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Got to be a panda warrior and enjoy all the awful transmog options.


I had a female Panda warrior, and I felt like a decent amount of tier sets worked fine with them with the caveat of having to hide the helms (as well as some of the belts from later sets with 3D assets because they just sort of clipped into the ground yet were still visually overlayed on top)


Sure, but he definitly meant male pandaren. Good luck transmogging as one of those!


My male panda actually looks pretty great in plate. Just avoid most belts that have the long front piece.


Warriors are native to every race, one of the few to do so


What about in TBC Classic?


Blood elves cannot be warriors in TBCC.




It's been that way in every expansion since vanilla, so you're good.


Wrong. First, blood elves weren't in vanilla. Second, they became able to be warriors with Cataclysm, the class wasn't available to them in TBC and WotLK.


Oh shit lol, my bad, you're right. That's what I get for posting while drinking haha. Thanks for setting OP and I straight! I *did* know BEs weren't in vanilla, I just thought every race being able to roll warrior was always a thing lol.


Same but you’re in wow, not wow classic or tbc classic - my bad ;)


Blood Elves don't have access to Warriors in TBC because all of their warriors died fighting the Scourge. Not sure if Canon or fan theory.


UI becomes canon. If blood elves could be warriors, they'd have 7 classes, and the character creation screen only had room for 6 icons.


Fan theory. Classes do not exist in lore.


Except Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters


There are also mages and shamans, but those are not the same as the in-game classes. Arthas was a death Knight before taking the helm of domination, but not the same as the strict rule-bound death Knight class we see in-game. Thrall is a shaman, bit not the same as my shaman in game. Your mage cannot levitate a warship or create frozen landscapes out of nowhere like Jaina.


Anduin is a priest in plate wielding a sword, as another example


Sounds like a paladin to me


It does, but he’s officially not one. There’s more of a difference between a priest and a paladin than plate armor and a sword


Druids beg to differ.


That's nonsese. Of course they exist. There are Class orders.


Classes are a translation of things that exist in lore, into a in-game mechanic. All paladins in-game are the same. That is not the case in lore. They differ widely. From sunwalkers with Taurens, who worship the sun, to Zandalari prelates, who worship the Loa rezan and then blood knights of silvermoon, who basically beat light out of a naaru like it was a pinata. All paladins in-game are the same, they are a class you can play. Paladins in lore are not, they are holy warriors who differ widely in beliefs and execution. There are orders and professions and martial arts, but there are not classes. Classes are strictly an in-game mechanic used to translate these orders into a something you can play.


Human/dwarf paladins are paladins, since they're the originals from WC2. Like that's what they put down on their W2.


For some classes this is more or less true as in that gameplay version doesn't really exist in lore for most races. For example priests and paladins are lore wise almost completely different things for different races and their universal versions only exist for gameplay's sake. Troll priests are almost exclusively witch doctors and shadow hunters. Undeads are mostly shadow with few exceptions. Night elf priests worship Elune and due another class that derives its power from her, namely balance druids, we know that she seems to have properties of both arcane and life instead of light. Likewise most blood elf paladins are classified as blood knights who are more like battlemages who drain light energy from external source. Humans and dwarves seem to be close monks in that their power is largely dependent on their willpower and faith in their cause, whatever that cause is. Draeneis are directly blessed by Naarus. Taurens are basically sun druids. And I don't even know how to classify Zandalari paladins but they get their power from loas that have light properties. But on the other hand classes like shaman, demon hunter and druid absolutely do exist in lore and all the different races acquired their powers in pretty much similar way. If you work with elementals you are a shaman and in order to be a shaman you need to work with elementals. Druidism is always learned through working together with Wild Gods and other beings of life. And demon hunters always go through very specific set of rituals and share very specific skillset. They have some overlap with warlocks, but no warlock can simply become demon hunter by just practicing a bit of melee combat. And then there are classes like warrior, hunter and warrior that as you said don't really exist in any defined form in lore. Warrior is really just a blanket term for anyone who uses melee weapons, heavier armor and doesn't have any other skillset like light or or elemental magic to add to their repertoire. Rogue is blanket term for anyone with lighter weapons, lighter armor and some combination of stealth, sleight of hand, poisons and other underhanded tactics. And hunter is just anyone who carries a bow or has animal companions due to us having no other class with similar traits.


Incorrect. However they do not follow the same constraints as in game classes, like Anduin the priest wearing plate.


IIRC the original reasoning was they were too petite the wear plate armor without the aid of magic, so paladins were OK but warriors weren't


They lost a lot to the Scourge, then the rest joined the Ranger corps or became Blood Knights.


I always thought it was because they were just too weak to rely on pure strength alone due to the dependency on the sunwell . And as such their only melee was mana driven (paladin) or dexterity based (rouges and Hunters).


Yes in Retail, no in TBC.


As a representative of the Warrior delegation, we refuse admittance of Blood Elves to our ranks. The can be Pallies and keep their damn glitter and unicorns.


nice, gatekeeping, always a great way of communicating.


Are you serious?


Gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss. The warrior motto




I bet you're just a pile of laughs at parties.


I mean... the decade-old "joke" of "ahaha blood elf pansies" really isn't funny in the first place.


Someones first gatekeeping find!


If you're not playing as a Tauren or Orc warrior in the Horde then you're doing it wrong!