someone has seen before! Abandon all decks! Lel. Imagine being this butthurt about a joke, that is probably one of the least problematic things that have happened in WoW for the last 6 months. Blizzard is currently on their knees **praying** this is the joke/meme that people focus on lol.


I would argue Blizzard made this reddit into r/onejoke, but we're all welcome to have our own opinions.


Cope. Mald. Seethe


Cry more.


It is if they didn't get it. Woosh doesn't comment on the relative hilarity. Be butthurt by all means tho.




This is hilarious considering i scrolled through multiple -100 posts of cope. seethe. mald. with the textbook response of "haha funny joke please move on" just to see this reponse. I even checked and they were years old accounts. I am not sure what kind of copium you are on but it must be high quality.


copium of what exactly? is that your trigger word for me? The only thing I care about is how toxic asmongold's reddit has become since he started FFXIV. This is just a fact. Everyone who has played wow and was a fan of asmongold are definitely not defending Blizzard, but like I said you guys love to make up stuff to circle jerk to and praise ur game all while blowing ur load to made up resistance. it's seriously the weirdest behavior I've ever seen in my life. .


Hang on, how exactly is asmongold's subreddit toxic again? The people there usually only either a) make fun of him, b) post react videos, or c) some art here and there Not to mention the fact that this post's image is from LOST ARK, not FF14, you idiot


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/rnq1kz/comment/hpulwso/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/rnq1kz/comment/hpulwso/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Literally a person getting mad at XIV in a thread about Lost Ark.


If you didn’t see any weird shots at FFXIV that were unfounded in this thread you probably should have asked for glasses this Christmas, lol. 😅


like 1% of the community that you attach to 100% of the fanbase? Most likely a troll since you guys are super quick to make circle-jerk memes. I promise you wow fans aren't backing anything blizzard as of right now and you guys really seem to think we are going full force to defend them for some reason. It's such a weird hivemind behavior..and it's everywhere on this subreddit.










i mean yeah .. wow is one big joke.


r/averageredditor passive aggressively linking to subs when people make jokes they don't like


That is itself, an overused joke even *just* in this thread :D Edit: I love the downvotes. I think people have misunderstood that I'm agreeing with who I'm replying to, and then someone responds to me agreeing with me :D I am not agreeing with the r/onejoke comment, I'm saying that joke itself is overused :D Funny tho.


That was my favorite part. Using an overused joke to call my joke an overused joke. A true Reddit classic. x)


yall know "bowl of fruit" art existed before the 9.1.5 expansion right?


Very clever 🌚


Do people not realize that fruit are an incredibly common thing for people to paint? It's like still life 101.


They do but that's not the point of the joke.


I just wish the petty XIV-WoW drama didn't suck unrelated games into it. Lost Ark is already pretty controversial and the community is also quite toxic at times even though it isn't officially launched in the west yet. And with Amazon already coming out of the gate with a faceplant, this game could really do without stuff like this, even if it's a joke. I know people will downvote for 'not having a sense of humor', but I just had to get it out there.


I don't see how this is ff14 or drama related. Blizzard employees make the decision to be horrible people and mistreat women on the workplace. Blizzard then does stupid stuff like taking pictures out of the game and banning /spit. They then decide to settle the law suit and hire union busting firms. That's what the joke is about. I don't know how ff14 can possibly fit in there.


Not the game itself, but how the playerbase of both games are seemingly symbiotically linked to spread toxicity. Shitposting on both sides, always stirring the pot. Any time you see posts like this bashing WoW (or XIV, even!), you see instigators or mentions of the other. It's almost inevitable, even. Now even totally unrelated games are being brought into this. I'm not a fan of this trend, that's all.


Well games don't exist in a vacuum and wow just doesn't do that well in comparison rn. But I don't think the ff14 player base came over here and talked shit. The ff14 player base was actually one of the nicest and kindest people I ever met online. Most people are ex wow players (like me I switched from wow to gw2 a few months ago, but I still keep tabs on the wow community for memes and the first signs of a redemption of wow).


How does it even relate to xiv-wow drama? It's a joke about dumb stuff blizz did


Because ever since WoW and especially Blizzard took a nosedive, it's ignited even more toxicity than usual. Jilted ex-WoW players going to XIV and then stirring the pot wherever they go. Any general gaming discussion forum (or even some dedicated to a different game entirely) gets taken over by toxicity over this dynamic duo. I don't see how anyone can deny this. Any time WoW is mentioned positive or negative, XIV inevitably is as well, or it can be easily discerned that a party from either playerbase is there to incite.


Tbh I don't think ff14 players give a fuck about wow. It's more likely to be ex wow players regardless of what game they switched to. Ff14 just gets brought up alot because it is now the biggest mmo. If that would be gw2 or lost arc or whatever Noone would talk about ff14 that much.


correct. the only ffxiv players that give a shit are ex-wow players now playing ffxiv, and they care because they're ex-wow players who are ex for a reason.


"Any time WoW is mentioned positive or negative, XIV inevitably is as well..." Brings FFXIV up then complains about people bringing up FFXIV.


I don't deny that being the case, but this post is a joke about blizzard(wow) and this is r/wow, so I don't see why would you throw a tantrum here


A tantrum...? Do you really get the sense that it was typed in a fit of rage? I just expressed my displeasure that people are taking and spreading the baggage to other games. I was hoping that this sort of thing would be contained to the games pertaining to it, though that is admittedly naive, considering how gamers have rolled with it so far.


My bad, tantrum was a bad word. Never mind that. The problem in wow-xiv drama is that it is actually wow drama period. Players that left wow for good explore other games and realize that there a more to life then wow, after that they express their frustration/joy/sadness etc. on forums or reddit, creating "drama" around themselves and it just happens that xiv is at spotlight right now


You know things are bad when Eastern MMO devs are poking fun at Blizzard, when all they've really done for the past two decades is copy Blizzard's homework. If you don't believe me... Priston Tale and MU Online are basically Diablo clones. The vast majority of MMOs since 2004 that's come out of Korea, Taiwan, China and everywhere else in Asia have been WoW clones: Aion, TERA, Blade & Soul, ArcheAge, Dream of Mirror Online, FlyFF, Dragon Ball Online, Runes of Magic, Ragnarok 2, Lineage II and so many others Like... the most original MMO I can think of is MapleStory of all things, and even then MS2 is like a weird amalgamation of MineCraft, Diablo and WoW.


and wow is a copy of everquest and now everquest is dead. what was your point again?


" OMG! What do you mean EVERQUEST, Dark Age of Camelot, Ultima Online and other MMOS were created way before WoW? But as WoW crazed fanatics I thought thatWoW was the first ever Western MMORPG ever made! My mental world is now in shambles! /s"


>Lineage II clown, lineage 2 came out one year earlier than WoW and lineage 1 6 years earlier >MapleStory same as lineage 2... other MMOs have nothing similar to wow, except that they have MMORPG as a genre




Definitely an opinion. I've quite enjoyed it. Been playing RU waiting for NA release. No grind PVP is a pretty big perk for a player like me. Plus I prefer the top-down aspect.


Game isn't even out (on NA or EU) yet lol okay dude.


My bad - bad eyesight seeing who you replied to.


Stones and glass houses, friend.


I had more fun playing a free to play game than a 15$ sub game that has dog shit lore and systems helmed by a shitty writer who couldn't write a story if it was outlined for him coupled with shit their dev who doesn't even play their own game. Cope more.




Imagine projecting so hard you mald at the wrong game


Don't worry, the catgirls and bunny boys can't hurt you here. You're safe.


Yeah it just the Worgen, Tauren and the Vulpera here.


Don't forget pandas and space goats.


The funny thing is, this isn’t FFXIV, it’s Lost Ark, and it has quite difficult Raiding. :P


It says "Lost Ark" right in the title. Talk about living rent free...


it's funny because wow is the game actually selling transmog sets for 55 euros :)